Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

I understand why people voted for Trump and Obama the first time. What I do not understand is voting for them again after knowing what they told you was so full of lies.
Because Romney was an awful candidate and the economy is very strong under trump sans the deficit.

If it was the Fed wouldn't still be pumping billions but all the same, you are saying politics are more important to you than this issue so why should I or others care?
The problem is entitlements. Hopefully if Trump wins he attacks them in his 2nd term and we stop running a deficit.

He promised it in his first. He's done nothing.
No. He actually did not. The alternative is unthinkable with Bernie

Sorry, it's hard to keep track of what he says as it changes so often. He said it would be "quickly". As noted, we are going in the opposite direction.

Trump-O-Meter: | PolitiFact
Because Romney was an awful candidate and the economy is very strong under trump sans the deficit.

If it was the Fed wouldn't still be pumping billions but all the same, you are saying politics are more important to you than this issue so why should I or others care?
The problem is entitlements. Hopefully if Trump wins he attacks them in his 2nd term and we stop running a deficit.

He promised it in his first. He's done nothing.
No. He actually did not. The alternative is unthinkable with Bernie

Sorry, it's hard to keep track of what he says as it changes so often. He said it would be "quickly". As noted, we are going in the opposite direction.

Trump-O-Meter: | PolitiFact
Logically no president can do this in their first term and get re-elected
For many companies a fine of any decent size would. Why isn't it happening?
Because our politicians are nervous that it will impact political campaign donations.

Too bad they aren't afraid it will affect the number of votes they get.
Most voters are not super educated when it comes to international policy, economy, military, etc. If they were, Bernie Sanders would not be a front runner. You seem like a logical and educated person. I do not see you voting for a Socialist.

Why not? You are.


Bail outs are socialism. Tariffs are socialism and most importantly the pumping of billions by the Fed is socialism. All things Trump does and supports.
If it was the Fed wouldn't still be pumping billions but all the same, you are saying politics are more important to you than this issue so why should I or others care?
The problem is entitlements. Hopefully if Trump wins he attacks them in his 2nd term and we stop running a deficit.

He promised it in his first. He's done nothing.
No. He actually did not. The alternative is unthinkable with Bernie

Sorry, it's hard to keep track of what he says as it changes so often. He said it would be "quickly". As noted, we are going in the opposite direction.

Trump-O-Meter: | PolitiFact
Logically no president can do this in their first term and get re-elected

No one says you get a second term and if you plan on living up to your word, you honor our word. Trump has not.
All you Republicans keep going on about states' rights. Well the issuance of drivers licenses is a state issue, and the feds can't say dick about it.

Trump tried this before, the cities and states sued, and the Administration lost every case.
Then tell the states to stop supporting illegal immigrants.
Because our politicians are nervous that it will impact political campaign donations.

Too bad they aren't afraid it will affect the number of votes they get.
Most voters are not super educated when it comes to international policy, economy, military, etc. If they were, Bernie Sanders would not be a front runner. You seem like a logical and educated person. I do not see you voting for a Socialist.

Why not? You are.


Bail outs are socialism. Tariffs are socialism and most importantly the pumping of billions by the Fed is socialism. All things Trump does and supports.
To me nationalizing companies and taxing people at 90% is Socialism. The bail outs were repaid with interest, QE is not Socialism, all things Trump supports is Capitalism.
The problem is entitlements. Hopefully if Trump wins he attacks them in his 2nd term and we stop running a deficit.

He promised it in his first. He's done nothing.
No. He actually did not. The alternative is unthinkable with Bernie

Sorry, it's hard to keep track of what he says as it changes so often. He said it would be "quickly". As noted, we are going in the opposite direction.

Trump-O-Meter: | PolitiFact
Logically no president can do this in their first term and get re-elected

No one says you get a second term and if you plan on living up to your word, you honor our word. Trump has not.
I disagree. You vote Sanders and I vote Trump. Let’s see what happens.
The problem is entitlements. Hopefully if Trump wins he attacks them in his 2nd term and we stop running a deficit.

He promised it in his first. He's done nothing.
No. He actually did not. The alternative is unthinkable with Bernie

Sorry, it's hard to keep track of what he says as it changes so often. He said it would be "quickly". As noted, we are going in the opposite direction.

Trump-O-Meter: | PolitiFact
Logically no president can do this in their first term and get re-elected

No one says you get a second term and if you plan on living up to your word, you honor our word. Trump has not.

So what has Trump not honored that he was in total control of? A President or contender for President can only promise what they would like to do. But they can only do what's in their power. We have a complicated process for this. So for a President to keep his promise, he not only has to have the entire Congress behind him, but he must also have the cooperation of the courts, which as we have witnessed, Trump didn't have.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.

Not impressed. The republicans are doing like they did with Obamacare. They are only putting the bill foward because they know it will die. Watch them get the majority back in the house and do nothing just like they always do.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.

Not impressed. The republicans are doing like they did with Obamacare. They are only putting the bill foward because they know it will die. Watch them get the majority back in the house and do nothing just like they always do.

I don't know about "always do" but I do share your concern. It's my hope that the Republican party seen the backlash against the establishment by electing Trump. This measure is something I support (and I'm sure most conservatives do). Given the fact that the Democrats are most likely not gong to sign on to this, we will see what happens if the Republicans get leadership of the House as well.
Too bad they aren't afraid it will affect the number of votes they get.
Most voters are not super educated when it comes to international policy, economy, military, etc. If they were, Bernie Sanders would not be a front runner. You seem like a logical and educated person. I do not see you voting for a Socialist.

