Republican Congressman Introduces Legislation to Strip Convicted Rioters of Federal Welfare Benefits

If you're trying to burn a place down, now losing benefits is the least of your problems. If and when caught, you are going away for a few years.

Actually, I don't see any difference in walking along and calmly breaking windows to keep the tensions high and trying to burn the place down when you are listed as a domestic terrorist. And I think that is the approach we should be taking. To some, it's a game. To some, it's a business. To some it's a political tool. If there is a group that is doing those things, sweep in, arrest them, take them to the ground, zip tie them and transport them to jail. Then get them off the streets for the next 10 to 25 years. All the reasons that they were doing this just became moot and so did all the "Benefits". The States have the powers and the available force to get this done. And someone tell Rump to shut his F^^&ing mouth.

Unless it's a federal offense, one size does not fit all. Somebody who went to protest but got persuaded to join in the fun of rioting by breaking a window is not going to get the same sentence as somebody who committed arson. Two different crimes. But if you really believe it won't have an effect, then what's the problem? Let's see them pass the law since it won't deter anybody from rioting anyway.

If I see someone breaking windows, it's in my gene pool to attempt to get them to stop, not to join in in the fun. Both are there to do one thing and one thing only, to perpetuate others to join in. Rioting is Rioting and should be handle the same way. Chances are, like in the person walking along and calmly breaking windows (probably there to keep things stirred up) He or She isn't part of the actual protesting group. He is there to keep the "Fires" burning. I notice that many in here from the RTwing camp deny the Umbrella Man but when I see that type of activity I know that he's a rtwinger there to keep things stirred up. Those are active Instigators and should be treated exactly like the dude throwing gasoline on a cop car. The only difference is is the item damaged. The actual target is to escalate the violence and try and get others to join in. And that is a worse crime than the actual broken window or the burning cop car.

Yah, some ultra left winger I am. But the Cops need to get those types off the streets and into the prisons. But if those types aren't present then the Cops need to stand tall and easy and allow the Protesters to get their message out peacefully. Gassing the Mayor in Portland was way over the top when they should have been over overwhelming the violent rioters trying to burn a stone and cement building down (good luck with that).

Oh geez. That was a photo-op and you know it. They Mayor had it planned that way.

No, we have different penalties for different crimes. You are not going to face 20 years in prison for stealing a bag of candy from a store as you would getting a gun and robbing them for all their cash. Yes, they are both theft, but different levels of theft.

Same thing with these kids rioting. They may have had no intent of participating, but they got caught up in the moment and threw a rock through a window amid all the excitement. We can't charge that person the same as an arsonist or looter. We can't put that person in prison for ten years over a window, and make it damn near impossible for them to work the rest of their life because they now have a record. We all did stupid things as kids. Spend a few days in jail, get charged for participating in a riot, and also lose your Covid benefits. When you get out, pay for the stupid window.

Those Riots aren't a bunch of kids on a lark. I love that a bunch of Mothers are out there Protesting. Try doing something like picking up a rock and the person standing next to you sends you to your room. You are talking about Minors. Most of the Rioters are NOT minors. They are adults. The Minors go to Juvie Court but the Adults get the full brunt of the adult court. The Minors don't get the Covid Benefits, their Parents do. The Minor can probably be scared straight if it's done properly. The Adult needs to go away for awhile and be charged with a Felony.

And yes, the Mayor did a Photo op. And he made his point. The Feds were out of control and spending too much effort on peaceful protesters on CITY property and not enough on actually protecting against the actual rioters.

They were only there to protect federal property, not to move against the rioters. For the feds to do that, the Mayor would need to make a formal request to the President for assistance, which not one Democrat Mayor or Governor did.

Don't take everything I say so literally. At this age, people in their 20's are kids to me.

The fact remains, the Mayor and his group of Protesters were behind the fence on City Property and not a threat and should never have been gassed. Meanwhile, at a location within eyesight another group was launching fireworks and throwing moletovs. I wonder what the morning briefing to the Security Troops were that day?

I don't know why they needed tear gas, but it was far from the first time, and I don't think they'd use it if they didn't need it. The feds were there to only stop vandalism of the courthouse, so I don't know where these molotov's were being thrown at.

Watching the vids of the Mayor being gassed, you could see it in the background about a 100 yds away. It appears that the Security were also there for a Photo Op as well and to keep the violence going.

100 yards? You can't even see 100 feet. I watched several videos and all they had was a closeup of the Mayor coughing it up. You can hear small explosions in the background, but I don't know if that was their tear gas launchers or the rioters throwing shit over the fence. I'm guessing the latter.

