Republican Candidates Demand We Invade Canada

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street

"Fentanyl super labs in Canada pose new threat for U.S. opioid epidemic"​

The Republicans who demanded we invade Mexico now demand we invade Canada. Mr. Trump said "Just as we got Mexico to pay for the wall (the wall that all the Fentanyl is coming over across the Southern Border), we will get Canada to pay for the invasion. Mr. Trump also wrote in all caps on PRAVAD Social (Trump's X): SEND IN OUR SPECIAL OPERATIONS AND WE WILL TAKE OUT THE KKK - THE KRAZED KROOKED KANADIANS!

Former GOP candidate and Trump backer Tim Scott said the southern border is "wide open," the passage of migrants from Canada, is the cause of fentanyl overdoses crisis in the country. Scott posted @ PRAVAD Social (Trump's X) We Don't Care! after being told that although the amount of fentanyl and other drugs entering the northern border has increased in recent years, experts and federal agencies have explained that the drugs mainly arrive through authorized ports of entry from Mexico and not Canada, in private vehicles driven by US citizens.

"Facts be damned!" is the latest MAGA chant: Only 0.02% of people arrested by the Border Patrol for crossing the border illegally possessed fentanyl, according to data analyzed by the Cato Institute in 2022.

Candidate Ron DeSantis wants suspected drug smugglers at the U.S.-Mexico border, and now at the US-Canadian border to be shot dead. “As commander in chief, I’m going to use the U.S. military to go after the Crazed Canadians,” said DeSantis, the Florida governor. He has promised that people suspected of smuggling drugs across the northern border would end up “stone cold dead.” That raises the prospect of border agents being authorized to shoot people on sight before any investigation into whether those people were carrying drugs.

Candidate Nikki Haley promises to send American special forces into Canada.

Vivek Ramaswamy has accused Mexico’s leader of treating drug cartels as his “sugar daddy” and says that if he is elected president, “there will be a new daddy in town.”

...still breaking news to be update as we gather more alternative facts.
source: FAUX News
As president, Donald Trump reportedly floated the idea of shooting “missiles into Mexico to destroy the drug labs.” When his defense secretary, Mark Esper, raised various objections, he recalls that Mr. Trump responded by saying the bombing could be done “quietly”: “No one would know it was us.” :auiqs.jpg:

Well, word got out and the craze caught on. Now many professed rebel Republicans, such as Representatives Mike Waltz and Marjorie Taylor Greene, along with several old G.O.P. war horses, like Senator Lindsey Graham, want to bomb Mexico and Canada. Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida said he would send special forces into Canada on “Day 1” of his presidency, targeting drug cartels and fentanyl labs.

In May, Representative Michael McCaul, another Republican, introduced a bill pushing for fentanyl to be listed as a chemical weapon, like sarin gas, under the Chemical Weapons Convention. This move targeted Mexican cartels, Krazed Krooked Kanadians, and Chinese companies, which are accused of providing the ingredients to the cartels to manufacture fentanyl.
Remember the last time you tried this?!?!? :)

War of 1812, we just hadn't been named yet so technically it was still British North America.

Remember the last time you tried this?!?!? :)

War of 1812, we just hadn't been named yet so technically it was still British North America.

It'll never happen again. We don't want land that is colder than hell.
Remember the last time you tried this?!?!? :)

War of 1812, we just hadn't been named yet so technically it was still British North America.

Are you in the right thread?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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