Republica attacks Obama's daughters, calling them "sluts".

Nice outfit, so 20 years ago, bitchface Lauten.


Here's a hint. She's white southern self styled elitist fashion policewoman:

Elizabeth Lauten Miss A Charity Meets Style.
Omg. Next you're going to tell me she is getting paid for this. :)
The Dems don't need staffers to attack GOP family members...they have the MSM for that.
Like when Rush called the Clinton's daughter a dog?

No. Rush is not a reporter - he is an infotainer whose schtick is to be controversial.
nobody on fox noise are reporters ... the clame to be commentators ... that seems to be where you get your info from

It's clear that either English is your second language, or you flunked out of 7th grade...although as the two are not mutually exclusive, I'll go with "both".
don't shake your head to hard you have rocks fall out your ears

I've come to the conclusion that you have ROCK in your Av because your intellect has not progressed beyond the Stone Age.
Good God! Can't you smell the shit you are shoveling?

It was 17 year old Bristols idea to campaign for abstenence? She hasn't been abstenant before or after

and obama canpaigned for "transparentcy" in government, whats your point?
Which presidency has been more transparent?

Every presidency has been more transparent than the Obama Adminisration

Name one and explain how they are more transparent. Should be easy

The Nixon Administration was more transparent than the Obama Administration. Obama lies and covers up far more things than Nixon ever dreamed of. Fast and Furious, IRS scandal, Benghazi scandal - the list is endless.

So you have no facts to back that up....

If they were covered up than we would have not found out about them... The GOP has spent millions investigating Benghazi and by their own admission came up with nothing... Same in the IRS scandal
Republican staffer says Obama daughters are disrespectful and dress like bar sluts

If this vile bitch still has a job on Monday, the GOP should be dead to this country.

According to Gawker, Elizabeth Lauten, former new media political director for the Republican National Committee, wrote an open letter to the two girls, attacking their facial expressions and clothing choices.

“Dear Sasha and Malia,” wrote Lauten, “I get that you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part that you play. Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.”
Where did the staffer say they dressed like bar sluts?
She was a mean classless bitch using Obama's underage children to lash out at Obama and Michell

Her comments were nasty and hurtful....intentionally, and all, every one of her comments in context were meant to be insults and hurtful including her saying they were dressed like two girls sitting at a bar.....

This WAS NOT SAID AS A COMPLIMENT....SHE WAS INSULTING THEM.... and yes....she would not have used a Bar. Scene in describing them.....if she just wanted to say they were dressed lousy....


But the headline was she called the "bar sluts"! Again words have meanings and when the original headline saying she called them "sluts" that attracted far more attention...which was the purpose.
Of course we never heard much when the rabid-mouthed liberals attacked the Bush girls..
The “sexy Bush twins who like to party” story is solely the creation of a salivating media’s lust. And it didn’t start with citations for attempts at underage drinking. That’s just an excuse. Remember back in January when Matt Stone and Trey Parker, creators of “South Park,” announced their new Comedy Central show, “That’s My Bush”? They proclaimed that their new show would be “barely legal,” because it would feature the Bush daughters depicted as “hot and sexy lesbian lovers” engaging in oral sex.
Read more at Bush twins hounded by media
Bar sluts is precisely what this woman meant by her insults....What else could it mean?
She didn't say they were dressed like they were at a soccer game, she didn't say they were dressed like they were going to church, she didn't say they were dressed like they were going to school...did she? She specifically described them in the manner she did, to INSULT THEM, TO DEMEAN tell me, how would saying they looked like two girls at a bar, insult them, other than implying they were dressed like sluts or girls looking to pick up guys in a bar?

Just admit it.

As far as the bush girls and what people said about them, even as adult children, was despicable as well.... but I will say, the twins, as adults, DID put themselves in the limelight with their own actions.

These children of Obama's did not put themselves in the spotlight with any kind of slutty or sexual or inappropriate behavior... but this woman chose to say the things she did, regardless of them being minors and being fairly well behaved minor children...

I'm sorry healthmyths, but that is just wrong to really is...
No sense taking it out on the girls just because the old man is a political whore.

True, but any parent today knows that getting girls to not dress like bar sluts is the challenge.

The idiot gay Muslim OP's contention that is equivalent to their actually being sluts though is his normal 8 year old intelligence.
Republican staffer says Obama daughters are disrespectful and dress like bar sluts

If this vile bitch still has a job on Monday, the GOP should be dead to this country.

According to Gawker, Elizabeth Lauten, former new media political director for the Republican National Committee, wrote an open letter to the two girls, attacking their facial expressions and clothing choices.

