Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

The only reason the VA has inferior doctors is that insurance companies over pay deliberately.
If you allow a government medical service to compete with private health providers, their charges will have to cut on half, and then so will what they pay doctors. So then VA doctors will be better quality.

The VA is vastly better health care than a quarter of the population gets now, which is none at all.
The VA is not at all known for any corruption. It is nonprofit, so almost can't become corrupt.
There is nothing you can pad.

The rate you suggest of $7 a week into a medical savings account would be $350/year, or only $17,500 after 50 years. That is not enough for much of anything, if you actually need surgery. That is more like $100k for anything significant. And while many will not need anything, those that do will need almost 10 times that much. So clearly medical investment funds need to be pooled and shared.

And no, insurance companies and providers do not lose a dime on the small stuff because you are already paying them cash, as they are less than your deductible.

The idea government keeps money effectively under a mattress is totally wrong.
We have a $22 trillion national debt we finance at about 5% interest, so the excess surplus from any medical surplus would go to paying down the debt, just like the Social Security surplus does now. That saves all tax payers huge amounts of money. There is no better investment for taxes than T-Bills.

Insurance companies are the least possible investment.
By forcing you to prepay, they eliminate any possibility for negotiating quality or cost, they deliberately cause costs to be more than double, and they are the most corrupt in terms of trying to get out of paying anything if they can.
And they skim off about half of what people pay in, as the profits they charge for administration.
In contrast, it is well documented that government services, like Medicare have a far lower administrative overhead cost, which is less than 10%.

Your example of the post office having only 1 clerk proves you are wrong.
The reality is that I have never seen more than 1 clerk at FedEx or UPS either, and yet FedEx and UPS charge more than double what the US post office does for the same size package and delivery times.
Anyone criticizing a long wait in a post office does not at all get it.
Any rational person wants long lines, because that saves money and allows for lower charges.
Lower charges is all I care about.

I just made a return to Amazon. I walked into the UPS store with the item only. I was the only person there. They took the item, packaged it, and sent it back to Amazon no charge to me. I'm guessing you never went to a UPS store or FedEx, because I've never had an experience with them similar to the post office.

Government pays about 2/3 of the bill for their patients. To recoup those losses, facilities increase their prices for everybody. They are prohibited by law from charging different insurances with different prices. I worked in the field for ten years, so I know.

Without private healthcare insurance, doctors and facilities would have nowhere to recoup those losses. This is why when you see doctors and clinics close down, it's usually in lower income areas where most clients are government covered and little private insurance to recoup those government losses from. It's also why institutions are refusing to accept new government patients. They can no longer take the loss.

I'm also assuming you missed my post where I worked for a company that was paying off the VA administrator, and I lost my job when the media got word of it. It was my employers largest account. Corruption goes on at the VA all the time. You must have not been focused on the news during the DumBama administration.

You keep rehashing the ACA concept. As long as we keep that going, nothing gets done and it just gets worse. Deal in fixes not problems. We both agree the whole system (?) is broken both with the ACA and non ACA. And you are right, in the low income areas, the clinics get hurt and hurt bad due to lack of funding. The question should really be, how do we get them funded properly. We have a clinic here. It must be doing well because it's been around for years. It charges according to your annual income. And yes, it does get funding from the State and Federals as well. It's done so well, it expanded not too long ago to include a Dental Clinic. But I can't afford to go to their Dental Clinic because of my insurance, their bill would be 4 times what I get from an authorized Delta Dental office who doesn't care what my annual income is. Most of the people going there are on some form of Medicaid which I am not eligible. They bill the State.

I bring up the clinics because preventive medical is far cheaper than waiting until the condition gets life threatening and then going to an Emergency Room. And who pays for those people doing that? We do through the Hospitals increase in rates that we have to pay. And you can count you Insurance as your money so you are still paying for them to misuse the ER like that.

