Republican Georgia Lt Governor: Herschel Walker will probably go down as the worst Republican candidate in history

This goes beyond political bickering. I am concerned I am witnessing the demise of this country.

Truly. It s so nonsensical it must be something else. Maybe McConnell promised the guy he'd back him against soy-boy Ossoff in 2026.
Warnock has beat republicans in 3 elections. He’ll likely win a 4th.

Another pathetic 'point' from an 'experienced commentator'. lol all that ballot box stuffing and still ended up in a runoff. against a complete rookie. Yeah, that 'mandate' just isn't there. You got the racist baby killer vote to turn out, though. If Walker had raped a a couple dozen little boys and murdered a 100 babies, he would never lose the Democrat vote for the rest of his life.
Another pathetic 'point' from an 'experienced commentator'. lol all that ballot box stuffing and still ended up in a runoff. against a complete rookie. Yeah, that 'mandate' just isn't there. You got the racist baby killer vote to turn out, though. If Walker had raped a a couple dozen little boys and murdered a 100 babies, he would never lose the Democrat vote for the rest of his life.

3-0… on way to 4-0.
And Warwick’s experience is???? Kicking the poor renters of his church out in the streets isn’t much if a resume, Simp?
The other guy can speak English, and appears to be sane... that puts him several notches above his opposition... :cool:
if Republicans keep running flawed candidates, Warnock will be 5-0

Yeah, because Warnock is so squeaky clean and without flaws, as is Festerman.

What you really mean is run RINOs like Mitt Romney.

And 5-0? WTF does that mean?
Trump said his good buddy Herschel is a huge star in Georgia, people will be too dumb to know better

I'm a conservative. I'm a conservative because I feel like it's the best way to govern. I've been a Republican a lot longer than a lot of folks. I think I've got kids probably that could articulate the conservative platform better than some of the candidates that Donald Trump and his group supported all across the country," he told the news outlet.

"This wasn't the right brand for Republicanism," he continued to say, "and I think Herschel Walker will probably go down as one of the worst candidates in our party's history.
Herschel Walker - handpicked by Donald Trump
Yeah, because Warnock is so squeaky clean and without flaws, as is Festerman.

What you really mean is run RINOs like Mitt Romney.

And 5-0? WTF does that mean?
The ultimate RINO is a braindead Trump cult member.
Yeah, because Warnock is so squeaky clean and without flaws, as is Festerman.

What you really mean is run RINOs like Mitt Romney.

And 5-0? WTF does that mean?
Run traditional Republicans like Brian Kemp……You win
Run MAGA candidates like Herschel Walker…You lose

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