Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.

Not impressed. The republicans are doing like they did with Obamacare. They are only putting the bill foward because they know it will die. Watch them get the majority back in the house and do nothing just like they always do.

I don't know about "always do" but I do share your concern. It's my hope that the Republican party seen the backlash against the establishment by electing Trump. This measure is something I support (and I'm sure most conservatives do). Given the fact that the Democrats are most likely not gong to sign on to this, we will see what happens if the Republicans get leadership of the House as well.

If they squander the opportunity again I'll never vote for another republican again.

You only have two choices that count, Republican or Democrat. Voting anybody else is just throwing your vote in the garbage can. I don't like some of the things Republicans have done either, but I'm not about to cut off my nose to spite my face.
If somebody is going to break into your home, you don't make them a fresh pot of coffee. They didn't come for your coffee, but it sure is nice to have a cup after they rob you.

The country isn't your house. It's probably more along the lines that someone invited them into the country. To use your house analogy, it's like that awful Comcast commerical where the boyfriend climbs up the teen girl's window, and Dad figures out here's there because his phone joined their network at 9 AM. "You must be Steven's Phone". "You must be Class Slut's Dad!"

The point is, the reason why we have undocumented immigrants is because there's work Americans don't want to do. Now that you can't drive a truck anymore, you certainly aren't going to go out and pick lettuce or clean toilets, are you?

I seriously doubt most businesses deal with hiring illegals. They come here for all kinds of reasons, one of them to drop anchor babies. But the left is against stopping that, the left is against the feds hauling them off to deportation, the left is against making their stay here as uncomfortable as they can, just focus on businesses because the left has hated businesses since they were born.

Um, yeah. Because they are the root of the problem. I worked at a company that was hiring undocumented workers through a "temp agency". We knew they were illegals, but no one complained, because no one really wanted to do the scrub work they were doing. We had the same few guys for years. When this company was bought out by a bigger company (after I left) they battened down on hiring illegals, all right. The only people they could find to do the scrub work were white meth heads who only lasted a few weeks, scared the hell out of the office ladies, and did shitty work.

We all look the other way when it's a bunch of day-laborers at the Home Depot, or when we see a park full of "Nannies" who don't have their papers taking care of the Rich People's spawn because they'd never hire you for that.

We have met the enemy, and he is us.
Like all LefTarded wetback lovers JoeB131 wouldn't offer coffee to the intruders nor would he ask them to stay....He just expects you and I to do it...He’s so fucking noble....he’s prepared to save the world while armed with OUR checkbooks. That’s how the severely LefTarded roll.

They're willing to work for their keep, unlike the white trash Trump Supporters who collect welfare in their trailer parks.
No one says you get a second term and if you plan on living up to your word, you honor our word. Trump has not.

So what has Trump not honored that he was in total control of? A President or contender for President can only promise what they would like to do. But they can only do what's in their power. We have a complicated process for this. So for a President to keep his promise, he not only has to have the entire Congress behind him, but he must also have the cooperation of the courts, which as we have witnessed, Trump didn't have.

He never presented this great health care plan he had ready to go and that he said everyone was going to love.

It's entirely up to the president to decide to end the wars like he promised. While he can not get his budget passed on his own not a single one is balanced like he promised. Should I continue? No, you'll just be dishonest about it all.

Hussien promised that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. He promised us families would save 2.5K a year on healthcare insurance. He promised us great coverage with his plan and no more garbage policies. So what did we end up with?

Trump said he was going to get rid of Commie Care, and then replace it with something else. As I stated, a President can only give you what he promised with the cooperation of the majorities in Congress. He didn't have that, and since any government program would rely on tax money, you can't have two programs doing the same thing.

What Warren and Sander's are promising is unrealistic. It's unaffordable and would leave us as slaves to the government. I really don't think anybody has a reasonable solution to our problem.
I kept my doctor and insurance. So did over 98 percent of Americans

Trump stated before he was elected that he had a plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare. Turned out he had nothing and ordered Congress to come up with something and they failed miserably

Who told the bigger lie?

They both told a lie. And no, 98% of the people didn't keep their doctor or hospital. Trump stated that Commie Care had to be gone first before we can do anything. So he was more truthful than Hussein because he couldn't get rid of it.

ACA did nothing to prevent anyone from keeping their own doctor they had in the past.
The only reason people were forced to change doctors is because insurance companies deliberately were trying to sabotage ACA, and it was insurance companies that forced people to change doctors, not ACA.
For example, they demanded people stay in a network of preferred providers listed by the insurance company.
That was to increase profits, not due to anything by ACA.

