Republican Policy: DENY Human Contribution To Climate Change


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
It is Republican Party’s duty to serve the needs of Big Business of every sort, and has been for decades. Big Oil companies are major political contributors, and therefore must be given the very best service available from the GOP.

To this end, Republican politicians must, MUST, deny all evidence of human causes related to global warming, and MUST instill this denial in their conservative voter base.

FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of the corporate puppets tasked with brainwashing the simple-minded conservatives have done their job well, which might not be such good news for Limbaugh’s audience in Florida in the coming days.

On his Monday radio show Limbaugh implied hurricane warnings were overblown as part of the liberal conspiracy to convince the public climate change is real. Limbaugh stated he wanted to, “remind everybody that there are people throughout levels of government that believe in climate change, it’s an emotional issue,and they look at for any evidence they can to prove it.”

Limbaugh has always been one of the GOP’s head cheerleaders in their campaign to promote climate change denial.

The Big Orange Idiot knew jumping on the Republicans‘ “climate change denial bandwagon”, as part of his presidential campaign to woo the mindless conservatives would be successful. Big Orange, like everyone else, knows it is a long tradition among conservatives to deny all facts they find contrary to their needs and beliefs. Climate change is high on their list of issues that must be denied.

Due to their consistent denial and blind faith in conservative and Republican snake oil, Limbaugh’s listeners in Florida will be betting their lives on Limbaugh’s lies if they refuse to evacuate from Hurricane Irma’s path.

Unfortunately, there will be no data collected that shows how many conservatives, who chose to take Limbaugh seriously and ride out Irma’s winds and storm surge, died due to this foolish decision.

Of course, if data were collected and proved these people died needlessly, conservatives would immediately follow Limbaugh’s orders to deny it.


2 types of Republicans.jpg

Conservatives have become easier and easier to fool as each year passes. The Big Orange Idiot's presidency is proof.

I don't deny a human contribution. I just don't know how much it is. Since you are expert could you enlighten us Bert?


You need only respond with a number. Please spare us your riveting dialogue.
CO2 does not control climate it never has..

It is amazing that Trillions over the past 60 years has been spent on "Climate Change" and only a few hundred million spent on how our climate system actually works!

Then again just ask Al Gore about his nine mansions and how much he believes in the AGW religion.
I don't deny a human contribution. I just don't know how much it is. Since you are expert could you enlighten us Bert?


You need only respond with a number. Please spare us your riveting dialogue.

The problem is many people do deny, and they don't know how much human contribution is, so they pretend it isn't much.

Not knowing something exactly is no reason to simply wash it away.

No one can really know what percentage is about human contribution, and it doesn't matter either.

Imagine your body temperature. You need your body to be within certain temperatures. Something might raise your temperature by 2 percent and tip it over the edge. Just because it's 2 percent doesn't mean it's not having a harmful effect.
It is Republican Party’s duty to serve the needs of Big Business of every sort, and has been for decades. Big Oil companies are major political contributors, and therefore must be given the very best service available from the GOP.

To this end, Republican politicians must, MUST, deny all evidence of human causes related to global warming, and MUST instill this denial in their conservative voter base.

FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of the corporate puppets tasked with brainwashing the simple-minded conservatives have done their job well, which might not be such good news for Limbaugh’s audience in Florida in the coming days.

On his Monday radio show Limbaugh implied hurricane warnings were overblown as part of the liberal conspiracy to convince the public climate change is real. Limbaugh stated he wanted to, “remind everybody that there are people throughout levels of government that believe in climate change, it’s an emotional issue,and they look at for any evidence they can to prove it.”

Limbaugh has always been one of the GOP’s head cheerleaders in their campaign to promote climate change denial.

The Big Orange Idiot knew jumping on the Republicans‘ “climate change denial bandwagon”, as part of his presidential campaign to woo the mindless conservatives would be successful. Big Orange, like everyone else, knows it is a long tradition among conservatives to deny all facts they find contrary to their needs and beliefs. Climate change is high on their list of issues that must be denied.

