Republican Against Trump (at this point) Do Like the 2nd Amendment

If Clinton gets elected and the D's win the senate, then Clinton is going to nominate a far left ideolog! This will be a person who believes in a total ban on guns. The left wing will have a 5 vote majority and they will not honor to the 2nd amendment.

What could happen:
(1) Arm Argument: There could be a total ban on handguns as the argument goes the framers meant rifles (arms) not handguns.

(2) Mental efficiency license: All gun owners/user must undergo an annual mental exam. It could be nearly impossible to pass and could be cost thousands of dollars.

(3) Armed militia argument: Total ban on private ownership. The second amendment was only for a government militia. Meaning the police, military or national guard.

Yes the 2nd amendment will look much different if Clinton gets elected!
You need to cut back on all of those retard sandwiches you've been chowing down on. if Hillary doesn't want to take our guns.

She's gonna put another lesbian on the court. They don't seem to like guns, Christians, or Republicans. They want to make all of them practically illegal.
It must be terrible living in fear every minute of the day like you and your fellow nutters do.
I don't live in fear. I would love to show you personally how unafraid I am to be honest.
The truth is, Hillary has nothing but bad intentions for this country. All of the things you dirtbags harp about will take precedent and then jobs and national security will suffer. I'd rather not live in California, and she plans on turning the entire country into California, which is basically one big European shithole.

The Trump campaign is now saying its decision to include a prominent white nationalist on its California delegate slate was the result of a "database error."

And no. That does not make any sense.
Rustic, you pick up the gun the LEO will put you down. Don't do violence against your fellow Americans.

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