Debate Now Republican candidates discussion, Conservative/libertarian/tea party only

The Tea Party has not mismanaged their PR. They were targeted by the establishment in Congress--both GOP and Dem who didn't want the completion, trashed by the mainstream median and by the left on message boards, and denied fund raising ability by the current administrationso that they could not as effectively counter the negative press. Remember the IRS scandals?

Nor have they demanded any privilege or voice more than any other group is allowed. And who are the 'whackjobs'? Those identified by the permanent political class in Washington, the mainstream media, and others who want the Tea Party silenced? Those accused of all sorts of things the Tea Party has never stood for? Those the gullible among us believe from a dishonest press?

I'll admit the Tea Party has had terrible press. But it, and others like it, is the true grass roots reform movement. We can help the professional politicians and self serving groups marginalize and demonize them. Or we can give them an opportunity to make their case. So far, I have mostly liked the case they have made.

If we refuse to do that, it honestly isn't going to make any difference who we elect to Congress or the White House. One group may take us to hell in a hand basket a little slower, but they'll both take us there.

Sam Brownback has done a great deal to give the Tea Party a bad name.

And I can't even tell you if he belongs to the Tea Party or not.

The press has been able to use him to cream the Tea Party though.

And they've done little to fight it off.

They have completely mismanaged their PR. They are not united.

There are no Tea Party members. And you don't know if Brownback considers himself allied with the Tea Party but you use him as an example of a Tea Party whackjob? What kind of logic is that? [The point being that the press has been able to frame this up as a Tea Party experiment. As much as I know you'd like to have this be a fair isn't. Please show me where the Tea Party as come out to distance themselves from Brownback. To your get drug over the coals... My point is that it stuff like this and the Tea Party is ill-equipped to deal with it. They have blown it in the PR world. That's the logic. It does not matter that Sammy B. is or isn't. He's been branded and he's taking you down with him.]

Brownback, however, has been trashed, demonized, mischaracterized, and insulted more than most purely because he is a true conservative with courage of his convictions and hasn't been afraid to defend them. And for awhile he was the national whipping boy illustrating how 'cruel' and 'unworkable' his conservative policies were in Kansas. [Brownback is not a true conservative in my estimation. Regardless, he has proceeded with an attitude that says something like "I have God on my side so you can suck on whatever I do." His policies have not damaged Kansas as much as some have made out. But that is the point. He has been a national whipping boy and he has no counter. PR Failure]

Well nobody mentions Brownback much anymore. He is too politically incorrect for the GOP to admire--they don't want to be tarred with such conservative positions. And the left has shut up because Brownback's policies have proved successful and beneficial for Kansas beyond anybody's wildest dreams.
How Kansas Governor Brownback Schooled Missouri On Tax Cuts And Showed The Region How To Grow - Forbes

[Kansas never was in bad shape. This article is grabbing at metrics that people really don't care about. Brownback has gotten waxed over the schools...for better or worse]

THAT is what I want in a GOP nominee for 2016--somebody with the courage of his/her convictions and unafraid to defend them along with the instincts, courage, and know how to promote a robust, thriving economy which is the most compassionate and effective welfare program ever devised by humankind.
[I'll take a candidate who is able to talk about things in an intelligent way and tell people he is not there to fix their problems. If he says "I'll fix the economy", I'm not voting for him. If he says "I'll do what I can to make the economy more free market...up to and including highliting the miserable business practices of our large corporations and getting rid of the regulations that protect them. But keep in mind my changes don't control the market so be prepared for whatever comes....] I'll take a hard look.

See my responses in [brackets] above.

And that has to do with Brownback being a Tea Party whackjob how?

But you have been talking about controlling the message and belittle the Tea Party because they haven't been able to do that effectively. How effectively do you think a GOP hopeful will be controlling the message if he has no specific plan to lay out of how he hopes to improve the economy?

I don't know that he is one (am I not explaining that ?). What I do know is that everything you read about (especially when it comes to schools) calls Brownback's efforts "a failed experiment" and likens the cuts to things the Tea Party would do if they had control. It's all know that and I know that....but the left has been able to lie it's ass off.

