Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Most 16.5 year olds drive. They have limited skills and training. Drivers licence is a privilege for US citizens and legal visitor and legal immigrants not for illegals.
Illegal immigrants are not coming to the US in order to get driver's licenses.
All countries issue them, they are easier to get on other countries, and the US has to recognize the use of foreign driver's licenses in the US.

So if we do not issue a driver's license to an undocumented immigrant in the US, we are not gaining anything.
All that means is they will still drive, but under foreign criteria that we will then have no input on.

And it is not legal for the TSA to demand a state driver's license as a federal ID anyway.
Lots of people do not drive or have a driver's license.
It can not legally be demanded by anyone except someone enforcing driving laws on a person driving.

If you want a federal citizenship ID, then pass a federal law creating one.
It is illegal to try to use extortion on states so that you can coopt their state driver's license.

Sure we can. Once we get rid of the Democrat leadership in Congress, watch how we pass it.

Nobody goes to Las Vegas for free drinks either, it's a perk that people consider when they are choosing a place to vacation. So drivers licenses are a perk that we should not be giving out to illegals. We should be making it as difficult as possible for them to be living here. A good deterrent works every time it's tried.

And are you also going to get rid of the Republicans in Office that hire the illegals? You'll have to start with Rump and Moscow Mitch and work your way down. Those halls in Washington are going to get mighty empty.

If you want them out then vote them out. The process is not overly complex.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Most 16.5 year olds drive. They have limited skills and training. Drivers licence is a privilege for US citizens and legal visitor and legal immigrants not for illegals.

If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
How fucking stupid. This is the dumb shit that happens when you have to appeal to a base of retards.
Illegal immigrant didn't "break in", they're being openly invited by employers to come to America.

Employers don't have the legal ability to invite them anywhere. If anything, it's the Democrat party inviting them in.

When our yard was overrun with raccoons, we discovered our third floor tenant was feeding them. Putting bowls of food out on her deck. Not only did the raccoons come back, but they brought their friends, their kids, and the whole problem got worse.

And how is that different than allowing illegals to obtain drivers licenses in the US?

Dragonlady is correct. If the Jobs weren't there inviting them in, there wouldn't be any way you could blame it on the Democrats because they would stay home. One of the reasons that Mexico tries to hire almost anyone willing to work coming up south of them is that in certain areas, there is a shortage of workers. And in those industrial areas in Mexico, they don't have the drug cartels because the Uber Rich have their own private armies.

Jobs are not the only reason people come here. Having anchor babies is another. The Birther Tourism industry is a serious threat to our country in the future, but the Democrats could care less.

There are a lot of reasons for coming here. And Anchor Babies is just one of them. And you Republicans don't care that the biggest corporate hiring of illegals is done by Republicans. In fact, Rump Industries is still doing it. Even Moscow Mitch is doing it with his Aluminum Factory. What are you going to do about that?
And then the States limit the amount they send to the Feds. Actually, I am for that type of program. Make the states stand on their own. Too much money ends up being channeled to poor Red States from Well Off Blue States to pay for the Red States mishandling of their own economy.
The states send zero dollars to the fed gov

In a round about way, the states do. Here in Colorado, we are taxed in Federal Dollars at a 1.07 rate. We get one dollar back. The other .07 dollars is dispensed to states like Kansas, LA, GA, Alabama and South Dakota as well as Wyoming who are taxed at less than 1.00. And in case you haven't noticed, your employer doesn't send your FICA directly to the Federal IRS.. You honestly want them in charge of the day to day collecting those funds? I certainly don't. Instead, in Colorado it's sent to the Colorado Department of Revenue who forwards the Federals Cut to the Feds. So, in a way, the States DO pay the Feds. Can you imagine the mess if the States didn't do that? Just how big would the IRS have to become to handle it?
But the progressive income tax is a creation by the federal legislature. It can be changed with a simple maj vote. There's only one way to change it.

If the Feds don't refund to the States then the States don't send the funds in the first place. One broken law is canceled out by another broken law.
Ok, in all seriousness. You do realize that you must pay both state a federal taxes, based on different forms, each year? And you also realize you pay state/local property taxes separately?

When my employer takes those funds out of my paycheck, does it matter what forms I will be filing by April 15 of the next year?
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Most 16.5 year olds drive. They have limited skills and training. Drivers licence is a privilege for US citizens and legal visitor and legal immigrants not for illegals.

If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.

They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.
Illegal immigrant didn't "break in", they're being openly invited by employers to come to America.