“Dear Sasha and Malia,” wrote Lauten, “I get that you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part that you play. Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.”
Where did the staffer say they dressed like bar sluts?
She was a mean classless bitch using Obama's underage children to lash out at Obama and Michell

Her comments were nasty and hurtful....intentionally, and all, every one of her comments in context were meant to be insults and hurtful including her saying they were dressed like two girls sitting at a bar.....

This WAS NOT SAID AS A COMPLIMENT....SHE WAS INSULTING THEM.... and yes....she would not have used a Bar. Scene in describing them.....if she just wanted to say they were dressed lousy....


But the headline was she called the "bar sluts"! Again words have meanings and when the original headline saying she called them "sluts" that attracted far more attention...which was the purpose.
Of course we never heard much when the rabid-mouthed liberals attacked the Bush girls..
The “sexy Bush twins who like to party” story is solely the creation of a salivating media’s lust. And it didn’t start with citations for attempts at underage drinking. That’s just an excuse. Remember back in January when Matt Stone and Trey Parker, creators of “South Park,” announced their new Comedy Central show, “That’s My Bush”? They proclaimed that their new show would be “barely legal,” because it would feature the Bush daughters depicted as “hot and sexy lesbian lovers” engaging in oral sex.
Read more at Bush twins hounded by media
Bar sluts is precisely what this woman meant by her insults....What else could it mean?
She didn't say they were dressed like they were at a soccer game, she didn't say they were dressed like they were going to church, she didn't say they were dressed like they were going to school...did she? She specifically described them in the manner she did, to INSULT THEM, TO DEMEAN tell me, how would saying they looked like two girls at a bar, insult them, other than implying they were dressed like sluts or girls looking to pick up guys in a bar?

Just admit it.

As far as the bush girls and what people said about them, even as adult children, was despicable as well.... but I will say, the twins, as adults, DID put themselves in the limelight with their own actions.

These children of Obama's did not put themselves in the spotlight with any kind of slutty or sexual or inappropriate behavior... but this woman chose to say the things she did, regardless of them being minors and being fairly well behaved minor children...

I'm sorry healthmyths, but that is just wrong to really is...

So you admit it wasn't "Republicans" (as the OP said) who said anything...but one person....

And you also admit they were not called sluts in the article.

That is two errors you've admitted too.
What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...
No sense taking it out on the girls just because the old man is a political whore.

True, but any parent today knows that getting girls to not dress like bar sluts is the challenge.

The idiot gay Muslim OP's contention that is equivalent to their actually being sluts though is his normal 8 year old intelligence.

I think there was an instance where one of the Bush daughters stuck her tongue out at reporters and was told by her parents that she should maybe consider her actions. They didn't argue that they were in the limelight.

If you are in politics...your family is in the public eye.

Sucks...but that is the way it is.
Republican staffer says Obama daughters are disrespectful and dress like bar sluts

If this vile bitch still has a job on Monday, the GOP should be dead to this country.

According to Gawker, Elizabeth Lauten, former new media political director for the Republican National Committee, wrote an open letter to the two girls, attacking their facial expressions and clothing choices.

“Dear Sasha and Malia,” wrote Lauten, “I get that you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part that you play. Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.”
Where did the staffer say they dressed like bar sluts?
She was a mean classless bitch using Obama's underage children to lash out at Obama and Michell

Her comments were nasty and hurtful....intentionally, and all, every one of her comments in context were meant to be insults and hurtful including her saying they were dressed like two girls sitting at a bar.....

This WAS NOT SAID AS A COMPLIMENT....SHE WAS INSULTING THEM.... and yes....she would not have used a Bar. Scene in describing them.....if she just wanted to say they were dressed lousy....


But the headline was she called the "bar sluts"! Again words have meanings and when the original headline saying she called them "sluts" that attracted far more attention...which was the purpose.
Of course we never heard much when the rabid-mouthed liberals attacked the Bush girls..
The “sexy Bush twins who like to party” story is solely the creation of a salivating media’s lust. And it didn’t start with citations for attempts at underage drinking. That’s just an excuse. Remember back in January when Matt Stone and Trey Parker, creators of “South Park,” announced their new Comedy Central show, “That’s My Bush”? They proclaimed that their new show would be “barely legal,” because it would feature the Bush daughters depicted as “hot and sexy lesbian lovers” engaging in oral sex.
Read more at Bush twins hounded by media
Bar sluts is precisely what this woman meant by her insults....What else could it mean?
She didn't say they were dressed like they were at a soccer game, she didn't say they were dressed like they were going to church, she didn't say they were dressed like they were going to school...did she? She specifically described them in the manner she did, to INSULT THEM, TO DEMEAN tell me, how would saying they looked like two girls at a bar, insult them, other than implying they were dressed like sluts or girls looking to pick up guys in a bar?

