Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

Most 16.5 year olds drive. They have limited skills and training. Drivers licence is a privilege for US citizens and legal visitor and legal immigrants not for illegals.

If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.

They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.

On a rare occasion they are.
We need to enforce these laws vs making it easier for illegals to come here and stay here.
If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.
So then the government should do more like more ICE agents. I have a family too. I do not want illegals in this country and giving them licenses just incentivizes them more to come here.

You can want it all you want. Business wants them and business gets whatever they want.
Business also wants to not pay any taxes and have interest free debt. There are rules and businesses need to follow them or pay the price.

They aren't going to.
Says who?

They aren't. Are they?
Most 16.5 year olds drive. They have limited skills and training. Drivers licence is a privilege for US citizens and legal visitor and legal immigrants not for illegals.

If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.

They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.

On a rare occasion they are.

You don't know that. You're just making it up.
If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.

They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.

On a rare occasion they are.
We need to enforce these laws vs making it easier for illegals to come here and stay here.

Good luck with that. I don't disagree but its not going to happen. Business doesn't want to stop the low wage train nor do that have any desire to see 20 million customers leave.
Most 16.5 year olds drive. They have limited skills and training. Drivers licence is a privilege for US citizens and legal visitor and legal immigrants not for illegals.

If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.

They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.

That is, anyone driving knowing they cannot have a license.

Sell the car, donate the funds.

I was reading the requirements for illegals to get a license in New York. Their drivers manual is written in any language of your origin. So what Pknopp wants is a bunch of foreigners on our roads that can't read the F'n road signs. Great......
So then the government should do more like more ICE agents. I have a family too. I do not want illegals in this country and giving them licenses just incentivizes them more to come here.

You can want it all you want. Business wants them and business gets whatever they want.
Business also wants to not pay any taxes and have interest free debt. There are rules and businesses need to follow them or pay the price.

They aren't going to.
Says who?

They aren't. Are they?
I believe they are with more agents and trying to eliminate sanctuary cities.
If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.

They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.

That is, anyone driving knowing they cannot have a license.

Sell the car, donate the funds.

I was reading the requirements for illegals to get a license in New York. Their drivers manual is written in any language of your origin. So what Pknopp wants is a bunch of foreigners on our roads that can't read the F'n road signs. Great......
To me that is illogical. Our street signs are in English.
They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.

That is, anyone driving knowing they cannot have a license.

Sell the car, donate the funds.

I was reading the requirements for illegals to get a license in New York. Their drivers manual is written in any language of your origin. So what Pknopp wants is a bunch of foreigners on our roads that can't read the F'n road signs. Great......
To me that is illogical. Our street signs are in English.

I've seen that enough driving a truck. These foreigners come here using their out of country CDL. They don't take our tests, or go through what American drivers have to go through. I know this by the way they drive. They can't read the road signs either. So you see them in a 75,000 pound vehicle swerving three lanes because the GPS they use in their language doesn't tell them what highway they need to be on when approaching a split. They are dangerous as all hell.
Illegal immigrant didn't "break in", they're being openly invited by employers to come to America.

Employers don't have the legal ability to invite them anywhere. If anything, it's the Democrat party inviting them in.

When our yard was overrun with raccoons, we discovered our third floor tenant was feeding them. Putting bowls of food out on her deck. Not only did the raccoons come back, but they brought their friends, their kids, and the whole problem got worse.

And how is that different than allowing illegals to obtain drivers licenses in the US?

Dragonlady is correct. If the Jobs weren't there inviting them in, there wouldn't be any way you could blame it on the Democrats because they would stay home. One of the reasons that Mexico tries to hire almost anyone willing to work coming up south of them is that in certain areas, there is a shortage of workers. And in those industrial areas in Mexico, they don't have the drug cartels because the Uber Rich have their own private armies.

Jobs are not the only reason people come here. Having anchor babies is another. The Birther Tourism industry is a serious threat to our country in the future, but the Democrats could care less.

There are a lot of reasons for coming here. And Anchor Babies is just one of them. And you Republicans don't care that the biggest corporate hiring of illegals is done by Republicans. In fact, Rump Industries is still doing it. Even Moscow Mitch is doing it with his Aluminum Factory. What are you going to do about that?

