Republican priorities

So the democrats are impotently boycotting another committee vote.

But here we go with the moonbats complaining about the government not functioning and screwed up priorities.

Payback is a MFer.
So this is all about payback, huh?

Then quit your fucking whining about screwed up priorities.
You buddy Mr. Turtleface, said his number one priority was to make Obama a one term President.
He had to settle for two time loser.
Well they could have passed a bill (for you to read after it was passed) to force you to buy insurance and fine you if you don't.

How'd that work out for the demoquacks? Oh yeah....they lost the majority

Wow, I can't believe you are sofa king stupid to push that flawed interpretation of what Pelosi said.

You people's stupidity must be so inbred into your very beings.

Here is how stupid you are. You bitch about the mandate which was to eliminate pre-existing conditions by getting people to buy insurance to help fund the system.

The Republican plan is high risk pools where those with pre-existing conditions get help. Do you know who pays for those pools? Everyone that buys insurance.

So you will pay instead of the idiots who don't buy insurance until the need it.

Did she say it or not....careful there is videos of it all over the net.

The bill was there for all to read. She said that we will need to wait until all the vitrol of the Congressional debate was done before we would know what was in it.

I read it. If you didn't, then that is on you.
You read the obamacare bill? You had no credibility to start with, that doesn't help.
The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

In case you didn't get the memo, the EPA is hiding behind sovereign immunity in order to dodge their responsibility for polluting the Animas River. The same EPA that moonbats like you worship as instrumental in protecting the environment.

Congress best get up off their asses and abolish such an abominable shit show!

EPA cites sovereign immunity, rejects $1.2 billion in Gold King damage claims – The Denver Post
Contractors working to clean up the toxic site made a mistake.

Of course you would blame those trying to remedy a ecological disaster instead of those that created the toxic water in the first place.
Your use of the word fascists (^^^) strongly suggests your ignorance isn't willful; ignoring my assessment of trump and his inner circle - inexperience, arrogance and incompetence - strongly suggests you lack the education and ability to write a rebuttal with examples, or, you completely agree with my assessment. Which is it?
Definition of fascism

  1. 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
View attachment 110222

Obviously you needed to look up a word you used foolishly, and once again shot yourself in the foot. The definition fits nicely defining the "shitforbrains" Administration you voted for in November.
Yeah, we can tell by who is shutting down free speech and who is not, shitforbrains.

Yelling fire in a crowd is not protected by law. Anyone who knows Berkeley knows the street people who have no connection to the campus are the rabble rousers - a loud protest is in the DNA at CAL, within the non violent genre of Gandhi and MLK; the protest was not an attack on free speech, but on hate speech, which has no place in academia or the White House nor is it protected by the First Amendment.

The left are well known for shutting down free speech many times.
Your attempt to justify yesterdays actions by supporting it simply validates you are also a fascist.

Name calling is your single forte. I did not justify violence, thus your straw man effort failed. Too bad you cannot abstract meaning from the written word, your biases prevent cognition.
Well they could have passed a bill (for you to read after it was passed) to force you to buy insurance and fine you if you don't.

How'd that work out for the demoquacks? Oh yeah....they lost the majority

Wow, I can't believe you are sofa king stupid to push that flawed interpretation of what Pelosi said.

You people's stupidity must be so inbred into your very beings.

Here is how stupid you are. You bitch about the mandate which was to eliminate pre-existing conditions by getting people to buy insurance to help fund the system.

The Republican plan is high risk pools where those with pre-existing conditions get help. Do you know who pays for those pools? Everyone that buys insurance.

So you will pay instead of the idiots who don't buy insurance until the need it.

Did she say it or not....careful there is videos of it all over the net.

The bill was there for all to read. She said that we will need to wait until all the vitrol of the Congressional debate was done before we would know what was in it.

I read it. If you didn't, then that is on you.
You read the obamacare bill? You had no credibility to start with, that doesn't help.

I followed it closely.
Definition of fascism

  1. 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
View attachment 110222

Obviously you needed to look up a word you used foolishly, and once again shot yourself in the foot. The definition fits nicely defining the "shitforbrains" Administration you voted for in November.
Yeah, we can tell by who is shutting down free speech and who is not, shitforbrains.