ACA is not at all commie care because it was still for profit, and had no price regulations on the insurance companies or the health care providers. It was still 3rd party payers, for profit, and with monopolies in tact.
Obviously the problem with ACA is that it did not break up the monolies or provide an alternative. Medicare for all is the only way to do that. There just is no way to provide reasonable health care on a profit making basis. Like the VA, we should hire the doctors and nurses directly. When you have private, for profit, layers like insurance companies, health care corporations, etc., they add nothing but costs.
No one says you get a second term and if you plan on living up to your word, you honor our word. Trump has not.

So what has Trump not honored that he was in total control of? A President or contender for President can only promise what they would like to do. But they can only do what's in their power. We have a complicated process for this. So for a President to keep his promise, he not only has to have the entire Congress behind him, but he must also have the cooperation of the courts, which as we have witnessed, Trump didn't have.

He never presented this great health care plan he had ready to go and that he said everyone was going to love.

It's entirely up to the president to decide to end the wars like he promised. While he can not get his budget passed on his own not a single one is balanced like he promised. Should I continue? No, you'll just be dishonest about it all.

Hussien promised that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. He promised us families would save 2.5K a year on healthcare insurance. He promised us great coverage with his plan and no more garbage policies. So what did we end up with?

Trump said he was going to get rid of Commie Care, and then replace it with something else. As I stated, a President can only give you what he promised with the cooperation of the majorities in Congress. He didn't have that, and since any government program would rely on tax money, you can't have two programs doing the same thing.

What Warren and Sander's are promising is unrealistic. It's unaffordable and would leave us as slaves to the government. I really don't think anybody has a reasonable solution to our problem.
I kept my doctor and insurance. So did over 98 percent of Americans

Trump stated before he was elected that he had a plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare. Turned out he had nothing and ordered Congress to come up with something and they failed miserably

Who told the bigger lie?
My son and daughter in law lost their insurance. They were forced into a shitstain obamacare package where they had to pay for childbirth, well baby care and lactation services. The new insurance cost more than their old and replaced the coverage they wanted with coverage they didn't want and would never need.

Not true.
While ACA is not good because it still is run through private insurance companies, it did not increase costs for anyone. If the employer portion was simply hidden before, that does not mean you actually were not paying more before ACA.
Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

Uh, Dummy. Nobody is coming here so they can drive. They are coming here for jobs.

It's estimated we have over 20 million illegals in this country. Do you think that all or most illegals have a job? People don't come here to drive, but it makes coming here much more attractive.

States issuing driver's licenses to undocumented is to our benefit, not theirs.
By reciprocity treaties, they can drive in the US under the license issued in Mexico, just like we can use a US license in Mexico.
The purpose of issuing a license to undocumented in the US is so that we can train and test them better.
And have an accurate address in case of any legal disputes.
A driver's license is not allowed to be used as an ID by any level of government, including federal.
And guess who pays for their insurance?

Once illegals have licenses they can buy insurance
Illegals don't bother with insurance.

Then they can’t register the vehicle or provide proof of insurance if stopped. Leaves them open to impounding the vehicle if stopped
I don't know about other states but california has not required proof of insurance for registration for years. We did at one time but it ended badly. Illegals would put $50.00 down as a binder and get the form to be filed with the registration. They never made another payment. The insurance was cancelled. The car was still registered. This led to a huge increase in fraudulent off shore insurance companies who never provided any real insurance. They were just selling the forms for $50.00 each. If you are stopped you must provide insurance or the cop will give you a ticket. Cars are no longer impounded unless your registration shows several tickets.

Illegals really don't concern themselves with impounding the car. If in an accident they will just run off anyway. The cars they drive have more value as scrap than as vehicles.
i had to show proof of ins.....
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Without Illegals, democrats would evaporate as a National Party

That is a silly claim because undocumented do not vote and do not even care about voting or the issues.
In general, their intent is to make some money they can send back, and then return themselves after awhile.
No one says you get a second term and if you plan on living up to your word, you honor our word. Trump has not.

So what has Trump not honored that he was in total control of? A President or contender for President can only promise what they would like to do. But they can only do what's in their power. We have a complicated process for this. So for a President to keep his promise, he not only has to have the entire Congress behind him, but he must also have the cooperation of the courts, which as we have witnessed, Trump didn't have.