I could be exagerating on the distance but the flashes were visible. But the Security Force had no business gassing the Mayor. They should have been where the real danger was and stopping it there. It looked to me like the Security Force wasn't real interested in stopping the rioting.
If you're trying to burn a place down, now losing benefits is the least of your problems. If and when caught, you are going away for a few years.

Actually, I don't see any difference in walking along and calmly breaking windows to keep the tensions high and trying to burn the place down when you are listed as a domestic terrorist. And I think that is the approach we should be taking. To some, it's a game. To some, it's a business. To some it's a political tool. If there is a group that is doing those things, sweep in, arrest them, take them to the ground, zip tie them and transport them to jail. Then get them off the streets for the next 10 to 25 years. All the reasons that they were doing this just became moot and so did all the "Benefits". The States have the powers and the available force to get this done. And someone tell Rump to shut his F^^&ing mouth.

Unless it's a federal offense, one size does not fit all. Somebody who went to protest but got persuaded to join in the fun of rioting by breaking a window is not going to get the same sentence as somebody who committed arson. Two different crimes. But if you really believe it won't have an effect, then what's the problem? Let's see them pass the law since it won't deter anybody from rioting anyway.

If I see someone breaking windows, it's in my gene pool to attempt to get them to stop, not to join in in the fun. Both are there to do one thing and one thing only, to perpetuate others to join in. Rioting is Rioting and should be handle the same way. Chances are, like in the person walking along and calmly breaking windows (probably there to keep things stirred up) He or She isn't part of the actual protesting group. He is there to keep the "Fires" burning. I notice that many in here from the RTwing camp deny the Umbrella Man but when I see that type of activity I know that he's a rtwinger there to keep things stirred up. Those are active Instigators and should be treated exactly like the dude throwing gasoline on a cop car. The only difference is is the item damaged. The actual target is to escalate the violence and try and get others to join in. And that is a worse crime than the actual broken window or the burning cop car.

Yah, some ultra left winger I am. But the Cops need to get those types off the streets and into the prisons. But if those types aren't present then the Cops need to stand tall and easy and allow the Protesters to get their message out peacefully. Gassing the Mayor in Portland was way over the top when they should have been over overwhelming the violent rioters trying to burn a stone and cement building down (good luck with that).

Oh geez. That was a photo-op and you know it. They Mayor had it planned that way.

No, we have different penalties for different crimes. You are not going to face 20 years in prison for stealing a bag of candy from a store as you would getting a gun and robbing them for all their cash. Yes, they are both theft, but different levels of theft.

Same thing with these kids rioting. They may have had no intent of participating, but they got caught up in the moment and threw a rock through a window amid all the excitement. We can't charge that person the same as an arsonist or looter. We can't put that person in prison for ten years over a window, and make it damn near impossible for them to work the rest of their life because they now have a record. We all did stupid things as kids. Spend a few days in jail, get charged for participating in a riot, and also lose your Covid benefits. When you get out, pay for the stupid window.

Those Riots aren't a bunch of kids on a lark. I love that a bunch of Mothers are out there Protesting. Try doing something like picking up a rock and the person standing next to you sends you to your room. You are talking about Minors. Most of the Rioters are NOT minors. They are adults. The Minors go to Juvie Court but the Adults get the full brunt of the adult court. The Minors don't get the Covid Benefits, their Parents do. The Minor can probably be scared straight if it's done properly. The Adult needs to go away for awhile and be charged with a Felony.

And yes, the Mayor did a Photo op. And he made his point. The Feds were out of control and spending too much effort on peaceful protesters on CITY property and not enough on actually protecting against the actual rioters.

They were only there to protect federal property, not to move against the rioters. For the feds to do that, the Mayor would need to make a formal request to the President for assistance, which not one Democrat Mayor or Governor did.

Don't take everything I say so literally. At this age, people in their 20's are kids to me.

The fact remains, the Mayor and his group of Protesters were behind the fence on City Property and not a threat and should never have been gassed. Meanwhile, at a location within eyesight another group was launching fireworks and throwing moletovs. I wonder what the morning briefing to the Security Troops were that day?

I don't know why they needed tear gas, but it was far from the first time, and I don't think they'd use it if they didn't need it. The feds were there to only stop vandalism of the courthouse, so I don't know where these molotov's were being thrown at.

Watching the vids of the Mayor being gassed, you could see it in the background about a 100 yds away. It appears that the Security were also there for a Photo Op as well and to keep the violence going.

100 yards? You can't even see 100 feet. I watched several videos and all they had was a closeup of the Mayor coughing it up. You can hear small explosions in the background, but I don't know if that was their tear gas launchers or the rioters throwing shit over the fence. I'm guessing the latter.