Why Obamacare didn’t lower visits to emergency rooms

That is easy.
Because health care providers are still wanting to over charge, so are unwilling to take low paying new customers.
Insurance companies still maintain a monopoly by deliberately over paying.
So it is still hard to get access when providers lock out those who would pay less through ACA.
But you just posted that most provided are not motivated by money.

Did you have too much to drink tonight?

You are confusing doctors with health care providers.
The health care providers are the corporations that hire the doctors, not the doctors themselves.
Doctors do not do billing.
You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.

We realize that's why JEWS want to become doctors, but most people become doctors because they want to help the sick. So we get the greedy assholes out and replace them with people who just want to do good works.

This wasn't complicated at all.

Now be quiet, the grownups are talking.
Years ago when I was in medical, there was a UPS strike going on. Our pharmacist was pissed off beyond belief because she found out the senior drivers at UPS were making 52K a year, and the average pharmacist doing about 60K a year. With these union jobs around in the early 80's, people stopped getting into the medical field. Why spend years of school and even more years paying the loans off if you can graduate high school, and work at UPS, FedEx, the steel mills, or an auto plant for nearly the same wages?

Again, her fat ass wouldn't want to hustle the way a UPS Driver hustles.

Like most of your stories, this really didn't sound like it stands up to scrutiny, so I did a bit of checking.

Here's what a Pharmacist makes.,7_IM167_KO8,18.htm

An average of about $124K a year.

Here's what a UPS driver makes.,10.htm

Oh. Just $81K a year.
That is crazy.
It took years to get ACA figured out and finally get it working.
Repeal means you have nothing, and likely years to come up with some sort of replacement, if any.
Clearly a slow transformation is the only possible means of fixing problems.
Repeal without a replacement means massive death tolls.

Again, ACA did not cause ANY loss of your previous doctors.
When employers or insurance companies decide to drop old plans, old preferred providers, etc., that is their fault, not the fault of ACA.

Ray's not happy unless he can blame the black guy for his failures.
You are severely misinformed. The only insurance companies that have to deal with Commie Care or it's requirements are those that join the system. I have several preexisting conditions. No other company has to take me except those companies that signed onto Commie Care.

Commie Care did not reduce costs to anybody except those who get a taxpayer government subsidy. They increased dramatically.

So let me get this straight. YOu are complaining because no regular insurance company would take you due to your pre-existing conditions, except the ones who are in the ACA, and you are whining about that.

Do you think anyone would take you if there was no ACA?
Commie Care was not sabotaged by anybody. The commies had complete control over it. They put out this BS that it didn't work because of the Republicans because even they knew it was a complete failure. Every Republican voted against it, and it still passed. So how in the world can you say that Republicans sabotaged it when they couldn't even stop it?

The problem was, even though the ACA was THEIR idea, they were the ones who threatened to filibuster it if it included a public option or a Medicare Buy in, either of which would have fixed most of the problems. The fact the Democrats were burdened with guys like Jim Webb and Joe Lieberjew (who only thinks the Zionist Entity should have health care paid for by Americans,not actual Americans), who kept these options off the table in the Senate version.

But this STILL could have been fixed in the conference, had not Ted Kennedy passed away.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
Good deal, because how many times did Obama threaten to stop federal funds to states that didn't fall to him and his buddies bullcrap ????? It's about time the republican's grew a pair, and fired back.

And do something that will get thrown out by almost every court in the Nation? If you haven't noticed, even the Conservative Judges are starting to balk at a lot of the Party of the Rump crap. And that is exactly what you are proposing, more The Party of the Rump.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?
A "Drivers License" has nothing to do with "immigration" per say; but it has a great deal to do with illegal immigration.

Allowing illegal aliens to legally obtain Drivers Licenses not only legitimizes their crime, it diminishes its seriousness; which results in further escalating the crime.

I heard an interesting quote not long ago;
"When a crime is ignored it becomes rampant"
"When a crime is rewarded it becomes epidemic"

I'm pretty sure the US has reached the epidemic stage.
So thank God for Donald Trump!