Due to their consistent denial and blind faith in conservative and Republican snake oil, Limbaugh’s listeners in Florida will be betting their lives on Limbaugh’s lies if they refuse to evacuate from Hurricane Irma’s path.

Unfortunately, there will be no data collected that shows how many conservatives, who chose to take Limbaugh seriously and ride out Irma’s winds and storm surge, died due to this foolish decision.

Of course, if data were collected and proved these people died needlessly, conservatives would immediately follow Limbaugh’s orders to deny it.


View attachment 148107 View attachment 148108

Conservatives have become easier and easier to fool as each year passes. The Big Orange Idiot's presidency is proof.


Tell ya what snowflake, if you have all this science behind you then you should be able to tell us exactly what percent of climate change can be attributed to man.

Excuses to begin in 5-------------------4-----------------------3------------------2-----------------

Or you can admit the have no fucking clue.

I don't deny a human contribution. I just don't know how much it is. Since you are expert could you enlighten us Bert?


You need only respond with a number. Please spare us your riveting dialogue.

The problem is many people do deny, and they don't know how much human contribution is, so they pretend it isn't much.

Not knowing something exactly is no reason to simply wash it away.

No one can really know what percentage is about human contribution, and it doesn't matter either.

Imagine your body temperature. You need your body to be within certain temperatures. Something might raise your temperature by 2 percent and tip it over the edge. Just because it's 2 percent doesn't mean it's not having a harmful effect.

Doesn't mean it's worth destroying economies over either.

I don't deny a human contribution. I just don't know how much it is. Since you are expert could you enlighten us Bert?


You need only respond with a number. Please spare us your riveting dialogue.

The problem is many people do deny, and they don't know how much human contribution is, so they pretend it isn't much.

Not knowing something exactly is no reason to simply wash it away.

No one can really know what percentage is about human contribution, and it doesn't matter either.

Imagine your body temperature. You need your body to be within certain temperatures. Something might raise your temperature by 2 percent and tip it over the edge. Just because it's 2 percent doesn't mean it's not having a harmful effect.
So the Paris Accord was about what? Limiting everything that affects climate change? No, the Paris Accord, all of the Climate Science and the Al Gore bloviating is about and only about HUMAN CONTRIBUTION.
All Conservatives are saying is just what you said. No one can really know and thank you for that. Too bad the 97% of Climate Scientists don't seem to grasp that very basic concept.

No one thinks pollution is a good thing. My personal pet peeve is solid waste pollution and I would like to see Liberals drop the Climate Change narrative and focus on specific pollution problems. That is where we can have some positive action and cooperation between the Parties.
I love to see Gore-worshipers pop up from time to time like groundhogs coming out of their holes to attack the GOP for not agreeing with them on another liberal ideological agenda (meant to control the OP). :p

Which is worse - someone who is skeptical and does not 'do their part to save the planet' ... or the 'Father of Global Warming' - Al Gore - knowing about it, sounding the alarm, and telling you YOU have to 'cut back' while he flies around the world on his carbon-belching private jet, leaving behind his mansion - the one that uses more energy than several small countries ... or the idiots who bought his shit and keep folowing him / pushing his lies?

It is Republican Party’s duty to serve the needs of Big Business of every sort, and has been for decades. Big Oil companies are major political contributors, and therefore must be given the very best service available from the GOP.

To this end, Republican politicians must, MUST, deny all evidence of human causes related to global warming, and MUST instill this denial in their conservative voter base.

FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of the corporate puppets tasked with brainwashing the simple-minded conservatives have done their job well, which might not be such good news for Limbaugh’s audience in Florida in the coming days.

On his Monday radio show Limbaugh implied hurricane warnings were overblown as part of the liberal conspiracy to convince the public climate change is real. Limbaugh stated he wanted to, “remind everybody that there are people throughout levels of government that believe in climate change, it’s an emotional issue,and they look at for any evidence they can to prove it.”

