Republican hatred for the President of the United States endangers the entire world

The logic of the Op's statement FAILS on more then a few points.
1, Obama has dissed or demeaned every free nation on the globe.
NOT Republicans fault.
2, Obama has made ties to terrorist groups STRONGER.
NOT Republicans fault.
3, Obama seeks to make ties to Communist countries STRONGER.
NOT republicans fault.
4, Obama has made the debt higher then ALL presidents COMBINED.
NOT Republicans fault.

YOUR argument fails on MANY more points but those are just the highlights.

Obama has built stronger ties with the rest of the world. The notion that he has ties to terrorist groups is not only nonsense, it is dangerous nonsense. He did more to thwart terrorists than Bush ever did.

There are no communist countries left except Cuba.

The debt is most certainly the fault of Republicans. They're the ones who cut taxes and then embarked on the most expensive war the world has ever seen - not to mention they increased the earned income credits and Medicaid Part D - all of which was unfunded. Then for good measure, they crashed the economy, You break it, you own it.

Let's see......

2009 the Iranian PEOPLE were rising up....Hussein wouldn't help.

He cheered when the Muslim Brotherhood took over in Egypt....the "Arab Spring".....the Egyptian economy tanked and the people and the military overthrew them...and Hussein Obama has been pouting ever since.

Barak loves him some Hamas....hence the Bibi feud.

Barak loves him some Iranian Mullahs....who happen to believe that they need the bomb to get their Imam to come home.

Yes you lefty's are an ignorant breed

Interesting statements, all of them lies.
None of these amateur-hour -caliber sidebars against Obumble really matter one little damn.

What does matter is that the President has lost the confidence of much of Congress, and much of the American People, to ensure that the Iranians do not get their hands on nuclear weapons, and to manage our relationship with Israel, as well as several other fronts and matters of genuine concern on the foreign policy front.

The old maxim about a 'Bad Deal being worse than No Deal' continues to ring true.

An alarming and rapidly growing number of Americans do not trust Obumble to broker a deal with the Iranians, concerning nuclear power and nuclear weapons potential.

And, unfortunately, Obumble's repeated failures in managing the US-Israel relationship are now coming home to roost, as well.

The Republicans - and a growing number of Democrats, behind the scenes, no doubt - have now determined that the Congress should intervene before the damage to both the Iranian nuclear arms situation and the US-Israel relationship situation becomes too great to un-do Obumble's mismanagement.

And, insofar as Congress is concerned, it is intervening within a Constitutional framework, doing nothing illegal, even if what they are doing is extremely rare, or even unprecedented.

Unprecedented incompetency and unprecedented mismanagement and unprecedented attempts at betraying our friends and allies and unprecedented naivete and unprecedented appeasement, all lead-up to a call for unprecedented intervention.

Which is exactly what Congress is now supplying.

Checks and balances... fer real... to an extent we haven't seen for generations... gotta love it.

It's about time that Congress found its courage once again.

Interesting times.
"Republican hatred for the President of the United States endangers the entire world"

Republican hatred for the President of the United States is partisan and unwarranted; and it's certainly been detrimental to the Nation as a whole, where most on the right, rather than doing what was best for the country, instead sought only to make Obama a 'one term president.'

..which would have been best for the country.
So Republicans could pick up where they left off under Bush?

Would have been better yes.

You actually believe that America would be better off in another republican great depression?


Every day you and people like you show just how much you hate America.
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"Republican hatred for the President of the United States endangers the entire world"

Republican hatred for the President of the United States is partisan and unwarranted; and it's certainly been detrimental to the Nation as a whole, where most on the right, rather than doing what was best for the country, instead sought only to make Obama a 'one term president.'
You confuse hatred with disdain and contempt and mistrust.
It's hatred and disdain based on contempt and racism. We know Republicans have mistrust. They mistrust science and education. Which is unfortunate. Since people with an education have less mistrust because they "know".
Yes we distrust global cooling, global warming, climate change, or whatever the hell you are calling it now. Education? Yes since liberals have taken it over its a joke. Teaching little girls how to use a dildo, or teaching them being gay is okay. Instead of math, english, and history. Oh and not educating minorities for a vote is absurd. Thank to liberalism.
"Republican hatred for the President of the United States endangers the entire world"

Republican hatred for the President of the United States is partisan and unwarranted; and it's certainly been detrimental to the Nation as a whole, where most on the right, rather than doing what was best for the country, instead sought only to make Obama a 'one term president.'

That's a dirty lie.

