Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

Pelosi’s response ”I don’t think we should be making a big deal of it”


consider her "culture" -----I assure you----there is nothing so filthy as is the
mouth of a "religious" muslimah. The more rags in which they wrap themselves-----the dirtier the mouth. ------the only saving grace---and the
reason that you do not know-----is that they USUALLY express the stinking
filth in ARABIC. A true story----a few years ago I was in a supermarket. ----
produce department. A muslimah---tricked out in the FULL COSTUME--
with only eyes visible from behind the black drapery------dragging a gaggle
of little toddlers along. She rummaged in the produce and dropped a bunch
of beets-------"KUS ACHTAH" the lady exclaimed------my involuntary response
was to glance at the kids -----and then into her eyes. "kus achtah" is equivalent to "fuck your sister" It is cultural. My hubby was born in
a shariah shit hole-----but when interacting with arabs he PRETENDS
not to know a word. That way we can both laugh at the really filthy
things they say to him
The funny thing is if someone uses the same type of language when talking about her I suspect it will taker less than milisecond to play the victim card.

Is that kind of language allowed in there?

Who elected that scum of a creature???? who?

Who elected this one?

>> Yesterday recalcitrant old man Dick Cheney went on Dennis Miller’s radio show, which evidently exists. Miller, in a fit of giggles, thanks Cheney for “almost kicking Patrick Leahy’s ass. I love that move.” It’s “one of my favorite stories,” he gushed, referring to a 2004 incident in which Cheney yelled at Senator Leahy (D-VT) for the latter’s “criticism of the vice president for Halliburton's alleged war profiteering,” according to CNN. Leahy fired back by pointing out that one time, Cheney called him a bad Catholic for not confirming one of Bush’s Eleventh Circuit nominees who happened to also be Catholic. “Go fuck yourself,” Cheney replied. << --- The Dick Cheney Could Not Be Prouder of That Time He Told Pat Leahy to Go Fuck Himself on the Senate Floor

Y'all's selective-outrage tears are delicious.

Oh and btw who elected this scum of a creature?

And if that's "not allowed" ---- why are those people cheering?

She won't be able to walk the streets of America in peace

and she deserves it too.....scum!
What a fine model for our young people. You first day on the job and your dropping MuthrF*kr. The new face of the Democrats :113:
While this is over the top, the time for niceties has past. Ryan ran the house like a Turkish Bath and not enough got done. The Democrats will propose some crazy stuff, but some may lead to a better way of doing things. Medicare for all? No, but some part of Medicare may work out good for everybody and the bottom line. These Dems are brazen enough to approach the media and bill blockers are going to have to answer where they stand. Pelosi speaks in generalities, Cortez speaks in specifics.
Pelosi’s response ”I don’t think we should be making a big deal of it”


And who thinks we should?

we ladies do------we who would never utter such indecent words and
who wore white gloves to important and solemn events-----US,

no shit

you bet your ass we are

She's joking. Flew right over your pointed head.

are you irosie91?

what the heck
Pelosi’s response ”I don’t think we should be making a big deal of it”


And who thinks we should?

we ladies do------we who would never utter such indecent words and
who wore white gloves to important and solemn events-----US,

no shit

you bet your ass we are

She's joking. Flew right over your pointed head.

to whom are you addressing your idiot remark, pogo, dear?
Pelosi’s response ”I don’t think we should be making a big deal of it”


And who thinks we should?

we ladies do------we who would never utter such indecent words and
who wore white gloves to important and solemn events-----US,

no shit

you bet your ass we are

She's joking. Flew right over your pointed head.

are you irosie91?

what the heck

When you go after someone for the way the decorate for Christmas I would say that person might have a valid point.
When you confuse someone making fun of your stupid looking christmas decorations with a personal attack.... yeah, you might be a thin skinned sissy.
The funny thing is if someone uses the same type of language when talking about her I suspect it will taker less than milisecond to play the victim card.
Like Melania and Donald Trump? you may have a point there
When you go after someone for the way the decorate for Christmas I would say that person might have a valid point.
really? How about going after people who brag about grabbing pussies and force kissing and people who defend it as 'Just boys being boys" when said Boys are grown men?

and the Raunchy Nude Model Melania was whining about being:
Melania Trump: 'I'm the most bullied person on the world'
way baaaaaaaaaaack .. in, back in October

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