That makes no sense.
What a state accomplishes by issuing driver's licenses to illegals is to ensure they are safer on the roads.
Nothing else.
They are not supposed to be any more legitimized because a state issued driver's license is not supposed to be used as an ID by anyone.
Lots of people do not even have driver's licenses.
How does issuing a license to someone who hasn’t taken a driver’s course make them a better driver?

That is easy.
They are tested.
And to pass the test they have to read, study, and practice.
They also have to register an address so they can be contacted if suspected of something.
Read, but in their own language right ?

Is that why Mexican's struggle so bad on America's road's when driving, because they don't speaka-da-english ????? Next we'll have two languages on our road signs. LOL.

Whatever it takes eh ? Yeah I can see it now - We need more money in the state budget from those hard working American taxpayers, because we got to put up traffic signs in the Spanish language all over the state now. Good grief, as if the taxes aren't overly burdensome now in America.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
Good deal, because how many times did Obama threaten to stop federal funds to states that didn't fall to him and his buddies bullcrap ????? It's about time the republican's grew a pair, and fired back.

And do something that will get thrown out by almost every court in the Nation? If you haven't noticed, even the Conservative Judges are starting to balk at a lot of the Party of the Rump crap. And that is exactly what you are proposing, more The Party of the Rump.
4 more years is gonna get the cratzies mess straightened out, and Trump is gonna be the one to do it. MAGA.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?
A "Drivers License" has nothing to do with "immigration" per say; but it has a great deal to do with illegal immigration.

Allowing illegal aliens to legally obtain Drivers Licenses not only legitimizes their crime, it diminishes its seriousness; which results in further escalating the crime.

I heard an interesting quote not long ago;
"When a crime is ignored it becomes rampant"
"When a crime is rewarded it becomes epidemic"

I'm pretty sure the US has reached the epidemic stage.
So thank God for Donald Trump!

That makes no sense.
What a state accomplishes by issuing driver's licenses to illegals is to ensure they are safer on the roads.
Nothing else.
They are not supposed to be any more legitimized because a state issued driver's license is not supposed to be used as an ID by anyone.
Lots of people do not even have driver's licenses.
How does issuing a license to someone who hasn’t taken a driver’s course make them a better driver?

That is easy.
They are tested.
And to pass the test they have to read, study, and practice.
They also have to register an address so they can be contacted if suspected of something.
Read, but in their own language right ?

Is that why Mexican's struggle so bad on America's road's when driving, because they don't speaka-da-english ????? Next we'll have two languages on our road signs. LOL.

Whatever it takes eh ? Yeah I can see it now - We need more money in the state budget from those hard working American taxpayers, because we got to put up traffic signs in the Spanish language all over the state now. Good grief, as if the taxes aren't overly burdensome now in America.

Oh, stop this nonsense. Almost all Traffic Signs have the Universal shapes just like most of the rest of the world. When I got my International License years past, that wasn't the case. It is now. The US didn't invent those symbols. We got them from Europe. You only have to understand numbers and symbols which are the same in Mexico.
You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.

We realize that's why JEWS want to become doctors, but most people become doctors because they want to help the sick. So we get the greedy assholes out and replace them with people who just want to do good works.

This wasn't complicated at all.

Now be quiet, the grownups are talking.
Yeah they want to help the sick alright, but not for nothing when it doesn't have to be that way. We have or had safety nets set up for the poor forever now, and it's just when the demoncrats wanted to use the healthcare issue as a way to gain political power, did it all go straight bananas afterwards. It could be that the long term strategy to defeat the Republicans over the years, was to break the system, and then to roll up like cratzy heroes to save the day. Hmmmmm.

Follow the money, and the political motivations over the years to get the real truth people. Don't fall for anything these cratzies say. Don't do it. It's all smoke and mirrors playing upon the generations in hopes their memories are to short to get to deep into it all.
You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.