He never presented this great health care plan he had ready to go and that he said everyone was going to love.

It's entirely up to the president to decide to end the wars like he promised. While he can not get his budget passed on his own not a single one is balanced like he promised. Should I continue? No, you'll just be dishonest about it all.

Hussien promised that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. He promised us families would save 2.5K a year on healthcare insurance. He promised us great coverage with his plan and no more garbage policies. So what did we end up with?

Trump said he was going to get rid of Commie Care, and then replace it with something else. As I stated, a President can only give you what he promised with the cooperation of the majorities in Congress. He didn't have that, and since any government program would rely on tax money, you can't have two programs doing the same thing.

What Warren and Sander's are promising is unrealistic. It's unaffordable and would leave us as slaves to the government. I really don't think anybody has a reasonable solution to our problem.

What you are saying that we should just pack it in, quit, turn out the lights, it's hopeless.

I don't think it is because we can always come up with something better. But it's so complex that would be a hell of a challenge.

We've been doing it wrong all along. The first step is to lower the cost of healthcare, and then decide how we pay for it. But the costs are what needs to be addressed first, and thus far, nobody has been able to do that, not a President, not a House member, not a Senate member.

Okay, let's take it one piece at a time.

Lower the cost of healthcare. This is complicated. You have

You can't change the Hospitals but you can add neighborhood clinics that are public supported. The Clinics would charge according to the income of the patient. Yes, the clinic is going to need money from public taxes. But it gets the ball rolling. We aren't far away from that now. Preventive Medicine is the best investment we can have.

Support Equipment
This going to have to a government intervention. Sorry, Capitalists, this is one area where Capitalism has gotten way too greedy. But the Government doesn't actually do it themselves. They appoint civilian over see er groups appointed by the local government to be the watch dog. For the Federal, I am sure that a group of Doctors would volunteer to oversee such a program. Then the Suppliers would have to justify their costs to the panels.

Staff Support
Here we get creative. Doctors already moonlight. But if we use the VA method and don't allow them to then a Doctor can't get bloody assed rich like they can today. For instance, the VA pays between 129K and 139K for their Doctors and doesn't allow moonlighting. But across town at the local hospital they still pay between 129K and 139K annually but they allow moonlighting. That same doctor ends up making more than 500K a year. So the VA has a shortage of Doctors while the Hospital has more than enough. This applies to any Doctor that wants an office or affiliation with any given hospital. This does not affect the independent Specialists. If you can't live on 139K a year you just can't live. That's much more than almost all Business Owners make.

This is just the start. But you will notice that it takes community involvement. Instead of the HMOs and Insurance Companies calling all the shots, the Community and the Doctors start calling the shots.

Now, about "You get to keep your Doctor". You didn't leave your Doctor, he left you. he decided not to accept funds from the ACA and to keep accepting funds from only the Insurance Companies, Drug Companies and the HMOs because he got nice little "Gifts" from them. Under the ACA, there were no nice little "Gifts". I suggest you work towards getting rid of the Corruption that is rampant in our Health Care today.
The point is, the reason why we have undocumented immigrants is because there's work Americans don't want to do. Now that you can't drive a truck anymore, you certainly aren't going to go out and pick lettuce or clean toilets, are you?

I never picked lettuce, but yes, I worked for a cleaning company, and I scrubbed plenty of toilets when I was younger. No big deal. I couldn't do that kind of work now because of medical problems, but when I could, I had no problem with that.

I'm the son of a bricklayer. I worked with my father nearly all of my teen years. Being a laborer made cleaning toilets a walk in the park. You were exhausted by the end of the day, sand and cement in your hair and all over your clothing. So tired you couldn't even stay up to watch a television show.

That's besides the fact we allow people to come here and work legally, but we can't let everybody in. You leftists want us to believe it would be the end of the world without foreigners. Don't worry about that. We'll survive. You are a self-hating white. The worst thing in the world for minorities are these foreigners coming here and taking jobs they could have. It lowers their wages as well.

Um, yeah. Because they are the root of the problem. I worked at a company that was hiring undocumented workers through a "temp agency". We knew they were illegals, but no one complained, because no one really wanted to do the scrub work they were doing. We had the same few guys for years. When this company was bought out by a bigger company (after I left) they battened down on hiring illegals, all right. The only people they could find to do the scrub work were white meth heads who only lasted a few weeks, scared the hell out of the office ladies, and did shitty work.

