Republican candidate to Governor actually sues Science

oh yawn, slate

notice that title.

Cuccinellie DANGEROUS suit against climate change...the climate cult strike's again

you should snip a little of the article and post with the link ..not that I'd go to slate
Virginia's Attorney General has a perfect right (and obligation) to subpoena records related to taxpayer funded projects regardless of the hysterics of the simple fools who claim that "he is suing science".
That's a 3 year old story.. Michael Mann was part of ClimateGate.. AND an employee of the Univ of Virginia..
He embarrassed the good folks and alumi of Virginia..

I would have proposed a duel instead...

To update you --- the Cucinelli suit did not succeed. That's a shame. Because we KNOW how damaging his emails were when revealed. And there was a fraud on science involved.

Pushing it from a political angle WAS going a bit too far.. I'll wait for the whole fraud to unravel on it's own...
Ken Cucinelli is an idiot. And he's running for the governorship of Virginia.

Virginia's Ken Cuccinelli's dangerous suit against climate change. - Slate Magazine

why is Cuccinelli an idiot for trying to expose the rot inside of the top echelon of climate science?

Penn St asked Mann if he responded to Phil Jones' email to delete all AR4 (IPCC) corespondence. Mann said he did not permanently delete his emails and the university simply accepted his word. no check to see if all the emails were there, no tech support to see if the emails were removed and replaced.

the university also asked him if he had been involved with anyone else to delete the emails to avoid FOI requests. he again denied it. even though the Jones' email specifically named Gene (Eugene Wahl) as someone that Mann should get hold of. the university did not question Wahl, who subsequently admitted that he did get the email from Mann and did dispose of his AR4 correspondence! when Wahl was asked why he never admitted this before he replied, " No one ever asked before". four inquiries into climategate and no one even asked!!!!! to be fair, the British inquiries never ask Jones if he (Jones) deleted his emails either.

the whole point of a whitewash is to avoid asking any questions that could lead to embarrassing or even criminal responses. the four inquiries succeeded in sidestepping any landmines. and the truth of course.
Ken Cucinelli is an idiot. And he's running for the governorship of Virginia.

Virginia's Ken Cuccinelli's dangerous suit against climate change. - Slate Magazine

why is Cuccinelli an idiot for trying to expose the rot inside of the top echelon of climate science?

Penn St asked Mann if he responded to Phil Jones' email to delete all AR4 (IPCC) corespondence. Mann said he did not permanently delete his emails and the university simply accepted his word. no check to see if all the emails were there, no tech support to see if the emails were removed and replaced.

the university also asked him if he had been involved with anyone else to delete the emails to avoid FOI requests. he again denied it. even though the Jones' email specifically named Gene (Eugene Wahl) as someone that Mann should get hold of. the university did not question Wahl, who subsequently admitted that he did get the email from Mann and did dispose of his AR4 correspondence! when Wahl was asked why he never admitted this before he replied, " No one ever asked before". four inquiries into climategate and no one even asked!!!!! to be fair, the British inquiries never ask Jones if he (Jones) deleted his emails either.

the whole point of a whitewash is to avoid asking any questions that could lead to embarrassing or even criminal responses. the four inquiries succeeded in sidestepping any landmines. and the truth of course.

The only purpose of the lawsuit was to harass scientists whose research provides facts that make conservatives look stupid.
Ken Cucinelli is an idiot. And he's running for the governorship of Virginia.

Virginia's Ken Cuccinelli's dangerous suit against climate change. - Slate Magazine

why is Cuccinelli an idiot for trying to expose the rot inside of the top echelon of climate science?

Penn St asked Mann if he responded to Phil Jones' email to delete all AR4 (IPCC) corespondence. Mann said he did not permanently delete his emails and the university simply accepted his word. no check to see if all the emails were there, no tech support to see if the emails were removed and replaced.

the university also asked him if he had been involved with anyone else to delete the emails to avoid FOI requests. he again denied it. even though the Jones' email specifically named Gene (Eugene Wahl) as someone that Mann should get hold of. the university did not question Wahl, who subsequently admitted that he did get the email from Mann and did dispose of his AR4 correspondence! when Wahl was asked why he never admitted this before he replied, " No one ever asked before". four inquiries into climategate and no one even asked!!!!! to be fair, the British inquiries never ask Jones if he (Jones) deleted his emails either.

the whole point of a whitewash is to avoid asking any questions that could lead to embarrassing or even criminal responses. the four inquiries succeeded in sidestepping any landmines. and the truth of course.