Yelling fire in a crowd is not protected by law. Anyone who knows Berkeley knows the street people who have no connection to the campus are the rabble rousers - a loud protest is in the DNA at CAL, within the non violent genre of Gandhi and MLK; the protest was not an attack on free speech, but on hate speech, which has no place in academia or the White House nor is it protected by the First Amendment.

The left are well known for shutting down free speech many times.
Your attempt to justify yesterdays actions by supporting it simply validates you are also a fascist.

Name calling is your single forte. I did not justify violence, thus your straw man effort failed. Too bad you cannot abstract meaning from the written word, your biases prevent cognition.
By saying people should be prevented to speak because you disagree simply validates you are a fascist. A shitforbrains fascist.
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.


10 days asswipe........and of course anything you post is a lie or a distortion of the truth...
This from a white supremacist asshole. Fuck you & your hero Bannon. This country will NOT stand for you people to be in charge of our country.
I'm not a white supremacist, either.

That you bristle when people like Bannon and Trump are running the show, while you support stone communists is funny as fuck.

lol, "while you support stone communists is funny as fuck"?
  • There is no evidence to support this claim
  • This claim makes zero sense, "funny as fuck" is lame, ridiculous and nonsensical.
  • Bannon is running the show?
  1. What does Bannon bring to the White House
  2. What experience does Bannon have on national security
  3. What writings or publications by Bannon can you provide to demonstrate his value to America
  4. Why should we not bristle and loudly protest persons in power who have zero experience and radical ideas
Obviously you needed to look up a word you used foolishly, and once again shot yourself in the foot. The definition fits nicely defining the "shitforbrains" Administration you voted for in November.
Yeah, we can tell by who is shutting down free speech and who is not, shitforbrains.

Yelling fire in a crowd is not protected by law. Anyone who knows Berkeley knows the street people who have no connection to the campus are the rabble rousers - a loud protest is in the DNA at CAL, within the non violent genre of Gandhi and MLK; the protest was not an attack on free speech, but on hate speech, which has no place in academia or the White House nor is it protected by the First Amendment.

The left are well known for shutting down free speech many times.
Your attempt to justify yesterdays actions by supporting it simply validates you are also a fascist.

Name calling is your single forte. I did not justify violence, thus your straw man effort failed. Too bad you cannot abstract meaning from the written word, your biases prevent cognition.
By saying people should be prevented to speak because you disagree simply validates you are a fascist. A shitforbrains fascist.

Name calling is your single forte.
Yeah, we can tell by who is shutting down free speech and who is not, shitforbrains.

Yelling fire in a crowd is not protected by law. Anyone who knows Berkeley knows the street people who have no connection to the campus are the rabble rousers - a loud protest is in the DNA at CAL, within the non violent genre of Gandhi and MLK; the protest was not an attack on free speech, but on hate speech, which has no place in academia or the White House nor is it protected by the First Amendment.

The left are well known for shutting down free speech many times.
Your attempt to justify yesterdays actions by supporting it simply validates you are also a fascist.

Name calling is your single forte. I did not justify violence, thus your straw man effort failed. Too bad you cannot abstract meaning from the written word, your biases prevent cognition.
By saying people should be prevented to speak because you disagree simply validates you are a fascist. A shitforbrains fascist.

Name calling is your single forte.
Fascism is your single forte.
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

If the regulation was so good and so important, why did Obama wait until he was leaving office after 8 years to implement it?

because he didn't HAVE to when he was president.

but he had to after you installed the orange sociopath.

get it now? :cuckoo:

because he didn't HAVE to when he was president.

So pollution that was okay under Obama is now bad under Trump? DERP!
Obviously you needed to look up a word you used foolishly, and once again shot yourself in the foot. The definition fits nicely defining the "shitforbrains" Administration you voted for in November.
Yeah, we can tell by who is shutting down free speech and who is not, shitforbrains.

Yelling fire in a crowd is not protected by law. Anyone who knows Berkeley knows the street people who have no connection to the campus are the rabble rousers - a loud protest is in the DNA at CAL, within the non violent genre of Gandhi and MLK; the protest was not an attack on free speech, but on hate speech, which has no place in academia or the White House nor is it protected by the First Amendment.

The left are well known for shutting down free speech many times.
Your attempt to justify yesterdays actions by supporting it simply validates you are also a fascist.