I could be exagerating on the distance but the flashes were visible. But the Security Force had no business gassing the Mayor. They should have been where the real danger was and stopping it there. It looked to me like the Security Force wasn't real interested in stopping the rioting.

Where do you get this idea that HS was there to stop rioting? They were not, and had no authority to stop it. They were only there to protect the federal courthouse.
Promises, promises...:rolleyes:

oh well hope it will pass

Republican Congressman Introduces Legislation to Strip Convicted Rioters of Federal Welfare Benefits
What a moron. 1% of people are on welfare (TANF). The chances of being convicted of rioting and being on TANF is astronomical. SS isn’t welfare. We pay for it. How about we end government handouts to Manafort.
If you're trying to burn a place down, now losing benefits is the least of your problems. If and when caught, you are going away for a few years.

Actually, I don't see any difference in walking along and calmly breaking windows to keep the tensions high and trying to burn the place down when you are listed as a domestic terrorist. And I think that is the approach we should be taking. To some, it's a game. To some, it's a business. To some it's a political tool. If there is a group that is doing those things, sweep in, arrest them, take them to the ground, zip tie them and transport them to jail. Then get them off the streets for the next 10 to 25 years. All the reasons that they were doing this just became moot and so did all the "Benefits". The States have the powers and the available force to get this done. And someone tell Rump to shut his F^^&ing mouth.

Unless it's a federal offense, one size does not fit all. Somebody who went to protest but got persuaded to join in the fun of rioting by breaking a window is not going to get the same sentence as somebody who committed arson. Two different crimes. But if you really believe it won't have an effect, then what's the problem? Let's see them pass the law since it won't deter anybody from rioting anyway.

If I see someone breaking windows, it's in my gene pool to attempt to get them to stop, not to join in in the fun. Both are there to do one thing and one thing only, to perpetuate others to join in. Rioting is Rioting and should be handle the same way. Chances are, like in the person walking along and calmly breaking windows (probably there to keep things stirred up) He or She isn't part of the actual protesting group. He is there to keep the "Fires" burning. I notice that many in here from the RTwing camp deny the Umbrella Man but when I see that type of activity I know that he's a rtwinger there to keep things stirred up. Those are active Instigators and should be treated exactly like the dude throwing gasoline on a cop car. The only difference is is the item damaged. The actual target is to escalate the violence and try and get others to join in. And that is a worse crime than the actual broken window or the burning cop car.

Yah, some ultra left winger I am. But the Cops need to get those types off the streets and into the prisons. But if those types aren't present then the Cops need to stand tall and easy and allow the Protesters to get their message out peacefully. Gassing the Mayor in Portland was way over the top when they should have been over overwhelming the violent rioters trying to burn a stone and cement building down (good luck with that).

Oh geez. That was a photo-op and you know it. They Mayor had it planned that way.

No, we have different penalties for different crimes. You are not going to face 20 years in prison for stealing a bag of candy from a store as you would getting a gun and robbing them for all their cash. Yes, they are both theft, but different levels of theft.

Same thing with these kids rioting. They may have had no intent of participating, but they got caught up in the moment and threw a rock through a window amid all the excitement. We can't charge that person the same as an arsonist or looter. We can't put that person in prison for ten years over a window, and make it damn near impossible for them to work the rest of their life because they now have a record. We all did stupid things as kids. Spend a few days in jail, get charged for participating in a riot, and also lose your Covid benefits. When you get out, pay for the stupid window.

Those Riots aren't a bunch of kids on a lark. I love that a bunch of Mothers are out there Protesting. Try doing something like picking up a rock and the person standing next to you sends you to your room. You are talking about Minors. Most of the Rioters are NOT minors. They are adults. The Minors go to Juvie Court but the Adults get the full brunt of the adult court. The Minors don't get the Covid Benefits, their Parents do. The Minor can probably be scared straight if it's done properly. The Adult needs to go away for awhile and be charged with a Felony.

And yes, the Mayor did a Photo op. And he made his point. The Feds were out of control and spending too much effort on peaceful protesters on CITY property and not enough on actually protecting against the actual rioters.

They were only there to protect federal property, not to move against the rioters. For the feds to do that, the Mayor would need to make a formal request to the President for assistance, which not one Democrat Mayor or Governor did.

Don't take everything I say so literally. At this age, people in their 20's are kids to me.

The fact remains, the Mayor and his group of Protesters were behind the fence on City Property and not a threat and should never have been gassed. Meanwhile, at a location within eyesight another group was launching fireworks and throwing moletovs. I wonder what the morning briefing to the Security Troops were that day?