We realize that's why JEWS want to become doctors, but most people become doctors because they want to help the sick. So we get the greedy assholes out and replace them with people who just want to do good works.

This wasn't complicated at all.

Now be quiet, the grownups are talking.
Yeah they want to help the sick alright, but not for nothing when it doesn't have to be that way. We have or had safety nets set up for the poor forever now, and it's just when the demoncrats wanted to use the healthcare issue as a way to gain political power, did it all go straight bananas afterwards. It could be that the long term strategy to defeat the Republicans over the years, was to break the system, and then to roll up like cratzy heroes to save the day. Hmmmmm.

Follow the money, and the political motivations over the years to get the real truth people. Don't fall for anything these cratzies say. Don't do it. It's all smoke and mirrors playing upon the generations in hopes their memories are to short to get to deep into it all.

I would have agreed totally with you except you single out just the Dems. Newsflash: It's all of them in power. They all get a cut of the action.
A "Drivers License" has nothing to do with "immigration" per say; but it has a great deal to do with illegal immigration.

Allowing illegal aliens to legally obtain Drivers Licenses not only legitimizes their crime, it diminishes its seriousness; which results in further escalating the crime.

I heard an interesting quote not long ago;
"When a crime is ignored it becomes rampant"
"When a crime is rewarded it becomes epidemic"

I'm pretty sure the US has reached the epidemic stage.
So thank God for Donald Trump!

That makes no sense.
What a state accomplishes by issuing driver's licenses to illegals is to ensure they are safer on the roads.
Nothing else.
They are not supposed to be any more legitimized because a state issued driver's license is not supposed to be used as an ID by anyone.
Lots of people do not even have driver's licenses.
How does issuing a license to someone who hasn’t taken a driver’s course make them a better driver?

That is easy.
They are tested.
And to pass the test they have to read, study, and practice.
They also have to register an address so they can be contacted if suspected of something.
Read, but in their own language right ?

Is that why Mexican's struggle so bad on America's road's when driving, because they don't speaka-da-english ????? Next we'll have two languages on our road signs. LOL.

Whatever it takes eh ? Yeah I can see it now - We need more money in the state budget from those hard working American taxpayers, because we got to put up traffic signs in the Spanish language all over the state now. Good grief, as if the taxes aren't overly burdensome now in America.

Oh, stop this nonsense. Almost all Traffic Signs have the Universal shapes just like most of the rest of the world. When I got my International License years past, that wasn't the case. It is now. The US didn't invent those symbols. We got them from Europe. You only have to understand numbers and symbols which are the same in Mexico.
And the dumming down of America continues now into shapes and symbols. Everyone gets a trophy eh ?? Even illegals.
That makes no sense.
What a state accomplishes by issuing driver's licenses to illegals is to ensure they are safer on the roads.
Nothing else.
They are not supposed to be any more legitimized because a state issued driver's license is not supposed to be used as an ID by anyone.
Lots of people do not even have driver's licenses.
How does issuing a license to someone who hasn’t taken a driver’s course make them a better driver?

That is easy.
They are tested.
And to pass the test they have to read, study, and practice.
They also have to register an address so they can be contacted if suspected of something.
Read, but in their own language right ?

Is that why Mexican's struggle so bad on America's road's when driving, because they don't speaka-da-english ????? Next we'll have two languages on our road signs. LOL.

Whatever it takes eh ? Yeah I can see it now - We need more money in the state budget from those hard working American taxpayers, because we got to put up traffic signs in the Spanish language all over the state now. Good grief, as if the taxes aren't overly burdensome now in America.

Oh, stop this nonsense. Almost all Traffic Signs have the Universal shapes just like most of the rest of the world. When I got my International License years past, that wasn't the case. It is now. The US didn't invent those symbols. We got them from Europe. You only have to understand numbers and symbols which are the same in Mexico.
And the dumming down of America continues now into shapes and symbols. Everyone gets a trophy eh ?? Even illegals.

