Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

That sounds cool and all but then those pesky facts get in your way AGAIN...It looks like broke white trash are smoking weed and voting for free shit right along with you filthy
Just say it love your beaners because they'll work for a slave wage without complaining or expecting any conditions...they'll offer after hour blow-jobs if you promise they can keep their gig as shitter polisher...we get it bud, you love your pet humans / 21st century slaves.

GUy, you are confused, are you for capitalism or aren't you? Or are you only for government intervening when it benefits you?

Again, if you have failed so badly at being a professional that your job is threatened by an undocumented immigrant with no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English Language, then you really are a 'Broke Loser". but that's on you, not them.

I've told you many times before bud...My 'job' requires intelligence, people and communication skills, cash flow, articulation of the english language, the ability to problem solve...I can't smell like a cross between Modello, Tapatio and asshole....Wetbacks are not a threat to my profession....See, unlike you unAmerican pieces of shit, I see beyond my household, I look out for my fellow REAL wouldn't understand as you post from your cardboard box in Tijuana.

I have worked with people from everywhere, and never found there to be any significant difference in skill levels.
Immigrants can easily do your job as well as you, if they get the proper training.
And the US is based on immigration.
There is no one here who is not an immigrant of the descendant of an immigrant.
In fact, the most important advantage of the US is that it exposes people to more different cultures, so that we can pick and choose what we like, instead of having customs and rituals forced upon us by tradition.

I don't have the energy to dig too deep on this but you're either super confused, stupid or flat out lying to yourself if you honestly believe that bullshit...There is a ton of data out there that proves everything you said as total bullshit.
In Britain you have the option to buttress UH with a private plan and many there are very unhappy with the UH system. They are also much smaller than the US in terms of population and they don’t have the law that if you’re born there to illegals you automatically become a citizen. I am sure you don’t want to go there. And malpractice insurance is sky high and impacts many MDs. In Britain it costs a lot less to become a doctor as well. I am Sure you don’t want to discuss that either.

I'm all for making it cheaper to become a doctor. We should provide scholarships to promising medical students.

Only 11% of Britons have supplemental health insurance.

England : International Health Care System Profiles

British people are happier with their health care system than we are with ours.

They do?

f we change the 14th Amendment, improve our immigration laws and deport the majority of the illegals here, give doctors a 10% tax rate for their first 30 years of practice I would support UH. Otherwise it would never work here due to costs and likely doctor shortages.
Hussien promised that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. He promised us families would save 2.5K a year on healthcare insurance. He promised us great coverage with his plan and no more garbage policies. So what did we end up with?

Trump said he was going to get rid of Commie Care, and then replace it with something else. As I stated, a President can only give you what he promised with the cooperation of the majorities in Congress. He didn't have that, and since any government program would rely on tax money, you can't have two programs doing the same thing.

What Warren and Sander's are promising is unrealistic. It's unaffordable and would leave us as slaves to the government. I really don't think anybody has a reasonable solution to our problem.
I kept my doctor and insurance. So did over 98 percent of Americans

Trump stated before he was elected that he had a plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare. Turned out he had nothing and ordered Congress to come up with something and they failed miserably

Who told the bigger lie?
You are retired. You didn’t go on the ACA. 98%? Link it.

The fact insurance companies changed their policies so that you could not keep your old doctor, is not the fault of ACA.
What? Why are you responding to me? I never said I went on the ACA? You’re batshit crazy. Get lost.

I never said YOU went on ACA.
What I said is that ACA never caused anyone to lose their old doctor.
That was insurance companies, who deliberately made people lose their old doctor by trying to make more money from us.
ACA had nothing to do with it.
Did I? Link it! I never Said that you liar! Link it now. You fat idiot.
That sounds cool and all but then those pesky facts get in your way AGAIN...It looks like broke white trash are smoking weed and voting for free shit right along with you filthy
Just say it love your beaners because they'll work for a slave wage without complaining or expecting any conditions...they'll offer after hour blow-jobs if you promise they can keep their gig as shitter polisher...we get it bud, you love your pet humans / 21st century slaves.