Your second question is one that the GOP had better wake up to and wake up fast. Regardless of who they nominate, taxes and supply side will be one of the debates in 2016. Romney's camp failed to turn Obama's pre-emptive strike around and he paid for it with the election.

In my mind, Scott Walker has done a much better job of keeping the press crap under control.

What you have read about Brownback has almost certainly been a dishonest and partisan spin. The facts of who he is and what he has accomplished get little honest publicity as I indicated in my previous post. But what he has accomplished in the shittiest economy in my lifetime has been nothing short of remarkable.

So if he isn't a Tea Party whackjob that you accused the Tea Party of having, then who is? You still haven't answered that question.

Romney's campaign failed in part because he didn't have a rapid response team in place to counter the dishonest and unethical barbs launched at him and because the media's coverage of Romney was more than 3 to 1 negative compared to Obama's negative press. Scott Walker isn't yet more than a blip on the landscape at this time with a media that is looking for the most unappealing and vulnerable GOP candidate to promote. If he starts gaining traction in a way that they think will threaten Hillary, we'll see how well he stands up against an organized attack.
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Sam Brownback has done a great deal to give the Tea Party a bad name.

And I can't even tell you if he belongs to the Tea Party or not.

The press has been able to use him to cream the Tea Party though.

And they've done little to fight it off.

They have completely mismanaged their PR. They are not united.

There are no Tea Party members. And you don't know if Brownback considers himself allied with the Tea Party but you use him as an example of a Tea Party whackjob? What kind of logic is that? [The point being that the press has been able to frame this up as a Tea Party experiment. As much as I know you'd like to have this be a fair isn't. Please show me where the Tea Party as come out to distance themselves from Brownback. To your get drug over the coals... My point is that it stuff like this and the Tea Party is ill-equipped to deal with it. They have blown it in the PR world. That's the logic. It does not matter that Sammy B. is or isn't. He's been branded and he's taking you down with him.]

Brownback, however, has been trashed, demonized, mischaracterized, and insulted more than most purely because he is a true conservative with courage of his convictions and hasn't been afraid to defend them. And for awhile he was the national whipping boy illustrating how 'cruel' and 'unworkable' his conservative policies were in Kansas. [Brownback is not a true conservative in my estimation. Regardless, he has proceeded with an attitude that says something like "I have God on my side so you can suck on whatever I do." His policies have not damaged Kansas as much as some have made out. But that is the point. He has been a national whipping boy and he has no counter. PR Failure]

Well nobody mentions Brownback much anymore. He is too politically incorrect for the GOP to admire--they don't want to be tarred with such conservative positions. And the left has shut up because Brownback's policies have proved successful and beneficial for Kansas beyond anybody's wildest dreams.
How Kansas Governor Brownback Schooled Missouri On Tax Cuts And Showed The Region How To Grow - Forbes

[Kansas never was in bad shape. This article is grabbing at metrics that people really don't care about. Brownback has gotten waxed over the schools...for better or worse]

THAT is what I want in a GOP nominee for 2016--somebody with the courage of his/her convictions and unafraid to defend them along with the instincts, courage, and know how to promote a robust, thriving economy which is the most compassionate and effective welfare program ever devised by humankind.
[I'll take a candidate who is able to talk about things in an intelligent way and tell people he is not there to fix their problems. If he says "I'll fix the economy", I'm not voting for him. If he says "I'll do what I can to make the economy more free market...up to and including highliting the miserable business practices of our large corporations and getting rid of the regulations that protect them. But keep in mind my changes don't control the market so be prepared for whatever comes....] I'll take a hard look.

See my responses in [brackets] above.

And that has to do with Brownback being a Tea Party whackjob how?

But you have been talking about controlling the message and belittle the Tea Party because they haven't been able to do that effectively. How effectively do you think a GOP hopeful will be controlling the message if he has no specific plan to lay out of how he hopes to improve the economy?

