Republican Presidential Win Would Give Free Rein To Neocon Ambitions of Empire


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Olga Bonfiglio: Dorrien: Republican Presidential Win Would Give Free Rein To Neocon Ambitions of Empire

He spoke once again about the neoconservatives and their quest for American global domination. The neocons became the dominant foreign policy faction in the Republican Party during the mid-1990s and continue to be so to this day, he said.

The goals of that policy in 2000 included the following:

-Repudiate the ABM treaty

-Build a global missile defense system

-Develop a strategic dominance of space

-Increase defense spending by $20 billion per year

-Establish permanent new forces in Southern Europe, Southeast Asia and the Middle East

-Reinvent the U.S. military to fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars.

The election of George W. Bush allowed the neocons to institute their policy, and most of the above goals have come to pass. They were especially keen to overthrow the power structures of Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria and North Korea, he said.

"[They] wanted to create a pro-American Iraq that gave the U.S. a direct power base, ensured the oil supply, set off a chain-reaction of regime changes, gave relief to Israel and got rid of a thuggish enemy, Saddam Hussein," said Dorrien.

The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 gave the Bush administration the excuse it needed to attack Afghanistan in October in an attempt to kill Osama bin Laden and quell Al Qaeda, and in 2003 to invade Iraq, which Americans were told had weapons of mass destruction.

The "stampede to war" is a regular tool for uniting the country whenever it feels it is being attacked, said Dorrien. Presidents have used it to take continental lands from the Native Americans, to extend slavery in the West and the Caribbean and to invade Latin America. From the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 to the Bush Doctrine of 2001, the United States has asserted its right to invade sovereign nations. In 1945 we began to amass a global military empire with bases in western Germany, Japan, Korea and the eastern Mediterranean.

By 1991 as the only superpower, the United States wondered what it would do with its unrivaled might, said Dorrien, so the neocons advocated a new kind of empire not based on the conquest of territory but on "full spectrum dominance."

Do the American people really want this shat?
Since we are out of Iraq and will soon be leaving Astan I think the drivel is outdated.

Lets not forget that Astan was Barry's good war. Then we have Libya and a few other spots Barry has deemed "good."

Don't think a new Prez of the Rep variety will be interested in any new wars. He will be to busy getting the economy and the country back on track.

Nice try though. LOL
And this agenda is different under Obama how? Libya, Yemen, Syria, etc..etc..the policies and practices put in place by Bush have been played out under Obama just the same. If there was a difference, we would be out of Afghan by now, the Iraq war would have ended before the Bush withdraw date and american citizens would be tried in a court of law instead of being assassinated via drone strikes.

The only difference I see between Bush and Obama on this foreign policy plattform is Obama is a pussy and hides behind screens to make it all look more humane.
American hegemony interests are identical regardless of party. Now go back to sleep and continue believing in the two party paradigm.
Since we are out of Iraq and will soon be leaving Astan I think the drivel is outdated.

Lets not forget that Astan was Barry's good war. Then we have Libya and a few other spots Barry has deemed "good."

Don't think a new Prez of the Rep variety will be interested in any new wars. He will be to busy getting the economy and the country back on track.

Nice try though. LOL

There was already involvement in yemen before Obama, Libya was not a war.
A leftist publishes an opinion piece and we are supposed to believe it. obama offers to sell out the country on video tape and we're not supposed to believe it.

Bush's war will end up costing this country 4000+ dead soldiers, 6 times that many wounded and 4 TRILLION dollars for this...


Oh and 100,000+ dead Iraqi civilians.

Let me know when Obama screws up that badly.
How much did it cost to overthrow Khaddafi? How long did it take?

I'll sit here while you stew on these facts and how ridiculous you CONZ look complaining about Obama when it's pointed out what was acceptable to you just a few years back.
Yes, Libya was a war. Bombs were dropped, people died, infrastructure destroyed, regime change. That sound like war to me. I realize the left wants desperately to change the definition because Obama was in charge and that hurts the lefts extremely fragile sensibilities, but it was a war. A war in breach of the WPA no less.
Since we are out of Iraq and will soon be leaving Astan I think the drivel is outdated.

Lets not forget that Astan was Barry's good war. Then we have Libya and a few other spots Barry has deemed "good."

Don't think a new Prez of the Rep variety will be interested in any new wars. He will be to busy getting the economy and the country back on track.

Nice try though. LOL

There was already involvement in yemen before Obama, Libya was not a war.