"Electing Republicans mean another black man being drug behind a truck"
"Electing Republicans mean another black church being burned"
"Republicans want to throw Grandma off a cliff"
"Republicans want to starve your children"

Actually it's not and you know it.

Here, just click the link below and you will see a page with video of a republican saying their job as they saw it was to make Obama a one term president.

republicans say they want to make obama a one term president - Bing

Here's some Youtube video of the a republican saying the same thing:

repblicans say their job is to make Obama a one term president - YouTube

What's the point of lying when you know that the truth is just a few seconds away on the internet?

Wow you people really don't use your brains.
"Republican hatred for the President of the United States endangers the entire world"

Republican hatred for the President of the United States is partisan and unwarranted; and it's certainly been detrimental to the Nation as a whole, where most on the right, rather than doing what was best for the country, instead sought only to make Obama a 'one term president.'

..which would have been best for the country.
So Republicans could pick up where they left off under Bush?

Would have been better yes.

You actually believe that America would be better off in another republican great depression?


Every day you and people like you show just how much you hate America.
People who vote Republican hate America?


The only people who hate America are those who let their partisanship get the better of them, and who try to undermine political diversity by pitching the Opposition as un-American.
Republican leadership and Congress that invited Natanyahu to insult the President and America by challenging American tradition and accepted diplomatic behavior and Natanyahu himself, along with the Israel voters who chose to keep him in office have done irreparable damage to American Israel relations. Those who don't see it are fools. Americans who have shown hatred and disrespect for the President of the USA encouraged Natanyahu and the Israel population to think they could do the same. American Israel relations have been put under the spotlight and America does not like what it sees. They are asking why they should be dragged into a war by some Israel politician and what makes Israel the great friend they always are told. What exactly does Israel do for the USA other than take American tax dollars year after year?
"Republican hatred for the President of the United States endangers the entire world"

Republican hatred for the President of the United States is partisan and unwarranted; and it's certainly been detrimental to the Nation as a whole, where most on the right, rather than doing what was best for the country, instead sought only to make Obama a 'one term president.'

..which would have been best for the country.
So Republicans could pick up where they left off under Bush?

Would have been better yes.

You actually believe that America would be better off in another republican great depression?


Every day you and people like you show just how much you hate America.

No, I dont. The depression wasn't caused by republicans. Only a partisan idiot would think that.

Every day you and people like you show how epically stupid you are.
"Republican hatred for the President of the United States endangers the entire world"

Republican hatred for the President of the United States is partisan and unwarranted; and it's certainly been detrimental to the Nation as a whole, where most on the right, rather than doing what was best for the country, instead sought only to make Obama a 'one term president.'

..which would have been best for the country.
So Republicans could pick up where they left off under Bush?

Would have been better yes.

You actually believe that America would be better off in another republican great depression?


Every day you and people like you show just how much you hate America.

No, I dont. The depression wasn't caused by republicans. Only a partisan idiot would think that.

Every day you and people like you show how epically stupid you are.
A person with the knowledge that the White House was occupied for 9 years previous to the beginning of the depression in 1929 and continued to occupy it until FDR was elected and began to get it under control in 1933 might not be partisan idiots. They might just be people who have knowledge of the pesky history facts.
"Republican hatred for the President of the United States endangers the entire world"

Republican hatred for the President of the United States is partisan and unwarranted; and it's certainly been detrimental to the Nation as a whole, where most on the right, rather than doing what was best for the country, instead sought only to make Obama a 'one term president.'

..which would have been best for the country.
So Republicans could pick up where they left off under Bush?

Would have been better yes.

You actually believe that America would be better off in another republican great depression?


Every day you and people like you show just how much you hate America.

No, I dont. The depression wasn't caused by republicans. Only a partisan idiot would think that.

Every day you and people like you show how epically stupid you are.
That's OK.

Their time is almost up.

The People have already taken Congress away from them.
These negotiations with Iran include the largest European countries along with Russia and China. Plus the rest of the world is already involved. Even Japan, South Korea and Brazil follow the sanctions currently in place.

Expect even Netanyahu to walk back his position.

Imagine if a US president broadcast such a message, warning the white electorate that black voters were heading to the polls in “large numbers”. Or if a European prime minister said: “Quick, the Jews are voting!” This is the moral gutter into which Netanyahu plunged just to get elected.

Netanyahu sank into the moral gutter - and there will be consequences Jonathan Freedland Comment is free The Guardian

Then he went on to say:

Mindful of the damage his win-at-all-costs moves had wrought, Netanyahu lost no time trying to unsay what he had said. In his victory speech, he promised to be prime minister of all Israelis, Jewish and non-Jewish alike. And in a US TV interview on Thursday, he insisted that he does want a “sustainable, peaceful two-state solution” after all, so long as “circumstances” change.

