Republican Nirvana: No government regulations

The GOP is always going about how government regulations hurt business, suggesting that modern-day businesses can be trusted with the public's health and safety, that no business would knowingly sell a tainted product. know what? There's a REASON for those regulations and the current outbreak of fungal meningitis demonstrates it perfectly!

The outbreak, which has killed 5 people and sickened 30 so far, is traced back to a compounding pharmacy in Framingham, MA which sold the fungus contaminated product to doctors and hospitals for injecting into people's spinal cords. Compounding pharmacies do not fall under FDA supervision. Instead, that's left to the states and the FDA only becomes involved when something awful happens.'s happened. It seems that leaving such oversight to the states might not be that good a deal after all.

Worse, Massachusetts is a tort reform state, where the amount of punitive damages is limited. A victim, or the victim's survivors, may collect actual damages plus $500,000 for punitive damages and no more. And, good luck to them collecting even that as the business is now shuttered and their website is down. In other words, they'll now file for bankruptcy and escape any punishment for their lax safety standards at all, which were so bad that regulators once found a batch of product with VISIBLE contamination!

This is the GOP's dream for America. No, or weak, regulations. Lax government oversight. Tort reform, so the businesses won't have to suffer too badly for their profit-motivated endangerment of the public.

That's government of the corporations, by the corporations and for the corporations. Mitt Romney supports it all.

Meningitis Outbreak Highlights Hazards of Drug Compounding - ABC News

That's funny I heard Romney state over and over that we need Regulations, Just not Over Regulation.

I guess those Liberal Filters on your ears make you hear things nobody else does.

There's a lot of talk in this thread about how the nobody on the right wants no regulation, just not as many.

Ok, fine. Which ones can we get rid of?

ps: I've heard not one single comment about the people who died trusting that Big Medicine would not kill them by neglect or that government regulators would let them. I guess that's just their tough luck, huh?

Caveat emptor indeed.
Wrong. Just want fair regulations where idiot government bureaucrats who don't know shit from Shinola are trying to micromanage every business and people's lives. Even then, they don't improve quality or safety, just make it look good and force people to jump through hoops for nothing.

The left has over-regulated semi drivers. The rules make it impossible for some to complete runs and they are losing money. The rules don't make them any safer, just impedes the progress. Dems always hate progress, trucks, military, wealthy and anyone who is just too happy so they do their best to put the squeeze on workers while coddling the idle. Happens every time. If you want a liberal to love you then become a victim, a dependent, a supporter of theirs, a community agitator, a pacifist politician or just go to a city park and shit on everything. If you're doing well, they call you part of the problem.

The left? I drove a truck for 30 years and can tell you without reservation or fear of being proved wrong that the current truck driver regulation frenzy began during the Reagan Administration and under the guidance of his Secretary of Transportation, Elizabeth Dole.

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Wrong. Just want fair regulations where idiot government bureaucrats who don't know shit from Shinola are trying to micromanage every business and people's lives. Even then, they don't improve quality or safety, just make it look good and force people to jump through hoops for nothing.

The left has over-regulated semi drivers. The rules make it impossible for some to complete runs and they are losing money. The rules don't make them any safer, just impedes the progress. Dems always hate progress, trucks, military, wealthy and anyone who is just too happy so they do their best to put the squeeze on workers while coddling the idle. Happens every time. If you want a liberal to love you then become a victim, a dependent, a supporter of theirs, a community agitator, a pacifist politician or just go to a city park and shit on everything. If you're doing well, they call you part of the problem.

The left? I drove a truck for 30 years and can tell you without reservation or fear of being proved wrong that the current truck driver regulation frenzy began during the Reagan Administration and under the guidance of his Secretary of Transportation, Elizabeth Dole.

I also Hold a CDL and drive a truck at times. I can tell you it may have begun under Reagan, But it seriously increased under Obama.

Not to mention that the most devastating thing to the Trucking Industry under Obama has been not his new Regulations, which have hurt, But his lack of an Energy Policy that gives us more affordable Fuel. Diesel is up even more than Gas under Obama. More than Doubling the Amount Shippers spend on Fuel.

But I am sure you find some way to Excuse Obama for that as well.
There's a lot of talk in this thread about how the nobody on the right wants no regulation, just not as many.