GUy, you are confused, are you for capitalism or aren't you? Or are you only for government intervening when it benefits you?

Again, if you have failed so badly at being a professional that your job is threatened by an undocumented immigrant with no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English Language, then you really are a 'Broke Loser". but that's on you, not them.

I've told you many times before bud...My 'job' requires intelligence, people and communication skills, cash flow, articulation of the english language, the ability to problem solve...I can't smell like a cross between Modello, Tapatio and asshole....Wetbacks are not a threat to my profession....See, unlike you unAmerican pieces of shit, I see beyond my household, I look out for my fellow REAL wouldn't understand as you post from your cardboard box in Tijuana.

You do know that you are setting the GOP back many many years, don't you. In fact, if you set it back any further, you will have to change the name of your party to Democrats and you won't have to change your ideals. It's ain't 1859 anymore.

You haven't heard?
Trump, a game show host with no political experience, no track record....just won 30 states and 2,623 counties on one message...FUCK WETBACKS!
Did he set us back? Seems like we're moving forward at a rigorous
Look bud, face it...Good real Americans want their country back, they won't allow citizenships to be stolen any longer, they want another Operation Wetback rolled out...NOW!
Hussien promised that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. He promised us families would save 2.5K a year on healthcare insurance. He promised us great coverage with his plan and no more garbage policies. So what did we end up with?

Trump said he was going to get rid of Commie Care, and then replace it with something else. As I stated, a President can only give you what he promised with the cooperation of the majorities in Congress. He didn't have that, and since any government program would rely on tax money, you can't have two programs doing the same thing.

What Warren and Sander's are promising is unrealistic. It's unaffordable and would leave us as slaves to the government. I really don't think anybody has a reasonable solution to our problem.

What you are saying that we should just pack it in, quit, turn out the lights, it's hopeless.

I don't think it is because we can always come up with something better. But it's so complex that would be a hell of a challenge.

We've been doing it wrong all along. The first step is to lower the cost of healthcare, and then decide how we pay for it. But the costs are what needs to be addressed first, and thus far, nobody has been able to do that, not a President, not a House member, not a Senate member.

Okay, let's take it one piece at a time.

Lower the cost of healthcare. This is complicated. You have

You can't change the Hospitals but you can add neighborhood clinics that are public supported. The Clinics would charge according to the income of the patient. Yes, the clinic is going to need money from public taxes. But it gets the ball rolling. We aren't far away from that now. Preventive Medicine is the best investment we can have.

Support Equipment
This going to have to a government intervention. Sorry, Capitalists, this is one area where Capitalism has gotten way too greedy. But the Government doesn't actually do it themselves. They appoint civilian over see er groups appointed by the local government to be the watch dog. For the Federal, I am sure that a group of Doctors would volunteer to oversee such a program. Then the Suppliers would have to justify their costs to the panels.

Staff Support
Here we get creative. Doctors already moonlight. But if we use the VA method and don't allow them to then a Doctor can't get bloody assed rich like they can today. For instance, the VA pays between 129K and 139K for their Doctors and doesn't allow moonlighting. But across town at the local hospital they still pay between 129K and 139K annually but they allow moonlighting. That same doctor ends up making more than 500K a year. So the VA has a shortage of Doctors while the Hospital has more than enough. This applies to any Doctor that wants an office or affiliation with any given hospital. This does not affect the independent Specialists. If you can't live on 139K a year you just can't live. That's much more than almost all Business Owners make.

This is just the start. But you will notice that it takes community involvement. Instead of the HMOs and Insurance Companies calling all the shots, the Community and the Doctors start calling the shots.

Now, about "You get to keep your Doctor". You didn't leave your Doctor, he left you. he decided not to accept funds from the ACA and to keep accepting funds from only the Insurance Companies, Drug Companies and the HMOs because he got nice little "Gifts" from them. Under the ACA, there were no nice little "Gifts". I suggest you work towards getting rid of the Corruption that is rampant in our Health Care today.