I don't know why they needed tear gas, but it was far from the first time, and I don't think they'd use it if they didn't need it. The feds were there to only stop vandalism of the courthouse, so I don't know where these molotov's were being thrown at.

Watching the vids of the Mayor being gassed, you could see it in the background about a 100 yds away. It appears that the Security were also there for a Photo Op as well and to keep the violence going.

100 yards? You can't even see 100 feet. I watched several videos and all they had was a closeup of the Mayor coughing it up. You can hear small explosions in the background, but I don't know if that was their tear gas launchers or the rioters throwing shit over the fence. I'm guessing the latter.

I could be exagerating on the distance but the flashes were visible. But the Security Force had no business gassing the Mayor. They should have been where the real danger was and stopping it there. It looked to me like the Security Force wasn't real interested in stopping the rioting.

Where do you get this idea that HS was there to stop rioting? They were not, and had no authority to stop it. They were only there to protect the federal courthouse.

There was rioting just down the street where they were trying to light up the Federal Building but I guess it was more of a message to gas the Mayor and peaceful protesters than stop the rioters.
What a moron. 1% of people are on welfare (TANF). The chances of being convicted of rioting and being on TANF is astronomical. SS isn’t welfare. We pay for it. How about we end government handouts to Manafort.

Read the OP. It clearly states federal benefits related to Covid such as the additional federal unemployment benefits.
If Sleepy Joe were elected, such a rule would never be enforced against Liberal Rioters, instead they would try to manipulate the law to make Pro Life marches officially designated as "riots"so they can silence the opposition.

The problem with the Congressman's legislation is that it requires discernment that we really can't guarantee that future executives will have.

One would think that before you allowed Rump to get so loose with the Constitution, you would have considered this point. We need checks and balances and I don't see any checks and balances in this proposal. Pretty much, all one has to do is call anyone a Looter, Rioter and, poof, they are cast out. Like I said, this piece of crap won't last 5 minutes in any Federal Court. Even if Rump were to heavily stack the court because the Courts have enough to do already without this crap.
There's a bit of a difference between "calling" someone a rioter and their being convicted of rioting in a court of law! Why would that be thrown out in the Courts? You have the right to peacefully protest in this don't have the right to loot and riot! You shouldn't have the right to loot and riot while you're collecting welfare benefits.

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.
you just named prune face pelosi--the hemorrhoid in her ass schumer and last but not least BEIJING joe...way to go---those names arent associated with anybody but the demoncrats

Are you saying you support the bill? Are you so eaten up with your head so far up Rumps Rectum that you can't see the long term pitfalls?
i can sense the worry in your comment---and also, telling by your comment, you must have your brain so far up prune face pelosis ass...that you cant think for yourself---just saying

I think in legal terms. A law has to be clear and concise and should not be susseptible to misinterpretation. No law should be passed that has to immediately ruled on by a court of law. This one doesn't meet that criteria. Your head is so far up Rumps Rectum that you believe anything that comes out of a Rumpsters Ass is correct. And it won't get past any committee if it even gets that far. Not every Rumpster in the House is dumb enough to vote Yay on this thing.
bain dead answer

Yah,, following the law doesn't apply to a Rumpster. And anyone that demands that you do is brain dead. Hey, I can live with that. Like millions, we will all remember that on November 3rd.
and be disappointed on november 4th
the disappointment will sink in before that.

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.
you just named prune face pelosi--the hemorrhoid in her ass schumer and last but not least BEIJING joe...way to go---those names arent associated with anybody but the demoncrats

Are you saying you support the bill? Are you so eaten up with your head so far up Rumps Rectum that you can't see the long term pitfalls?
i can sense the worry in your comment---and also, telling by your comment, you must have your brain so far up prune face pelosis ass...that you cant think for yourself---just saying

I think in legal terms. A law has to be clear and concise and should not be susseptible to misinterpretation. No law should be passed that has to immediately ruled on by a court of law. This one doesn't meet that criteria. Your head is so far up Rumps Rectum that you believe anything that comes out of a Rumpsters Ass is correct. And it won't get past any committee if it even gets that far. Not every Rumpster in the House is dumb enough to vote Yay on this thing.

Actually legally you're full of shit and don't know what you are talking about.

In reality, laws are rarely clear and concise. And it's not the job of the courts to rule on what Congress meant, it's the job of the executive branch. That's for example what executive orders actually are, the President's instruction to his branch on how to interpret congress's laws.

If laws are too vague to enforce, the courts typically don't enforce them. They aren't supposed to try to say what the law should have said, only that it's too vague to enforce

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.

There are no constitutional right to loot, burn and riot.