Employers don't have the legal ability to invite them anywhere. If anything, it's the Democrat party inviting them in.

When our yard was overrun with raccoons, we discovered our third floor tenant was feeding them. Putting bowls of food out on her deck. Not only did the raccoons come back, but they brought their friends, their kids, and the whole problem got worse.

And how is that different than allowing illegals to obtain drivers licenses in the US?

A driver's license is a protection to the general public, not a job.

Republican Ronald Reagan gave millions of illegals amnesty. Trump has not prosecuted any corporate employers, despite raids on numerous facilities. Not one. He's rounded up thousands of illegals but he's not deporting them.

Clinton passed the most stringent anti-illegal laws on record. Republicans have consistenly blocked legislation increasing regulations and punishment for employers.

Obama deported more illegal than Trump has. Trump just locks them up indefinitely at the taxpayers' expense. What a waste of taxpayer money that is. Incarcerating 45,000 otherwise law abiding residents, for a misdemeanor crime.

You keep believing Trump's lies about illegals. No other country in the world has this problem with illegal immigration. That's because no other country in the world allows employers to hire illegals with impunity. Trump won't punish those who employ illegals because he's one of those employers.

So you're under the assumption that Trump runs our court system, laws, and processing of illegals? Trump doesn't do any of that. Once the illegals or employers are caught, it's in the hands of the courts--not the President. And remember how many times the commies took Trump's policies to court in order to have his immigrant policies stopped either temporarily or permanently.

What laws regarding employers have Republicans stopped? When did Democrats ever offer any laws to make coming here more difficult? The Democrats have a Welcome door mat at our border. Giving them drivers licenses make that mat even bigger.

Again, insisting that people who drive a car be licensed, certified as capable to operate a car and conversant with the laws of the road is not some benefit which encourages illegal immigration. It's a protection for the general public. Similarly, insisting on medical exams for illegals isn't giving them free medical care, it's to ensure they're not bringing in diseases.

In 2006, Democrats tried to pass a bill strengthening laws against employing illegal immigrants and Republicans refused, saying the existing laws were sufficient. It should also be noted that W's Administration didn't prosecute any employers either. Not one.

So you have Democrats with higher rates of deportation, than Republicans. Strong anti-illegal laws than Republicans, and Republicans refusing to prosecute employers.

If you're not going to deport illegals, then why put them in jail. Crossing the border illegally is NOT a felony. These people are not endangering anyone. And you're paying $700 per day, per prisoner, to simply hold them indefinitely.

Stop blaming people who are trying to keep the general public safe all manner of crimes which arise when people exploit illegal immigration, and start punishing the employers who are really the ones inviting them.

But most of all start using your head. Trump has been profitting from illegal immigration all of his adult life. His companies have been prosecuting multiple times for employing illegals. But now he lies to you and claims the Democrats are for open borders. That's simply not true.

Playing into your fears and racism is what Trump does. It has nothing to do with facts.

After the stock market crash of 2008, 300,000 illegal immigrants self-deported because they couldn't find work. If that doesn't tell you where the solution to the problem lies, nothing will.

Do you know what's a good protection for the general public? Not allowing them to drive at all. Better yet, kicking them out of the country or deporting them to Canada.

Please post your evidence of this bill you talk about where the Democrats offered higher penalties to employer who hire illegals and the Republicans shot it down. While Bush was no great leader when it came to immigration, I don't ever recall hearing about such bill. However Bush did have a higher increase in deportations than Trump. I'll even give you a commie site so you can't dispute the phony Obama deportation claim.

Obama's deportation record: inside the numbers - CNNPolitics
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We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base
I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you
Your lib friend wants to punish employers and I pointed out what it will take to do it

Keep your bridge since your probably paid more for it than it was worth

You can punish employers RIGHT NOW. Do it and the illegal jobs will dry up. There would be no need for a wall

We do that already, but you have to prove in court the employer knew they were hiring illegals. With all the fake documentation being sold to immigrants, it's tough for employers to distinguish legal from illegal foreigners.

What would work is a law that being here illegally is a felony. First offense if caught would be a minimum of five years in prison. I stress the word "minimum." A judge could give up to ten years. Then we wouldn't need a wall.

Again, unable to tell the truth.

Wal-Mart to Pay U.S. $11 Million in Lawsuit on Illegal Workers

Even though you know you are lying, you just can't stop.

Sorry, I don't go to sites I have to sign in for. They just do that to get your email address and sell advertising.
Illegal immigrant didn't "break in", they're being openly invited by employers to come to America.

