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Republican Ken Buck Says Being Gay Is A Choice, And Also Like Alcoholism

Maybe that's because it doesn't mater at all

Honestly, I dont care why idiots choose to be gay.

You wanna take a crack at it lonestar? Could you choose to to want to have sex with a man? I'm still not getting any takers on this one for some reason.

Actually, I have a bit of experience along this vein..........

A few years back, I met a woman via a mutual friend of ours. When we first met, she told me that she was a lesbian and that she didn't like men. I told her that I was cool with that, because she shot good pool and was fun to hang around (besides, prior to moving to Amarillo, I'd rented a room from a lesbian couple, so I was okay with that).

Well.......after a few months of hanging around each other, she asked me if I'd do her a favor and have sex with her, because she wanted to see if she was really a lesbian. We talked about this for a few hours, because I didn't want to end up losing the friendship, knowing that sex could fuck up a good one in a heartbeat. She said she was sure that she wanted to try it, because she wanted to make sure.

Well.....we got naked and jumped into bed, and the foreplay was pretty decent, but the second that penetration happened she froze up immediately. I asked what was wrong, and she stated that it just didn't feel right for her, so we quit and put our clothes back on.

Around 6 months later, she wanted to try it again, but same results happened. She was a female trying to see if she was straight or not, and I can tell you.........some people are just not meant to be with someone of the opposite gender.

No. Homosexuality is not necessarily a choice.
Honestly, I dont care why idiots choose to be gay.

You wanna take a crack at it lonestar? Could you choose to to want to have sex with a man? I'm still not getting any takers on this one for some reason.

Actually, I have a bit of experience along this vein..........

A few years back, I met a woman via a mutual friend of ours. When we first met, she told me that she was a lesbian and that she didn't like men. I told her that I was cool with that, because she shot good pool and was fun to hang around (besides, prior to moving to Amarillo, I'd rented a room from a lesbian couple, so I was okay with that).

Well.......after a few months of hanging around each other, she asked me if I'd do her a favor and have sex with her, because she wanted to see if she was really a lesbian. We talked about this for a few hours, because I didn't want to end up losing the friendship, knowing that sex could fuck up a good one in a heartbeat. She said she was sure that she wanted to try it, because she wanted to make sure.

Well.....we got naked and jumped into bed, and the foreplay was pretty decent, but the second that penetration happened she froze up immediately. I asked what was wrong, and she stated that it just didn't feel right for her, so we quit and put our clothes back on.

Around 6 months later, she wanted to try it again, but same results happened. She was a female trying to see if she was straight or not, and I can tell you.........some people are just not meant to be with someone of the opposite gender.

No. Homosexuality is not necessarily a choice.

Same thing happened to me in the early 70s but she didn't claim to be a lesbian then. At a class reunuion 10 years later she was there with her partner and they are still together.
Maybe that's because it doesn't mater at all

Honestly, I dont care why idiots choose to be gay.

You wanna take a crack at it lonestar? Could you choose to to want to have sex with a man? I'm still not getting any takers on this one for some reason.

I suppose a person could choose to do whatever the hell they wanted. I would never make that kind of choice because not only is it disgusting, it's a sin.
BTW Buck apologized for comparing gays to alcoholics, so he gets some points for that.
I suppose a person could choose to do whatever the hell they wanted. I would never make that kind of choice because not only is it disgusting, it's a sin.

But you can't make that choice, right?

Or, if it is a choice, like choosing between a Big Mac or a McChicken, then you should have the capacity to make such a choice. But if it's a choice then you should be able to "choose" to be aroused by gay sex in the same manner as straight sex. You can prove this simply by imagining gay sex and becoming aroused. Or you can go look at some gay porn, whatever works. But if you can't get aroused by gay sex, then clearly it is not a choice.
Only a person who is insane doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. Being mentally and emotionally ill doesn't make you a zombie. You just have less control of yourself and make decisions that you're not happy with in the long run, thus, leading to high rates of suicide, drug abuse and alcoholism.

That is your opinion based on nothing. Either way you still lose. If you're born with it, it is not a choice. If it is the result of a chemical imbalance it is also not a choice. For myself (someone not suffering from any mental deficiencies I know that. You make being homosexual sound like it's something that results from a bout of depresseion or something which is utterely ridiculous. I don't care how depressed I was. I can't choose to be attracted to men. Likely neither can you. Yet for some inexplicable reason (probably tied to your warped religious views) you maintain being gay is a choice. Sorry Jack, objective reasoning and blind faith in religious dogma are the only things that make poor bed fellows in this conversation.
Honestly, I dont care why idiots choose to be gay.

You wanna take a crack at it lonestar? Could you choose to to want to have sex with a man? I'm still not getting any takers on this one for some reason.

I suppose a person could choose to do whatever the hell they wanted. I would never make that kind of choice because not only is it disgusting, it's a sin.

I didn't ask what you could choose to do. I asked what you could choose to FEEL. Could you choose to feel sexually attracted to a man? Not having sex with someone of the same sex doesn't make you straight. Sexual orientation is a feeling, not a behavior.
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I suppose a person could choose to do whatever the hell they wanted. I would never make that kind of choice because not only is it disgusting, it's a sin.

But you can't make that choice, right?

Or, if it is a choice, like choosing between a Big Mac or a McChicken, then you should have the capacity to make such a choice. But if it's a choice then you should be able to "choose" to be aroused by gay sex in the same manner as straight sex. You can prove this simply by imagining gay sex and becoming aroused. Or you can go look at some gay porn, whatever works. But if you can't get aroused by gay sex, then clearly it is not a choice.