I don't know that he is one (am I not explaining that ?). What I do know is that everything you read about (especially when it comes to schools) calls Brownback's efforts "a failed experiment" and likens the cuts to things the Tea Party would do if they had control. It's all know that and I know that....but the left has been able to lie it's ass off.

Your second question is one that the GOP had better wake up to and wake up fast. Regardless of who they nominate, taxes and supply side will be one of the debates in 2016. Romney's camp failed to turn Obama's pre-emptive strike around and he paid for it with the election.

In my mind, Scott Walker has done a much better job of keeping the press crap under control.

What you have read about Brownback has almost certainly been a dishonest and partisan spin. The facts of who he is and what he has accomplished get little honest publicity as I indicated in my previous post. But what he has accomplished in the shittiest economy in my lifetime has been nothing short of remarkable.

What has he accomplished ?

Really ? What metrics are you utilizing ?
Sam Brownback has done a great deal to give the Tea Party a bad name.

And I can't even tell you if he belongs to the Tea Party or not.

The press has been able to use him to cream the Tea Party though.

And they've done little to fight it off.

They have completely mismanaged their PR. They are not united.

There are no Tea Party members. And you don't know if Brownback considers himself allied with the Tea Party but you use him as an example of a Tea Party whackjob? What kind of logic is that? [The point being that the press has been able to frame this up as a Tea Party experiment. As much as I know you'd like to have this be a fair isn't. Please show me where the Tea Party as come out to distance themselves from Brownback. To your get drug over the coals... My point is that it stuff like this and the Tea Party is ill-equipped to deal with it. They have blown it in the PR world. That's the logic. It does not matter that Sammy B. is or isn't. He's been branded and he's taking you down with him.]

Brownback, however, has been trashed, demonized, mischaracterized, and insulted more than most purely because he is a true conservative with courage of his convictions and hasn't been afraid to defend them. And for awhile he was the national whipping boy illustrating how 'cruel' and 'unworkable' his conservative policies were in Kansas. [Brownback is not a true conservative in my estimation. Regardless, he has proceeded with an attitude that says something like "I have God on my side so you can suck on whatever I do." His policies have not damaged Kansas as much as some have made out. But that is the point. He has been a national whipping boy and he has no counter. PR Failure]

Well nobody mentions Brownback much anymore. He is too politically incorrect for the GOP to admire--they don't want to be tarred with such conservative positions. And the left has shut up because Brownback's policies have proved successful and beneficial for Kansas beyond anybody's wildest dreams.
How Kansas Governor Brownback Schooled Missouri On Tax Cuts And Showed The Region How To Grow - Forbes

[Kansas never was in bad shape. This article is grabbing at metrics that people really don't care about. Brownback has gotten waxed over the schools...for better or worse]

THAT is what I want in a GOP nominee for 2016--somebody with the courage of his/her convictions and unafraid to defend them along with the instincts, courage, and know how to promote a robust, thriving economy which is the most compassionate and effective welfare program ever devised by humankind.
[I'll take a candidate who is able to talk about things in an intelligent way and tell people he is not there to fix their problems. If he says "I'll fix the economy", I'm not voting for him. If he says "I'll do what I can to make the economy more free market...up to and including highliting the miserable business practices of our large corporations and getting rid of the regulations that protect them. But keep in mind my changes don't control the market so be prepared for whatever comes....] I'll take a hard look.

See my responses in [brackets] above.

And that has to do with Brownback being a Tea Party whackjob how?

But you have been talking about controlling the message and belittle the Tea Party because they haven't been able to do that effectively. How effectively do you think a GOP hopeful will be controlling the message if he has no specific plan to lay out of how he hopes to improve the economy?

I don't know that he is one (am I not explaining that ?). What I do know is that everything you read about (especially when it comes to schools) calls Brownback's efforts "a failed experiment" and likens the cuts to things the Tea Party would do if they had control. It's all know that and I know that....but the left has been able to lie it's ass off.