I had to learn those symbols to drive in Europe. After I learned them, they made perfect sense. It didn't matter that I didn't speak German, French or Italian or even Spanish. Those symbols were universal for all of Europe including Britain where I got my first International Drivers License. Things didn't change more than a Decade later when I had to get another one in Germany. You can cry and shed tears all you want but those symbols are a good thing for people spending extended time from European Countries AND South of the Border. The US requires all of us to understand those symbols. That Yield sign may say Yield but it also has a Red Triangle. And guess what, you can see the symbol a lot further off than you can the letters. Now, stop this nonsense and find something else to go off on. This dog don't hunt.
You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.

We realize that's why JEWS want to become doctors, but most people become doctors because they want to help the sick. So we get the greedy assholes out and replace them with people who just want to do good works.

This wasn't complicated at all.

Now be quiet, the grownups are talking.
Yeah they want to help the sick alright, but not for nothing when it doesn't have to be that way. We have or had safety nets set up for the poor forever now, and it's just when the demoncrats wanted to use the healthcare issue as a way to gain political power, did it all go straight bananas afterwards. It could be that the long term strategy to defeat the Republicans over the years, was to break the system, and then to roll up like cratzy heroes to save the day. Hmmmmm.

Follow the money, and the political motivations over the years to get the real truth people. Don't fall for anything these cratzies say. Don't do it. It's all smoke and mirrors playing upon the generations in hopes their memories are to short to get to deep into it all.

I would have agreed totally with you except you single out just the Dems. Newsflash: It's all of them in power. They all get a cut of the action.
Power corrupts, and total power even corrupts more. The fall of the American people over the years has hoisted demons into powerful position's above them. The world is in a death spiral, but that has been the case ever since the beginning. Best pick up the word and read it, because it's best not to be ignorant come the hour of our time.

It has been proven to us about these things that have since past, and are still yet to come, but we act like rebellious children whom put our hands over our ears. It's really a shame, but the evil one's goal is to take as many to hell with him as he can before the end. It best not to abide by the evil one's wishes.
How does issuing a license to someone who hasn’t taken a driver’s course make them a better driver?

That is easy.
They are tested.
And to pass the test they have to read, study, and practice.
They also have to register an address so they can be contacted if suspected of something.
Read, but in their own language right ?

Is that why Mexican's struggle so bad on America's road's when driving, because they don't speaka-da-english ????? Next we'll have two languages on our road signs. LOL.

Whatever it takes eh ? Yeah I can see it now - We need more money in the state budget from those hard working American taxpayers, because we got to put up traffic signs in the Spanish language all over the state now. Good grief, as if the taxes aren't overly burdensome now in America.

Oh, stop this nonsense. Almost all Traffic Signs have the Universal shapes just like most of the rest of the world. When I got my International License years past, that wasn't the case. It is now. The US didn't invent those symbols. We got them from Europe. You only have to understand numbers and symbols which are the same in Mexico.
And the dumming down of America continues now into shapes and symbols. Everyone gets a trophy eh ?? Even illegals.

I had to learn those symbols to drive in Europe. After I learned them, they made perfect sense. It didn't matter that I didn't speak German, French or Italian or even Spanish. Those symbols were universal for all of Europe including Britain where I got my first International Drivers License. Things didn't change more than a Decade later when I had to get another one in Germany. You can cry and shed tears all you want but those symbols are a good thing for people spending extended time from European Countries AND South of the Border. The US requires all of us to understand those symbols. That Yield sign may say Yield but it also has a Red Triangle. And guess what, you can see the symbol a lot further off than you can the letters. Now, stop this nonsense and find something else to go off on. This dog don't hunt.
Yeah and the tower of babbel needed an international understanding in languages just as well didn't it ? We know how that turned out don't we ?? Gathering together to do evil is a bad thing, and to seperate oneself from it is a good thing. What is the goal of the international community ? To flood out the unique American culture in order to replace it with another ? Will that international community be a great thing or a bad thing for planet Earth ? Can it actually be done ? Nope, because everyone has a unique culture that is set in their parts of the world, and yes visiting and honoring each other's cultures is a great thing, but we know that that's not what is going on here don't we ??