Medical is like anything else. The better you are, the more wages you are worth. There are good doctors and not so good doctors. There are good hospitals and not so good hospitals. The best doctors make the best money like in any line of work. That's why the VA doesn't have very good physicians.

In your estimate what doctors make, you didn't consider their largest cost--malpractice insurance. Malpractice insurance can rage from 8K a year to over 200K a year, depending on what kind of medicine they practice and what areas they are practicing in. Malpractice is needed because we are a lawsuit happy country. The solution to that problem is what Britain does, and that is have a loser pays all law. Sue anybody you like, but if you lose, you are liable for all the costs associated with the person or company you tried to sue. That would reduce phony lawsuits by the billions in this country, and certainly would help in the healthcare field.

Next is administration costs. If you read any articles from CEO"s of hospitals and insurance companies, you'd discover that administration fees are very costly. A person goes to the doctor for 80 or 100 bucks. That gets billed to your insurance, and they run back and forth with the provider to come to a settlement, and it costs them a small fortune which is paid for by the premiums we pay.

A mandatory medical savings account would reduce those costs for both provider and insurance company. A 1% deduction from your gross pay that goes into an MSA. When you see a doctor or visit an ER, you swipe your MSA card and the bill is paid.

There are just so many ways to reduce medial costs without sacrificing the great quality of medical care we currently have.

Medical savings accounts do not at all work.
That is because the amount you would have to save in order to be able to pay for any possible risk is far too large.
The only way to pay for health care is by pooling risk.
Everyone has to contribute, even though almost no one will ever need any significant pay out.
And the problem then is that whomever runs the pool has to make the payout, not you.
So then there is a problem controlling costs and quality of those medical providers billing the pool.

Private, for profit, insurance companies have proven to be horrible at this because they have no incentive to keep costs down or quality up.
And they do not allow you to control quality or costs either, because you alreadly prepaid.
Prepaying anything is always a horrific idea, and is always essentially a scam.

So the ONLY alternative that has ever worked is public health care.
That is because the large staff of a government run system can ensure both quality and costs.
And while the VA does not pay as much so has worse providers, they still are an example of a system that works.
The VA still does provide much better health care at much lower costs.
That is because you get seen by a number of doctors instead of just one, so any deficiencies in any one doctor can be taken care of by another.
It clearly works, and if everyone would have VA hospital access, clearly health care in the US would be much better and much less expensive.

Then I would assume you have very little experience with the VA. My father uses the VA for some things like prescriptions because it's much cheaper, but he goes to the Cleveland Clinic for anything serious. He never spent one day in a VA hospital even with as many medical problems as he's had. The VA was the primary customer for one of my employers. We lost them because the guy in charge of the VA was on the take--one of them the company I worked for. So I lost a job because of all the VA corruption.

If you work for a company where you gross 700.00 a week, that's seven dollars into your MSA every week. If you start off young, it's likely you won't touch that account for many years down the road. It would get some interest as that time went on as well. I'm not saying it would cover all of your medical needs. What I'm saying is that these providers and insurance companies lose money on all these nickel and dime transactions. It's better off paid directly to the provider to avoid all that paperwork. When insurance and providers save money, so does their client.

With government, you pay them money, and they keep it under a mattress until needed. Insurance companies invest the money you pay for your premium. The profits help offset some of the bills they have to pay. They also dedicate money towards locating fraud; something our government doesn't do. It's way more efficient than government.

When Commie Care was introduced, I was at the post office one day in a long line. The black lady in front of me said "This is ridiculous! We have all these people here, and only one postal worker behind the counter!!!" To that I said "Don't look now, but these are the same people that want to run our healthcare." Oh did she give me a dirty look.
What you are saying that we should just pack it in, quit, turn out the lights, it's hopeless.

I don't think it is because we can always come up with something better. But it's so complex that would be a hell of a challenge.

We've been doing it wrong all along. The first step is to lower the cost of healthcare, and then decide how we pay for it. But the costs are what needs to be addressed first, and thus far, nobody has been able to do that, not a President, not a House member, not a Senate member.