Your second question is one that the GOP had better wake up to and wake up fast. Regardless of who they nominate, taxes and supply side will be one of the debates in 2016. Romney's camp failed to turn Obama's pre-emptive strike around and he paid for it with the election.

In my mind, Scott Walker has done a much better job of keeping the press crap under control.

So if he isn't a Tea Party whackjob that you accused the Tea Party of having, then who is? You still haven't answered that question.

Michelle Bachmann

Sarah Palin
There are no Tea Party members. And you don't know if Brownback considers himself allied with the Tea Party but you use him as an example of a Tea Party whackjob? What kind of logic is that? [The point being that the press has been able to frame this up as a Tea Party experiment. As much as I know you'd like to have this be a fair isn't. Please show me where the Tea Party as come out to distance themselves from Brownback. To your get drug over the coals... My point is that it stuff like this and the Tea Party is ill-equipped to deal with it. They have blown it in the PR world. That's the logic. It does not matter that Sammy B. is or isn't. He's been branded and he's taking you down with him.]

Brownback, however, has been trashed, demonized, mischaracterized, and insulted more than most purely because he is a true conservative with courage of his convictions and hasn't been afraid to defend them. And for awhile he was the national whipping boy illustrating how 'cruel' and 'unworkable' his conservative policies were in Kansas. [Brownback is not a true conservative in my estimation. Regardless, he has proceeded with an attitude that says something like "I have God on my side so you can suck on whatever I do." His policies have not damaged Kansas as much as some have made out. But that is the point. He has been a national whipping boy and he has no counter. PR Failure]

Well nobody mentions Brownback much anymore. He is too politically incorrect for the GOP to admire--they don't want to be tarred with such conservative positions. And the left has shut up because Brownback's policies have proved successful and beneficial for Kansas beyond anybody's wildest dreams.
How Kansas Governor Brownback Schooled Missouri On Tax Cuts And Showed The Region How To Grow - Forbes

[Kansas never was in bad shape. This article is grabbing at metrics that people really don't care about. Brownback has gotten waxed over the schools...for better or worse]

THAT is what I want in a GOP nominee for 2016--somebody with the courage of his/her convictions and unafraid to defend them along with the instincts, courage, and know how to promote a robust, thriving economy which is the most compassionate and effective welfare program ever devised by humankind.
[I'll take a candidate who is able to talk about things in an intelligent way and tell people he is not there to fix their problems. If he says "I'll fix the economy", I'm not voting for him. If he says "I'll do what I can to make the economy more free market...up to and including highliting the miserable business practices of our large corporations and getting rid of the regulations that protect them. But keep in mind my changes don't control the market so be prepared for whatever comes....] I'll take a hard look.

See my responses in [brackets] above.

And that has to do with Brownback being a Tea Party whackjob how?

But you have been talking about controlling the message and belittle the Tea Party because they haven't been able to do that effectively. How effectively do you think a GOP hopeful will be controlling the message if he has no specific plan to lay out of how he hopes to improve the economy?

I don't know that he is one (am I not explaining that ?). What I do know is that everything you read about (especially when it comes to schools) calls Brownback's efforts "a failed experiment" and likens the cuts to things the Tea Party would do if they had control. It's all know that and I know that....but the left has been able to lie it's ass off.

Your second question is one that the GOP had better wake up to and wake up fast. Regardless of who they nominate, taxes and supply side will be one of the debates in 2016. Romney's camp failed to turn Obama's pre-emptive strike around and he paid for it with the election.

In my mind, Scott Walker has done a much better job of keeping the press crap under control.

What you have read about Brownback has almost certainly been a dishonest and partisan spin. The facts of who he is and what he has accomplished get little honest publicity as I indicated in my previous post. But what he has accomplished in the shittiest economy in my lifetime has been nothing short of remarkable.

What has he accomplished ?

Really ? What metrics are you utilizing ?

