Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.

We realize that's why JEWS want to become doctors, but most people become doctors because they want to help the sick. So we get the greedy assholes out and replace them with people who just want to do good works.

This wasn't complicated at all.

Now be quiet, the grownups are talking.
Yeah they want to help the sick alright, but not for nothing when it doesn't have to be that way. We have or had safety nets set up for the poor forever now, and it's just when the demoncrats wanted to use the healthcare issue as a way to gain political power, did it all go straight bananas afterwards. It could be that the long term strategy to defeat the Republicans over the years, was to break the system, and then to roll up like cratzy heroes to save the day. Hmmmmm.

Follow the money, and the political motivations over the years to get the real truth people. Don't fall for anything these cratzies say. Don't do it. It's all smoke and mirrors playing upon the generations in hopes their memories are to short to get to deep into it all.

Once the commies get total control over our healthcare and energy, they will have total control over all Americans. In our system of governance and the Constitution, they can't just take over these things. They need for the people to beg them to take these liberties from us. So how can we do that they ask?

First, destroy healthcare so people have no choice but to surrender it. Make it so expensive that many won't be able to reasonably afford it. Create a myth called climate change. Tell people they only have 12 more years of survival if something isn't done immediately. Make them beg us to save their lives. By the time they come to the realization that God is in charge of the climate and not man, it will be too late. We will already have total control of them.

It's all happening as we live and breathe, it's just that many are too blind to understand it's happening.
Providing healthcare for all does not destroy it
Except no other country does that with the same citizenship rules sans Canada, who doesn’t pay for a military and has inexpensive schools and doesn’t have the same issues at the Border as we do.
Why pay for a military when your neighbor will protect your shit? Weve been providing welfare for Canada since it existed.
Did I? Link it! I never Said that you liar! Link it now. You fat idiot.

Look at what I wrote again.
No where do I say that you said anything at all.
A lot of people are critical of ACA because they lost their old doctors, and the main point I was making is that they are wrong to blame ACA.
ACA had nothing to do with it.
It was not ACA that prevented people from keeping their old doctors, it was their insurance companies deliberately trying to harm people in retaliation for ACA.

So why would insurance companies, who got in on this deal with Commie Care, want to sabotage their very own advantage?

I signed up for Commie Care when my employer (like so many others) dropped that benefit for their employees. My provider is the Cleveland Clinic. Commie Care only offered one company that would allow me to continue that care I've had for my entire life; one plan.

The deal was, they wanted slightly less than one third of my net pay. The plan had a 7K deductible, a 7K out of pocket, a $50.00 doctor copay, no dental and no prescription coverage. Basically yes, I could keep my doctor and facility, but I wouldn't have enough to live on when you include the cost of my medication they didn't cover.

So it's a lie that Commie Care was going to let you keep your doctors and facility at a reasonable cost. One third of net pay every month is not reasonable, especially when you have to get run over by a bus to use the damn policy.

That is silly.
Before ACA, the average cost of health care insurance was about $1200/month for a family, the deductible was $10k, $10k out of pocket, and $100 copay. Almost no insurance ever covered dental or prescriptions.
So clearly ACA cut costs almost in half.
Which is why insurance companies do not like ACA.
They also dislike that they have to take pre-existing conditions.

ACA had nothing at all to do with the changes private insurance companies decided on their own to impose.

You are severely misinformed. The only insurance companies that have to deal with Commie Care or it's requirements are those that join the system. I have several preexisting conditions. No other company has to take me except those companies that signed onto Commie Care.

Commie Care did not reduce costs to anybody except those who get a taxpayer government subsidy. They increased dramatically.

That is not quite right.
Some grandfathered policies do not have to take pre-existing conditions, but almost all must under the 2014 law.
Pre-Existing Conditions
Under current law, health insurance companies can’t refuse to cover you or charge you more just because you have a “pre-existing condition” — that is, a health problem you had before the date that new health coverage starts.

These rules went into effect for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014.

What This Means for You
Health insurers can no longer charge more or deny coverage to you or your child because of a pre-existing health condition like asthma, diabetes, or cancer. They cannot limit benefits for that condition either. Once you have insurance, they can't refuse to cover treatment for your pre-existing condition.

One Exception: Grandfathered Plans
The pre-existing coverage rule does not apply to “grandfathered” individual health insurance policies. A grandfathered individual health insurance policy is a policy that you bought for yourself or your family on or before March 23, 2010 that has not been changed in certain specific ways that reduce benefits or increase costs to consumers.

Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) Coverage
The Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) ended on April 30, 2014. The PCIP program provided health coverage options to individuals who were uninsured for at least six months, had a pre-existing condition, and had been denied coverage (or offered insurance without coverage of the pre-existing condition) by a private insurance company. Now, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, health insurance plans can no longer deny anyone coverage for their pre-existing condition, and so PCIP enrollees can transition to a new plan outside of the PCIP program. Learn more about your health insurance options at

Pre-Existing Conditions
Pre-existing conditions. So if I have a fire at the house, I can buy insurance after the fire and still be covered? That doesn’t make any sense.
You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.

We realize that's why JEWS want to become doctors, but most people become doctors because they want to help the sick. So we get the greedy assholes out and replace them with people who just want to do good works.

This wasn't complicated at all.

Now be quiet, the grownups are talking.
That is simply not true. Most want to become doctors because they can earn a great living. Jews are just smarter than most per Charles Murray so they get into the best medical schools and become the best doctors. You want fewer doctors, implement UH. Thank you for admitting that I am a lot smarter than you. This is why nature made sure I reproduced and you didn’t. Luckily your inferior stupid genes die with you.
It makes it your idea if that's what you advocated for 20 years, and you were only against it when the Black Guy did it.

No, we were always against it. It's our fight against the WHITE WOMAN that our leaders did which caused her husband to lose the House for the first time in decades.

Yeah, you're going into hysterics, aren't you? Yes, the horrible punishment you have to undergo if you are too flabby. They GASP make you get counselling. It also states that there are a lot of cultural things (that Japanese women are under a lot of social pressure to stay thin).

As for the other one... Yes, there's no point doing knee surgery on someone who is massively overweight. Most insurance companies don't do it, either. I have a morbidly obese associate who is going through a dance with his insurance company about his knee right now.

Why don't you give your associate Obama's advice: take a pill for it.

An insurance company by law has to perform the services you paid for. If knee surgery is in his policy, then tell him to sue the insurance company for breach of contract.

Yes, I'm afraid of the commies having so much power that they tell us how to conduct our lives. We seen it with Mooochelle's idea of forcing kids to eat crap they didn't want in schools. We seen it with Blooming Idiot's attempt to limit soda cup sizes. We seen it when DumBama forced restaurants to post calorie content on each and every food item they sold. We don't want to live like that. They don't even do that in Cuba or North Korea.

I have no idea why you on the left want to change what we have here to be like other countries. If you like their system so much, you should move to one of these utopias.

We have places like that in the US. A place where government tells you what you are allowed to eat, nobody has guns except the government, free government healthcare, nobody has money except the government, and you're welcome to move to those places anytime you like and still stay in the US. We call these places prison, and they are loaded with fellow Democrats.
That is simply not true. Most want to become doctors because they can earn a great living. Jews are just smarter than most per Charles Murray so they get into the best medical schools and become the best doctors. You want fewer doctors, implement UH. Thank you for admitting that I am a lot smarter than you.

Naw, you're just unethical and greedy... these aren't character traits...

And living next to a bunch of people who want to kill you because a magic sky fairy said so isn't "smart".
That is simply not true. Most want to become doctors because they can earn a great living. Jews are just smarter than most per Charles Murray so they get into the best medical schools and become the best doctors. You want fewer doctors, implement UH. Thank you for admitting that I am a lot smarter than you.

Naw, you're just unethical and greedy... these aren't character traits...

And living next to a bunch of people who want to kill you because a magic sky fairy said so isn't "smart".
Unethical and greedy are subjective. I am simply logical while you’re illogical and live in a fantasy world with unicorns and ogres.
Why don't you give your associate Obama's advice: take a pill for it.

An insurance company by law has to perform the services you paid for. If knee surgery is in his policy, then tell him to sue the insurance company for breach of contract.

Uh, dumbass... I mean, how do you go through life being this fucking stupid.

YOU HAVE NO STANDING TO SUE AN INSURANCE COMPANY FOR AN EMPLOYER BASED POLICY. The contract is between the Employer and the insurance company. You as the beneficiary have NO STANDING to challenge their rulings.

Holy fucking shit, are you stupid.