Okay, let's take it one piece at a time.

Lower the cost of healthcare. This is complicated. You have

You can't change the Hospitals but you can add neighborhood clinics that are public supported. The Clinics would charge according to the income of the patient. Yes, the clinic is going to need money from public taxes. But it gets the ball rolling. We aren't far away from that now. Preventive Medicine is the best investment we can have.

Support Equipment
This going to have to a government intervention. Sorry, Capitalists, this is one area where Capitalism has gotten way too greedy. But the Government doesn't actually do it themselves. They appoint civilian over see er groups appointed by the local government to be the watch dog. For the Federal, I am sure that a group of Doctors would volunteer to oversee such a program. Then the Suppliers would have to justify their costs to the panels.

Staff Support
Here we get creative. Doctors already moonlight. But if we use the VA method and don't allow them to then a Doctor can't get bloody assed rich like they can today. For instance, the VA pays between 129K and 139K for their Doctors and doesn't allow moonlighting. But across town at the local hospital they still pay between 129K and 139K annually but they allow moonlighting. That same doctor ends up making more than 500K a year. So the VA has a shortage of Doctors while the Hospital has more than enough. This applies to any Doctor that wants an office or affiliation with any given hospital. This does not affect the independent Specialists. If you can't live on 139K a year you just can't live. That's much more than almost all Business Owners make.

This is just the start. But you will notice that it takes community involvement. Instead of the HMOs and Insurance Companies calling all the shots, the Community and the Doctors start calling the shots.

Now, about "You get to keep your Doctor". You didn't leave your Doctor, he left you. he decided not to accept funds from the ACA and to keep accepting funds from only the Insurance Companies, Drug Companies and the HMOs because he got nice little "Gifts" from them. Under the ACA, there were no nice little "Gifts". I suggest you work towards getting rid of the Corruption that is rampant in our Health Care today.

Medical is like anything else. The better you are, the more wages you are worth. There are good doctors and not so good doctors. There are good hospitals and not so good hospitals. The best doctors make the best money like in any line of work. That's why the VA doesn't have very good physicians.

In your estimate what doctors make, you didn't consider their largest cost--malpractice insurance. Malpractice insurance can rage from 8K a year to over 200K a year, depending on what kind of medicine they practice and what areas they are practicing in. Malpractice is needed because we are a lawsuit happy country. The solution to that problem is what Britain does, and that is have a loser pays all law. Sue anybody you like, but if you lose, you are liable for all the costs associated with the person or company you tried to sue. That would reduce phony lawsuits by the billions in this country, and certainly would help in the healthcare field.

Next is administration costs. If you read any articles from CEO"s of hospitals and insurance companies, you'd discover that administration fees are very costly. A person goes to the doctor for 80 or 100 bucks. That gets billed to your insurance, and they run back and forth with the provider to come to a settlement, and it costs them a small fortune which is paid for by the premiums we pay.

A mandatory medical savings account would reduce those costs for both provider and insurance company. A 1% deduction from your gross pay that goes into an MSA. When you see a doctor or visit an ER, you swipe your MSA card and the bill is paid.

There are just so many ways to reduce medial costs without sacrificing the great quality of medical care we currently have.

Medical savings accounts do not at all work.
That is because the amount you would have to save in order to be able to pay for any possible risk is far too large.
The only way to pay for health care is by pooling risk.
Everyone has to contribute, even though almost no one will ever need any significant pay out.
And the problem then is that whomever runs the pool has to make the payout, not you.
So then there is a problem controlling costs and quality of those medical providers billing the pool.

Private, for profit, insurance companies have proven to be horrible at this because they have no incentive to keep costs down or quality up.
And they do not allow you to control quality or costs either, because you alreadly prepaid.
Prepaying anything is always a horrific idea, and is always essentially a scam.

So the ONLY alternative that has ever worked is public health care.
That is because the large staff of a government run system can ensure both quality and costs.
And while the VA does not pay as much so has worse providers, they still are an example of a system that works.
The VA still does provide much better health care at much lower costs.
That is because you get seen by a number of doctors instead of just one, so any deficiencies in any one doctor can be taken care of by another.
It clearly works, and if everyone would have VA hospital access, clearly health care in the US would be much better and much less expensive.