Limbaugh has always been one of the GOP’s head cheerleaders in their campaign to promote climate change denial.

The Big Orange Idiot knew jumping on the Republicans‘ “climate change denial bandwagon”, as part of his presidential campaign to woo the mindless conservatives would be successful. Big Orange, like everyone else, knows it is a long tradition among conservatives to deny all facts they find contrary to their needs and beliefs. Climate change is high on their list of issues that must be denied.

Due to their consistent denial and blind faith in conservative and Republican snake oil, Limbaugh’s listeners in Florida will be betting their lives on Limbaugh’s lies if they refuse to evacuate from Hurricane Irma’s path.

Unfortunately, there will be no data collected that shows how many conservatives, who chose to take Limbaugh seriously and ride out Irma’s winds and storm surge, died due to this foolish decision.

Of course, if data were collected and proved these people died needlessly, conservatives would immediately follow Limbaugh’s orders to deny it.


View attachment 148107 View attachment 148108

Conservatives have become easier and easier to fool as each year passes. The Big Orange Idiot's presidency is proof.


Well clown, the world population has almost tripled in the last 70 years, if the population triples again in the next 70 years you don't have to worry about your ficken climate change.
It is Republican Party’s duty to serve the needs of Big Business of every sort, and has been for decades. Big Oil companies are major political contributors, and therefore must be given the very best service available from the GOP.

To this end, Republican politicians must, MUST, deny all evidence of human causes related to global warming, and MUST instill this denial in their conservative voter base.

FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of the corporate puppets tasked with brainwashing the simple-minded conservatives have done their job well, which might not be such good news for Limbaugh’s audience in Florida in the coming days.

On his Monday radio show Limbaugh implied hurricane warnings were overblown as part of the liberal conspiracy to convince the public climate change is real. Limbaugh stated he wanted to, “remind everybody that there are people throughout levels of government that believe in climate change, it’s an emotional issue,and they look at for any evidence they can to prove it.”

Limbaugh has always been one of the GOP’s head cheerleaders in their campaign to promote climate change denial.

The Big Orange Idiot knew jumping on the Republicans‘ “climate change denial bandwagon”, as part of his presidential campaign to woo the mindless conservatives would be successful. Big Orange, like everyone else, knows it is a long tradition among conservatives to deny all facts they find contrary to their needs and beliefs. Climate change is high on their list of issues that must be denied.

Due to their consistent denial and blind faith in conservative and Republican snake oil, Limbaugh’s listeners in Florida will be betting their lives on Limbaugh’s lies if they refuse to evacuate from Hurricane Irma’s path.

Unfortunately, there will be no data collected that shows how many conservatives, who chose to take Limbaugh seriously and ride out Irma’s winds and storm surge, died due to this foolish decision.

Of course, if data were collected and proved these people died needlessly, conservatives would immediately follow Limbaugh’s orders to deny it.


View attachment 148107 View attachment 148108

Conservatives have become easier and easier to fool as each year passes. The Big Orange Idiot's presidency is proof.

You are just another foolish climategate denier.

You people are like the idiots who get scammed by a "Nigerian Prince" and keep sending them more money because your egos are too fragile to admit that you were scammed.
Hey, Mu...

Gore, the leader of the movement, has been exposed as a lying, manipulating, profiteering hypocrite.

The science is NOT settled, as scientists have been exposed manipulating tje numbers....NASA and others have been busyed...

The predictions didn't happen - the glaciers didn't melt, coastal cities are not under water, polar bears are not extinct....

Please, believe what you want. Recycle, drive less, etc...just stop doing what liberals always do - atrack and insult anyone who does not believe exactly what you do..
It is Republican Party’s duty to serve the needs of Big Business of every sort, and has been for decades. Big Oil companies are major political contributors, and therefore must be given the very best service available from the GOP.