Exactly. I know I'm straight because I can't do it. As I said before I have no issues morally with homosexuality, but I can't keep myself from going bblllllllluuuuuuugggghhhh thinking about two dudes kissing. And there is something about a well formed, natural pair of Cs that I find quite arrousing.
All this going on and on about whether or not being homosexual is a choice and not one of you can say why it matters.

Neither can you.

That's because it doesn't matter. There is no material value in any context or from any perspective in the discussion of gay issues in this country in whether or not gays are born that way or whether it is a choice they make later in life.

No value whatsoever.
Exactly. I know I'm straight because I can't do it. As I said before I have no issues morally with homosexuality, but I can't keep myself from going bblllllllluuuuuuugggghhhh thinking about two dudes kissing. And there is something about a well formed, natural pair of Cs that I find quite arrousing.

Exactly. Grosses me out to no end. But that's my problem, not theirs.

Nobody ever "decides" to become aroused. There is nothing more innate than sexuality, except for breathing and eating.
All this going on and on about whether or not being homosexual is a choice and not one of you can say why it matters.

Neither can you.
Maybe that's because it doesn't mater at all
But that is where you are wrong, Skull. It matters a great deal to the most bigoted homphobes. By insisting it is a choice (despite having ZERO scientific evidence that would support that hypothesis) they can continue to feel somehow justified in their bigotry. They are REALLY wrong, on the wrong side of history and adhere to a belief that isn't supported by most Americans.

These extremist religious fundamentalists are listed as the reason that young people are turning away from religion in greater and greater numbers.

As recently as 1990, all but 7% of Americans claimed a religious affiliation, a figure that had held constant for decades. Today, 17% of Americans say they have no religion, and these new "nones" are very heavily concentrated among Americans who have come of age since 1990. Between 25% and 30% of twentysomethings today say they have no religious affiliation — roughly four times higher than in any previous generation.

So, why this sudden jump in youthful disaffection from organized religion? The surprising answer, according to a mounting body of evidence, is politics. Very few of these new "nones" actually call themselves atheists, and many have rather conventional beliefs about God and theology. But they have been alienated from organized religion by its increasingly conservative politics.

Walking away from Church

Will they realize their error before it's too late?
My opinion is homosexuality is an emotional-mental imbalance. It is developed over time and can be conquored with help. Thousands and thousands of people have gone straight.
Your "opinion" isn't supported by anything even resembling science.

How is homosexuality "developed" exactly? I was attracted to other girls when I was about five or six. Where was that "developed"? I never met another gay person (that I knew of) until I was in my late teens so I certainly wasn't "recruited".

This claim of "thousands and thousands" changing their orientation has been made before on this thread (maybe by you), with no evidence to support that contention. The FACT is that "conversion therapy" has a success rate of less than 1% and these people don't stop having feelings of same sex attraction, they just stop acting on them. That does not a straight make.
Know where the highest suicide rate and addiction rates come from in homosexuals?

Check the ones that claim they're "cured" of being gay.
The Homosexual Lifestyle, which Buck was Referring... For those that Choose to Defy their Natural Design as Opposed to being Born with a Defect that keeps them from Embracing what Creates us...

Until the early 80's it was Unlimted Sex without Consequences.

30 years later, with the Overwhelming number of new HIV Cases continuing to be Gay Men, it's Clearly Exposed itself to be an Addiction, not unlike Crack or Booze.

As a Minority, Homosexuals are the Wealthiest and Most Educated, yet in the First World they Dominate new HIV Cases to this day.

And Predominantly, the number of new HIV Cases amongst Women are in the Ethnic Communities where Gay Men are NOT Accepted, so they Live on the Down Low but Prove their Heterosexuality to their Peers by Bedding Women.

Check the CDC Stats...

The Female Category is Qualified with Women who have Sex with Men who have Sex with Men.

True Story!

Anyway, the Lifestyle is Selfish and it is Plagued with Evidence of Addiction.

Not all... Nothing is all.

But for those who are not Wired Incorrectly, it is.


30 years later, with the Overwhelming number of new HIV Cases continuing to be Gay Men, it's Clearly Exposed itself to be an Addiction, not unlike Crack or Booze.

Gay men aren't promiscuous because they're gay. Gay men are promiscuous because they're guys.

If women had the same sex drive men did, nothing ever would get done. We'd still be in the stone age because we'd all be having sex 24/7. There'd be no technological advancement. Well, maybe we'd have invented the video camera and the TV so we can watch pornography. But that's about it.
Know where the highest suicide rate and addiction rates come from in homosexuals?

Check the ones that claim they're "cured" of being gay.
That's because once they have excaped from being a perverted homosexual.

They still have to deal with all of the infections and deadly diseases they contracted while involved in the sodomite lifestyle.
Know where the highest suicide rate and addiction rates come from in homosexuals?

Check the ones that claim they're "cured" of being gay.
That's because once they have excaped from being a perverted homosexual.

They still have to deal with all of the infections and deadly diseases they contracted while involved in the sodomite lifestyle.

Where is your evidence that is the reason 'cured' gay men commit suicide. Are you telling us you have actual evidence that the rate of suicide is higher among gays that have aids or STDs than it is in straights? Please do cite. I would love to see the evidence of your position on...well anything you've stated so far.

P.S. you still have not given an honest answer to my question; could you just to FEEL attracted to a man?
Know where the highest suicide rate and addiction rates come from in homosexuals?

Check the ones that claim they're "cured" of being gay.
That's because once they have excaped from being a perverted homosexual.

They still have to deal with all of the infections and deadly diseases they contracted while involved in the sodomite lifestyle.

So.....you can cure the behavior, but you can't cure the diseases?

Sounds like quack bullshit to me Sunnidiot.
Fudge packers have a miserable existence and usually die young and alone.

They have chosen this lifestyle and early death.

So it's kind of difficult to feel sorry for them and their plight.

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