For starters you might read the link I furnished. And then do some more reading on the economic climate in Kansas. Like almost every other state, the sluggish economy has slowed growth that otherwise would likely have occurred so Kansas is having to adjust to cover projected deficits like everybody else has. Everything isn't great there any more than it is great anywhere. But Kansans have suffered through these grim economic times in better shape than most.
Seeded With Tax Cuts Kansas Harvests the Benefits - WSJ

And Brownback was rewarded with a second term last fall when every left leaning newspaper, magazine, and other sources didn't give him a snowball's chance in hell to be re-elected. And he was not re-elected because he was popular. He isn't. He was re-elected because enough people know he was right.

Conservative values and concepts work pretty much everywhere they are tried. Which is why I am looking very hard for a viable conservative to get behind in 2016--even if it happens to be one of those 'whack job' Tea Party types.
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ok this,is a killer talking point, are you listening republican operatives?

Hilary Clinton is a coward. How can she stand up to foreign leaders when she can't even stand up to real Americans? She won't answer questions or even talk to real Americans, she must have hand picked vetted audiences of sycophants. Her campaign is an artifice. She is not real, she is definitely not an Everyman, and she is positively not a champion for the common folk. Hilary cant stand the heat and she needs to get out of the kitchen. America can ill afford another pretender in the oval,office.
See my responses in [brackets] above.

And that has to do with Brownback being a Tea Party whackjob how?

But you have been talking about controlling the message and belittle the Tea Party because they haven't been able to do that effectively. How effectively do you think a GOP hopeful will be controlling the message if he has no specific plan to lay out of how he hopes to improve the economy?

I don't know that he is one (am I not explaining that ?). What I do know is that everything you read about (especially when it comes to schools) calls Brownback's efforts "a failed experiment" and likens the cuts to things the Tea Party would do if they had control. It's all know that and I know that....but the left has been able to lie it's ass off.

Your second question is one that the GOP had better wake up to and wake up fast. Regardless of who they nominate, taxes and supply side will be one of the debates in 2016. Romney's camp failed to turn Obama's pre-emptive strike around and he paid for it with the election.

In my mind, Scott Walker has done a much better job of keeping the press crap under control.

What you have read about Brownback has almost certainly been a dishonest and partisan spin. The facts of who he is and what he has accomplished get little honest publicity as I indicated in my previous post. But what he has accomplished in the shittiest economy in my lifetime has been nothing short of remarkable.

What has he accomplished ?

Really ? What metrics are you utilizing ?

For starters you might read the link I furnished. And then do some more reading on the economic climate in Kansas. Like almost every other state, the sluggish economy has slowed growth that otherwise would likely have occurred so Kansas is having to adjust to cover projected deficits like everybody else has. Everything isn't great there any more than it is great anywhere. But Kansans have suffered through these grim economic times in better shape than most.
Seeded With Tax Cuts Kansas Harvests the Benefits - WSJ

And Brownback was rewarded with a second term last fall when every left leaning newspaper, magazine, and other sources didn't give him a snowball's chance in hell to be re-elected. And he was not re-elected because he was popular. He isn't. He was re-elected because enough people know he was right.

Conservative values and concepts work pretty much everywhere they are tried. Which is why I am looking very hard for a viable conservative to get behind in 2016--even if it happens to be one of those 'whack job' Tea Party types.

I did read the link and it was pretty much meaningless.

First of all, those numbers are easily swallowed up in noise. Except, of course, the unemployment numbers. If I read this guy's math, the unemployment in Kansas was almost 13% when Brownback took over. Sorry, but unemployment never got above 8%. Kansas fared quite well during the Obummer recession. As for it's simply follows the federal numbers as shown:


Kansas State Unemployment Rate and Total Unemployed Department of Numbers

So, we're giving Brownback credit for something ? What ?

I am not sure who would have been better. Had Brownback lost, his opponenet would have faced an extremely conservative house and senate who would have stood him up and laid him out. Making room for a quality candidate on the right.

The Kansas side of the metro includes Johnson County Kansas, one of the best non-urban places in the country to live. They have been on a roll for over 20 years so the "increase" might very well have been happening anyway. There is simply no way to tell.

