Republican capitalism in China reduced world poverty by 40% in 30 years!

So why are our liberals and Obama trying to socialize our health care system as a starting point to socialize all of our industries? Its 100% backwards based on the evidence!!

I would like to point out that China is a dictatorial state.
Would you really like to go that way ?

India on the other hand is a democracy ( the largest democracy on Earth ) and it has also done a lot in the way of reducing poverty ( not as fast , as China).

Yes , free market can do marvels, specially when it is combined with some strategic planning. And anyone who has read tzun-tzu would have to agree chinese have a milenial tradition on strategic planning.
What are you talking about?!
Socialist systems aren't determined by whether you pay for your healthcare or not; Socialism is when people entrust their money and some of their freedom to an observant government for their society's common good. The health care problem we have is unique to this country.
I would like to point out that China is a dictatorial state.
Would you really like to go that way ?

dear, far far less en masse starvation and far far less dictatorial than it was given that they now allow the market to do most of the dictating thanks to saintly American Republicans!

India on the other hand is a democracy ( the largest democracy on Earth ) and it has also done a lot in the way of reducing poverty ( not as fast , as China).

and???? do you have a point????

Yes , free market can do marvels, specially when it is combined with some strategic planning. And anyone who has read tzun-tzu would have to agree chinese have a milenial tradition on strategic planning.

who's talking about strategic planning??? Do you have any idea what your subject is??

Are you serious?

Sadly, yes. He is.

So you want more military spending now that we could not even win in Iraq or Afganistan or because we don't have a way to stop N. Korean missiles aimed at us or the Iranian missiles that soon will be aimed at us????

We didn't win in Iraq? Last time I checked Saddam was deposed and they had a new fairly stable government. Not to mention the country was safe enough to start withdrawal plans. Sounds like a win to me.

Aghanistan has been cluster for a years. But i blame leadership on that.

I have no problem spending more on the military if our government starts using our money and doing so efficiently.
I doubt that the unique brand of Chinese capitalism has had an impact on "world" poverty unless you continue to change the parameters for poverty.
I have no problem spending more on the military if our government starts using our money and doing so efficiently.

It seems we need to and on Star Wars in particular since we are now truly entering the missle age! Of course if one of those missles gets through we'll wish we had nuked them first!! We are playing with fire if we expect to rely on defense only, but that seems exactly what we are doing.
I would like to point out that China is a dictatorial state.
Would you really like to go that way ?

dear, far far less en masse starvation and far far less dictatorial than it was given that they now allow the market to do most of the dictating thanks to saintly American Republicans!

India on the other hand is a democracy ( the largest democracy on Earth ) and it has also done a lot in the way of reducing poverty ( not as fast , as China).

and???? do you have a point????

Yes , free market can do marvels, specially when it is combined with some strategic planning. And anyone who has read tzun-tzu would have to agree chinese have a milenial tradition on strategic planning.

who's talking about strategic planning??? Do you have any idea what your subject is??
1) Dictatorial = No elections . What do you really want? Having republicans run America without the right of throwing them out of office ?

2) Yes , I have a point : You seem infatuated by the economic success of a dictatorial country. The same can be achieved by democractic means.

3)I am talking about strategic planning, that was key to their success:
A) create special economic zones so investors bring the assets into the country ( capital , machinery ) and create jobs
B) Increment the export levels but keep the exchange rate artificially low maintaining huge amounts of dollar reserves.
C) Create an internal market incrementally so that by the time in which foreign investment starts to decrease local investors become the main source of investment
D) Couple the development with LARGE infrastructure development.

Pure genius.
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1) Dictatorial = No elections . What do you really want? Having republicans run America without the right of throwing them out of office ?

too stupid we're talking about economic policy not electoral policy!!

You seem infatuated by the economic success of a dictatorial country.

only because Republican capitalism eliminated 40% of world poverty in China almost instantly and saved perhaps 30 million from starvation!!

I am talking about strategic planning, that was key to their success:

dear the only real strategic plan was to switch to capitalism!! That is what saved millions from liberal starvation!! Anyone knows you need bridges and roads for a booming capitalist economy, as if someone disagreed!!
The one thing that Marx/Engles were correct about was that under regulated capitalism leads unavoidably to communism.

of course thats very very stupid since we just had a period of over regulated capitalism that led to the current recession and many dingbats blaming capitalism rather than the regulation!!

There is not a country, certainly including ours, in the world today, that doesn't utilize both capitalism and socialism in their economic system.

can you present your best example of how socialism can help an economy or must you admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so?