Ok, fine. Which ones can we get rid of?

ps: I've heard not one single comment about the people who died trusting that Big Medicine would not kill them by neglect or that government regulators would let them. I guess that's just their tough luck, huh?

Caveat emptor indeed.

Lets start with the 5 "to Big to Fail Banks"

That is the most insane things I have ever heard. The Law releases those banks from any responsibility at all. What do they care what happens with their Money, if it falls apart, they got Daddy Obama to bail them out.
Not to mention that the most devastating thing to the Trucking Industry under Obama has been not his new Regulations, which have hurt, But his lack of an Energy Policy that gives us more affordable Fuel. Diesel is up even more than Gas under Obama. More than Doubling the Amount Shippers spend on Fuel.

But I am sure you find some way to Excuse Obama for that as well.

Why do you think the President has any control over fuel prices? Or, would you prefer price controls, like we had under Nixon? (Hint: That's more government regulation).
Lets start with the 5 "to Big to Fail Banks"

That is the most insane things I have ever heard. The Law releases those banks from any responsibility at all. What do they care what happens with their Money, if it falls apart, they got Daddy Obama to bail them out.

I'd have to first remind you that George Bush bailed them out before Obama did.

Secondly, what do you think would have happened if those big banks did fail?

Thirdly, you do know, I hope, that banking and Wall Street regulators have been much more active going after criminal banking and investing schemes under this President than any since FDR.

Or, do you think going after criminal bankers is just more un-necessary and un-needed regulation too?
Ok, fine. Which ones can we get rid of?

Let's start with the stupid ones, then we're down to like three...

Ok, name some of the stupid ones. And, since this thread is about the lack of FDA regulation, pick some stupid ones from them.

In fact, a good place to start for ANY of you RWNJ's who moan about government regulation would be to tell us all WHY we have an FDA in the first place.
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There's a lot of talk in this thread about how the nobody on the right wants no regulation, just not as many.

Ok, fine. Which ones can we get rid of?

ps: I've heard not one single comment about the people who died trusting that Big Medicine would not kill them by neglect or that government regulators would let them. I guess that's just their tough luck, huh?

Caveat emptor indeed.

Which ones can we get rid of?

How about smarter regulations? How about some reforms that make the private sector more productive and the government less bloated with governmental bureacracy and high costs.

The areas where there could be less and could be done better are many.

Health care
Financial sector
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Ok, fine. Which ones can we get rid of?

Let's start with the stupid ones, then we're down to like three...

Ok, name some of the stupid ones. And, since this thread is about the lack of FDA regulation, pick some stupid ones from them.

I'd eliminate the FDA. There is no Constitutional Authority for the Government to be in that role and government sucks at it and uses regulation to advance their own power rather then helping consumers.

Consumers and consumer organizations would be far better equipped to perform the task and they would be backed up by local governments and in extreme cases civil and criminal courts for actually harming individuals rather than failing to follow government dictates.

You don't seem to be following, so I'll make it clearer. "I" am for removing almost all government regulations, at least a a percent of the ones that exist. But you said "Republicans" do and as a libertarian I assure you, they are no friend of ours.
There's a lot of talk in this thread about how the nobody on the right wants no regulation, just not as many.

Ok, fine. Which ones can we get rid of?

ps: I've heard not one single comment about the people who died trusting that Big Medicine would not kill them by neglect or that government regulators would let them. I guess that's just their tough luck, huh?

Caveat emptor indeed.

Which ones can we get rid of?

How about smarter regulations? How about some reforms that make the private sector more productive and the government less bloated with governmental bureacracy and high costs.

The areas where there could be less and could be done better are many.

Health care
Financial sector

Be specific. Show me a "smarter" regulation from the FDA.
Let's start with the stupid ones, then we're down to like three...

Ok, name some of the stupid ones. And, since this thread is about the lack of FDA regulation, pick some stupid ones from them.

I'd eliminate the FDA. There is no Constitutional Authority for the Government to be in that role and government sucks at it and uses regulation to advance their own power rather then helping consumers.

Consumers and consumer organizations would be far better equipped to perform the task and they would be backed up by local governments and in extreme cases civil and criminal courts for actually harming individuals rather than failing to follow government dictates.