Then I would assume you have very little experience with the VA. My father uses the VA for some things like prescriptions because it's much cheaper, but he goes to the Cleveland Clinic for anything serious. He never spent one day in a VA hospital even with as many medical problems as he's had. The VA was the primary customer for one of my employers. We lost them because the guy in charge of the VA was on the take--one of them the company I worked for. So I lost a job because of all the VA corruption.

If you work for a company where you gross 700.00 a week, that's seven dollars into your MSA every week. If you start off young, it's likely you won't touch that account for many years down the road. It would get some interest as that time went on as well. I'm not saying it would cover all of your medical needs. What I'm saying is that these providers and insurance companies lose money on all these nickel and dime transactions. It's better off paid directly to the provider to avoid all that paperwork. When insurance and providers save money, so does their client.

With government, you pay them money, and they keep it under a mattress until needed. Insurance companies invest the money you pay for your premium. The profits help offset some of the bills they have to pay. They also dedicate money towards locating fraud; something our government doesn't do. It's way more efficient than government.

When Commie Care was introduced, I was at the post office one day in a long line. The black lady in front of me said "This is ridiculous! We have all these people here, and only one postal worker behind the counter!!!" To that I said "Don't look now, but these are the same people that want to run our healthcare." Oh did she give me a dirty look.
Rigby is a nut job. Don’t waste your time. He is one of those who believes Jews are responsible for 9/11.
In Britain you have the option to buttress UH with a private plan and many there are very unhappy with the UH system. They are also much smaller than the US in terms of population and they don’t have the law that if you’re born there to illegals you automatically become a citizen. I am sure you don’t want to go there. And malpractice insurance is sky high and impacts many MDs. In Britain it costs a lot less to become a doctor as well. I am Sure you don’t want to discuss that either.

I'm all for making it cheaper to become a doctor. We should provide scholarships to promising medical students.

Only 11% of Britons have supplemental health insurance.

England : International Health Care System Profiles

British people are happier with their health care system than we are with ours.


Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS
Hussien promised that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. He promised us families would save 2.5K a year on healthcare insurance. He promised us great coverage with his plan and no more garbage policies. So what did we end up with?

Trump said he was going to get rid of Commie Care, and then replace it with something else. As I stated, a President can only give you what he promised with the cooperation of the majorities in Congress. He didn't have that, and since any government program would rely on tax money, you can't have two programs doing the same thing.

What Warren and Sander's are promising is unrealistic. It's unaffordable and would leave us as slaves to the government. I really don't think anybody has a reasonable solution to our problem.

What you are saying that we should just pack it in, quit, turn out the lights, it's hopeless.

I don't think it is because we can always come up with something better. But it's so complex that would be a hell of a challenge.

We've been doing it wrong all along. The first step is to lower the cost of healthcare, and then decide how we pay for it. But the costs are what needs to be addressed first, and thus far, nobody has been able to do that, not a President, not a House member, not a Senate member.

Okay, let's take it one piece at a time.

Lower the cost of healthcare. This is complicated. You have

You can't change the Hospitals but you can add neighborhood clinics that are public supported. The Clinics would charge according to the income of the patient. Yes, the clinic is going to need money from public taxes. But it gets the ball rolling. We aren't far away from that now. Preventive Medicine is the best investment we can have.

Support Equipment
This going to have to a government intervention. Sorry, Capitalists, this is one area where Capitalism has gotten way too greedy. But the Government doesn't actually do it themselves. They appoint civilian over see er groups appointed by the local government to be the watch dog. For the Federal, I am sure that a group of Doctors would volunteer to oversee such a program. Then the Suppliers would have to justify their costs to the panels.