Like a typical right winger, he terrorized his own base into voting for him and walked back the "terror" only days after the election. Clearly, right wingers have very short memories beyond "we WON!". Unfortunately for them, everyone else's memories are much longer.

No country has ever been coerced into not developing nuclear weapons. They have always been negotiated into it. Obviously with sanctions being part of that negotiation. Ignorant ass Republicans say "bomb them out of existence" in spite of the fact that would turn the entire world's Muslims against us at a time when they are fighting each other. Fuck 'em. Let them fight each other. Stop the Republicans from putting Americans in the middle.
Worse, it's not a case of a single bomb run. It would take thousands over months or years. Iraq has had decades to build secret underground bunkers all over the country. Even if we found them all, there's no guarantee we could do much against them depending how reinforced they are and how deep underground and how well hidden.

This is all about "hate Obama" and Republicans don't care if they put the economy in the shitter, screw over their own base or threaten the safety of the entire world if they think they can just "embarrass" Obama. They want to embarrass the president and will do anything they can, no matter how much it threatens all of us if only they can. They think they will "teach him a lesson".

Actually I think it's Obama's gross incompetence that is the greater threat.
Unlike Bush and the GOP who did such a stellar job for the many years they had total control of the government. They were even able to use reconciliation THREE TIMES to pass their wonderful agenda that no one was able to stop.
These negotiations with Iran include the largest European countries along with Russia and China. Plus the rest of the world is already involved. Even Japan, South Korea and Brazil follow the sanctions currently in place.

Expect even Netanyahu to walk back his position.

Imagine if a US president broadcast such a message, warning the white electorate that black voters were heading to the polls in “large numbers”. Or if a European prime minister said: “Quick, the Jews are voting!” This is the moral gutter into which Netanyahu plunged just to get elected.

Netanyahu sank into the moral gutter - and there will be consequences Jonathan Freedland Comment is free The Guardian

Then he went on to say:

Mindful of the damage his win-at-all-costs moves had wrought, Netanyahu lost no time trying to unsay what he had said. In his victory speech, he promised to be prime minister of all Israelis, Jewish and non-Jewish alike. And in a US TV interview on Thursday, he insisted that he does want a “sustainable, peaceful two-state solution” after all, so long as “circumstances” change.

Like a typical right winger, he terrorized his own base into voting for him and walked back the "terror" only days after the election. Clearly, right wingers have very short memories beyond "we WON!". Unfortunately for them, everyone else's memories are much longer.

No country has ever been coerced into not developing nuclear weapons. They have always been negotiated into it. Obviously with sanctions being part of that negotiation. Ignorant ass Republicans say "bomb them out of existence" in spite of the fact that would turn the entire world's Muslims against us at a time when they are fighting each other. Fuck 'em. Let them fight each other. Stop the Republicans from putting Americans in the middle.
Worse, it's not a case of a single bomb run. It would take thousands over months or years. Iraq has had decades to build secret underground bunkers all over the country. Even if we found them all, there's no guarantee we could do much against them depending how reinforced they are and how deep underground and how well hidden.

This is all about "hate Obama" and Republicans don't care if they put the economy in the shitter, screw over their own base or threaten the safety of the entire world if they think they can just "embarrass" Obama. They want to embarrass the president and will do anything they can, no matter how much it threatens all of us if only they can. They think they will "teach him a lesson".

Actually I think it's Obama's gross incompetence that is the greater threat.
Unlike Bush and the GOP who did such a stellar job for the many years they had total control of the government. They were even able to use reconciliation THREE TIMES to pass their wonderful agenda that no one was able to stop.

Compared to the situation of the world when Bush et al left the White House, compared to the situation now...yeah, Obama has pretty much screwed the pooch. It will take decades to clear up the messes he has made.
These negotiations with Iran include the largest European countries along with Russia and China. Plus the rest of the world is already involved. Even Japan, South Korea and Brazil follow the sanctions currently in place.

Expect even Netanyahu to walk back his position.

Imagine if a US president broadcast such a message, warning the white electorate that black voters were heading to the polls in “large numbers”. Or if a European prime minister said: “Quick, the Jews are voting!” This is the moral gutter into which Netanyahu plunged just to get elected.