The only purpose of the lawsuit was to harass scientists whose research provides facts that make conservatives look stupid.

wow, did slate tell you that? well how dare people question any scientist...HOW DARE THEY
According to the denialists, all those Soviet scientists in the gulag must have been guilty, because TheParty came up with a list of charges against them. And only some kind of traitor would doubt the actions of TheParty.

Denialism has gotten scary in the way it joyfully embraces the worst totalitarian traits of the right and the left. For example, we've also got Senator McCarthy-Inhofe's list of scientists that he wanted hauled before the government inquisitors. He has a list, you know.

Raymond Bradley
Keith Briffa
Timothy Carter
Edward Cook
Malcolm Hughes
Phil Jones
Thomas Karl
Michael Mann
Michael Oppenheimer
Jonathan Overpeck
Benjamin Santer
Gavin Schmidt
Stephen Schneider
Susan Solomon
Peter Stott
Kevin Trenberth
Thomas Wigley

Not surprisingly, the denialists here demonize the names on that list too. TheParty commands, they obey.
Virginia's Ken Cuccinelli's dangerous suit against climate change. - Slate Magazine

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli started the week by attempting to cover up the offending left breast of the Roman goddess Virtus on the Virginia state seal worn on the lapels of his staff. Last night he dropped the effort and issued a statement indicating he'd decided to stop trying to make Virtus more virtuous. Designed by a committee that included George Wythe, George Mason, Robert Carter Nicholas, and Richard Henry Lee, the bare-breasted Virtus has been on the state seal since 1776. A version has been on the state flag since 1861. But when Cuccinelli tried to put Virtus in a burqa this week, the darling of the Tea Party movement explained without irony: "Just because we've always done something a certain way doesn't mean we always have to continue doing it that way."

Seems the fellow is frightened of the sight of one uncovered tit, also. I guess he would be totally appalled in Italy.
Virginia's Ken Cuccinelli's dangerous suit against climate change. - Slate Magazine

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli started the week by attempting to cover up the offending left breast of the Roman goddess Virtus on the Virginia state seal worn on the lapels of his staff. Last night he dropped the effort and issued a statement indicating he'd decided to stop trying to make Virtus more virtuous. Designed by a committee that included George Wythe, George Mason, Robert Carter Nicholas, and Richard Henry Lee, the bare-breasted Virtus has been on the state seal since 1776. A version has been on the state flag since 1861. But when Cuccinelli tried to put Virtus in a burqa this week, the darling of the Tea Party movement explained without irony: "Just because we've always done something a certain way doesn't mean we always have to continue doing it that way."

Seems the fellow is frightened of the sight of one uncovered tit, also. I guess he would be totally appalled in Italy.

Some folks are appalled by the sight of historic Spanish mission with a cross on a city shield.. You know --- the same folks who would never be caught dead in CORPUS CHRISTIE, TX...
Ken Cucinelli is an idiot. And he's running for the governorship of Virginia.

Virginia's Ken Cuccinelli's dangerous suit against climate change. - Slate Magazine

why is Cuccinelli an idiot for trying to expose the rot inside of the top echelon of climate science?

Penn St asked Mann if he responded to Phil Jones' email to delete all AR4 (IPCC) corespondence. Mann said he did not permanently delete his emails and the university simply accepted his word. no check to see if all the emails were there, no tech support to see if the emails were removed and replaced.

the university also asked him if he had been involved with anyone else to delete the emails to avoid FOI requests. he again denied it. even though the Jones' email specifically named Gene (Eugene Wahl) as someone that Mann should get hold of. the university did not question Wahl, who subsequently admitted that he did get the email from Mann and did dispose of his AR4 correspondence! when Wahl was asked why he never admitted this before he replied, " No one ever asked before". four inquiries into climategate and no one even asked!!!!! to be fair, the British inquiries never ask Jones if he (Jones) deleted his emails either.

the whole point of a whitewash is to avoid asking any questions that could lead to embarrassing or even criminal responses. the four inquiries succeeded in sidestepping any landmines. and the truth of course.

