Republican Evangelicals are not Christians: Christians are communists


Dec 30, 2015
Christians Are Communists | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I won't make the argument Christians are communists here, I made it in the religion thread. But, since Republicans always court the evangelical vote, let's discuss how their political beliefs are anti-Christian.

Republican Evangelicals fall short in the eyes of God, they do not do as the Acts of the Apostles, and do not minister to the poor even as the Church fathers and mothers did.

Amazingly, the Republican Evangelical seeks to escape all of God's burdens, and all of Caesar's too.

They don't want to pay taxes to feed the poor, to shelter the poor, they would rather claim "it is our right not to, and instead to give to charity of our own free will."

Ok, then where is all the Evangelical financed Welfare, and Food stamps, or homeless shelters, and food banks, or soup kitchens, or hospitals for the poor?

So obviously what Evangelicals mean by "charity" they mean token observances like PHARISEES pretending to be righteous in the public's eye but instead being sepulchers full of bones.

Just how much a lie is Republican-Evangelical Charity?

Fresh Stats on Where Evangelicals Donate Their Dollars (and Who's Winning)
"Overall fundraising revenue for 334 churches, synagogues, and other faith-based organizations representing nearly $1.2 billion in annual revenue"

The Republican-Evangelical "satanic" churches manage to raise $1.2 Billion a year.

That's only $300-400 Billion dollars LESS Than what is needed to provide America's 50 million households who are struggling with less than $8,000 supplemental income to support their children's education, their family's health care, and to give a decent roof above their heads and enough food to grow-up and old healthy so they are less a burden to the health care system.

Now it's not much but it's DIRECT DISTRIBUTION so it's an improvement:

Catholic Charities USA on the Forbes The 50 Largest U.S. Charities List

Catholics at least raise 4x what Republican-Evangelical satanists raise.

And unlike Republican-Evangelical Satanists, these churches use the $4.5 Billion to directly distribute aid, whether it is to build shelters, or distribute food, they aren't the hands-off give someone a scholarship approach that Republican-Evangelical Satanists do.

The difference is that Catholic Churches do in-fact get more done with less.

But ultimately, my criticism (If you've read my Crusader manifesto) is that Christians must do more, and must especially REBUKE the hypocrisy of the Republican-Evangelical satanists.

You see the problem with them is they want to cut the $500 Billion the Government gives to charity (however inefficiently they do welfare, foodstamps, education scholarships, healthcare subsidies) in order to keep it for themselves.

But they claim to give to charity, but as I have proven they only give $1.2 billion to charity which is



So if you're a Republican-Satanist and you're tired of being exposed for the anti-Christs you are, you who drag Christ's name through the mud.

Then DON'T Read my proof that Christians are communists because then you'll really be sad, just how much a Camel you are, a big fat hairy dirty stinking spitting camel, and no matter how hard you push yourself through the eye of the needle, if you manage to get through, all that will be left of you is a dirty stinking pile of excrement and entrails.



And Come to Christ, oh sinful, Republican-Evangelical Satanists.
When did you first recognize what a massive douche you are TC?

You sinner! Jesus calls you a hypocrite who claims love of the poor, but seeks to cut their subsistence by destroying US Federal Government Assistance Programs.

Where are YOUR Hospitals to the poor? Where are YOUR Homeless Shelters? Where IS YOUR CHARITY?

See above, and see what little Republican-Evangelical Satanist Churches give to Charity.
Evangelicals have been marginalized since they inflicted the Bush disaster on us. They are in decline. Don't worry about them.
When did you first recognize what a massive douche you are TC?

You sinner! Jesus calls you a hypocrite who claims love of the poor, but seeks to cut their subsistence by destroying US Federal Government Assistance Programs.

Where are YOUR Hospitals to the poor? Where are YOUR Homeless Shelters? Where IS YOUR CHARITY?

See above, and see what little Republican-Evangelical Satanist Churches give to Charity.

Meh. ^ Non-responsive lame-ass troll-boi effort.

I gather you still haven't figured out that you are nothing but a douche.
Evangelicals have been marginalized since they inflicted the Bush disaster on us. They are in decline. Don't worry about them.
I will hammer them like the hammer of Martel until the Satanic South is TRULY REDEEMED.

Those Southerners, those poor lost souls, did they really think they could ENSLAVE AN ENTIRE RACE for 250 years, and then for One Hundred Years, SEGREGATE THEM from the rest of humanity on the basis of SKIN COLOR, and in only the last 40 years they could be REDEEMED while they argue to cut government assistance with the poor and replace it with NOTHING?

To the South!

REPENT YOU SINNERS, Satan rules your land!
When did you first recognize what a massive douche you are TC?

You sinner! Jesus calls you a hypocrite who claims love of the poor, but seeks to cut their subsistence by destroying US Federal Government Assistance Programs.

Where are YOUR Hospitals to the poor? Where are YOUR Homeless Shelters? Where IS YOUR CHARITY?

See above, and see what little Republican-Evangelical Satanist Churches give to Charity.

Meh. ^ Non-responsive lame-ass troll-boi effort.

I gather you still haven't figured out that you are nothing but a douche.

Non-responsive to a "troll-bait" post that has nothing to do with the OP? Get out of here you clown.
When did you first recognize what a massive douche you are TC?

You sinner! Jesus calls you a hypocrite who claims love of the poor, but seeks to cut their subsistence by destroying US Federal Government Assistance Programs.

Where are YOUR Hospitals to the poor? Where are YOUR Homeless Shelters? Where IS YOUR CHARITY?

See above, and see what little Republican-Evangelical Satanist Churches give to Charity.

Meh. ^ Non-responsive lame-ass troll-boi effort.

I gather you still haven't figured out that you are nothing but a douche.

Non-responsive to a "troll-bait" post that has nothing to do with the OP? Get out of here you clown.

I knew you couldn't do it.

I award myself a prize.

The look of embarrassment on your face will suffice.
Evangelicals have been marginalized since they inflicted the Bush disaster on us. They are in decline. Don't worry about them.
I will hammer them like the hammer of Martel until the Satanic South is TRULY REDEEMED.

Those Southerners, those poor lost souls, did they really think they could ENSLAVE AN ENTIRE RACE for 250 years, and then for One Hundred Years, SEGREGATE THEM from the rest of humanity on the basis of SKIN COLOR, and in only the last 40 years they could be REDEEMED while they argue to cut government assistance with the poor and replace it with NOTHING?

To the South!

REPENT YOU SINNERS, Satan rules your land!

Lots of bigoted prejudice toward the South there. How about people from the south like William Faulkner and Tennessee Williams? Were they racist devils too? How about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Booker T. Washington? And why don't you mention who was responsible for upholding slavery and deeming slaves as property in the landmark Dred Scott case... that would be a yankee... Justice Taney from Maryland. Or the one responsible for upholding Jim Crow laws keeping blacks segregated... that would also be a yankee... Justice Fuller of Maine. Oh yeah... both were Democrats too! Why don't you mention the 85 years before there was a CSA where every Congress and President of the US upheld the institution of slavery? Why don't you mention the race riots in Wisconsin and Boston following the Civil War where gangs of white people slaughtered blacks who they feared were taking their jobs? Why don't you mention the riots in California, Watts or Harlem, NY?

No... what YOU want to do is scapegoat the South. Lay all the blame for racism and bigotry on a region of the country and their people because you are actually the BIGOT. In psychology we call this "transference" and you've got a major bad case of it dude. Seek help for your racism.

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