But, this isn't about bashing Brownback or challenging his record (beyond challenging your cliams). It is about a clown who didn't message well, has since stepped back, and is labeled as a Tea Party type (but probably isn't one).

Hence his "failure" which I have pointed out (which really may not be a failure at all) is being dumped on the heads of the Tea Party (unfairly I freely admit). And they are in no position to deal with it.

My candidate won't says stupid things like "experiment". He or she will understand that they are simply doing what is right (whatever that is....I am not a conservative by your definition) and saying as much. People can measure it up and decide if they agree. Courage is also he ability to allow the other side a rational voice. My candidate will allow for reasonable conversation provide both sides can conduct one (which is somewhat doubtful at times).
And that has to do with Brownback being a Tea Party whackjob how?

But you have been talking about controlling the message and belittle the Tea Party because they haven't been able to do that effectively. How effectively do you think a GOP hopeful will be controlling the message if he has no specific plan to lay out of how he hopes to improve the economy?

I don't know that he is one (am I not explaining that ?). What I do know is that everything you read about (especially when it comes to schools) calls Brownback's efforts "a failed experiment" and likens the cuts to things the Tea Party would do if they had control. It's all know that and I know that....but the left has been able to lie it's ass off.

Your second question is one that the GOP had better wake up to and wake up fast. Regardless of who they nominate, taxes and supply side will be one of the debates in 2016. Romney's camp failed to turn Obama's pre-emptive strike around and he paid for it with the election.

In my mind, Scott Walker has done a much better job of keeping the press crap under control.

What you have read about Brownback has almost certainly been a dishonest and partisan spin. The facts of who he is and what he has accomplished get little honest publicity as I indicated in my previous post. But what he has accomplished in the shittiest economy in my lifetime has been nothing short of remarkable.

What has he accomplished ?

Really ? What metrics are you utilizing ?

For starters you might read the link I furnished. And then do some more reading on the economic climate in Kansas. Like almost every other state, the sluggish economy has slowed growth that otherwise would likely have occurred so Kansas is having to adjust to cover projected deficits like everybody else has. Everything isn't great there any more than it is great anywhere. But Kansans have suffered through these grim economic times in better shape than most.
Seeded With Tax Cuts Kansas Harvests the Benefits - WSJ

And Brownback was rewarded with a second term last fall when every left leaning newspaper, magazine, and other sources didn't give him a snowball's chance in hell to be re-elected. And he was not re-elected because he was popular. He isn't. He was re-elected because enough people know he was right.

Conservative values and concepts work pretty much everywhere they are tried. Which is why I am looking very hard for a viable conservative to get behind in 2016--even if it happens to be one of those 'whack job' Tea Party types.

I did read the link and it was pretty much meaningless.

First of all, those numbers are easily swallowed up in noise. Except, of course, the unemployment numbers. If I read this guy's math, the unemployment in Kansas was almost 13% when Brownback took over. Sorry, but unemployment never got above 8%. Kansas fared quite well during the Obummer recession. As for it's simply follows the federal numbers as shown:


Kansas State Unemployment Rate and Total Unemployed Department of Numbers

So, we're giving Brownback credit for something ? What ?

I am not sure who would have been better. Had Brownback lost, his opponenet would have faced an extremely conservative house and senate who would have stood him up and laid him out. Making room for a quality candidate on the right.

The Kansas side of the metro includes Johnson County Kansas, one of the best non-urban places in the country to live. They have been on a roll for over 20 years so the "increase" might very well have been happening anyway. There is simply no way to tell.

But, this isn't about bashing Brownback or challenging his record (beyond challenging your cliams). It is about a clown who didn't message well, has since stepped back, and is labeled as a Tea Party type (but probably isn't one).

Hence his "failure" which I have pointed out (which really may not be a failure at all) is being dumped on the heads of the Tea Party (unfairly I freely admit). And they are in no position to deal with it.