Staff Support
Here we get creative. Doctors already moonlight. But if we use the VA method and don't allow them to then a Doctor can't get bloody assed rich like they can today. For instance, the VA pays between 129K and 139K for their Doctors and doesn't allow moonlighting. But across town at the local hospital they still pay between 129K and 139K annually but they allow moonlighting. That same doctor ends up making more than 500K a year. So the VA has a shortage of Doctors while the Hospital has more than enough. This applies to any Doctor that wants an office or affiliation with any given hospital. This does not affect the independent Specialists. If you can't live on 139K a year you just can't live. That's much more than almost all Business Owners make.

This is just the start. But you will notice that it takes community involvement. Instead of the HMOs and Insurance Companies calling all the shots, the Community and the Doctors start calling the shots.

Now, about "You get to keep your Doctor". You didn't leave your Doctor, he left you. he decided not to accept funds from the ACA and to keep accepting funds from only the Insurance Companies, Drug Companies and the HMOs because he got nice little "Gifts" from them. Under the ACA, there were no nice little "Gifts". I suggest you work towards getting rid of the Corruption that is rampant in our Health Care today.

Medical is like anything else. The better you are, the more wages you are worth. There are good doctors and not so good doctors. There are good hospitals and not so good hospitals. The best doctors make the best money like in any line of work. That's why the VA doesn't have very good physicians.

In your estimate what doctors make, you didn't consider their largest cost--malpractice insurance. Malpractice insurance can rage from 8K a year to over 200K a year, depending on what kind of medicine they practice and what areas they are practicing in. Malpractice is needed because we are a lawsuit happy country. The solution to that problem is what Britain does, and that is have a loser pays all law. Sue anybody you like, but if you lose, you are liable for all the costs associated with the person or company you tried to sue. That would reduce phony lawsuits by the billions in this country, and certainly would help in the healthcare field.

Next is administration costs. If you read any articles from CEO"s of hospitals and insurance companies, you'd discover that administration fees are very costly. A person goes to the doctor for 80 or 100 bucks. That gets billed to your insurance, and they run back and forth with the provider to come to a settlement, and it costs them a small fortune which is paid for by the premiums we pay.

A mandatory medical savings account would reduce those costs for both provider and insurance company. A 1% deduction from your gross pay that goes into an MSA. When you see a doctor or visit an ER, you swipe your MSA card and the bill is paid.

There are just so many ways to reduce medial costs without sacrificing the great quality of medical care we currently have.

First one: The VA has just as good of Doctors. They stay not because they can't go to work for a civilian hospital, they primarily do it out of duty. Most are Vets themselves. The Cost isn't the factor they stay or their inability to find higher paying positions. Besides, a normal VA Doctor gets more time on the Golf Course so it ain't all bad.

The rest of what you are saying I agree with. Just be careful, you MSA has to be administered by someone whether it's a hospital or government. You certainly don't want a HMO or Insurance company administering it because that's what we have today. You MSA is the first step in getting RID of the HMO and the Insurance Company and they know it. There are going to invest billions to prevent that and they are going to win. They don't actually have to win. They just have to keep it the same mess it already is.

It would go to a private market, it's just that government would mandate it. Nobody has proposed MSA"s before, at least not seriously, so it won't be stopped by anybody if introduced.
Wow, you buy into all the right wing lies.

First, malpractice is only a SMALL slice of medical costs. In fact, total costs of malpractice expenses, including both insurance and "preventive medicine" (I.E. taking the extra step so you don't cut off the wrong fucking leg) is all of 55 Billion a year out of a 3 Trillion Health Care industry, or about 2.4%. Taking away people's right to seek redress against medical incompetence (96,000 Americans a year die from medical mistakes, you think they are all faking it?)

Britian also has universal health care.. I'm sure you don't want to go there.

The True Cost Of Medical Malpractice - It May Surprise You

And in your article, they state it was written by people at Harvard, a very left wing institute who I'm sure is behind socialized medical care.

Defensive medicine is a very large contributor to the rise of healthcare costs in the United States. cites surveys that estimate defensive medicine adds costs of up to $850 billion annually in the United States. It may contribute as much as 34% of the annual healthcare costs in the United States.