It is an attack from within going on here, and a waiting on the outside for the doors to fly open with the welcome Matt extended, because the once great American nation is no more. It has been defeated from within.

If it weren't so blatant, then we would continue as the fool's the world has figured us to be, but we aren't the fool's the world has figured us to be, and that is the rub.
That is easy.
They are tested.
And to pass the test they have to read, study, and practice.
They also have to register an address so they can be contacted if suspected of something.
Read, but in their own language right ?

Is that why Mexican's struggle so bad on America's road's when driving, because they don't speaka-da-english ????? Next we'll have two languages on our road signs. LOL.

Whatever it takes eh ? Yeah I can see it now - We need more money in the state budget from those hard working American taxpayers, because we got to put up traffic signs in the Spanish language all over the state now. Good grief, as if the taxes aren't overly burdensome now in America.

Oh, stop this nonsense. Almost all Traffic Signs have the Universal shapes just like most of the rest of the world. When I got my International License years past, that wasn't the case. It is now. The US didn't invent those symbols. We got them from Europe. You only have to understand numbers and symbols which are the same in Mexico.
And the dumming down of America continues now into shapes and symbols. Everyone gets a trophy eh ?? Even illegals.

I had to learn those symbols to drive in Europe. After I learned them, they made perfect sense. It didn't matter that I didn't speak German, French or Italian or even Spanish. Those symbols were universal for all of Europe including Britain where I got my first International Drivers License. Things didn't change more than a Decade later when I had to get another one in Germany. You can cry and shed tears all you want but those symbols are a good thing for people spending extended time from European Countries AND South of the Border. The US requires all of us to understand those symbols. That Yield sign may say Yield but it also has a Red Triangle. And guess what, you can see the symbol a lot further off than you can the letters. Now, stop this nonsense and find something else to go off on. This dog don't hunt.
Yeah and the tower of babbel needed an international understanding in languages just as well didn't it ? We know how that turned out don't we ?? Gathering together to do evil is a bad thing, and to seperate oneself from it is a good thing. What is the goal of the international community ? To flood out the unique American culture in order to replace it with another ? Will that international community be a great thing or a bad thing for planet Earth ? Can it actually be done ? Nope, because everyone has a unique culture that is set in their parts of the world, and yes visiting and honoring each other's cultures is a great thing, but we know that that's not what is going on here don't we ??

It is an attack from within going on here, and a waiting on the outside for the doors to fly open with the welcome Matt extended, because the once great American nation is no more. It has been defeated from within.

If it weren't so blatant, then we would continue as the fool's the world has figured us to be, but we aren't the fool's the world has figured us to be, and that is the rub.

It's a stupid traffic sign. Pick something better to go all Genghis on.
Read, but in their own language right ?

Is that why Mexican's struggle so bad on America's road's when driving, because they don't speaka-da-english ????? Next we'll have two languages on our road signs. LOL.

Whatever it takes eh ? Yeah I can see it now - We need more money in the state budget from those hard working American taxpayers, because we got to put up traffic signs in the Spanish language all over the state now. Good grief, as if the taxes aren't overly burdensome now in America.

Oh, stop this nonsense. Almost all Traffic Signs have the Universal shapes just like most of the rest of the world. When I got my International License years past, that wasn't the case. It is now. The US didn't invent those symbols. We got them from Europe. You only have to understand numbers and symbols which are the same in Mexico.
And the dumming down of America continues now into shapes and symbols. Everyone gets a trophy eh ?? Even illegals.

