Republican primary voters need to WAKE UP very quickly!

First it is by no means certain that Clinton will be the nominee. She may be in jail.
Second it is downright silly to predict that anyone is going to vote a certain way because of sex, race, religion, or even nominal party affiliation. Some may but I am still optimistic enough to believe most will vote according to what they think about the issues.
A great many Americans are entirely fed up with all parties and ongoing Washington corruption and incompetence. Clinton has about the same chance as a snow cone in Hell. Trump is the next President.
First it is by no means certain that Clinton will be the nominee. She may be in jail.
Second it is downright silly to predict that anyone is going to vote a certain way because of sex, race, religion, or even nominal party affiliation. Some may but I am still optimistic enough to believe most will vote according to what they think about the issues.
A great many Americans are entirely fed up with all parties and ongoing Washington corruption and incompetence. Clinton has about the same chance as a snow cone in Hell. Trump is the next President.

thank you. a voice of reason finally

Fiorina would lose to Clinton as well.

Florina would likely not do as well as Cruz.

Cruz doesn't have a snowballs chance of winning Independents--the largest voting party in this country today. And he would get creamed with women on an extreme abortion stance. Along with his Michael Dukakis video moment that would be played from here to eternity. And now being born in Canada has put the final nail in his campaign coffin.

A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights


You can read all the (right wing) news sites you can drudge up. But if Hillary Clinton were going to be arrested and charged that would have happened a long time ago. But keep on dreaaaaaming.

She will most certainly be the nominee of the Democrat party.

Uh, this is an F.B.I. ongoing investigation. They are also focused into whether she used her office to receive donations from foreign governments which is a conflict of interest violation and very frowned upon by the government. This is not just another Congressional investigation. The F.B.I. has not finished their investigation yet.

American women are falling to their knees for another Clinton presidency.

And while they're down there....well, Slick DOES have certain expectations......

You can read all the (right wing) news sites you can drudge up. But if Hillary Clinton were going to be arrested and charged that would have happened a long time ago. But keep on dreaaaaaming.

She will most certainly be the nominee of the Democrat party.

Uh, this is an F.B.I. ongoing investigation. They are also focused into whether she used her office to receive donations from foreign governments which is a conflict of interest violation and very frowned upon by the government. This is not just another Congressional investigation. The F.B.I. has not finished their investigation yet.

Yeah and you're getting all this information from RIGHT WING sites. Meaning it leans to the RIGHT. She has already been investigated--they have found no (illegal) wrong doing.

Like I say keep on dreammming. The Clinton's have been under some sort of investigation for the last 25 years and nothing has come about from them.

Fiorina would lose to Clinton as well.

Florina would likely not do as well as Cruz.

Cruz doesn't have a snowballs chance of winning Independents--the largest voting party in this country today. And he would get creamed with women on an extreme abortion stance. Along with his Michael Dukakis video moment that would be played from here to eternity. And now being born in Canada has put the final nail in his campaign coffin.

A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights

You're correct about Cruz's lack of popularity. I believe that most would look at it as "better the devil you know than the one you do not." Either way--regardless of whom you guys pick, women will be firmly in Hillary's column. Though female, Ms. Fiorina's policies are just as threatening to young women, the status of ROE, VAWA, LLFPA, etc...

You tend to over-simplify the contest.
Ha.Ha. Dream on. Right now with these numbers Hillary Clinton could have another 4 Bengazi's under her belt, and it be found out that she had a Chinese home server-and she would still win.

She is NOT going to get arrested by anyone, they would have done that immediately. It's because she hasn't done anything illegal.
good points/post
Ha.Ha. Dream on. Right now with these numbers Hillary Clinton could have another 4 Bengazi's under her belt, and it be found out that she had a Chinese home server-and she would still win.

She is NOT going to get arrested by anyone, they would have done that immediately. It's because she hasn't done anything illegal.
good points/post

Yea we know dot fag, hillary could burn down your house, steal all your money, shit down your throat and you would still vote for her


You can read all the (right wing) news sites you can drudge up. But if Hillary Clinton were going to be arrested and charged that would have happened a long time ago. But keep on dreaaaaaming.

She will most certainly be the nominee of the Democrat party.

Uh, this is an F.B.I. ongoing investigation. They are also focused into whether she used her office to receive donations from foreign governments which is a conflict of interest violation and very frowned upon by the government. This is not just another Congressional investigation. The F.B.I. has not finished their investigation yet.

Yeah and you're getting all this information from RIGHT WING sites. Meaning it leans to the RIGHT. She has already been investigated--they have found no (illegal) wrong doing.