What led to the Great Recession was under regulation of Wall St and mortgage initiators and government standing by as business gave millions of American jobs to cheap foreign labor recruited here or jobs sent there.

Capitalism, private ownership of the means of production is completely dependent on competititon and therefor regulation and works fine in those kind of markets. In the absence of maintained competition it is disasterous. That's why we employ socialism for our military, CDC, air space management, the VA, Medicare and -caid, Social Security, Interstate highway system, border control, FBI/CIA/NSA, FDA, IRS, National Parks, NRA, NASA, etc, etc, etc.
What led to the Great Recession was under regulation of Wall St .

of course thats perfectly stupid given that much of the government was organized to get people into homes the Republican free market said they could not afford!!

Have you ever even heard of Fanny Freddie Federal Reserve FDIC, FHA CRA etc etc!!
Capitalism, private ownership of the means of production is completely dependent on competititon and therefor regulation and works fine in those kind of markets. In the absence of maintained competition it is disasterous. That's why we employ socialism for our military, CDC, air space management, the VA, Medicare and -caid, Social Security, Interstate highway system, border control, FBI/CIA/NSA, FDA, IRS, National Parks, NRA, NASA, etc, etc, etc.

do you know what your point is?????????
Capitalism, private ownership of the means of production is completely dependent on competititon and therefor regulation and works fine in those kind of markets. In the absence of maintained competition it is disasterous. That's why we employ socialism for our military, CDC, air space management, the VA, Medicare and -caid, Social Security, Interstate highway system, border control, FBI/CIA/NSA, FDA, IRS, National Parks, NRA, NASA, etc, etc, etc.

do you know what your point is?????????

You're the one that asked the question!
What led to the Great Recession was under regulation of Wall St .

of course thats perfectly stupid given that much of the government was organized to get people into homes the Republican free market said they could not afford!!

Have you ever even heard of Fanny Freddie Federal Reserve FDIC, FHA CRA etc etc!!

Nobody ever relieved mortgage initiators of their due diligence responsibilities. What changed is the invention of mortgage backed derivatives that allowed them to give out risky mortgages, disguise the risk, then sell it. Easy money. Private profits and socialized risk.
1) Dictatorial = No elections . What do you really want? Having republicans run America without the right of throwing them out of office ?

too stupid we're talking about economic policy not electoral policy!!

Too stupid ? Oh my.
Perhaps you should read the enciclopedia before making such comments

In a republic, public offices are appointed or elected rather than inherited, and are not the private property of the people who hold them

The term Republican refers to electoral policy, not to an economic policy.:cuckoo:
Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1) Dictatorial = No elections . What do you really want? Having republicans run America without the right of throwing them out of office ?

too stupid we're talking about economic policy not electoral policy!!

Too stupid ? Oh my.
Perhaps you should read the enciclopedia before making such comments

In a republic, public offices are appointed or elected rather than inherited, and are not the private property of the people who hold them

The term Republican refers to electoral policy, not to an economic policy.:cuckoo:
Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually the first definition of a Republic is a country without a monarch. Typically the contract between government and the people is a written statement of bylaws, a constitution.
I have no problem spending more on the military if our government starts using our money and doing so efficiently.

It seems we need to and on Star Wars in particular since we are now truly entering the missle age! Of course if one of those missles gets through we'll wish we had nuked them first!! We are playing with fire if we expect to rely on defense only, but that seems exactly what we are doing.

What decade are you living in?

I have no problem spending more on the military if our government starts using our money and doing so efficiently.

It seems we need to and on Star Wars in particular since we are now truly entering the missle age! Of course if one of those missles gets through we'll wish we had nuked them first!! We are playing with fire if we expect to rely on defense only, but that seems exactly what we are doing.

What decade are you living in?

what do you mean??????????
I am a liberal who loves capitalism.

Would you rather start a business in the US or in China?

I pick the US.
I am a liberal who loves capitalism.

dear, that's 100% stupid since liberalism is opposed to capitalism. Obama, for example, is a quintessential liberal and he created Obamacare which has nothing to do with capitalism. In fact, he openly supports single payer.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow.

Do you want to be a fool liberal all your life or do you want to begin your education????
The largest thing that has reduced poverty in China over the past several decades has been advances in agricultural production: primarily in genetically engineered food stuff and China' Green Revolution (particularly with rice). The manufacturing markets aren't the major cause of poverty reduction, that affects more so the urban middle class status.

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