Republican Morality

Republican Morality

This is what's known as an "oxymoron".

You know, it doesn't matter how many times you tell a lie. It never becomes true.
Well Si modo thinks it does,goodness I've met some hypocrites in life but she is certainly rising to the top of the tree,that and her belittling sarcasm but I do feel pity for her.........thinks she's authoritive but has no authority. tl:cool:
Republican Morality

This is what's known as an "oxymoron".

You know, it doesn't matter how many times you tell a lie. It never becomes true.
Well Si modo thinks it does,goodness I've met some hypocrites in life but she is certainly rising to the top of the tree,that and her belittling sarcasm but I do feel pity for her.........thinks she's authoritive but has no authority. tl:cool:

Ive seen no evidence of that.
I have addressed your OP over and over and over. You just ignore everything I say and repeat your "******" quote as if saying it repeatedly gives you more credibility.

Point to the posts where you have countered the premise that republican policies hurt the working class while helping the wealthy and corporations.

"Republicans, of course, cloak themselves in the rhetoric of freedom and necessity and express concern about future generations. That the beast they would slay ultimately translates to the lives of American citizens, including some of the most vulnerable who depend on government social programs to which they enjoy legal, political, and moral entitlement, is irrelevant. Hatred of government is a disease with them. They loathe common purpose and project, especially when channeled through the state. Their hatred of government, it seems to me, is tantamount to hatred of country." The Contemporary Condition: Why Do Republicans Hate America?
You know, it doesn't matter how many times you tell a lie. It never becomes true.
Well Si modo thinks it does,goodness I've met some hypocrites in life but she is certainly rising to the top of the tree,that and her belittling sarcasm but I do feel pity for her.........thinks she's authoritive but has no authority. tl:cool:

Ive seen no evidence of that.
No worries. Theliq is just bothered about something I said (or did). He'll probably send me yet another psychotic PM that I won't answer. He has some sort of bug up his butt about something.
Well Si modo thinks it does,goodness I've met some hypocrites in life but she is certainly rising to the top of the tree,that and her belittling sarcasm but I do feel pity for her.........thinks she's authoritive but has no authority. tl:cool:

Ive seen no evidence of that.
No worries. Theliq is just bothered about something I said (or did). He'll probably send me yet another psychotic PM that I won't answer. He has some sort of bug up his butt about something.

I'm doubting it's a bug.
Uh huh.

And, what does that have to do with your saying, "Republicans deny racism" and my telling you I don't?

I don't like your putdown of midcan. I get the impression from it, that you don't understand racism.
That's fine. I'm not too concerned about what posters like or don't like.

I am concerned with idiotic rationales. I am concerned with lies. I am concerned with facts. Without accuracy, I cannot make a rational decision.

So, when someone says their OP hasn't been addressed, and it has been repeatedly addressed, they are lying. When someone presents something as fact and they have a false or unsupported premise, I say something.

But, when someone is obtuse, deliberately or not, I definitely say something.

I would imagine you would know this about me by now.

So, IF midcan WERE interested in some sort of honest discussion, midcan WOULD either support his premise or try again, excluding the false premise. That would be the honest thing to do.

In my experience, the lack of honesty here is consistent posting by midcan.

No one has addressed the fact that GOP POTUS candidates have said what they've said. That's a fact. midcan infers some things about Republican morality based on statements by Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich.

That does not make midcan a dishonest person.

It's ok if it doesn't matter to you what I think of your post to midcan. I just had to say it.
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I don't like your putdown of midcan. I get the impression from it, that you don't understand racism.
That's fine. I'm not too concerned about what posters like or don't like.

I am concerned with idiotic rationales. I am concerned with lies. I am concerned with facts. Without accuracy, I cannot make a rational decision.

So, when someone says their OP hasn't been addressed, and it has been repeatedly addressed, they are lying. When someone presents something as fact and they have a false or unsupported premise, I say something.

But, when someone is obtuse, deliberately or not, I definitely say something.

I would imagine you would know this about me by now.

So, IF midcan WERE interested in some sort of honest discussion, midcan WOULD either support his premise or try again, excluding the false premise. That would be the honest thing to do.

In my experience, the lack of honesty here is consistent posting by midcan.

No one has addressed the fact that GOP POTUS candidates have said what they've said. That's a fact. midcan infers some things about Republican morality based on statements by Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich.

That does not make midcan a dishonest person.
What makes midcan dishonest is his addiction to false premises and his lies.
That's fine. I'm not too concerned about what posters like or don't like.