We all look the other way when it's a bunch of day-laborers at the Home Depot, or when we see a park full of "Nannies" who don't have their papers taking care of the Rich People's spawn because they'd never hire you for that.

We have met the enemy, and he is us.

No, you assumed they were illegal. Unless you actually checked them out yourself, you had no idea if they were documented or not. You just see foreigners and stereotype them. When business can't find Americans to do the work, they increase their pay offer if not for illegals. That's what naturally increases our wages without unions or government demands. However they have no need to increase their pay if they can find somebody to come in and cheat the system. It's bad enough that they do that, but now the commies are giving them drivers licenses so it will be even easier to get a job illegally.
Like all LefTarded wetback lovers JoeB131 wouldn't offer coffee to the intruders nor would he ask them to stay....He just expects you and I to do it...He’s so fucking noble....he’s prepared to save the world while armed with OUR checkbooks. That’s how the severely LefTarded roll.

They're willing to work for their keep, unlike the white trash Trump Supporters who collect welfare in their trailer parks.

That sounds cool and all but then those pesky facts get in your way AGAIN...It looks like broke white trash are smoking weed and voting for free shit right along with you filthy
Just say it love your beaners because they'll work for a slave wage without complaining or expecting any conditions...they'll offer after hour blow-jobs if you promise they can keep their gig as shitter polisher...we get it bud, you love your pet humans / 21st century slaves.
Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

Uh, Dummy. Nobody is coming here so they can drive. They are coming here for jobs.

It's estimated we have over 20 million illegals in this country. Do you think that all or most illegals have a job? People don't come here to drive, but it makes coming here much more attractive.

States issuing driver's licenses to undocumented is to our benefit, not theirs.
By reciprocity treaties, they can drive in the US under the license issued in Mexico, just like we can use a US license in Mexico.
The purpose of issuing a license to undocumented in the US is so that we can train and test them better.
And have an accurate address in case of any legal disputes.
A driver's license is not allowed to be used as an ID by any level of government, including federal.
States issuing driver's licenses has nothing to do with recognizing a valid driver's license issued by another country.
No one says you get a second term and if you plan on living up to your word, you honor our word. Trump has not.

So what has Trump not honored that he was in total control of? A President or contender for President can only promise what they would like to do. But they can only do what's in their power. We have a complicated process for this. So for a President to keep his promise, he not only has to have the entire Congress behind him, but he must also have the cooperation of the courts, which as we have witnessed, Trump didn't have.

He never presented this great health care plan he had ready to go and that he said everyone was going to love.

It's entirely up to the president to decide to end the wars like he promised. While he can not get his budget passed on his own not a single one is balanced like he promised. Should I continue? No, you'll just be dishonest about it all.

Hussien promised that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. He promised us families would save 2.5K a year on healthcare insurance. He promised us great coverage with his plan and no more garbage policies. So what did we end up with?

Trump said he was going to get rid of Commie Care, and then replace it with something else. As I stated, a President can only give you what he promised with the cooperation of the majorities in Congress. He didn't have that, and since any government program would rely on tax money, you can't have two programs doing the same thing.

What Warren and Sander's are promising is unrealistic. It's unaffordable and would leave us as slaves to the government. I really don't think anybody has a reasonable solution to our problem.
I kept my doctor and insurance. So did over 98 percent of Americans

Trump stated before he was elected that he had a plan that was better and cheaper than Obamacare. Turned out he had nothing and ordered Congress to come up with something and they failed miserably

Who told the bigger lie?
My son and daughter in law lost their insurance. They were forced into a shitstain obamacare package where they had to pay for childbirth, well baby care and lactation services. The new insurance cost more than their old and replaced the coverage they wanted with coverage they didn't want and would never need.

We all know and knew that the ACA was not finished. And it was stopped long before it became useful. Congress could have expanded on it and everyone could have gotten what they wanted at an affordable cost. But no, let the games begin. Instead, everyone just fights and fights and gains nothing. In fact, the ACA gets hurt on almost a daily basis. And the ones hurting it the worst all say, "Reelect me and I have a Replacement that is Better". That ship has already sailed. Even the Supreme Court sees that.