Yes, I'm afraid of the commies having so much power that they tell us how to conduct our lives. We seen it with Mooochelle's idea of forcing kids to eat crap they didn't want in schools. We seen it with Blooming Idiot's attempt to limit soda cup sizes. We seen it when DumBama forced restaurants to post calorie content on each and every food item they sold. We don't want to live like that. They don't even do that in Cuba or North Korea.

You really haven't explained why any of those are bad things other than, "I don't want the gummit telling me nuthin'!"

Frankly, I like that restaurants have calorie counts now. Helps me plan my diet much better.

I have no idea why you on the left want to change what we have here to be like other countries. If you like their system so much, you should move to one of these utopias.

Because when I see someone doing something that WORKS MUCH BETTER, then I try that. A fool learns from his own experience, a wise man learns from the experience of others.

We have places like that in the US. A place where government tells you what you are allowed to eat, nobody has guns except the government, free government healthcare, nobody has money except the government, and you're welcome to move to those places anytime you like and still stay in the US. We call these places prison, and they are loaded with fellow Democrats.

Guy, government doesn't bother me even a little bit. Most of the misery I've had in my life has been inflicted by lying-two-faced employers who figure they can get away with stuff because, "I don't have to deal with a union".

Funny, thing, my brother was a truck driver just like you.. but because he had a union, when his company wouldn't let him drive anymore because of medical issues (he had a stroke in 2012) they found something else for him to do.

MEANWHILE, your employer kicked you to the curb and let the government take care of you. Nice going.
Unethical and greedy are subjective. I am simply logical while you’re illogical and live in a fantasy world with unicorns and ogres.

Uh, you are the one who thinks people should live in a strip of desert a sky fairy promised to them 3000 years ago.

And, no, most normal people recognize ethics and greed when they see them. This is kind of why you guys never really assimilate... it's not religion, it's ethics.
You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.

We realize that's why JEWS want to become doctors, but most people become doctors because they want to help the sick. So we get the greedy assholes out and replace them with people who just want to do good works.

This wasn't complicated at all.

Now be quiet, the grownups are talking.
Yeah they want to help the sick alright, but not for nothing when it doesn't have to be that way. We have or had safety nets set up for the poor forever now, and it's just when the demoncrats wanted to use the healthcare issue as a way to gain political power, did it all go straight bananas afterwards. It could be that the long term strategy to defeat the Republicans over the years, was to break the system, and then to roll up like cratzy heroes to save the day. Hmmmmm.

Follow the money, and the political motivations over the years to get the real truth people. Don't fall for anything these cratzies say. Don't do it. It's all smoke and mirrors playing upon the generations in hopes their memories are to short to get to deep into it all.

Once the commies get total control over our healthcare and energy, they will have total control over all Americans. In our system of governance and the Constitution, they can't just take over these things. They need for the people to beg them to take these liberties from us. So how can we do that they ask?

First, destroy healthcare so people have no choice but to surrender it. Make it so expensive that many won't be able to reasonably afford it. Create a myth called climate change. Tell people they only have 12 more years of survival if something isn't done immediately. Make them beg us to save their lives. By the time they come to the realization that God is in charge of the climate and not man, it will be too late. We will already have total control of them.

It's all happening as we live and breathe, it's just that many are too blind to understand it's happening.
Providing healthcare for all does not destroy it
I wonder if you ever say anything useful. We know it hasnt happened yet on these message boards, but i mean in real life.
Refute what I posted
Unethical and greedy are subjective. I am simply logical while you’re illogical and live in a fantasy world with unicorns and ogres.

Uh, you are the one who thinks people should live in a strip of desert a sky fairy promised to them 3000 years ago.

And, no, most normal people recognize ethics and greed when they see them. This is kind of why you guys never really assimilate... it's not religion, it's ethics.

Islamist countries banned Jews from Iran, Iraq, KSA, etc., so they settled in their ancient homeland and defended it. They have as much right to be there as Americans do in America as we took it from Native Americans. Why don't you learn history instead of constantly embarrassing yourself. The Islamist terrorists can have their land back when the Islamists give Constantinople back to the Christians.
We realize that's why JEWS want to become doctors, but most people become doctors because they want to help the sick. So we get the greedy assholes out and replace them with people who just want to do good works.

This wasn't complicated at all.

Now be quiet, the grownups are talking.
Yeah they want to help the sick alright, but not for nothing when it doesn't have to be that way. We have or had safety nets set up for the poor forever now, and it's just when the demoncrats wanted to use the healthcare issue as a way to gain political power, did it all go straight bananas afterwards. It could be that the long term strategy to defeat the Republicans over the years, was to break the system, and then to roll up like cratzy heroes to save the day. Hmmmmm.