My candidate won't says stupid things like "experiment". He or she will understand that they are simply doing what is right (whatever that is....I am not a conservative by your definition) and saying as much. People can measure it up and decide if they agree. Courage is also he ability to allow the other side a rational voice. My candidate will allow for reasonable conversation provide both sides can conduct one (which is somewhat doubtful at times).

Well you will believe and think whatever you choose to believe and think what you will. I will agree to disagree so that we don't continue to hijack 2aguy's good thread.
Interesting article here that may or may not be significant in 2016 regardless of who the GOP nominates. It is quite technical so I'll just link it and let everybody look it over themselves. The concluding paragraph:

. . .None of this is to say that Republicans are building a permanent majority of any sort. It is simply to say that when one takes account of the full political picture, the Republican Party is stronger than it has been in most of our readers’ lifetimes. This is important, and more analysis should take account of this fact.​
The GOP Is the Strongest It s Been in Decades RealClearPolitics
My two favorites so far....Ted Cruz and Scott Walker....they seem to actually be fighters...both have actually fought against the democrats.....and aren't of the mind set to "reach across the aisle" which actually means caving to any or all demands of democrats just to appear nice......

I admire Walker because he set out with a game plan and has not been pushed off of it. I find that attractive.

Cruz sounds good, but he has not run anything.

That Walker was a (good) governor gets him high marks in my book.

I can't even recall where all the scandals are that people said would land Walker in jail.

Just like a bad case of seems to have all passed.
I read the article and am not impressed fox. They created the formula from existing reality to make it look good. You have to overweight the presidency big time. When you realize how much Obama has changed America with a host of B players, you recognize just how powerful the presidency is.
I read the article and am not impressed fox. They created the formula from existing reality to make it look good. You have to overweight the presidency big time. When you realize how much Obama has changed America with a host of B players, you recognize just how powerful the presidency is.

I didn't think the article downplayed the power of the Presidency. It was just pointing out that there are more Republicans in office at all levels of government than there has been in a very long time. In other words, the GOP is not losing ground but rather is gaining power.
Ted Cruz a Perfect Conservative Candidate

This is a good look at Cruz as a senate candidate.

Ted Cruz has enjoyed a meteoric rise in prestige and name recognition in the Republican Party in a very short time. I see a lot of potential there, a lot of leadership quality, and, assuming he's the real deal, a guy with strength of his convictions. He has strong social views that both the Democrats and moderate to liberal Republicans use to demonize him, but he also has strong convictions about the limitations on the federal government intended by the Constitution. As long as he holds that view, he could believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster and I wouldn't be afraid of him.
Ted Cruz a Perfect Conservative Candidate

This is a good look at Cruz as a senate candidate.

Ted Cruz has enjoyed a meteoric rise in prestige and name recognition in the Republican Party in a very short time. I see a lot of potential there, a lot of leadership quality, and, assuming he's the real deal, a guy with strength of his convictions. He has strong social views that both the Democrats and moderate to liberal Republicans use to demonize him, but he also has strong convictions about the limitations on the federal government intended by the Constitution. As long as he holds that view, he could believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster and I wouldn't be afraid of him.

I know many who feel the same way.

I don't.

I was just sharing the link.
It is not insignificant the repubs have so much control at the state level but to be honest with you I am not real impressed with a lot,of repub representatives. Here in Florida there is more emphasis on concealed carry instead of more important issues. Governor Scott is about as likable as a cold fish and if they don't get this low income healthcare thing straightened out the Dems will beat us over the head with it.

Which brings up another point. One of the factors left out of the calculation was the media AND higher education. If the percentage of liberals in this country is growing it is directly attributable to the brainwashing our children are getting at all levels,of,education. Add this to a media which is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and the deck is pretty much stacked against any conservative offensive, especially when republican representatives are as feckless and weak-kneed as the ones we have today. Add to this that the republican nameplate really means antiobama, and that is the flavor of the day not a foundation for new compelling and creative action.