We either need to fix ACA or actually have a 100% replacement plan before we scrap it. That's the rules. Stop fighting it. Start demanding that your Representatives actually come up with this Mysterious Plan they keep promising or get ones in office that can fix it. You already know our Health Care is broken in so many different ways. No more empty promises. It just hurts us even more and the costs still keep rising.
Have never heard of a state that does not mandate car insurance, although mandating private, for profit, insurance it against basic legal principles of a democratic republic.
It basically mandates a monopoly.
I never picked lettuce, but yes, I worked for a cleaning company, and I scrubbed plenty of toilets when I was younger. No big deal. I couldn't do that kind of work now because of medical problems, but when I could, I had no problem with that.

But that's the point, you won't do it now.

That's besides the fact we allow people to come here and work legally, but we can't let everybody in. You leftists want us to believe it would be the end of the world without foreigners. Don't worry about that. We'll survive. You are a self-hating white. The worst thing in the world for minorities are these foreigners coming here and taking jobs they could have. It lowers their wages as well.

Minorities don't want to do those jobs, either. The reality is, we have a labor shortage. There aren't enough kids graduating right now to replace the 360,000 baby boomers who retire every month. So, yeah, we kind of need immigrant labor.

Ironically, white people have demographically killed themselves. They stopped having babies to pursue wealth... and now they are heading towards being a minority. You did this to yourselves..

No, you assumed they were illegal. Unless you actually checked them out yourself, you had no idea if they were documented or not. You just see foreigners and stereotype them. When business can't find Americans to do the work, they increase their pay offer if not for illegals. That's what naturally increases our wages without unions or government demands. However they have no need to increase their pay if they can find somebody to come in and cheat the system. It's bad enough that they do that, but now the commies are giving them drivers licenses so it will be even easier to get a job illegally.

Again, guy, when the new company came in and insisted everyone had to have their papers, all the foreigners disappeared and all they sent were white methheads... I'm sure they increased pay to get them... for the week and a half they they stayed, anyway. It was a sweet scam. The company could rightfully claim they were "contracting" the work, they had no idea if these folks were legal or not, but we all knew they weren't.
So what has Trump not honored that he was in total control of? A President or contender for President can only promise what they would like to do. But they can only do what's in their power. We have a complicated process for this. So for a President to keep his promise, he not only has to have the entire Congress behind him, but he must also have the cooperation of the courts, which as we have witnessed, Trump didn't have.

He never presented this great health care plan he had ready to go and that he said everyone was going to love.

It's entirely up to the president to decide to end the wars like he promised. While he can not get his budget passed on his own not a single one is balanced like he promised. Should I continue? No, you'll just be dishonest about it all.

Hussien promised that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. He promised us families would save 2.5K a year on healthcare insurance. He promised us great coverage with his plan and no more garbage policies. So what did we end up with?

Trump said he was going to get rid of Commie Care, and then replace it with something else. As I stated, a President can only give you what he promised with the cooperation of the majorities in Congress. He didn't have that, and since any government program would rely on tax money, you can't have two programs doing the same thing.

What Warren and Sander's are promising is unrealistic. It's unaffordable and would leave us as slaves to the government. I really don't think anybody has a reasonable solution to our problem.

What you are saying that we should just pack it in, quit, turn out the lights, it's hopeless.

I don't think it is because we can always come up with something better. But it's so complex that would be a hell of a challenge.

We've been doing it wrong all along. The first step is to lower the cost of healthcare, and then decide how we pay for it. But the costs are what needs to be addressed first, and thus far, nobody has been able to do that, not a President, not a House member, not a Senate member.

Okay, let's take it one piece at a time.

Lower the cost of healthcare. This is complicated. You have

You can't change the Hospitals but you can add neighborhood clinics that are public supported. The Clinics would charge according to the income of the patient. Yes, the clinic is going to need money from public taxes. But it gets the ball rolling. We aren't far away from that now. Preventive Medicine is the best investment we can have.

Support Equipment
This going to have to a government intervention. Sorry, Capitalists, this is one area where Capitalism has gotten way too greedy. But the Government doesn't actually do it themselves. They appoint civilian over see er groups appointed by the local government to be the watch dog. For the Federal, I am sure that a group of Doctors would volunteer to oversee such a program. Then the Suppliers would have to justify their costs to the panels.

Staff Support
Here we get creative. Doctors already moonlight. But if we use the VA method and don't allow them to then a Doctor can't get bloody assed rich like they can today. For instance, the VA pays between 129K and 139K for their Doctors and doesn't allow moonlighting. But across town at the local hospital they still pay between 129K and 139K annually but they allow moonlighting. That same doctor ends up making more than 500K a year. So the VA has a shortage of Doctors while the Hospital has more than enough. This applies to any Doctor that wants an office or affiliation with any given hospital. This does not affect the independent Specialists. If you can't live on 139K a year you just can't live. That's much more than almost all Business Owners make.

