Republican Governors have a short shelf life.

How can you claim that when they havnt been voted out yet? More liberal math and esp I guess...

As far as your topic title goes I remember a time when you guys decried the right for saying such things. But I guess libs have a different standard for themselves.

More likely... different people have different standards.

you know what else they all have in common?

Their job approval rate is higher than Obama's.
Bullshit. Obama's approval is at least 49%.
Democratic governor approvals

Jerry Brown... 48%
John Hickenlooper... 52%
Dan Malloy... 38% (worse than any Republican)
Jack Markell... 58%
Neil Abercrombie...50%
Pat Quinn...34% (much worse than any republican)
Steve Beshear...47%
Martin O'Malley... 54%
Deval Patrick... 27% (that's just sad...)
Mark Dayton... 51%
Jay Nixon... 49%
Brian Schweitzer...60% (not bad)
John Lynch... 43%
Andrew Cuomo... 64% (very good)
Beverly Perdue... 36% (worse than any republican)
John Kitzhaber... 40%
Peter Shumlin... cannot find rating
Christine Gregoire...37% (worse than any republican)
Earl Ray Tomblin... (acting gov., cannot find rating)

9 Democratic governors have significantly worse approval ratings than any GOP governor listed in the OP. 5 of them pathetically lower.

2 higher, by less than 7 points.

And the OP thinks the GOP governors have problems???

Not to Mention all of them are at least 2 Points higher than the President.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

You know whats real funny, Everyone of their Job Approval Rating is Higher than the RCP Average for Obama.


Do you feel that you must lie in order to have anything to contribute, Charles? I don't understand why you have such little regard for your own integrity. Anonymity, I suppose . . .

President Obama's job approval rating remains just below 50 percent, virtually unchanged from three weeks ago, according to a CBS News/New York Times poll released Wednesday.

About 47 percent approve of the way he has handled his job as president, while 44 percent disapprove. That compares to 48 percent and 43 percent respectively three weeks ago.

Democratic governor approvals

Jerry Brown... 48%
John Hickenlooper... 52%
Dan Malloy... 38% (worse than any Republican)
Jack Markell... 58%
Neil Abercrombie...50%
Pat Quinn...34% (much worse than any republican)
Steve Beshear...47%
Martin O'Malley... 54%
Deval Patrick... 27% (that's just sad...)
Mark Dayton... 51%
Jay Nixon... 49%
Brian Schweitzer...60% (not bad)
John Lynch... 43%
Andrew Cuomo... 64% (very good)
Beverly Perdue... 36% (worse than any republican)
John Kitzhaber... 40%
Peter Shumlin... cannot find rating
Christine Gregoire...37% (worse than any republican)
Earl Ray Tomblin... (acting gov., cannot find rating)
9 Democratic governors have significantly worse approval ratings than any GOP governor listed in the OP. 5 of them pathetically lower.

2 higher, by less than 7 points.

And the OP thinks the GOP governors have problems???

I guess it takes a Conservative to believe that 38%, 34%, and 37% are lower than Rick Scott's 29%.

You know whats real funny, Everyone of their Job Approval Rating is Higher than the RCP Average for Obama.



What are you talking about? Obama's approval rating is averaging 47%. You are looking at the percentages they were elected with at the top. Their approval ratings are at the bottom, and they are way below Obama's.

You know whats real funny, Everyone of their Job Approval Rating is Higher than the RCP Average for Obama.



What are you talking about? Obama's approval rating is averaging 47%. You are looking at the percentages they were elected with at the top. Their approval ratings are at the bottom, and they are way below Obama's.

it's hard to read and comprehend a chart with big colored numbers and arrows.
How did that getting it changed so that Arnold could become president go?

What the hell are you talking about? Your so far off topic you can probably see Russia from there eh?

Obviously all the replies left you speechless...

You forget Orin Hatch submitting a bill to make it so Arnold could become president?
Arnold was a republican Guv with a short shelf life.

Does Cali have term limits?
You forget Orin Hatch submitting a bill to make it so Arnold could become president?
Arnold was a republican Guv with a short shelf life.

Only an idiot believes he is a republican. But your entitled to your beliefs.

Orrin Hatch did and several other republicans in congress.
It was funny as hell.

Hatch is pushing Arnold bill

Deseret Morning News | Oct 7 2004

WASHINGTON — Officially, a hearing this week before the Senate Judiciary Committee was titled "Maximizing Voter Choice: Opening the Presidency to Naturalized Americans."
A constitutional amendment, proposed by Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, is called the Equal Opportunity to Govern Amendment.

Unofficially, it is the Arnold bill. Or more correctly, the "Awnald" bill, as in Arnold Schwarzenegger, the box office terminator and reigning governor of California.
"Please don't call it the Arnold bill. It's not the Arnold bill," pleaded Margarita Tapia, spokeswoman for the Senate Judiciary Committee
Hatch is pushing Arnold bill

So, to clarify, the Dems want those who immigrate illegally to have the right to vote and the Reps think that those who immigrate illegally are here, well, illegally.

The Reps think that those who have immigrated and are here legally should have the right to be President and the Dems don't.

The Dems seem to think that immigrants should be able to wash the car, but not own one.

Seriously Republicans, wake the fuck up. Some of these douche bags have only been in office six months. What does that tell you about your agenda?

Of course, these assholes you put in office don't care and really just want to pad their own pockets...Wanker in WI and Skeletor in FL being the most prominent examples of that.

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