The only purpose of the lawsuit was to harass scientists whose research provides facts that make conservatives look stupid.

I dont really care that you seem to have a political hate hard-on for conservatives. what you should be interested in is that literally trillions of dollars are going to be spent on the advice of tainted science. Mann is one of the worst, and letting him escape from being accountable to reasonable scientific standards will only result in more shoddy (and likely fraudulent) climate science. perhaps there would be less skeptics of catastrophic global warming if there were less exaggerated and faulty science but the more like scenario is that there would just be less proclamations of doom because the science would show that the small amount of warming from CO2 is beneficial to civilization.
I have noticed a very odd thing about these denialists. They constantly yap about 'tainted science', yet none of them appear on the podium at the meetings of the American Geophyiscal Union, or American Meteological Society. You would think that if they had proof, they would have the courage to present that to other scientists. Instead, they address people who have little understanding of how science operates.

The simple truth is, they have nothing at all that would stand up in a scientific peer setting. Otherwise, they would be there.
Another point is that they keep repeating that what is presently happening is very minor. We have seen the Arctic Sea Ice minimum drop 40% in the last 30 years. Here is what that means.

Sunshine on ice reflect 90% of the incoming energy, and that remaining 10% requires 334 joules of energy to melt one gram of 0 degree ice to one gram of 0 degree water. Open water absorbs 90% of the incoming energy, and only reflects 10%. And it requires 4.18 joules of energy to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius.

So, the 334 joules of energy that was melting one gram of ice, is now raising the temperature of 80 grams of water one degree. However, the amount of sunlight that used to melt one gram of ice, is now raising the temperature of 720 grams of water one degree. And we are talking about millions of square kilometers of ocean water where there used to be ice. This is not a minor feedback.
why is Cuccinelli an idiot for trying to expose the rot inside of the top echelon of climate science?

Penn St asked Mann if he responded to Phil Jones' email to delete all AR4 (IPCC) corespondence. Mann said he did not permanently delete his emails and the university simply accepted his word. no check to see if all the emails were there, no tech support to see if the emails were removed and replaced.

the university also asked him if he had been involved with anyone else to delete the emails to avoid FOI requests. he again denied it. even though the Jones' email specifically named Gene (Eugene Wahl) as someone that Mann should get hold of. the university did not question Wahl, who subsequently admitted that he did get the email from Mann and did dispose of his AR4 correspondence! when Wahl was asked why he never admitted this before he replied, " No one ever asked before". four inquiries into climategate and no one even asked!!!!! to be fair, the British inquiries never ask Jones if he (Jones) deleted his emails either.

the whole point of a whitewash is to avoid asking any questions that could lead to embarrassing or even criminal responses. the four inquiries succeeded in sidestepping any landmines. and the truth of course.

The only purpose of the lawsuit was to harass scientists whose research provides facts that make conservatives look stupid.

I dont really care that you seem to have a political hate hard-on for conservatives. what you should be interested in is that literally trillions of dollars are going to be spent on the advice of tainted science. Mann is one of the worst, and letting him escape from being accountable to reasonable scientific standards will only result in more shoddy (and likely fraudulent) climate science. perhaps there would be less skeptics of catastrophic global warming if there were less exaggerated and faulty science but the more like scenario is that there would just be less proclamations of doom because the science would show that the small amount of warming from CO2 is beneficial to civilization.

The contested study is not "tainted science."

This one particular study may have had shortcomings, but lots of studies in lots of scientific fields have shortcomings.

To refer to it as "tainted science" proves you know nothing about scientific research.

To politically harass scientists for mistakes made in their studies is ludicrous.

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