So we disignate the Marching Mothers as Looters and Rioters and remove any and all financial support and charge them for the bogus arrest. What's next, we decide that the VFW are potential Looters and Rioters?

Yeah, that's been such a problem with the protests, veterans of foreign wars being arrested for rioting and looting. Moron
Democrats won't pass it.

Riot-Ravaged Minneapolis Businesses Can’t Rebuild Because while they purchased Insurance against Accidental Fires, Floods, and Natural Disasters, many do not have Riot Insurance.


Democrats Coalition Celebrating The Massive Rights Violations They Perpetrated On Their Fellow Citizens.​

For more than 3 months now, The Left has rioting in American cities every single night. At first the Lying Fake News Media just gaslighted us about it. They looked right into their cameras and told us it wasn’t happening. It’s not actual violence, y’know, the bad kind of violence. It’s “mostly peaceful protest.”

The neighborhoods are still in the ruins. The Fake News, Democrats and Left don’t care what happens to them. They don’t care what happens to people in Minneapolis after rioters destroyed her neighborhood.

But, "it's all insured!" Right?

Yeah, well, about that…

Jeffrey Meitrodt, Minneapolis Star-Tribune:

One day after rioters destroyed the Sports Dome retail complex in St. Paul, a construction crew hired by the city knocked the building down because it was dangerously unstable.
Then the city presented the property owners with a $140,000 bill for what it would cost to haul away the debris.
“We were really upset about that,” said property owner Jay Kim, whose insurance policy covers a maximum of $25,000 in demolition costs…
Like dozens of other investors whose properties were severely damaged in the May riots, the Kim family was stunned to discover that the money it would collect from its insurance company for demolition won’t come close to the actual costs of doing the job. Most policies limit reimbursement to $25,000 to $50,000, but contractors have been submitting bids of $200,000 to $300,000. In many cases, the price of the work is not much lower than the actual value of the property, records show.
So, these folks all paid taxes for emergency services, Left Wing Politicians withheld those services so that the Leftwing Rioters would have a more dramatic impact, and the Tax Payers are left holding the bill.

Those places are totaled. Those neighborhoods are dead. All those burned-out buildings will just stay the way they are, for who knows how long. All those jobs are gone and they’re not coming back. Nobody’s going to wave a magic wand and bring back what was destroyed by these lawless rioters. How many years of work, destroyed by a Left Wing Molotov Cocktail?

Why would anybody want to stay there if they can afford to move? And what happens to the people who can’t afford to move?

Minneapolis is controlled, at every level, by Democrats. Now they will blame the insurance companies, instead of the rioters who actually destroyed those businesses.

The destruction in Minneapolis is astonishing. It took Minneapolis authorities two months to stumble upon a charred corpse inside a burned-down pawnshop. A man named Montez Terrill Lee is currently awaiting trial for committing the arson, but the deceased is still unidentified. The national media just shrugged and moved on. They’re not demanding answers. Al Sharpton hasn’t shown up for another nationally televised funeral. Only certain lives matter.

Some guy woman person just wrote a book defending looting, and got a sympathetic interview on NPR. PolitiFact actually “fact-checked” the arson of a car dealership in Kenosha because it didn’t burn down the church next door with a “Black Lives Matter” sign out front. Yeah, the car dealership was completely destroyed, but the church is fine. Nobody needs to learn anything from what happened, because PolitiFact and NPR and the rest tell us so.

Hell, libs are even bailing out violent rioters, with the help of none other than:

Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab

Kamala Harris The Ho


If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.

Among the ppl who were bailed out by @MNFreedomFund (which Harris promoted) includes
1) a man accused of attempted murder for shooting at a SWAT team,
2) a woman charged w/ 2nd-degree murder, and
3) a twice-convicted rapist who was charged in 2 other cases

But now the polling numbers have come in, and the Democrats suddenly realize that November is coming.

Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab

Kamala Harris The Ho


I join @JoeBiden in condemning this violence. This can not—and must not—be who we are. Americans deserve a president who will heal our country and bring people together—not fan the flames of hate and division.

Dems are panicking. They’ve instantly flip-flopped from “There are no riots” to “The riots are Trump’s fault.” They didn’t care about all the chaos and destruction as long as they thought it was politically useful. Those lives didn’t matter.

Now comes the attempt at a massive shift in strategy. Big shifts like this, post convention is an admission that they suddenly realized when clubbed over the head by polls, that, they were playing a losing hand.

How badly have they burned themselves? Well, badly enough that they are hiding their polls.

Bashful Pollsters:

Through the 15th of August, the RCP average had 16 polls in it.
From the 16th to the 31, only 10!


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