To this end, Republican politicians must, MUST, deny all evidence of human causes related to global warming, and MUST instill this denial in their conservative voter base.

FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of the corporate puppets tasked with brainwashing the simple-minded conservatives have done their job well, which might not be such good news for Limbaugh’s audience in Florida in the coming days.

On his Monday radio show Limbaugh implied hurricane warnings were overblown as part of the liberal conspiracy to convince the public climate change is real. Limbaugh stated he wanted to, “remind everybody that there are people throughout levels of government that believe in climate change, it’s an emotional issue,and they look at for any evidence they can to prove it.”

Limbaugh has always been one of the GOP’s head cheerleaders in their campaign to promote climate change denial.

The Big Orange Idiot knew jumping on the Republicans‘ “climate change denial bandwagon”, as part of his presidential campaign to woo the mindless conservatives would be successful. Big Orange, like everyone else, knows it is a long tradition among conservatives to deny all facts they find contrary to their needs and beliefs. Climate change is high on their list of issues that must be denied.

Due to their consistent denial and blind faith in conservative and Republican snake oil, Limbaugh’s listeners in Florida will be betting their lives on Limbaugh’s lies if they refuse to evacuate from Hurricane Irma’s path.

Unfortunately, there will be no data collected that shows how many conservatives, who chose to take Limbaugh seriously and ride out Irma’s winds and storm surge, died due to this foolish decision.

Of course, if data were collected and proved these people died needlessly, conservatives would immediately follow Limbaugh’s orders to deny it.


View attachment 148107 View attachment 148108

Conservatives have become easier and easier to fool as each year passes. The Big Orange Idiot's presidency is proof.


The problem that you have berty boy is AGW theory has failed. Epically. For fifteen or so years there was a nice correlation between the global temp rising along with the CO2 levels. Then, the warming stopped, but the CO2 levels kept going up. That blows the theory right out of the water.
I don't deny a human contribution. I just don't know how much it is. Since you are expert could you enlighten us Bert?


You need only respond with a number. Please spare us your riveting dialogue.

The problem is many people do deny, and they don't know how much human contribution is, so they pretend it isn't much.

Not knowing something exactly is no reason to simply wash it away.

No one can really know what percentage is about human contribution, and it doesn't matter either.

Imagine your body temperature. You need your body to be within certain temperatures. Something might raise your temperature by 2 percent and tip it over the edge. Just because it's 2 percent doesn't mean it's not having a harmful effect.
So the Paris Accord was about what? Limiting everything that affects climate change? No, the Paris Accord, all of the Climate Science and the Al Gore bloviating is about and only about HUMAN CONTRIBUTION.
All Conservatives are saying is just what you said. No one can really know and thank you for that. Too bad the 97% of Climate Scientists don't seem to grasp that very basic concept.

No one thinks pollution is a good thing. My personal pet peeve is solid waste pollution and I would like to see Liberals drop the Climate Change narrative and focus on specific pollution problems. That is where we can have some positive action and cooperation between the Parties.

Look, greenhouse gases are an important part of the world. Life is a balance.

Too much water, you die. Too little water, you die.
Too much oxygen, you die, too little oxygen, you die.
Too much sun, you die, too little sun, you die.

It's about balance. Too much greenhouse gases, you die, too little, you die.

The problem here is that humans are pushing up the about of greenhouse gases.

We know this is the case.

Ocean Acidification

Carbon dioxide in the water puts shelled animals at risk."

"For tens of millions of years, Earth's oceans have maintained a relatively stable acidity level. It's within this steady environment that the rich and varied web of life in today's seas has arisen and flourished. But research shows that this ancient balance is being undone by a recent and rapid drop in surface pH that could have devastating global consequences."

The problem here isn't that the pH levels are changing, it's that they're changing so fast that animals don't get a chance to adapt.

We know that the oceans absorb CO2, a greenhouse gas.

