Republican leader ousted for condemning Trump at Women's March—her comeback is stunning


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
State Rep. Beth Fukumoto (R-Hawaii) expressed her dismay and disdain against Donald Trump and in return, her GOP colleagues voted out her of her Republican minority leader position, which she has held since 2012.

Republicans= brown shirted baboons

Fukumoto said her fellow Republicans ousted her because she participated in theWomen's March and protested the Trump presidency.” The 33-year-old lawmaker stated:

"They told me they would keep me in this position if I would commit to not disagreeing with our president for the remainder of his term.

Mr. Speaker, I'm being removed because I refused to make that commitment, because I believe it's our job as Americans and as leaders in this body to criticize power when power is wrong."

Republican leader ousted for condemning Trump at Women's March—her comeback is stunning

Fukumoto replaced as House minority leader, wants to leave Republican Party
What is Womens´ March? A pro-death movement?
Who is Beth Fukumoto? We've never even heard of her before so how could she be making a "comeback?" It's hard to say who the biggest liar is in this story. The media or their subject. Clearly no one ever told this woman she'd be fired if she didn't agree with the President on all matters. That is patently false AND ridiculous. Still I'll go with the media for biggest liar award as this woman has apparently been fired and the mainstream media has clearly done far more damage that she has thus far...

If you want a story based on the truth, try this one, Mr. Guno. The young man in the video - inside Op-ed - was tortured because he was a white kid who they claimed was a Trump supporter. Turns out the boy was mentally retarded and the Trump supporter accusation was a lie used to justify the kidnapping and torture of this young man. Does anyone care about the truth anymore? You tell me.

Media Cover Up: Black Hate Crimes Against Whites

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