What am I going to do about that? Ask for evidence, that's what. Out of the thousands of people that work for various Trump industries, do you think Trump sits there and examines each application for a job? Really? And while you're providing evidence, please include the evidence that it's Republican supporters who are doing all this hiring.

It's the law of average. The Majority of the Uber Rich benefits greatly by Rump being in office. Using that, it's just common sense that more Republicans use illegal immigrants than Democrats. But you can (and probably will) argue that the rich Dems do as well and you would be correct. And it's already been established (don't play the cite game for common knowledge) that Rump built his Mar-a-Largo resort using a lot of illegal immigrant workers. If he did it there then chances are, he's done it in a lot of other places as well.

Again, what are YOU going to do about the Uber Rich or even the Fairly well off Rich using illegal immigrants. Comon, this isn't a right or a left thing.
If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.

They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.

That is, anyone driving knowing they cannot have a license.

Sell the car, donate the funds.

I was reading the requirements for illegals to get a license in New York. Their drivers manual is written in any language of your origin. So what Pknopp wants is a bunch of foreigners on our roads that can't read the F'n road signs. Great......

It's what you want and you show it by continually making excuses for politicians that won't address the problem.
Employers don't have the legal ability to invite them anywhere. If anything, it's the Democrat party inviting them in.

And how is that different than allowing illegals to obtain drivers licenses in the US?

Dragonlady is correct. If the Jobs weren't there inviting them in, there wouldn't be any way you could blame it on the Democrats because they would stay home. One of the reasons that Mexico tries to hire almost anyone willing to work coming up south of them is that in certain areas, there is a shortage of workers. And in those industrial areas in Mexico, they don't have the drug cartels because the Uber Rich have their own private armies.

Jobs are not the only reason people come here. Having anchor babies is another. The Birther Tourism industry is a serious threat to our country in the future, but the Democrats could care less.

There are a lot of reasons for coming here. And Anchor Babies is just one of them. And you Republicans don't care that the biggest corporate hiring of illegals is done by Republicans. In fact, Rump Industries is still doing it. Even Moscow Mitch is doing it with his Aluminum Factory. What are you going to do about that?

What am I going to do about that? Ask for evidence, that's what. Out of the thousands of people that work for various Trump industries, do you think Trump sits there and examines each application for a job? Really? And while you're providing evidence, please include the evidence that it's Republican supporters who are doing all this hiring.

It's the law of average. The Majority of the Uber Rich benefits greatly by Rump being in office. Using that, it's just common sense that more Republicans use illegal immigrants than Democrats. But you can (and probably will) argue that the rich Dems do as well and you would be correct. And it's already been established (don't play the cite game for common knowledge) that Rump built his Mar-a-Largo resort using a lot of illegal immigrant workers. If he did it there then chances are, he's done it in a lot of other places as well.

Again, what are YOU going to do about the Uber Rich or even the Fairly well off Rich using illegal immigrants. Comon, this isn't a right or a left thing.

Correct, it's not a left or right thing which is my point. Look at the most wealthy in our country and where do they tend to lean? Buffet, Gates, the late Steve Jobs, all the social media owners, all left wing or very left wing. Republicans tend to be more law biding so I would even bet that the places that use illegals are mostly left, but I can't say for certain.

Yes, the RNC does favor business but only because they provide jobs. In spite of that, you still have wealthy business people constantly go after them.
You can want it all you want. Business wants them and business gets whatever they want.
Business also wants to not pay any taxes and have interest free debt. There are rules and businesses need to follow them or pay the price.

They aren't going to.
Says who?

They aren't. Are they?
I believe they are with more agents and trying to eliminate sanctuary cities.

Funny. They are trying to eliminate "sanctuary cities" but not the business that are actually causing the problem to start with.
They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.

That is, anyone driving knowing they cannot have a license.

Sell the car, donate the funds.

I was reading the requirements for illegals to get a license in New York. Their drivers manual is written in any language of your origin. So what Pknopp wants is a bunch of foreigners on our roads that can't read the F'n road signs. Great......

It's what you want and you show it by continually making excuses for politicians that won't address the problem.

What do you think this topic is about? It's about the Republicans addressing the problem. Just like Trump addressed the problem of countries south of Mexico, and he did something about it. Just like desperate people trying to get here using the phony excuse of claiming asylum. Trump did something about that. If you want to apply for asylum, you have to do it at the US embassy in your own country. If you do sneak here to our border, and Mexico offered you asylum, you're automatically disqualified for our asylum.