Follow the money, and the political motivations over the years to get the real truth people. Don't fall for anything these cratzies say. Don't do it. It's all smoke and mirrors playing upon the generations in hopes their memories are to short to get to deep into it all.

Once the commies get total control over our healthcare and energy, they will have total control over all Americans. In our system of governance and the Constitution, they can't just take over these things. They need for the people to beg them to take these liberties from us. So how can we do that they ask?

First, destroy healthcare so people have no choice but to surrender it. Make it so expensive that many won't be able to reasonably afford it. Create a myth called climate change. Tell people they only have 12 more years of survival if something isn't done immediately. Make them beg us to save their lives. By the time they come to the realization that God is in charge of the climate and not man, it will be too late. We will already have total control of them.

It's all happening as we live and breathe, it's just that many are too blind to understand it's happening.
Providing healthcare for all does not destroy it
I wonder if you ever say anything useful. We know it hasnt happened yet on these message boards, but i mean in real life.
Refute what I posted

I have many times. Do you really need me to do it again?
Uh, dumbass... I mean, how do you go through life being this fucking stupid.

YOU HAVE NO STANDING TO SUE AN INSURANCE COMPANY FOR AN EMPLOYER BASED POLICY. The contract is between the Employer and the insurance company. You as the beneficiary have NO STANDING to challenge their rulings.

Holy fucking shit, are you stupid.

You made no mention that it was an employer healthcare policy, and I'm the one that's Fn stupid?

You really haven't explained why any of those are bad things other than, "I don't want the gummit telling me nuthin'!"

Frankly, I like that restaurants have calorie counts now. Helps me plan my diet much better.

Of course you do. Did government tuck your napkin in and show you the proper way to use a fork too?

Because when I see someone doing something that WORKS MUCH BETTER, then I try that. A fool learns from his own experience, a wise man learns from the experience of others.

Finally, something we can agree on.

While Americans pine for 'Medicare for all,' Canadians look for US-style private insurance

Guy, government doesn't bother me even a little bit. Most of the misery I've had in my life has been inflicted by lying-two-faced employers who figure they can get away with stuff because, "I don't have to deal with a union".

Funny, thing, my brother was a truck driver just like you.. but because he had a union, when his company wouldn't let him drive anymore because of medical issues (he had a stroke in 2012) they found something else for him to do.

MEANWHILE, your employer kicked you to the curb and let the government take care of you. Nice going.

Sure he was. What other jobs are there in a transportation company?

It wasn't my employer, it was your precious government that kicked me out. My employer was deeply disappointed that I had to leave. But typical of government, the unconstitutional bureaucrats added more shit to be qualified because they know more than doctors, another thing that has to be considered for government healthcare. Bureaucrats would be telling you what's good for you instead of health professionals.
Islamist countries banned Jews from Iran, Iraq, KSA, etc., so they settled in their ancient homeland and defended it.

Guy, this is where youare a little confused. I don't know if you are lying or just being disingenous.

A bunch of Jews from EUROPE invaded Palestine. Not Iraq or KSA. In retaliation, some Islamic countries expelled their very small Jewish populations in retaliation for the millions of Palestinians who were driven from their homes.

Both were wrong, but one wrong is clearly greater.

Every leader of the Zionist Entity can trace his family back to Europe. It's a European Colonial State.
You made no mention that it was an employer healthcare policy, and I'm the one that's Fn stupid?

Why would I have to? Since there are 110 million people who get their insurance from employers and only about 10 million who negotiate their own policies, it should have gone without saying.

Of course you do. Did government tuck your napkin in and show you the proper way to use a fork too?

Not the point. I mean, yeah, if I did it the hard way, I'd google everything I wanted to eat, but man, that would be time consuming...

Sure he was. What other jobs are there in a transportation company?

Well, he does inside sales now. He's actually pretty good at it.

It wasn't my employer, it was your precious government that kicked me out. My employer was deeply disappointed that I had to leave.

Again, just like he didn't try very hard to get you decent insurance, he didn't try very hard to keep you.

But typical of government, the unconstitutional bureaucrats added more shit to be qualified because they know more than doctors, another thing that has to be considered for government healthcare. Bureaucrats would be telling you what's good for you instead of health professionals.