Warmer oceans release CO2 faster than thought | New Scientist

"Warmer oceans release CO2 faster than thought"

"As the world’s oceans warm, their massive stores of dissolved carbon dioxide may be quick to bubble back out into the atmosphere and amplify the greenhouse effect, according to a new study.

"The oceans capture around 30 per cent of human carbon dioxide emissions and hide it in their depths. This slows the march of global warming somewhat. But climate records from the end of the last ice age show that as temperatures climb, the trend reverses and the oceans emit CO2, which exacerbates warming."

Okay, here's the problem. CO2 is being stored by the oceans. But if the Earth gets hotter, potentially CO2 gets released quicker, and the oceans don't keep as much as before. So, while we've been pumping stuff into the atmosphere, we don't know what will happen if we get past a certain tipping point. Potentially the oceans could kill off lots of creatures which help to absorb CO2, and the warmer temperatures could also mean the oceans keep less. So we could wake up one day with the oceans throwing CO2 into the atmosphere. It's possible.

The point here is, if you fuck with something you can't control, it could come back to bite you. Like Chairman Mao did with the birds. He killed the birds because the birds ate the crops. But then found out the insects the birds ate, ate more of the crops.

Here's another analogy. Do you jump off the cliff before knowing what's at the bottom.

Those who fear climate change are like "we don't know what's at the bottom, we do know many cliffs have rocks at the bottom, and this one could also potentially have rocks at the bottom. Chances are if we jump off this cliff we will die"

Those who ignore man made climate change are like "we know what's at the bottom of the cliff, the sea, we can see the see from here and we can hear it against the rocks, also, you don't know what's there, so what's to worry about?"

As for nobody thinking that pollution isn't a good thing, I think you'd be surprised at the level of some people's brains. I've had people tell me that CO2 isn't pollution, and other greenhouse gases aren't pollution because they were in the air before humans came along.
It is Republican Party’s duty to serve the needs of Big Business of every sort, and has been for decades. Big Oil companies are major political contributors, and therefore must be given the very best service available from the GOP.

To this end, Republican politicians must, MUST, deny all evidence of human causes related to global warming, and MUST instill this denial in their conservative voter base.

FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, and the rest of the corporate puppets tasked with brainwashing the simple-minded conservatives have done their job well, which might not be such good news for Limbaugh’s audience in Florida in the coming days.

On his Monday radio show Limbaugh implied hurricane warnings were overblown as part of the liberal conspiracy to convince the public climate change is real. Limbaugh stated he wanted to, “remind everybody that there are people throughout levels of government that believe in climate change, it’s an emotional issue,and they look at for any evidence they can to prove it.”

Limbaugh has always been one of the GOP’s head cheerleaders in their campaign to promote climate change denial.

The Big Orange Idiot knew jumping on the Republicans‘ “climate change denial bandwagon”, as part of his presidential campaign to woo the mindless conservatives would be successful. Big Orange, like everyone else, knows it is a long tradition among conservatives to deny all facts they find contrary to their needs and beliefs. Climate change is high on their list of issues that must be denied.

Due to their consistent denial and blind faith in conservative and Republican snake oil, Limbaugh’s listeners in Florida will be betting their lives on Limbaugh’s lies if they refuse to evacuate from Hurricane Irma’s path.

Unfortunately, there will be no data collected that shows how many conservatives, who chose to take Limbaugh seriously and ride out Irma’s winds and storm surge, died due to this foolish decision.

Of course, if data were collected and proved these people died needlessly, conservatives would immediately follow Limbaugh’s orders to deny it.


View attachment 148107 View attachment 148108

Conservatives have become easier and easier to fool as each year passes. The Big Orange Idiot's presidency is proof.

I don't deny a human contribution. I just don't know how much it is. Since you are expert could you enlighten us Bert?