Netanyahu sank into the moral gutter - and there will be consequences Jonathan Freedland Comment is free The Guardian

Then he went on to say:

Mindful of the damage his win-at-all-costs moves had wrought, Netanyahu lost no time trying to unsay what he had said. In his victory speech, he promised to be prime minister of all Israelis, Jewish and non-Jewish alike. And in a US TV interview on Thursday, he insisted that he does want a “sustainable, peaceful two-state solution” after all, so long as “circumstances” change.

Like a typical right winger, he terrorized his own base into voting for him and walked back the "terror" only days after the election. Clearly, right wingers have very short memories beyond "we WON!". Unfortunately for them, everyone else's memories are much longer.

No country has ever been coerced into not developing nuclear weapons. They have always been negotiated into it. Obviously with sanctions being part of that negotiation. Ignorant ass Republicans say "bomb them out of existence" in spite of the fact that would turn the entire world's Muslims against us at a time when they are fighting each other. Fuck 'em. Let them fight each other. Stop the Republicans from putting Americans in the middle.
Worse, it's not a case of a single bomb run. It would take thousands over months or years. Iraq has had decades to build secret underground bunkers all over the country. Even if we found them all, there's no guarantee we could do much against them depending how reinforced they are and how deep underground and how well hidden.

This is all about "hate Obama" and Republicans don't care if they put the economy in the shitter, screw over their own base or threaten the safety of the entire world if they think they can just "embarrass" Obama. They want to embarrass the president and will do anything they can, no matter how much it threatens all of us if only they can. They think they will "teach him a lesson".

Actually I think it's Obama's gross incompetence that is the greater threat.
Unlike Bush and the GOP who did such a stellar job for the many years they had total control of the government. They were even able to use reconciliation THREE TIMES to pass their wonderful agenda that no one was able to stop.

Repubs- "Maobama isn't cleaning-up his Repub predecessor's mess fast enough" FAILargument again? lol

Seriously though, you cranks are scaring the rest of the world w/ your creepy obsession w/ our proud, African American, two-term :cool-45: President.


Seriously though, you cranks are scaring the rest of the world w/ your creepy obsession w/ our proud, African American, two-term :cool-45: President.


^ The Bush Derangement Syndrome chairwoman has spoken!

Fuck off.

Obumbler is a one man wrecking crew.

That shit hole wants to fundamentally change America because he doesn't much CARE for America.

And notice that as soon as a lolberal speaks, it feels compelled to invoke RACE into the topic.

Smarmy and stupid and self righteous, but fundamentally dishonest. You loberals are a sick lot.
..which would have been best for the country.
So Republicans could pick up where they left off under Bush?

Would have been better yes.

You actually believe that America would be better off in another republican great depression?


Every day you and people like you show just how much you hate America.

No, I dont. The depression wasn't caused by republicans. Only a partisan idiot would think that.

Every day you and people like you show how epically stupid you are.
A person with the knowledge that the White House was occupied for 9 years previous to the beginning of the depression in 1929 and continued to occupy it until FDR was elected and began to get it under control in 1933 might not be partisan idiots. They might just be people who have knowledge of the pesky history facts.

No, you are just an idiot spouting statistical coincidence and confusing that for history. Anyone with any knowledge of economic would say you are epically stupid.
The logic of the Op's statement FAILS on more then a few points.
1, Obama has dissed or demeaned every free nation on the globe.
NOT Republicans fault.
2, Obama has made ties to terrorist groups STRONGER.
NOT Republicans fault.
3, Obama seeks to make ties to Communist countries STRONGER.
NOT republicans fault.
4, Obama has made the debt higher then ALL presidents COMBINED.
NOT Republicans fault.

YOUR argument fails on MANY more points but those are just the highlights.

Obama has built stronger ties with the rest of the world. The notion that he has ties to terrorist groups is not only nonsense, it is dangerous nonsense. He did more to thwart terrorists than Bush ever did.

There are no communist countries left except Cuba.

The debt is most certainly the fault of Republicans. They're the ones who cut taxes and then embarked on the most expensive war the world has ever seen - not to mention they increased the earned income credits and Medicaid Part D - all of which was unfunded. Then for good measure, they crashed the economy, You break it, you own it.

Let's see......

2009 the Iranian PEOPLE were rising up....Hussein wouldn't help.

He cheered when the Muslim Brotherhood took over in Egypt....the "Arab Spring".....the Egyptian economy tanked and the people and the military overthrew them...and Hussein Obama has been pouting ever since.

Barak loves him some Hamas....hence the Bibi feud.

Barak loves him some Iranian Mullahs....who happen to believe that they need the bomb to get their Imam to come home.

Yes you lefty's are an ignorant breed

Interesting statements, all of them lies.

Nope, every word is true, sorry.

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