Okay. We did nothing in Libya and have done nothing in any of the other "hot" middle eastern areas either??

If thats your take on it then good for you.
Yes, Libya was a war. Bombs were dropped, people died, infrastructure destroyed, regime change. That sound like war to me. I realize the left wants desperately to change the definition because Obama was in charge and that hurts the lefts extremely fragile sensibilities, but it was a war. A war in breach of the WPA no less.

They came out and stated clearly they dont need congress, just international approval
Yes, Libya was a war. Bombs were dropped, people died, infrastructure destroyed, regime change. That sound like war to me. I realize the left wants desperately to change the definition because Obama was in charge and that hurts the lefts extremely fragile sensibilities, but it was a war. A war in breach of the WPA no less.

They came out and stated clearly they dont need congress, just international approval

we are a Nation of Laws? Due Process? not really looking like it to me. want to talk about Banking/the Federal Reserve/the Economy? LOL! :razz:
Yes, Libya was a war. Bombs were dropped, people died, infrastructure destroyed, regime change. That sound like war to me. I realize the left wants desperately to change the definition because Obama was in charge and that hurts the lefts extremely fragile sensibilities, but it was a war. A war in breach of the WPA no less.

They came out and stated clearly they dont need congress, just international approval

we are a Nation of Laws? Due Process? not really looking like it to me. want to talk about Banking/the Federal Reserve/the Economy? LOL! :razz:

We haven't been a nation ruled by laws for decades. International currency wars will eventually end the neomercantilism of today. It's only a matter of time adn the global shit storm that will ensue because of it will be one for the history books. Interesting times we live in economically, that's for sure.
They came out and stated clearly they dont need congress, just international approval

we are a Nation of Laws? Due Process? not really looking like it to me. want to talk about Banking/the Federal Reserve/the Economy? LOL! :razz:

We haven't been a nation ruled by laws for decades. International currency wars will eventually end the neomercantilism of today. It's only a matter of time adn the global shit storm that will ensue because of it will be one for the history books. Interesting times we live in economically, that's for sure.

but.. but.. the stock market is doing well so it Must be a RECOVERY right? :doubt:
Yes, Libya was a war. Bombs were dropped, people died, infrastructure destroyed, regime change. That sound like war to me. I realize the left wants desperately to change the definition because Obama was in charge and that hurts the lefts extremely fragile sensibilities, but it was a war. A war in breach of the WPA no less.

They came out and stated clearly they dont need congress, just international approval

we are a Nation of Laws? Due Process? not really looking like it to me. want to talk about Banking/the Federal Reserve/the Economy? LOL! :razz:

Wait bugs... There is the adage that laws are made to be broken.

They have really taken that one to heart. We now ignore them across the board.
Bush's war will end up costing this country 4000+ dead soldiers, 6 times that many wounded and 4 TRILLION dollars for this...


Oh and 100,000+ dead Iraqi civilians.

Let me know when Obama screws up that badly.
How much did it cost to overthrow Khaddafi? How long did it take?

I'll sit here while you stew on these facts and how ridiculous you CONZ look complaining about Obama when it's pointed out what was acceptable to you just a few years back.

Spare us your partisan rant. How many died under LBJ? O has now racked up 4T in 3 years, almost more than Bush in 8 years. Both reprehensible in their own rights.
we are a Nation of Laws? Due Process? not really looking like it to me. want to talk about Banking/the Federal Reserve/the Economy? LOL! :razz:

We haven't been a nation ruled by laws for decades. International currency wars will eventually end the neomercantilism of today. It's only a matter of time adn the global shit storm that will ensue because of it will be one for the history books. Interesting times we live in economically, that's for sure.

but.. but.. the stock market is doing well so it Must be a RECOVERY right? :doubt:

The recovery is artificial. It's come down to import/export ratios in the most in debt nations and the central banks combat these trade wars by leveraging their currencies cheaper or stronger depending, against trade partners. Once this boils over, or the worlds reserve currency sees a regime hell bent on destroying it for their own hegemony, it will spark consequences I can only theorize about. But it will be ugly. Uglier than anything we've seen to date in warfare and economics.
They came out and stated clearly they dont need congress, just international approval

we are a Nation of Laws? Due Process? not really looking like it to me. want to talk about Banking/the Federal Reserve/the Economy? LOL! :razz:

Wait bugs... There is the adage that laws are made to be broken.

They have really taken that one to heart. We now ignore them across the board.

Literally. i wonder how one would categorize such a system? :confused:

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