Just admit it.

As far as the bush girls and what people said about them, even as adult children, was despicable as well.... but I will say, the twins, as adults, DID put themselves in the limelight with their own actions.

These children of Obama's did not put themselves in the spotlight with any kind of slutty or sexual or inappropriate behavior... but this woman chose to say the things she did, regardless of them being minors and being fairly well behaved minor children...

I'm sorry healthmyths, but that is just wrong to really is...
The complaint was they aren't well behaved children. The substance of the complaint has been ignored in favor of a minor comment.
Republican staffer says Obama daughters are disrespectful and dress like bar sluts

If this vile bitch still has a job on Monday, the GOP should be dead to this country.

According to Gawker, Elizabeth Lauten, former new media political director for the Republican National Committee, wrote an open letter to the two girls, attacking their facial expressions and clothing choices.

“Dear Sasha and Malia,” wrote Lauten, “I get that you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part that you play. Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.”

Doesn't this says FORMER director ?

Is she still working for someone in politics ?
Republican staffer says Obama daughters are disrespectful and dress like bar sluts

If this vile bitch still has a job on Monday, the GOP should be dead to this country.

According to Gawker, Elizabeth Lauten, former new media political director for the Republican National Committee, wrote an open letter to the two girls, attacking their facial expressions and clothing choices.

“Dear Sasha and Malia,” wrote Lauten, “I get that you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part that you play. Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.”
Where did the staffer say they dressed like bar sluts?
She was a mean classless bitch using Obama's underage children to lash out at Obama and Michell

Her comments were nasty and hurtful....intentionally, and all, every one of her comments in context were meant to be insults and hurtful including her saying they were dressed like two girls sitting at a bar.....

This WAS NOT SAID AS A COMPLIMENT....SHE WAS INSULTING THEM.... and yes....she would not have used a Bar. Scene in describing them.....if she just wanted to say they were dressed lousy....


But the headline was she called the "bar sluts"! Again words have meanings and when the original headline saying she called them "sluts" that attracted far more attention...which was the purpose.
Of course we never heard much when the rabid-mouthed liberals attacked the Bush girls..
The “sexy Bush twins who like to party” story is solely the creation of a salivating media’s lust. And it didn’t start with citations for attempts at underage drinking. That’s just an excuse. Remember back in January when Matt Stone and Trey Parker, creators of “South Park,” announced their new Comedy Central show, “That’s My Bush”? They proclaimed that their new show would be “barely legal,” because it would feature the Bush daughters depicted as “hot and sexy lesbian lovers” engaging in oral sex.
Read more at Bush twins hounded by media
Bar sluts is precisely what this woman meant by her insults....What else could it mean?
She didn't say they were dressed like they were at a soccer game, she didn't say they were dressed like they were going to church, she didn't say they were dressed like they were going to school...did she? She specifically described them in the manner she did, to INSULT THEM, TO DEMEAN tell me, how would saying they looked like two girls at a bar, insult them, other than implying they were dressed like sluts or girls looking to pick up guys in a bar?

Just admit it.

As far as the bush girls and what people said about them, even as adult children, was despicable as well.... but I will say, the twins, as adults, DID put themselves in the limelight with their own actions.

These children of Obama's did not put themselves in the spotlight with any kind of slutty or sexual or inappropriate behavior... but this woman chose to say the things she did, regardless of them being minors and being fairly well behaved minor children...

I'm sorry healthmyths, but that is just wrong to really is...

Yeah, you people can read others minds. You were more upstanding than to fall into that crap
Care4all said:
As far as the bush girls and what people said about them, even as adult children, was despicable as well.... but I will say, the twins, as adults, DID put themselves in the limelight with their own actions

Please, they were 20 when Bush took office. That making them fair game is ridiculous. And Chelsea was still off limits according to your side well after she was an adult and actively engaged in politics. And Palin's children were not adults when they were fair game.

I'm against criticizing family, but the hypocrisy of the left is endless. Laura Bush was mercilessly attacked and Nancy Reagan and Barbara took a lot of cheap shots, particularly about her weight. Hillary was out of bounds when she was actually running a government policy effort. Michelle is back out of bounds.

Every time I see a liberal make this point, it is in defense of liberals. When you develop a voice that is based on the issue and not a political party, let us know.
Republican staffer says Obama daughters are disrespectful and dress like bar sluts

If this vile bitch still has a job on Monday, the GOP should be dead to this country.