This is just the start. But you will notice that it takes community involvement. Instead of the HMOs and Insurance Companies calling all the shots, the Community and the Doctors start calling the shots.

Now, about "You get to keep your Doctor". You didn't leave your Doctor, he left you. he decided not to accept funds from the ACA and to keep accepting funds from only the Insurance Companies, Drug Companies and the HMOs because he got nice little "Gifts" from them. Under the ACA, there were no nice little "Gifts". I suggest you work towards getting rid of the Corruption that is rampant in our Health Care today.

Medical is like anything else. The better you are, the more wages you are worth. There are good doctors and not so good doctors. There are good hospitals and not so good hospitals. The best doctors make the best money like in any line of work. That's why the VA doesn't have very good physicians.

In your estimate what doctors make, you didn't consider their largest cost--malpractice insurance. Malpractice insurance can rage from 8K a year to over 200K a year, depending on what kind of medicine they practice and what areas they are practicing in. Malpractice is needed because we are a lawsuit happy country. The solution to that problem is what Britain does, and that is have a loser pays all law. Sue anybody you like, but if you lose, you are liable for all the costs associated with the person or company you tried to sue. That would reduce phony lawsuits by the billions in this country, and certainly would help in the healthcare field.

Next is administration costs. If you read any articles from CEO"s of hospitals and insurance companies, you'd discover that administration fees are very costly. A person goes to the doctor for 80 or 100 bucks. That gets billed to your insurance, and they run back and forth with the provider to come to a settlement, and it costs them a small fortune which is paid for by the premiums we pay.

A mandatory medical savings account would reduce those costs for both provider and insurance company. A 1% deduction from your gross pay that goes into an MSA. When you see a doctor or visit an ER, you swipe your MSA card and the bill is paid.

There are just so many ways to reduce medial costs without sacrificing the great quality of medical care we currently have.
Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

Uh, Dummy. Nobody is coming here so they can drive. They are coming here for jobs.

It's estimated we have over 20 million illegals in this country. Do you think that all or most illegals have a job? People don't come here to drive, but it makes coming here much more attractive.

States issuing driver's licenses to undocumented is to our benefit, not theirs.
By reciprocity treaties, they can drive in the US under the license issued in Mexico, just like we can use a US license in Mexico.
The purpose of issuing a license to undocumented in the US is so that we can train and test them better.
And have an accurate address in case of any legal disputes.
A driver's license is not allowed to be used as an ID by any level of government, including federal.
States issuing driver's licenses has nothing to do with recognizing a valid driver's license issued by another country.

That's the whole point.
States issuing driver's licenses harms no one because all it does is ensure knowlege of local traffic laws, and a valid address if there is any accident litigation.
If states do not issue to undocumented, that does not reduce their driving in the US, just makes them worse drivers.
That sounds cool and all but then those pesky facts get in your way AGAIN...It looks like broke white trash are smoking weed and voting for free shit right along with you filthy
Just say it love your beaners because they'll work for a slave wage without complaining or expecting any conditions...they'll offer after hour blow-jobs if you promise they can keep their gig as shitter polisher...we get it bud, you love your pet humans / 21st century slaves.

GUy, you are confused, are you for capitalism or aren't you? Or are you only for government intervening when it benefits you?

Again, if you have failed so badly at being a professional that your job is threatened by an undocumented immigrant with no money, no connections and a limited grasp on the English Language, then you really are a 'Broke Loser". but that's on you, not them.
Most voters are not super educated when it comes to international policy, economy, military, etc. If they were, Bernie Sanders would not be a front runner. You seem like a logical and educated person. I do not see you voting for a Socialist.

Why not? You are.


Bail outs are socialism. Tariffs are socialism and most importantly the pumping of billions by the Fed is socialism. All things Trump does and supports.
To me nationalizing companies and taxing people at 90% is Socialism. The bail outs were repaid with interest, QE is not Socialism, all things Trump supports is Capitalism.

The bail outs was not paid back. You were screwed over by the very people you continue to defend.

The banks got Tarp and then they got Harp. Harp was supposed to go to homeowners. It did not. It went to "pay back" Tarp.
Yes they were. LOL. With interest. 100% paid back. I was Never screwed over.

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