Like I say keep on dreammming. The Clinton's have been under some sort of investigation for the last 25 years and nothing has come about from them.

Hoss, she has a pile on her plate. Unless you are a special kind of stupid you would realize that the F.B.I. fully realizes the gravity of this case. They will dot every eye and cross every T. This is the top law enforcement agency in the nation. They will have an iron-clad case before they present it to the Attorney General. Some of the charges Hillary may face is perjury, lying under oath to a Congressional Committee, mishandling classified documents, ordering the removal of classified markings from classified documents and sending them over a fax machine, using her position as a governmental official to solicit money from foreign governments and domestic enterprises, granting favors to foreign governments and domestic enterprises in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation, to name a few. We are talking about very serious offenses here in matters of national security.
The problem is that Republicans, especially the right wing of the party NEVER pay attention to the Demographics of the electorate. They don't do election history or math either. Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest party today making up for 40% of the entire electorate.

1. Independents nor women will vote for far right candidates like Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, (Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker, Rick Perry) or any candidate that does not give exceptions on abortion for the life of the mother, rape or incest.

2. Women rule today--at 54% of the vote. They were chased off by Republicans in 2012 by double digits which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama.

Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong -
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

We have Hillary Clinton who is going to be the 1st WOMAN Presidential Nominee in this nations history.

In effect--any one of these:


is going to produce your next POTUS


Or you can chose the most qualified candidate in this race.


To defeat Hillary Clinton.

It's not Rocket Science--just election history, demographics and MATH.

Carly? She brought down an enormous company. Why not aim for something higher? A country maybe?

Fiorina would lose to Clinton as well.

Florina would likely not do as well as Cruz.

Cruz doesn't have a snowballs chance of winning Independents--the largest voting party in this country today. And he would get creamed with women on an extreme abortion stance. Along with his Michael Dukakis video moment that would be played from here to eternity. And now being born in Canada has put the final nail in his campaign coffin.

A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights

You're correct about Cruz's lack of popularity. I believe that most would look at it as "better the devil you know than the one you do not." Either way--regardless of whom you guys pick, women will be firmly in Hillary's column. Though female, Ms. Fiorina's policies are just as threatening to young women, the status of ROE, VAWA, LLFPA, etc...

You tend to over-simplify the contest.

Agreed women will be voting heavily for Hillary Clinton, unless they have a choice. Most Republicans are pro-life and millions of Democrats are pro-life also.

What women WON'T vote for is any candidate that does not give exceptions to the life of the mother, rape or incest. And the Republican platform was loaded with several of them. Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal. None of them would never get to the starting block in a National race. Republicans obviously didn't learn anything from the loss in 2012.

Abortion--Gay rights belong NO WHERE on a poltical platform. These are settled U.S. Supreme court issues, not political issues. One person's opinion is like the next person's opinion, including candidates. There is absolutely NOTHING that any politician can do about a settled Supreme court decision. They're great tools for election killers though.

Carly Fiorina is Republicans ONLY rational choice. Whereas Bernie Sanders is Republicans only hope.
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The problem is that Republicans, especially the right wing of the party NEVER pay attention to the Demographics of the electorate. They don't do election history or math either. Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest party today making up for 40% of the entire electorate.

1. Independents nor women will vote for far right candidates like Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, (Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker, Rick Perry) or any candidate that does not give exceptions on abortion for the life of the mother, rape or incest.

2. Women rule today--at 54% of the vote. They were chased off by Republicans in 2012 by double digits which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama.

Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong -
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

We have Hillary Clinton who is going to be the 1st WOMAN Presidential Nominee in this nations history.

In effect--any one of these:


is going to produce your next POTUS


Or you can chose the most qualified candidate in this race.


To defeat Hillary Clinton.

It's not Rocket Science--just election history, demographics and MATH.

Carly? She brought down an enormous company. Why not aim for something higher? A country maybe?

Carly Fiorina took HP through a Goliath Tech Sector crash where in the month of November 2000 alone, 3 trillion dollars rushed out of this market. The Nasdaq lost 80% of it's value. Then another crash after 9/11. HP survived when many other tech companies went belly up.

Before Fiorina HP was just printers, today there HP computers everywhere. She handled budgets that were larger than most states. She knows the US economy and the Global economy like no other. When she was CEO she mangaged 150K employees, today HP employs 300K.

She has the Executive experience to run this nation. She knows more world leaders than any other on the stage. And she knows the enemies of this nation backwards and forwards.

She is the best, most qualified candidate on the GOP side. Republicans are bat s...t crazy if they do not pick this woman to be their nominee. She is the ONLY candidate that is capable of defeating Hillary Clinton.


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