According to Gawker, Elizabeth Lauten, former new media political director for the Republican National Committee, wrote an open letter to the two girls, attacking their facial expressions and clothing choices.

“Dear Sasha and Malia,” wrote Lauten, “I get that you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part that you play. Then again your mother and father don’t respect their positions very much, or the nation for that matter, so I’m guessing you’re coming up a little short in the ‘good role model’ department.”
Where did the staffer say they dressed like bar sluts?
She was a mean classless bitch using Obama's underage children to lash out at Obama and Michell

Her comments were nasty and hurtful....intentionally, and all, every one of her comments in context were meant to be insults and hurtful including her saying they were dressed like two girls sitting at a bar.....

This WAS NOT SAID AS A COMPLIMENT....SHE WAS INSULTING THEM.... and yes....she would not have used a Bar. Scene in describing them.....if she just wanted to say they were dressed lousy....


But the headline was she called the "bar sluts"! Again words have meanings and when the original headline saying she called them "sluts" that attracted far more attention...which was the purpose.
Of course we never heard much when the rabid-mouthed liberals attacked the Bush girls..
The “sexy Bush twins who like to party” story is solely the creation of a salivating media’s lust. And it didn’t start with citations for attempts at underage drinking. That’s just an excuse. Remember back in January when Matt Stone and Trey Parker, creators of “South Park,” announced their new Comedy Central show, “That’s My Bush”? They proclaimed that their new show would be “barely legal,” because it would feature the Bush daughters depicted as “hot and sexy lesbian lovers” engaging in oral sex.
Read more at Bush twins hounded by media

So you don't imprecise thread titles? The kind the RWnuts put up here every day?

Why aren't you bitching about them?
Health myth put up a misleading thread title?

What is painfully obvious here is a lot of people have no problem with attacks like these on a politicians children as long as it's a politician they don't like or agree with.

Agreed... I didn't agree with this when it was done on the Bush Twins and I don't agree with it now...

Difference here now is that this is a GOP staffer... Not a journalist or pundit who either party can't control...

Also the Bush twins broke the law...
Staffer, journalist, or pundit saying it does not make it any less wrong or offensive as for the Bush girls yes they and a million other 19 year old's broke that same law and I would bet a good number of the people who attacked them for it broke the same law when they were 19. That does not make what they did right but it does put it in a little perspective.
When exactly was Sara Palin's kids off limits? Looks like the liberals are fine with it until the tides turn.
Never, she always had them involved. When she was campaigning, she even had that poor little tiny baby in the audience all the time. People screaming around him, germs everywhere, she needed the whole damn family there though to help her.
She's a disgusting person and a terrible parent.

we get it, you don't like sarah palin. I am sure that she appreciates your obsession since it has made them multi millionaires several times over.

you lefties are idiots, you help the people that you claim to hate.
Not really, you crazy Teapartiers put her in the spotlight, made her a GOP star. To others, she's just a joke. Bought and paid for by the GOP.

Nope, Palin is nothing to anyone except you libs. She has no position, is not running for anything, has no political power.

Her celebrity status has been created by you who hate her. Its really kind of sick.

Palin is the head of a multi-million dollar political action committee.

While Al Gore profits from a muli-billion dollar government liberal global warming trend ... sorry it's been down graded to climate change because they can't stand up to the public mockery.
Bar sluts is precisely what this woman meant by her insults....What else could it mean?

It could mean they dress like bar sluts.
ok, so she says they dress like bar sluts.... what does that imply?
It means she thinks they dress like bar sluts.

My oldest daughter is a goodie two shoes, and proud of it, she likes being called that. She doesn't let me say the word "bastard." She majored in math at Duke. She is getting a free ride for her PhD at Berkley. She's a pro-life conservative.

All through high school, I argued with her about her dress. At one point I said she's dressed like a street walker. She said she dresses like the rest of her classmates. And as I had to admit from going to her school, she did.

So, was I actually calling my daughter a street walker? It's hard to take you seriously at this point. You keep saying no, they didn't mean what they said, they mean more. Why? Why do they not mean what they said? How do you know they meant more than they said? Again, I NEVER see you apply this standard to the left. You are never stating they meant far more than they stated.

Anyway, I finally stopped arguing with her, it only made her mad. And I don't argue with her younger sister either. You need to get out more. Sometimes I just said when they were wearing too short of dresses to places like church and formal they will change. I left it at that.

So, was I actually calling my daughter a street walker when I said I thought she was dressed like one?

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