Republican Congressman Randy Weber Apologizes For Comparing Obama To Hitler


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

Rep. Randy Weber (R-Texas) on Tuesday apologized for comparing President Barack Obama to Hitler.

“I need to first apologize to all those offended by my tweet. It was not my intention to trivialize the Holocaust nor to compare the President to Adolf Hitler. The mention of Hitler was meant to represent the face of evil that still exists in the world today. I now realize that the use of Hitler invokes pain and emotional trauma for those affected by the atrocities of the Holocaust and victims of anti-Semitism and hate," Weber said in a statement issued by his office.

The ultra-conservative congressman from Texas criticized the president for failing to travel to Paris on Sunday to attend a massive unity rally against terrorism, which was attended by dozens of world leaders. The White House later conceded that it had erred in not sending a higher profile official to represent the United States.

"Even Adolph Hitler thought it more important than Obama to get to Paris. (For all the wrong reasons.) Obama couldn't do it for right reasons," Weber said in a tweet, referring to Germany's occupation of Paris in 1940.

More: Republican Congressman Randy Weber Apologizes For Comparing Obama To Hitler

What exactly is he apologizing for: Offending Jews or comparing President Obama to Hitler? I get tired of hearing about anti-Semitism. Jews like to wield anti-Semitism like a club - while ignoring the fact that Arabs are also Semitic.
Fuck that. No one can even mention Hitler without "invoking pain and emotional trauma for those affected by the atrocities of the Holocaust and victims of anti-Semitism and hate?"
He's a reactionary ass. Obama is nothing like Hitler, Mao, Stalin, yadda yadda.

He's not gay, Kenyan, Socialist, Communist, yadda yadda.

Idiot RWs hide behind all the name calling because they hate him for fighting for the working man.
I guess he shouldn't act like him and push the same politics that he used....

This is how they trample on your Freedom of speech and beat you down all at the same time

wise up
Tyrants are all cut from the same cloth and Obama is no different. It doesn't matter which tyrant you compare him to, they're all appropriate. They all had the same narcissistic personality and they all felt that they had the inherent authority to rule the world in any manner they choose. The only reason Obama isn't murdering his political opponents outright is because he hasn't torn down the country to the point where he could get away with it but he has been testing the waters and laying the groundwork with his drone program and hidden laws giving him the power to kill Americans without a trial. He may not look like Hitler but he is every bit as evil as Hitler.
I guess he shouldn't act like him and push the same politics that he used....

This is how they trample on your Freedom of speech and beat you down all at the same time

wise up

So, uh, Stephanie how about you make us a list of EXACTLY the times Obama has "trampled on freedom of speech" and how Obama's politics are like Hitler's.

Dumb twit.
Tyrants are all cut from the same cloth and Obama is no different. It doesn't matter which tyrant you compare him to, they're all appropriate. They all had the same narcissistic personality and they all felt that they had the inherent authority to rule the world in any manner they choose. The only reason Obama isn't murdering his political opponents outright is because he hasn't torn down the country to the point where he could get away with it but he has been testing the waters and laying the groundwork with his drone program and hidden laws giving him the power to kill Americans without a trial. He may not look like Hitler but he is every bit as evil as Hitler.
He is thinking of growing the "Michael Jordan."

Rep. Randy Weber (R-Texas) on Tuesday apologized for comparing President Barack Obama to Hitler.

“I need to first apologize to all those offended by my tweet. It was not my intention to trivialize the Holocaust nor to compare the President to Adolf Hitler. The mention of Hitler was meant to represent the face of evil that still exists in the world today. I now realize that the use of Hitler invokes pain and emotional trauma for those affected by the atrocities of the Holocaust and victims of anti-Semitism and hate," Weber said in a statement issued by his office.

The ultra-conservative congressman from Texas criticized the president for failing to travel to Paris on Sunday to attend a massive unity rally against terrorism, which was attended by dozens of world leaders. The White House later conceded that it had erred in not sending a higher profile official to represent the United States.

"Even Adolph Hitler thought it more important than Obama to get to Paris. (For all the wrong reasons.) Obama couldn't do it for right reasons," Weber said in a tweet, referring to Germany's occupation of Paris in 1940.

More: Republican Congressman Randy Weber Apologizes For Comparing Obama To Hitler

What exactly is he apologizing for: Offending Jews or comparing President Obama to Hitler? I get tired of hearing about anti-Semitism. Jews like to wield anti-Semitism like a club - while ignoring the fact that Arabs are also Semitic.
OMG!.....we have the dumbest politicians in Texas......we Texans should apologize for that........
If President Obama had attended the March For Unity, Republicans would have bitched. Yes, I agree, I totally agree that President Obama should have attended, but it was a case damned if he and damned if he did not.

Since when are Republicans all that fired up over the French anyhow? When France refused to join the U.S. after September 11, 2001, the French became "Surrender Monkies".

Two Republican Congressman wasted thousands of U.S. Tax Payer Dollars changing the Menu in the Congressional Dining Room to read "Freedom Fries" and "Freedom Toast". The dolt of a Congressman thought that dropping French meant did not.

Then there the vacation of then Senator John Kerry took in 2004. He (Kerry) actually, honestly went to France, to visit members of his family there at time. There were even pictures of Kerry, in swim trunk enjoying himself at the beach, in France with French People looking RePugs went ape shit over that one.

This is nothing Republican Manufactured Outrage and should be treated as such.
I guess he shouldn't act like him and push the same politics that he used....

This is how they trample on your Freedom of speech and beat you down all at the same time

wise up

It's people like you that lose presidential elections for the Republican candidate.
Anyone following the Republican reactions to the Press Freedom rallies in France, and worldwide, easily comes away with the impression that the Republicans really will free the cows, if elected(?)! For the moment, they seem more inclined to abandon the concept, "Mi Casa Es Su Casa," of the more patrician Texas tradition. The Republicans are allegedly gathering for a retreat, even now, to decide how they can split apart, and do nothing about Immigration policy. They will easily contend that they have been partially elected, already(?)!

From the Democrats, the people got the Stimulus, Banking Reform, a National Health Plan, new cars, an end to wars, and on and on.

In the alternative, there is the party of Abraham Lincoln, easily now setting the cows to go out and work for a living wage. . .if allowed. Skilled as they are(?), Emancipation is like that, in the party of Abraham Lincoln!

Time was, there was clarity on these matters.

That would lead to the other alternative, that actually: They will not contend that they have only been partially elected(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many now come to lands of many nations, where mainly "Seven Come Eleven," is now heard!)

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