You don't seem to be following, so I'll make it clearer. "I" am for removing almost all government regulations, at least a a percent of the ones that exist. But you said "Republicans" do and as a libertarian I assure you, they are no friend of ours.

Do YOU know why we have an FDA in the first place?
There's a lot of talk in this thread about how the nobody on the right wants no regulation, just not as many.

Ok, fine. Which ones can we get rid of?

ps: I've heard not one single comment about the people who died trusting that Big Medicine would not kill them by neglect or that government regulators would let them. I guess that's just their tough luck, huh?

Caveat emptor indeed.

Which ones can we get rid of?

How about smarter regulations? How about some reforms that make the private sector more productive and the government less bloated with governmental bureacracy and high costs.

The areas where there could be less and could be done better are many.

Health care
Financial sector

Be specific. Show me a "smarter" regulation from the FDA.

Consumer choice
Ok, name some of the stupid ones. And, since this thread is about the lack of FDA regulation, pick some stupid ones from them.

I'd eliminate the FDA. There is no Constitutional Authority for the Government to be in that role and government sucks at it and uses regulation to advance their own power rather then helping consumers.

Consumers and consumer organizations would be far better equipped to perform the task and they would be backed up by local governments and in extreme cases civil and criminal courts for actually harming individuals rather than failing to follow government dictates.

You don't seem to be following, so I'll make it clearer. "I" am for removing almost all government regulations, at least a a percent of the ones that exist. But you said "Republicans" do and as a libertarian I assure you, they are no friend of ours.

Do YOU know why we have an FDA in the first place?

Government uses every opportunity to extend and consolidate it's power.
Ok, name some of the stupid ones. And, since this thread is about the lack of FDA regulation, pick some stupid ones from them.

I'd eliminate the FDA. There is no Constitutional Authority for the Government to be in that role and government sucks at it and uses regulation to advance their own power rather then helping consumers.

Consumers and consumer organizations would be far better equipped to perform the task and they would be backed up by local governments and in extreme cases civil and criminal courts for actually harming individuals rather than failing to follow government dictates.

You don't seem to be following, so I'll make it clearer. "I" am for removing almost all government regulations, at least a a percent of the ones that exist. But you said "Republicans" do and as a libertarian I assure you, they are no friend of ours.

Do YOU know why we have an FDA in the first place?

Same reason we have many other government agencies, to provide jobs to those who can't function in the private sector.
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Nice strawman you got there. Shame if anything happened to it. :eusa_whistle:

Ooops! Looks like it already did. :lol:
What is needed are regulations that are clear, concise, and more importantly, written by people in the industry being regulated, who have training in the area being regulated, and not by lawyers and activists and administrators.

Really? Would you trust the company in the link to write their own regulations? Why?

I would trust people with background in the field better than some burecratic wonks. You can have the lawyers review the regs, and have the activists comment on them, but people with the experience should write them.

Why do you want liberal arts majors writing engineering regulations?
Ok, name some of the stupid ones. And, since this thread is about the lack of FDA regulation, pick some stupid ones from them.

I'd eliminate the FDA. There is no Constitutional Authority for the Government to be in that role and government sucks at it and uses regulation to advance their own power rather then helping consumers.

Consumers and consumer organizations would be far better equipped to perform the task and they would be backed up by local governments and in extreme cases civil and criminal courts for actually harming individuals rather than failing to follow government dictates.

You don't seem to be following, so I'll make it clearer. "I" am for removing almost all government regulations, at least a a percent of the ones that exist. But you said "Republicans" do and as a libertarian I assure you, they are no friend of ours.

Do YOU know why we have an FDA in the first place?

Let the buyer/consumer have more choices. Stop the FDA monopoly. The unnecessary regulation causes higher healthcare spending. Pharma companies charge more for their products because of the higher bureaucratic costs caused by over-regulation. Sometimes good medicine gets blocked while trying to block bad medicine.

Check out this:

Rand Paul Introduces Amendment to End the FDA's Insane Police Powers: "I see no reason to have the FDA carrying weapons." [UPDATED] - Hit & Run :

Armed FDA? :eusa_eh: Um why?

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