I am not sanguine about republican chances in 2016 mostly because we don't have warriors and statesmen. Jeb is acting more like a wimp everyday. Christy is trying hard to be a rino. Carson needs to bone up on the office, do more homework. Huckabee is toast, he should try to get his job back at fox. Paul is trying hard but he can't shed his lightweight image. Rubio is holding his own. Cruz is lighting it up and I would submit he is the dark horse in the race.

One of our acquaintances decided to leave our Florida town and go to Minnesota. I said why would you want to leave. She said she would have a chance to watch ice hockey. I said why do you like to watch ice hockey. She said that she likes to see blood........ I want to see blood!
It is not insignificant the repubs have so much control at the state level but to be honest with you I am not real impressed with a lot,of repub representatives. Here in Florida there is more emphasis on concealed carry instead of more important issues. Governor Scott is about as likable as a cold fish and if they don't get this low income healthcare thing straightened out the Dems will beat us over the head with it.

Which brings up another point. One of the factors left out of the calculation was the media AND higher education. If the percentage of liberals in this country is growing it is directly attributable to the brainwashing our children are getting at all levels,of,education. Add this to a media which is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and the deck is pretty much stacked against any conservative offensive, especially when republican representatives are as feckless and weak-kneed as the ones we have today. Add to this that the republican nameplate really means antiobama, and that is the flavor of the day not a foundation for new compelling and creative action.

I am not sanguine about republican chances in 2016 mostly because we don't have warriors and statesmen. Jeb is acting more like a wimp everyday. Christy is trying hard to be a rino. Carson needs to bone up on the office, do more homework. Huckabee is toast, he should try to get his job back at fox. Paul is trying hard but he can't shed his lightweight image. Rubio is holding his own. Cruz is lighting it up and I would submit he is the dark horse in the race.

One of our acquaintances decided to leave our Florida town and go to Minnesota. I said why would you want to leave. She said she would have a chance to watch ice hockey. I said why do you like to watch ice hockey. She said that she likes to see blood........ I want to see blood!

Sometimes I think we conservatives shoot ourselves in the foot because we do expect something of the people we elect to high office, and when they disappoint us we are critical of them. Instead of looking for things to praise in the candidates, we nitpick them to death, and of course that throws a kind of pall and gloom over the process and dampens the enthusiasm. Conversely the Democrats long ago learned the lesson Ronald Reagan tried to teach the Republicans: do not speak ill of another Republican. The Democrats don't do that to their own like the GOP does. They require little or nothing in the way of character, qualifications, experience, integrity, or even charisma. If the candidate has a D after his or her name, they are the greatest thing since slice bread when compared to anybody other than a Democrats.

I am not at all convinced people are becoming more liberal. In fact we had a pretty good thread going to discuss it until the dedicated troll pack decided to destroy the thread:
Debate Now - Is Liberalism Exhausted US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I think liberalism has lost its appeal for a lot of people, but not enough to cost the Democrats the vote when the Democrats, aided and abetted by the Republicans, are able to make the GOP Presidential candidate look unappealing. And even a strong conservative usually doesn't want to be the sucker who gives up a government benefit he is receiving for no other reason than standing on principle--most especially when he doesn't believe it will make any difference if he loses that benefit.
I think the bigger problem is that we let the Liberal media pick our candidates. Both McCain and Romney were picked because the media savaged everyone else until the convention. At that point, the media went into full attack mode once we fell for it.

I'd love to pick the GOP candidate the Libs hit the hardest because THAT is who they fear most.
I think the bigger problem is that we let the Liberal media pick our candidates. Both McCain and Romney were picked because the media savaged everyone else until the convention. At that point, the media went into full attack mode once we fell for it.

I'd love to pick the GOP candidate the Libs hit the hardest because THAT is who they fear most.

I want somebody like Ronald Reagan who can inspire the people to believe in themselves again and not look to government to solve every problem. Whenever you have a candidate of any stripe who promises the sun, moon, and stars if he or she is elected, you know you have a politician without a clue as to whether he can deliver or not and who doesn't look to the people to fix the problems. That's one reason I like Cruz, Carson, Huckabee, Rand and anybody else who is campaigning on principle and vision and not on what government can do for us.

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