Republican capitalism in China reduced world poverty by 40% in 30 years!

I am a liberal who loves capitalism.

dear, that's 100% stupid since liberalism is opposed to capitalism. Obama, for example, is a quintessential liberal and he created Obamacare which has nothing to do with capitalism. In fact, he openly supports single payer.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow.

Do you want to be a fool liberal all your life or do you want to begin your education????

Dear? You want to rub my balls when you say that?

Try saying something interesting. I am a liberal capitalist business owner. Obama is not a liberal....but he is a capitalist. Health care should be a non-profit industry.

What is with the very very slow comment? You seem confused.

My education? Are you suggesting that you have something to teach me? When are you going to start?
Obama is not a liberal?

dear, Obama had 2 communist parents, voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, supports single payer and admits to being a liberal or progressive as do most Democrats.

It gets difficult to have a conversation if you are very very slow and make up your definitions for certain words, like liberal.
Obama is not a liberal?

dear, Obama had 2 communist parents, voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, supports single payer and admits to being a liberal or progressive as do most Democrats.

It gets difficult to have a conversation if you are very very slow and make up your definitions for certain words, like liberal.

We are not having a conversation, dummy. I am mocking you. That is all that is happening here.

You began a thread extolling the virtues of COMMUNIST China's capitalist system and its positive effect on world poverty.

In the same thread you say that President Obama hates capitalism because his parents were communists.

Do you see?
I am a liberal who loves capitalism.

dear, that's 100% stupid since liberalism is opposed to capitalism. Obama, for example, is a quintessential liberal and he created Obamacare which has nothing to do with capitalism. In fact, he openly supports single payer.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow.

Do you want to be a fool liberal all your life or do you want to begin your education????

Edward, if Obama were a liberal and anti capitalist, then why did he choose ACA which requires people to buy health insurance from private corporations or else they have to pay a fine? Edward, the single payer advocates were arrested in the senate when they tried to advocate for single payer. Where was Obama to help them? I don't think you can come up with even one time that Obama even said the words single payer after he took the white house.
The largest thing that has reduced poverty in China over the past several decades has been advances in agricultural production: primarily in genetically engineered food stuff and China' Green Revolution (particularly with rice). The manufacturing markets aren't the major cause of poverty reduction, that affects more so the urban middle class status.

Wrong, Capitalism is what has reduced poverty in China. Those giant skyscrapers in Shanghai aren't there because of increases in the rice crop.
The largest thing that has reduced poverty in China over the past several decades has been advances in agricultural production: primarily in genetically engineered food stuff and China' Green Revolution (particularly with rice). The manufacturing markets aren't the major cause of poverty reduction, that affects more so the urban middle class status.

Wrong, Capitalism is what has reduced poverty in China. Those giant skyscrapers in Shanghai aren't there because of increases in the rice crop.

Those giant skyscrapers aren't what has driven poverty reduction so I don't see how they are relevant.

Poverty tends to centralize around agricultural sectors in developing countries. investments into agriculture thus tend to have a rather large impact on poverty reduction and China has been going through a particularly large agricultural revolution. That raises families over the rural poverty line, then you see rural to urban migration patterns and a shift into manufacturing sectors that eventually develop a healthy middle class who then build the skyscrapers.
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How is Capitalism Republican?

The Free market, which is not what China has, has existed since man first began trading. It's the natural law of economics. It has nothing to do with political parties.

He seems to be stating that an economic and political system like what China has is what the GOP is for here as well. Not really news as far as I'm concerned.
The largest thing that has reduced poverty in China over the past several decades has been advances in agricultural production: primarily in genetically engineered food stuff and China' Green Revolution (particularly with rice). The manufacturing markets aren't the major cause of poverty reduction, that affects more so the urban middle class status.

Wrong, Capitalism is what has reduced poverty in China. Those giant skyscrapers in Shanghai aren't there because of increases in the rice crop.

Odd how these two book don't talk about a new seed:
"Capitalism With Chinese Characteristics"

"How China Became Capitalist"
too stupid!! you must be the only human being on earth to attribute China's success to seeds rather than capitalism

I'm not talking about their economic boom, I'm talking about poverty reduction the two while perhaps linked, are not the same thing. Keep up with the personal attacks though, they really strengthen your argument. ;)

Also I included land reform efforts in my assessment of poverty reduction in case you missed it. I have the World Bank data on it if you'd like.
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too stupid!! you must be the only human being on earth to attribute China's success to seeds rather than capitalism

I'm not talking about their economic boom, I'm talking about poverty reduction .[/QUOTE]

too stupid!! you must be the only human being on earth to attribute China's poverty reduction to seeds rather than capitalism. Are you proud of yourself?
I am a liberal who loves capitalism.

You certainly haven't shown any signs of loving capitalism.

Would you rather start a business in the US or in China?

Based on what, the chances for your business to thrive? These days it looks like China is the better option.

I pick the US.

I'll bet you have never started a business, have you?

Only 4 of them. Idiot.
too stupid!! you must be the only human being on earth to attribute China's poverty reduction to seeds rather than capitalism. Are you proud of yourself?

Still going the troll route eh? Fine by me. I'm a developmental economist, while I focus primarily on Africa I am fairly comfortable with China's economic situation as well.

From the OECD:

Christiaensen and Demery (2007) point out that the contribution of economic growth to poverty reduction might differ across sectors because the benefits of growth might be easier for poor people to obtain if growth occurs where they are located. This reasoning implicitly assumes that transferring income generated in one economic sect or or geographic location to another sector or location is difficult because of market segmentations or considerations of political economy. They too find that growth originating in agriculture is on average significantly more poverty reducing than growth originating outside agriculture. Similarly, Montalvo and Ravallion (2009) find that the primary sector rather than the secondary (manufacturing) or tertiary sectors was the real driving force in China's spectacular success against absolute poverty. They conclude that the idea of a trade-off between these sectors in terms of overall progress against poverty in China is moot, given how little evidence they found of any poverty impact of non-primary sector growth.

Exactly what I said.
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too stupid!! you must be the only human being on earth to attribute China's success to seeds rather than capitalism

I'm not talking about their economic boom, I'm talking about poverty reduction the two while perhaps linked, are not the same thing. Keep up with the personal attacks though, they really strengthen your argument. ;)

ROFL! So poverty reduction is not related to economic growth? What form does this reduction in poverty take if isn't in the form of higher incomes?

Also I included land reform efforts in my assessment of poverty reduction in case you missed it. I have the World Bank data on it if you'd like.

Are you referring to "land reform" that means abolishing collectivist agriculture, giving each farmer his own land to farm and allowing him to keep the fruits of his labor? I ask because what most leftist mean by "land reform" is precisely the opposite. They mean the kind of land reform the Chinese communist implemented when they first took power and 40 million people starved to death.
given how little evidence they found of any poverty impact of non-primary sector growth.[/I]
Exactly what I said.

Too stupid of course!! the major change in China has been people leaving the farms and rural areas in the hundreds of millions for higher paying jobs in the cities. Sorry!!

Also, there is good evidence that the central governemnt encouraged this by cutting off money to the farms and rural areas where starvation was common.

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