People getting green cards would come here and work for nothing because they got on our social programs. No more. Trump addressed that problem. Now you have to demonstrate that you have or can earn enough so you don't end up on those programs. He even addressed Birther Tourism.

So Trump is addressing all the immigration problems. And given the fact that the Democrats (who want illegals in this country) are in charge of the House, he's done some pretty amazing things.
They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.

That is, anyone driving knowing they cannot have a license.

Sell the car, donate the funds.

I was reading the requirements for illegals to get a license in New York. Their drivers manual is written in any language of your origin. So what Pknopp wants is a bunch of foreigners on our roads that can't read the F'n road signs. Great......

It's what you want and you show it by continually making excuses for politicians that won't address the problem.

We need to elect those that will not exacerbate it.
Business also wants to not pay any taxes and have interest free debt. There are rules and businesses need to follow them or pay the price.

They aren't going to.
Says who?

They aren't. Are they?
I believe they are with more agents and trying to eliminate sanctuary cities.

Funny. They are trying to eliminate "sanctuary cities" but not the business that are actually causing the problem to start with.

Those businesses needed to be heavily fined. Do you disagree?
They aren't going to.
Says who?

They aren't. Are they?
I believe they are with more agents and trying to eliminate sanctuary cities.

Funny. They are trying to eliminate "sanctuary cities" but not the business that are actually causing the problem to start with.

Those businesses needed to be heavily fined. Do you disagree?

A heavy fine would need to be passed by Congress first of all, and of course, the President would have to sign it. No chance of that happening with a Democrat led House. But there are laws and penalties for hiring illegals already on the books.

Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants | LegalMatch
They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.

That is, anyone driving knowing they cannot have a license.

Sell the car, donate the funds.

I was reading the requirements for illegals to get a license in New York. Their drivers manual is written in any language of your origin. So what Pknopp wants is a bunch of foreigners on our roads that can't read the F'n road signs. Great......
To me that is illogical. Our street signs are in English.

Knowledge of English is required for citizenship. So then, why are documents and voting information provided in 26 languages?
If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.

That is, anyone driving knowing they cannot have a license.

Sell the car, donate the funds.

I was reading the requirements for illegals to get a license in New York. Their drivers manual is written in any language of your origin. So what Pknopp wants is a bunch of foreigners on our roads that can't read the F'n road signs. Great......
To me that is illogical. Our street signs are in English.

Knowledge of English is required for citizenship. So then, why are documents and voting information provided in 26 languages?

How else would the illegals vote?
If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.

That is, anyone driving knowing they cannot have a license.

Sell the car, donate the funds.

I was reading the requirements for illegals to get a license in New York. Their drivers manual is written in any language of your origin. So what Pknopp wants is a bunch of foreigners on our roads that can't read the F'n road signs. Great......

It's what you want and you show it by continually making excuses for politicians that won't address the problem.

What do you think this topic is about? It's about the Republicans addressing the problem. Just like Trump addressed the problem of countries south of Mexico, and he did something about it. Just like desperate people trying to get here using the phony excuse of claiming asylum. Trump did something about that. If you want to apply for asylum, you have to do it at the US embassy in your own country. If you do sneak here to our border, and Mexico offered you asylum, you're automatically disqualified for our asylum.

People getting green cards would come here and work for nothing because they got on our social programs. No more. Trump addressed that problem. Now you have to demonstrate that you have or can earn enough so you don't end up on those programs. He even addressed Birther Tourism.

So Trump is addressing all the immigration problems. And given the fact that the Democrats (who want illegals in this country) are in charge of the House, he's done some pretty amazing things.

You continue to ignore the problem. You have that down to an art.
If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.

That is, anyone driving knowing they cannot have a license.

Sell the car, donate the funds.

I was reading the requirements for illegals to get a license in New York. Their drivers manual is written in any language of your origin. So what Pknopp wants is a bunch of foreigners on our roads that can't read the F'n road signs. Great......

It's what you want and you show it by continually making excuses for politicians that won't address the problem.

We need to elect those that will not exacerbate it.

We need to elect those who will not lie to us.

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