Republican Agenda 2024

1. Ban Abortion
2. Halt military aid to Ukraine and allow Russia to win
3. Repeal Environmental Protections
4. End Gay Marriage
5. Cut taxes on the wealthy
6 Withdraw from NATO and the UN
7. Stop Immigration of non-whites
  • The Democrats don’t like this country. They think its founding and early years were an abomination and that America still today largely embodies these sins.
  • They want to transform the country to move left toward collectivism, one-world government, and worse.
  • They support open borders to either weaken the country or bring in new Democrat voters.
  • They support higher taxes and regulation.
  • They champion grossly inefficient green scam policies, either because of soft-headed idealism or as a means of further controlling the population.
  • They are just fine using the power of the state and its enforcement agencies to oppress their enemies.
  • They are anti-human, supporting abortion up until (or after) birth, euthanasia, weakening traditional families, and transing the kids.
There is very little deviation among serious Democrats from this orthodoxy. It doesn’t really matter to them who the Democrat president is as long as he is in line with the agenda or is easily controlled to get with the program.
1. Ban Abortion
2. Halt military aid to Ukraine and allow Russia to win
3. Repeal Environmental Protections
4. End Gay Marriage
5. Cut taxes on the wealthy
6 Withdraw from NATO and the UN
7. Stop Immigration of non-whites

They have no agenda to ban abortion, derp. The Supreme Court has in fact said it is a state issue.

No, they aren't going to repeal any meaningful environmental protections.

No, the Supreme Court ruled homo marriage is a right.

The tax cuts, as the ones in 2017, will benefit the working class/middle class the most.

Fuck the UN, and NATO is a black hole that needs the other members to pull their own weight.

End all immigration, we need a time-out from 50+ years on non-stop immigration (you admit the great replacement is a fact). We have a right to determine who gets to come here.
1. Ban Abortion
2. Halt military aid to Ukraine and allow Russia to win
3. Repeal Environmental Protections
4. End Gay Marriage
5. Cut taxes on the wealthy
6 Withdraw from NATO and the UN
7. Stop Immigration of non-whites
Democrat agenda under Biden and/or Harris
1. Open borders, let in 12,000,000 illegals, including 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and thousands of criminals and terrorists, including ISIS.

2. Feed and house those 12,000,000 illegals creating runaway inflation costing US families $1,000 a month in lost buying power, but illegals get everything free.

3. Trump's budget was $4T a year, Biden's budget is $7.3T a year, including $1.0T in interest ojn the $35T DEBT.

4. Illegal criminals are raping and killing US women and girls. Those deaths are preventable and are democrat's fault.

5. Democrat policies are pro Hamas and anti-Israel

As for the GOP agenda rebuttal:
1. Abortion is a state issue. Trump will not ban abortions. Democrats allow partial-birth abortions.
2. Trump will negotiate a win-win peace deal
3. Trump will eliminate wasteful regulations
4. Gay marriage is a state issue (not in the Constitution)
5. Cut taxes for everyone, including tips.
6. Trump makes NATO stronger by making deadbeats pay up
7. Enforce immigration laws.
1. Ban Abortion
2. Halt military aid to Ukraine and allow Russia to win
3. Repeal Environmental Protections
4. End Gay Marriage
5. Cut taxes on the wealthy
6 Withdraw from NATO and the UN
7. Stop Immigration of non-whites
1. Abortion is now a state issue, not a federal one.
2. Russia has basically already won in Ukraine and were destined to do so unless we could get the rest of BRICS to stop trading with them. At this point, Ukraine is a lost cause.
3. It's not about repealing environmental protections. It's about limiting the creation of new regulations to the legislature. The executive branch isn't supposed to create new regulations, because those are effectively laws. Every law should be passed by Congress, not by unelected bureaucrats.
4. Gay marriage is mostly a moot issue, so I'm not sure where you're getting this from.
5. Correction, cut taxes across the board.
6. While I wish we would withdraw from NATO, the odds of that happening are pretty low considering that half of the GOP is neocons.
7. Immigration is similar: the GOP talks a big game but hasn't done much about border security. Trump did provide some border security while in office, but ultimately, most of the work has to be done by Congress.
1. Ban Abortion
2. Halt military aid to Ukraine and allow Russia to win
3. Repeal Environmental Protections
4. End Gay Marriage
5. Cut taxes on the wealthy
6 Withdraw from NATO and the UN
7. Stop Immigration of non-whites
Why are you making the case for Trump?
They have no agenda to ban abortion, derp. The Supreme Court has in fact said it is a state issue.

No, they aren't going to repeal any meaningful environmental protections.

No, the Supreme Court ruled homo marriage is a right.

The tax cuts, as the ones in 2017, will benefit the working class/middle class the most.

Fuck the UN, and NATO is a black hole that needs the other members to pull their own weight.

End all immigration, we need a time-out from 50+ years on non-stop immigration (you admit the great replacement is a fact). We have a right to determine who gets to come here.
Republicans are working to ban abortion at the state level
They are steadfastly working to repeal environmental protections and disband the EPA
They are working to get the Supreme Court to rule again on gay marriage
1. Abortion is now a state issue, not a federal one.

I said Republicans not necessarily at the Federal Level
Can you name a Republican that has advocated protecting abortion rights?
Republicans are working to ban abortion pills nationwide and even IVF for infertile couples
I said Republicans not necessarily at the Federal Level
Can you name a Republican that has advocated protecting abortion rights?
Republicans are working to ban abortion pills nationwide and even IVF for infertile couples
So it's your right to be a baby killer? Guess I will go out and rob someone. It's my right.
I said Republicans not necessarily at the Federal Level
Can you name a Republican that has advocated protecting abortion rights?
Republicans are working to ban abortion pills nationwide and even IVF for infertile couples
Sure, on the state level, Republicans are restricting abortion more or pushing for that. I haven't heard about the pill or IVF bans though.

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