Defensive Medicine and How It Affects Healthcare Costs

  • Medical malpractice insurance varies greatly based on location and specialty. Insurance premiums for obstetricians/gynecologists in New York were as high as $215,000 in 2017 while in California they were just under $50,000.
  • Male physicians are also more likely to be sued than female doctors. About 40 percent of male doctors have been sued during their careers while almost 23 percent of female doctors have been sued. Just over 20 percent of male doctors had more than one suit filed against them while just under 10 percent of female doctors were sued more than once.
Coverage can also affect medical malpractice insurance premiums. Doctors who want more coverage for multiple practices will pay more, as will physicians who need coverage across state lines. The malpractice insurance cost by specialty will also vary. Some specialties, such as orthopedic surgeries, are considered higher risk for insurance carriers, and premiums will reflect this.

How Much Does Medical Malpractice Insurance Cost?

Again, quality for SOME people, not everyone, and that's the problem. I've got mine fuck you might work for your house or car, but it shouldn't work for our health care.
If we change the 14th Amendment, improve our immigration laws and deport the majority of the illegals here, give doctors a 10% tax rate for their first 30 years of practice I would support UH. Otherwise it would never work here due to costs and likely doctor shortages.

Doctor shortages aren't the problem. There will be just as many people getting sick and needing medical attention with or without UH, dummy. It's just with UH, they show up at a cost-effective clinic instead of an overpriced emergency room.

Illegals aren't the problem, except in your head, and somewhere in Hell, Dr. Goebbels is reading your shit and having a good laugh.
If we change the 14th Amendment, improve our immigration laws and deport the majority of the illegals here, give doctors a 10% tax rate for their first 30 years of practice I would support UH. Otherwise it would never work here due to costs and likely doctor shortages.

Doctor shortages aren't the problem. There will be just as many people getting sick and needing medical attention with or without UH, dummy. It's just with UH, they show up at a cost-effective clinic instead of an overpriced emergency room.

Illegals aren't the problem, except in your head, and somewhere in Hell, Dr. Goebbels is reading your shit and having a good laugh.

You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.
If we change the 14th Amendment, improve our immigration laws and deport the majority of the illegals here, give doctors a 10% tax rate for their first 30 years of practice I would support UH. Otherwise it would never work here due to costs and likely doctor shortages.

Doctor shortages aren't the problem. There will be just as many people getting sick and needing medical attention with or without UH, dummy. It's just with UH, they show up at a cost-effective clinic instead of an overpriced emergency room.

Illegals aren't the problem, except in your head, and somewhere in Hell, Dr. Goebbels is reading your shit and having a good laugh.

You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.

One of the few reasons to become a doctor is the money. Where I get treatment, there are just as many foreign doctors as there are Americans. They either come here after their education, or are educated here and decide it's not worth going back home for a fraction of the money.

Years ago when I was in medical, there was a UPS strike going on. Our pharmacist was pissed off beyond belief because she found out the senior drivers at UPS were making 52K a year, and the average pharmacist doing about 60K a year. With these union jobs around in the early 80's, people stopped getting into the medical field. Why spend years of school and even more years paying the loans off if you can graduate high school, and work at UPS, FedEx, the steel mills, or an auto plant for nearly the same wages?

The only way to attract people to those professions was money. So eventually they had to make more and more, and up went our healthcare costs. Today a pharmacist is doing about 120K a year.
Found this today. It's an ICE report from 2018.

More than a quarter of a million people illegally present in the United States were removed from the country in fiscal year 2018, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Approximately half of the 158,000 people arrested by ICE — 80,730 — had been charged or convicted of driving under the influence, according to the agency's annual report.

The second-highest category for arrests was for crimes related to "dangerous drugs," followed by traffic offenses.

ICE arrested more than 80,000 illegal immigrants in 2018 with DUI charges, convictions

Come on, what's the problem with giving illegals drivers licenses? What could go wrong?
No one says you get a second term and if you plan on living up to your word, you honor our word. Trump has not.