Why not? You are.


Bail outs are socialism. Tariffs are socialism and most importantly the pumping of billions by the Fed is socialism. All things Trump does and supports.
To me nationalizing companies and taxing people at 90% is Socialism. The bail outs were repaid with interest, QE is not Socialism, all things Trump supports is Capitalism.

The bail outs was not paid back. You were screwed over by the very people you continue to defend.

The banks got Tarp and then they got Harp. Harp was supposed to go to homeowners. It did not. It went to "pay back" Tarp.
He promised it in his first. He's done nothing.
No. He actually did not. The alternative is unthinkable with Bernie

Sorry, it's hard to keep track of what he says as it changes so often. He said it would be "quickly". As noted, we are going in the opposite direction.

Trump-O-Meter: | PolitiFact
Logically no president can do this in their first term and get re-elected

No one says you get a second term and if you plan on living up to your word, you honor our word. Trump has not.
I disagree. You vote Sanders and I vote Trump. Let’s see what happens.

The problem never gets addressed is what happens.
He promised it in his first. He's done nothing.
No. He actually did not. The alternative is unthinkable with Bernie

Sorry, it's hard to keep track of what he says as it changes so often. He said it would be "quickly". As noted, we are going in the opposite direction.

Trump-O-Meter: | PolitiFact
Logically no president can do this in their first term and get re-elected

No one says you get a second term and if you plan on living up to your word, you honor our word. Trump has not.

So what has Trump not honored that he was in total control of? A President or contender for President can only promise what they would like to do. But they can only do what's in their power. We have a complicated process for this. So for a President to keep his promise, he not only has to have the entire Congress behind him, but he must also have the cooperation of the courts, which as we have witnessed, Trump didn't have.

He never presented this great health care plan he had ready to go and that he said everyone was going to love.

It's entirely up to the president to decide to end the wars like he promised. While he can not get his budget passed on his own not a single one is balanced like he promised. Should I continue? No, you'll just be dishonest about it all.
Illegal aliens should be deported instead of coddled by giving them permission to drive on our streets

Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base

LOL, until we deport 20 million people we can't make it harder for employers to hire them. LOL

LOL, I've heard all the lame excuses now. LOL
If jobs dry up, those 20 million people will deport themselves. Forget fines, throw some employers in jail and those jobs will disappear.

Why chase 20 million aliens when locking up a few employers will have the same effect.
Illegal aliens should be deported instead of coddled by giving them permission to drive on our streets

Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base

LOL, until we deport 20 million people we can't make it harder for employers to hire them. LOL

LOL, I've heard all the lame excuses now. LOL
If jobs dry up, those 20 million people will deport themselves. Forget fines, throw some employers in jail and those jobs will disappear.

Why chase 20 million aliens when locking up a few employers will have the same effect.

they will drop a few anchor babies and park their ass on welfare

which bleeding heart liberals will be happy to give them
Since they won't be and we continue to allow them to work, we need to make sure they can drive safely.

Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base

LOL, until we deport 20 million people we can't make it harder for employers to hire them. LOL

LOL, I've heard all the lame excuses now. LOL
If jobs dry up, those 20 million people will deport themselves. Forget fines, throw some employers in jail and those jobs will disappear.

Why chase 20 million aliens when locking up a few employers will have the same effect.

they will drop a few anchor babies and park their ass on welfare

which bleeding heart liberals will be happy to give them

Nobody can live on the minimum amount of welfare minors get. But you know this. This is what is so sad. You know what you say is complete B.S. and it doesn't matter to you.
Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base

LOL, until we deport 20 million people we can't make it harder for employers to hire them. LOL

LOL, I've heard all the lame excuses now. LOL
If jobs dry up, those 20 million people will deport themselves. Forget fines, throw some employers in jail and those jobs will disappear.

Why chase 20 million aliens when locking up a few employers will have the same effect.

they will drop a few anchor babies and park their ass on welfare

which bleeding heart liberals will be happy to give them

Nobody can live on the minimum amount of welfare minors get. But you know this. This is what is so sad. You know what you say is complete B.S. and it doesn't matter to you.

Bullshit if they can’t...I see it everyday...The human cockroaches live on top of each other 14 people packed in a two bedroom disgusting shithole...they’ll raise goats and chickens in downtown LA on a 25’x40’ lot
Then we need to start busting those that hire them in the first place. Make a Felony and then enforce it. Except the Right doesn't want it enforced since companies like Trump Industries hire them on a regular basis far below what they could an American worker. And when the Illegal demands a decent wage, they just call ice and have them rounded up and bring in the next "Shift".
We have had this argument before

if we seal the border and deport known illegal aliens then beefing up the punishment for KNOWINGLY hiring illegal aliens will have broad support from the republican base

LOL, until we deport 20 million people we can't make it harder for employers to hire them. LOL

LOL, I've heard all the lame excuses now. LOL
If jobs dry up, those 20 million people will deport themselves. Forget fines, throw some employers in jail and those jobs will disappear.

Why chase 20 million aliens when locking up a few employers will have the same effect.

they will drop a few anchor babies and park their ass on welfare

which bleeding heart liberals will be happy to give them

Nobody can live on the minimum amount of welfare minors get. But you know this. This is what is so sad. You know what you say is complete B.S. and it doesn't matter to you.
What BrokeLoser said

except the headcount can go higher than 14

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