I am concerned with idiotic rationales. I am concerned with lies. I am concerned with facts. Without accuracy, I cannot make a rational decision.

So, when someone says their OP hasn't been addressed, and it has been repeatedly addressed, they are lying. When someone presents something as fact and they have a false or unsupported premise, I say something.

But, when someone is obtuse, deliberately or not, I definitely say something.

I would imagine you would know this about me by now.

So, IF midcan WERE interested in some sort of honest discussion, midcan WOULD either support his premise or try again, excluding the false premise. That would be the honest thing to do.

In my experience, the lack of honesty here is consistent posting by midcan.

No one has addressed the fact that GOP POTUS candidates have said what they've said. That's a fact. midcan infers some things about Republican morality based on statements by Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich.

That does not make midcan a dishonest person.
What makes midcan dishonest is his addiction to false premises and his lies.

Your character assassination of midcan is wrong. midcan is not lying. No one is addressing the OP concerns. All you're doing is personally attacking midcan and doing nothing to dispute the OP claims.
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Why do republicans hate the poor but love the rich? Never good to start off with a lie.

"If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered." Proverbs 21:13 religion hating libs quoting the bible is :lol:

What can one make of the statements below?

"If you're many states you can qualify for Medicaid, you can qualify for food stamps, you can qualify for housing assistance, [even] if you're in poverty...That is not a healthy thing for children, it's not a healthy thing for society...Suffering, if you're a Christian, suffering is a part of life. And it's not a bad thing, it is an essential thing in life...There are all different ways to suffer. One way to suffer is through lack of food and shelter and there's another way to suffer which is lack of dignity and hope." Rick
That which does not kill you only makes you stronger. If life sucks, YOU must do what needs to be done to fix it. It's called being an adult and taking responsibility.

"Really poor children in really poor neighborhoods have no habits of working and have nobody around them who works. So they literally have no habit of showing up on Monday. They have no habit of staying all day. They have no habit of 'I do this and you give me cash,' unless it's illegal." ¶ "You have a very poor neighborhood. You have kids who are required under law to go to school. They have no money. They have no habit of work. What if you paid them part-time in the afternoon to sit at the clerical office and greet people when they came in? What if you paid them to work as the assistant librarian? And I'd pay them as early as is reasonable and practical. ¶ "I am prepared to find something that works, that breaks us out of the cycles we're involved in right now, and finding a way for poor children to learn how to work and learning how to have money that they've earned honestly is an integral part of that." Newt
What's wrong with teaching a work ethic? Are you that much of a blind hack to not know this is true?

Note to Rick and Newt's mom, Mrs Mom you raised an awful child. So did yours, idiot.

Who was it that said the past is never past. They missed Newt.

"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." Matthew 6:24

You still support, w/o question a murderer. So who the hell are you to judge?
It's hypocrital to call yourself the party of family values and then make fiscal policies that hurt "the least of those" families.

Here is an editorial from a Christian minister.

Rev. Chuck Currie: House GOP Cuts are Theologically Immoral
And, why would you think mixing religion and governance is a good idea?

That is NOT what the minister is discussing. He is pointing out the hypocrisy of the GOP. He is pointing out the immorality of the budget cuts the GOP proposes. The GOP tout themselves as the party of God when they are anything but that.

Try reading the article before commenting.
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It's hypocrital to call yourself the party of family values and then make fiscal policies that hurt "the least of those" families.

Here is an editorial from a Christian minister.

Rev. Chuck Currie: House GOP Cuts are Theologically Immoral
And, why would you think mixing religion and governance is a good idea?

That is NOT what the minister is discussing. He is pointing out the hypocrisy of the GOP.

Try reading the article before commenting.
From a religious point of view. I don't think mixing religion and governance is a good idea.

You apparently do.

To put it another way, why would I care what a religion thinks about governance in the USA? Why would YOU care?
And, why would you think mixing religion and governance is a good idea?

That is NOT what the minister is discussing. He is pointing out the hypocrisy of the GOP.

Try reading the article before commenting.
From a religious point of view. I don't think mixing religion and governance is a good idea.

You apparently do.

To put it another way, why would I care what a religion thinks about governance in the USA? Why would YOU care?

Why would you as a Republican care about GOP policy? I care about children.
It's hypocrital to call yourself the party of family values and then make fiscal policies that hurt "the least of those" families.

Here is an editorial from a Christian minister.

Rev. Chuck Currie: House GOP Cuts are Theologically Immoral

more huff poo blather

They found a priest to back their nonsensical claims that crushing the value of the dollar by increasing the debt helps the poor.

utter non sense

Give a man a fish and all the jazz

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