So what has Trump not honored that he was in total control of? A President or contender for President can only promise what they would like to do. But they can only do what's in their power. We have a complicated process for this. So for a President to keep his promise, he not only has to have the entire Congress behind him, but he must also have the cooperation of the courts, which as we have witnessed, Trump didn't have.

He never presented this great health care plan he had ready to go and that he said everyone was going to love.

It's entirely up to the president to decide to end the wars like he promised. While he can not get his budget passed on his own not a single one is balanced like he promised. Should I continue? No, you'll just be dishonest about it all.

Hussien promised that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. He promised us families would save 2.5K a year on healthcare insurance. He promised us great coverage with his plan and no more garbage policies. So what did we end up with?

Trump said he was going to get rid of Commie Care, and then replace it with something else. As I stated, a President can only give you what he promised with the cooperation of the majorities in Congress. He didn't have that, and since any government program would rely on tax money, you can't have two programs doing the same thing.

What Warren and Sander's are promising is unrealistic. It's unaffordable and would leave us as slaves to the government. I really don't think anybody has a reasonable solution to our problem.
I kept my doctor and insurance. So did over 98 percent of Americans

Trump stated before he was elected that he had a plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare. Turned out he had nothing and ordered Congress to come up with something and they failed miserably

Who told the bigger lie?

They both told a lie. And no, 98% of the people didn't keep their doctor or hospital. Trump stated that Commie Care had to be gone first before we can do anything. So he was more truthful than Hussein because he couldn't get rid of it.
Actually, it is more like 99 percent kept their insurance

Trump said he had a healthcare plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare.....he lied, he had no idea what a healthcare plan was

He also said he would repeal and replace. He had no replacement
Trump, a game show host with no political experience, no track record....just won 30 states and 2,623 counties on one message...FUCK WETBACKS!
Stupid, cultish nonsense. Trump won because of religious nutballs on the abortion war path.

That and 95% of racist blacks couldn’t vote on skin color like they did when the Magic Negro ran.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It raises the status of illegals closer to that of citizens.

No it doesn’t

It just shows they have the skills and training to drive a car.
They are horrible drivers.

So are white teenage boys but they still get licenses.
Yes, but they can read in English all the signs on the road, and they know what the signs mean.
So what has Trump not honored that he was in total control of? A President or contender for President can only promise what they would like to do. But they can only do what's in their power. We have a complicated process for this. So for a President to keep his promise, he not only has to have the entire Congress behind him, but he must also have the cooperation of the courts, which as we have witnessed, Trump didn't have.

He never presented this great health care plan he had ready to go and that he said everyone was going to love.

It's entirely up to the president to decide to end the wars like he promised. While he can not get his budget passed on his own not a single one is balanced like he promised. Should I continue? No, you'll just be dishonest about it all.

Hussien promised that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. He promised us families would save 2.5K a year on healthcare insurance. He promised us great coverage with his plan and no more garbage policies. So what did we end up with?

Trump said he was going to get rid of Commie Care, and then replace it with something else. As I stated, a President can only give you what he promised with the cooperation of the majorities in Congress. He didn't have that, and since any government program would rely on tax money, you can't have two programs doing the same thing.

What Warren and Sander's are promising is unrealistic. It's unaffordable and would leave us as slaves to the government. I really don't think anybody has a reasonable solution to our problem.
I kept my doctor and insurance. So did over 98 percent of Americans

Trump stated before he was elected that he had a plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare. Turned out he had nothing and ordered Congress to come up with something and they failed miserably

Who told the bigger lie?

They both told a lie. And no, 98% of the people didn't keep their doctor or hospital. Trump stated that Commie Care had to be gone first before we can do anything. So he was more truthful than Hussein because he couldn't get rid of it.
Actually, it is more like 99 percent kept their insurance

Trump said he had a healthcare plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare.....he lied, he had no idea what a healthcare plan was

He also said he would repeal and replace. He had no replacement

Repeal comes before replacement. Please post a credible link to your claim that 99% kept their healthcare. Most people get their plans through their employers, and like my employer, a lot of them dropped that coverage.

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady

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