Obviously, you couldn't find a government approved doctor who was willing to clear you for driving a truck, and there was probably a good reason for that. He might have to sh are that same road with you.
Not the point. I mean, yeah, if I did it the hard way, I'd google everything I wanted to eat, but man, that would be time consuming...

Right, because you have no idea that a big mac combo and a chocolate shake is not high calorie. If it would be too time consuming to google EVERYTHING you were going to eat, then the problem is you're eating too much if it takes such a long time.

Well, he does inside sales now. He's actually pretty good at it.

We don't have sales people. Our company grew by word of mouth. He does provide the best service in the business.

Again, just like he didn't try very hard to get you decent insurance, he didn't try very hard to keep you.

He was not about to dismiss his idea over one employee regardless how much he valued him. I worked there for 25 years. Nobody keeps an employee that long unless they were delighted with their service.

Obviously, you couldn't find a government approved doctor who was willing to clear you for driving a truck, and there was probably a good reason for that. He might have to sh are that same road with you.

All government doctors have to go by the same standard. They don't make up the rules as they go along, it's bureaucrats that make those standards--not the medical professionals.
Right, because you have no idea that a big mac combo and a chocolate shake is not high calorie. If it would be too time consuming to google EVERYTHING you were going to eat, then the problem is you're eating too much if it takes such a long time.

Again, not seeing how you are hurt by the government requiring resturants to post this info...

He does provide the best service in the business.

if he did, he wouldn't be a bottom feeder with only a few employees he can't afford to insure.

I worked there for 25 years. Nobody keeps an employee that long unless they were delighted with their service.

You mistake "willing to be abused" for "valued"... I'm sure he was delighted you put up with his shit for so long, but when it came to brass tacks, you were gone.
Again, not seeing how you are hurt by the government requiring resturants to post this info...

Because it's nothing more than government propaganda. If a restaurant wants to do that on it's own, it doesn't bother me a bit. The difference between you leftists and us on the right is we don't want cradle-to-grave government. When I turned 18, that was the last my parents had to tell me how to live. I don't need government being my parents as an adult.

f he did, he wouldn't be a bottom feeder with only a few employees he can't afford to insure.

I checked similar companies, and they are all doing the same thing in that field of work.

You mistake "willing to be abused" for "valued"... I'm sure he was delighted you put up with his shit for so long, but when it came to brass tacks, you were gone.

Yes I was gone. He had no choice. You can't drive unless you have a medical card, and it was not up to him to provide one. Otherwise I'd still be working today.

I don't want someone with a bad back driving a truck down a road I'm on...

But you're fine with some foreigner who can't read our road signs driving next to him in his 75,000 lbs vehicle. Very few drivers come close to my driving record, especially when it comes to safety, violations, and points, which of course, I have none.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?
A "Drivers License" has nothing to do with "immigration" per say; but it has a great deal to do with illegal immigration.

Allowing illegal aliens to legally obtain Drivers Licenses not only legitimizes their crime, it diminishes its seriousness; which results in further escalating the crime.

I heard an interesting quote not long ago;
"When a crime is ignored it becomes rampant"
"When a crime is rewarded it becomes epidemic"

I'm pretty sure the US has reached the epidemic stage.
So thank God for Donald Trump!

That makes no sense.
What a state accomplishes by issuing driver's licenses to illegals is to ensure they are safer on the roads.
Nothing else.
They are not supposed to be any more legitimized because a state issued driver's license is not supposed to be used as an ID by anyone.
Lots of people do not even have driver's licenses.
How does issuing a license to someone who hasn’t taken a driver’s course make them a better driver?

That is easy.
They are tested.
And to pass the test they have to read, study, and practice.
They also have to register an address so they can be contacted if suspected of something.
Read, but in their own language right ?

Is that why Mexican's struggle so bad on America's road's when driving, because they don't speaka-da-english ????? Next we'll have two languages on our road signs. LOL.

Whatever it takes eh ? Yeah I can see it now - We need more money in the state budget from those hard working American taxpayers, because we got to put up traffic signs in the Spanish language all over the state now. Good grief, as if the taxes aren't overly burdensome now in America.

The drivers test is in English, so anyone getting a license needs a reasonable amount of English.
And no, traffic signs never have to be read.
They follow the international standards of a diagram or sign shape.
At most you need to just read the numbers in speed limit signs.
How much English is required to read, "No Parking" or "Yield"?

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