I had to learn those symbols to drive in Europe. After I learned them, they made perfect sense. It didn't matter that I didn't speak German, French or Italian or even Spanish. Those symbols were universal for all of Europe including Britain where I got my first International Drivers License. Things didn't change more than a Decade later when I had to get another one in Germany. You can cry and shed tears all you want but those symbols are a good thing for people spending extended time from European Countries AND South of the Border. The US requires all of us to understand those symbols. That Yield sign may say Yield but it also has a Red Triangle. And guess what, you can see the symbol a lot further off than you can the letters. Now, stop this nonsense and find something else to go off on. This dog don't hunt.
Yeah and the tower of babbel needed an international understanding in languages just as well didn't it ? We know how that turned out don't we ?? Gathering together to do evil is a bad thing, and to seperate oneself from it is a good thing. What is the goal of the international community ? To flood out the unique American culture in order to replace it with another ? Will that international community be a great thing or a bad thing for planet Earth ? Can it actually be done ? Nope, because everyone has a unique culture that is set in their parts of the world, and yes visiting and honoring each other's cultures is a great thing, but we know that that's not what is going on here don't we ??

It is an attack from within going on here, and a waiting on the outside for the doors to fly open with the welcome Matt extended, because the once great American nation is no more. It has been defeated from within.

If it weren't so blatant, then we would continue as the fool's the world has figured us to be, but we aren't the fool's the world has figured us to be, and that is the rub.

It's a stupid traffic sign. Pick something better to go all Genghis on.
Yeah, yeah it's just a stupid ole traffic sign sure, but in the context it's being used in, we know that it's tied to way more than that.
Yeah they want to help the sick alright, but not for nothing when it doesn't have to be that way. We have or had safety nets set up for the poor forever now, and it's just when the demoncrats wanted to use the healthcare issue as a way to gain political power, did it all go straight bananas afterwards. It could be that the long term strategy to defeat the Republicans over the years, was to break the system, and then to roll up like cratzy heroes to save the day. Hmmmmm.

Follow the money, and the political motivations over the years to get the real truth people. Don't fall for anything these cratzies say. Don't do it. It's all smoke and mirrors playing upon the generations in hopes their memories are to short to get to deep into it all.

Hey, funny thing, before Democrats gave us Medicare, most people didn't live past 62 years old. If anything, most of our problems are because our social policies are too successful... that we are having people commonly live into their 80's.

The thing is, if the Democrats had their way, we'd have had universal health care back in the 1980's.
You moron. If you instituted UH there would be fewer people wanting to be doctors as you would limit their income. You may be the stupidest person on this board. Thank goodness you're old and didn't reproduce. The world is better without people like you in it. Asshole.

We realize that's why JEWS want to become doctors, but most people become doctors because they want to help the sick. So we get the greedy assholes out and replace them with people who just want to do good works.

This wasn't complicated at all.

Now be quiet, the grownups are talking.
Yeah they want to help the sick alright, but not for nothing when it doesn't have to be that way. We have or had safety nets set up for the poor forever now, and it's just when the demoncrats wanted to use the healthcare issue as a way to gain political power, did it all go straight bananas afterwards. It could be that the long term strategy to defeat the Republicans over the years, was to break the system, and then to roll up like cratzy heroes to save the day. Hmmmmm.

Follow the money, and the political motivations over the years to get the real truth people. Don't fall for anything these cratzies say. Don't do it. It's all smoke and mirrors playing upon the generations in hopes their memories are to short to get to deep into it all.

Once the commies get total control over our healthcare and energy, they will have total control over all Americans. In our system of governance and the Constitution, they can't just take over these things. They need for the people to beg them to take these liberties from us. So how can we do that they ask?

First, destroy healthcare so people have no choice but to surrender it. Make it so expensive that many won't be able to reasonably afford it. Create a myth called climate change. Tell people they only have 12 more years of survival if something isn't done immediately. Make them beg us to save their lives. By the time they come to the realization that God is in charge of the climate and not man, it will be too late. We will already have total control of them.

It's all happening as we live and breathe, it's just that many are too blind to understand it's happening.

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