Employers don't have the legal ability to invite them anywhere. If anything, it's the Democrat party inviting them in.

When our yard was overrun with raccoons, we discovered our third floor tenant was feeding them. Putting bowls of food out on her deck. Not only did the raccoons come back, but they brought their friends, their kids, and the whole problem got worse.

And how is that different than allowing illegals to obtain drivers licenses in the US?

Dragonlady is correct. If the Jobs weren't there inviting them in, there wouldn't be any way you could blame it on the Democrats because they would stay home. One of the reasons that Mexico tries to hire almost anyone willing to work coming up south of them is that in certain areas, there is a shortage of workers. And in those industrial areas in Mexico, they don't have the drug cartels because the Uber Rich have their own private armies.

Jobs are not the only reason people come here. Having anchor babies is another. The Birther Tourism industry is a serious threat to our country in the future, but the Democrats could care less.

There are a lot of reasons for coming here. And Anchor Babies is just one of them. And you Republicans don't care that the biggest corporate hiring of illegals is done by Republicans. In fact, Rump Industries is still doing it. Even Moscow Mitch is doing it with his Aluminum Factory. What are you going to do about that?

What am I going to do about that? Ask for evidence, that's what. Out of the thousands of people that work for various Trump industries, do you think Trump sits there and examines each application for a job? Really? And while you're providing evidence, please include the evidence that it's Republican supporters who are doing all this hiring.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Most 16.5 year olds drive. They have limited skills and training. Drivers licence is a privilege for US citizens and legal visitor and legal immigrants not for illegals.

If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.

They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Most 16.5 year olds drive. They have limited skills and training. Drivers licence is a privilege for US citizens and legal visitor and legal immigrants not for illegals.

If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.

They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.
So then the government should do more like more ICE agents. I have a family too. I do not want illegals in this country and giving them licenses just incentivizes them more to come here.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Most 16.5 year olds drive. They have limited skills and training. Drivers licence is a privilege for US citizens and legal visitor and legal immigrants not for illegals.

If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.

They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.
So then the government should do more like more ICE agents. I have a family too. I do not want illegals in this country and giving them licenses just incentivizes them more to come here.

You can want it all you want. Business wants them and business gets whatever they want.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Most 16.5 year olds drive. They have limited skills and training. Drivers licence is a privilege for US citizens and legal visitor and legal immigrants not for illegals.

If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.

They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.
Most 16.5 year olds drive. They have limited skills and training. Drivers licence is a privilege for US citizens and legal visitor and legal immigrants not for illegals.

If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.

They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.
So then the government should do more like more ICE agents. I have a family too. I do not want illegals in this country and giving them licenses just incentivizes them more to come here.

You can want it all you want. Business wants them and business gets whatever they want.
Business also wants to not pay any taxes and have interest free debt. There are rules and businesses need to follow them or pay the price.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Most 16.5 year olds drive. They have limited skills and training. Drivers licence is a privilege for US citizens and legal visitor and legal immigrants not for illegals.

If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.

They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.

That is, anyone driving knowing they cannot have a license.

Sell the car, donate the funds.
If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.

They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.
So then the government should do more like more ICE agents. I have a family too. I do not want illegals in this country and giving them licenses just incentivizes them more to come here.

You can want it all you want. Business wants them and business gets whatever they want.
Business also wants to not pay any taxes and have interest free debt. There are rules and businesses need to follow them or pay the price.

They aren't going to.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Most 16.5 year olds drive. They have limited skills and training. Drivers licence is a privilege for US citizens and legal visitor and legal immigrants not for illegals.

If illegals are going to be allowed to work, they are going to drive. If they are driving we should make sure they are driving safely.

They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.

If we don't let them drive, they won't be able to get to their job in the first place. Again, anybody caught without a license needs to be put in jail and have their car towed away.

On a rare occasion they are.
They should not be allowed to work either. I hate this logic. It is the same logic of if people are going to shoot up with illegal drugs we should provide them with clean needles. No. We should not encourage illegal drug use and we should not make it easier for illegals to work. Either we have laws or we don't.

If the government is going to do nothing about the employers hiring them and they are going to be on the same roads as my wife and daughter I want to make sure they know the rules of the road.
So then the government should do more like more ICE agents. I have a family too. I do not want illegals in this country and giving them licenses just incentivizes them more to come here.

You can want it all you want. Business wants them and business gets whatever they want.
Business also wants to not pay any taxes and have interest free debt. There are rules and businesses need to follow them or pay the price.

They aren't going to.
Says who?

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