You need only respond with a number. Please spare us your riveting dialogue.
Just about 100%. As long as we are talking about the warming. You see, the climate was changing, and has been for a couple of thousand years. It was cooling, just as it should have been by the Milankovic Cycles. The rapid warming that we are experiencing is entirely due to the anthropogenic emissions of GHGs. The sun is presently is a minor low TSI, so even by the solar energy, we should be cooling.
CO2 does not control climate it never has..

It is amazing that Trillions over the past 60 years has been spent on "Climate Change" and only a few hundred million spent on how our climate system actually works!

Then again just ask Al Gore about his nine mansions and how much he believes in the AGW religion.
OK, show me where those trillions have been spent? Really. I bet you cannot even show me an amount that is one tenth of the amount of the fossil fuel subsidies that various governments have given to the energy companies.
I don't deny a human contribution. I just don't know how much it is. Since you are expert could you enlighten us Bert?


You need only respond with a number. Please spare us your riveting dialogue.

The problem is many people do deny, and they don't know how much human contribution is, so they pretend it isn't much.

Not knowing something exactly is no reason to simply wash it away.

No one can really know what percentage is about human contribution, and it doesn't matter either.

Imagine your body temperature. You need your body to be within certain temperatures. Something might raise your temperature by 2 percent and tip it over the edge. Just because it's 2 percent doesn't mean it's not having a harmful effect.

Doesn't mean it's worth destroying economies over either.

Funny as shit Tex. Texas has more renewables than any other state. There are whole communities in Texas switching to renewables because of costs. And they are not liberal communities. Doesn't sound to me like that is destroying any economies.
I don't deny a human contribution. I just don't know how much it is. Since you are expert could you enlighten us Bert?


You need only respond with a number. Please spare us your riveting dialogue.

The problem is many people do deny, and they don't know how much human contribution is, so they pretend it isn't much.

Not knowing something exactly is no reason to simply wash it away.

No one can really know what percentage is about human contribution, and it doesn't matter either.

Imagine your body temperature. You need your body to be within certain temperatures. Something might raise your temperature by 2 percent and tip it over the edge. Just because it's 2 percent doesn't mean it's not having a harmful effect.

Doesn't mean it's worth destroying economies over either.

Funny as shit Tex. Texas has more renewables than any other state. There are whole communities in Texas switching to renewables because of costs. And they are not liberal communities. Doesn't sound to me like that is destroying any economies.

Yeah, tiny west TX towns in the middle of no where and the wind blows most of the time. To get renewable contracts in east TX the companies have to purchase renewable credits, it costs more.

I don't deny a human contribution. I just don't know how much it is. Since you are expert could you enlighten us Bert?


You need only respond with a number. Please spare us your riveting dialogue.
Just about 100%. As long as we are talking about the warming. You see, the climate was changing, and has been for a couple of thousand years. It was cooling, just as it should have been by the Milankovic Cycles. The rapid warming that we are experiencing is entirely due to the anthropogenic emissions of GHGs. The sun is presently is a minor low TSI, so even by the solar energy, we should be cooling.
Quite frankly you're wrong. The earth has not been cooling for thousands of years. The 1200s are believed to have been warmer than present. From around 1300 to 1800 there was what is referred to as a mini ice age. Following was a consistent warming until 1940, with small variations along the way. In 1940 there was a cooling period until around 1970. Since then there has been a gradual warming. Also we are not in a solar minimum, we are just entering a solar minimum.

Do you realize that there are 4 ways in which they collect global temp data. The one that is considered the least reliable are ground stations, ground stations are used almost exclusively by the GW community. The other three say we have basically been in a holding pattern since 1998.

It amazes me that anyone could say that all of this is settled science. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Climate sciences are in their infancy.

The biggest fight I see now is between the GW community and physicists and planetary scientists. The physicists and planetary scientists are saying that they know the properties of greenhouse gases and that there is just not enough of them to account for the changes being cited. Of course that is if the changes are true, which has yet to be shown.

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