Name calling is your single forte. I did not justify violence, thus your straw man effort failed. Too bad you cannot abstract meaning from the written word, your biases prevent cognition.
By saying people should be prevented to speak because you disagree simply validates you are a fascist. A shitforbrains fascist.

"Simply" validates my evaluation of you. You fail to understand, or choose not to comprehend, the comparison of hate speech and the legally limited rights of free speech.

Inciting a riot, which is in fact what Milo Yiannopoulos seeks, is an effort by him to change the Conversation. Does the term agent provocateur ring a bell with you?

In fact the protest was peaceful, an example of the protesters invoking their right to free speech and free expression. Not until a small group wearing face masks showed up around 6pm, when they created the disturbance carried on live TV News. Which gave Yiannopoulos exactly what he wanted.

So, now trump has threatened CAL with withholding federal funds because the campus does not allow free speech. He and you have no clue.
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

You forgot to back it up. And the GOP is working on jobs by reducing regulations and taxes. If you are going to hang out here you should do some basic research.

Allowing the people of Flint to drink leaded water was a result of reducing taxes and eliminating regulations. Allowing this bridge to collapse is a result of reducing spending and ignoring regulations:

Allowing the people of Flint to drink leaded water was a result of reducing taxes and eliminating regulations.

Someone eliminated the regulations against lead? Link?
Which reduced taxes led to that result? Link?

To save money.

Someone eliminated the regulations against lead? Link?
Which reduced taxes led to that result? Link?
Yeah, we can tell by who is shutting down free speech and who is not, shitforbrains.

Yelling fire in a crowd is not protected by law. Anyone who knows Berkeley knows the street people who have no connection to the campus are the rabble rousers - a loud protest is in the DNA at CAL, within the non violent genre of Gandhi and MLK; the protest was not an attack on free speech, but on hate speech, which has no place in academia or the White House nor is it protected by the First Amendment.

The left are well known for shutting down free speech many times.
Your attempt to justify yesterdays actions by supporting it simply validates you are also a fascist.

Name calling is your single forte. I did not justify violence, thus your straw man effort failed. Too bad you cannot abstract meaning from the written word, your biases prevent cognition.
By saying people should be prevented to speak because you disagree simply validates you are a fascist. A shitforbrains fascist.

"Simply" validates my evaluation of you. You fail to understand, or choose not to comprehend, the comparison of hate speech and the legally limited rights of free speech.

Inciting a riot, which is in fact what Milo Yiannopoulos seeks, is an effort by him to change the Conversation. Does the term agent provocateur ring a bell with you?

In fact the protest was peaceful, an example of the protesters invoking their right to free speech and free expression. Not until a small group wearing face masks showed up around 6pm, when they created the disturbance carried on live TV News. Which gave Yiannopoulos exactly what he wanted.

So, now trump has threatened CAL with withholding federal funds because the campus does not allow free speech. He and you have no clue.
Defending fascism is obviously your forte. Shutting down speech just because you disagree is just that - fascism.
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

You forgot to back it up. And the GOP is working on jobs by reducing regulations and taxes. If you are going to hang out here you should do some basic research.

Allowing the people of Flint to drink leaded water was a result of reducing taxes and eliminating regulations. Allowing this bridge to collapse is a result of reducing spending and ignoring regulations:

Allowing the people of Flint to drink leaded water was a result of reducing taxes and eliminating regulations.

Someone eliminated the regulations against lead? Link?
Which reduced taxes led to that result? Link?

I don't need a link, the event was based on a lack of due diligence, unless you think the leaded drinking water was an intentional act.

I don't need a link, the event was based on a lack of due diligence

Darn Dem city officials. So much for the reduced tax/eliminated regulations lie.
Your lies prove you are dumber than a brick. Regulations must be documented for people to follow and to be enforced, shitforbrains.

So you unconsciously acknowledge the roll out of trump's policy on immigration enforcement was the product of his "shitforbrains" and the "shitforbrains" of his inner circle.

Walk that back!
View attachment 110212

Damn you, I laughed out loud when I saw your feeble effort to protect "shitforbrains" and his "shitforbrians" inner circle. I suppose birds of a feather, i.e. those who have "shitforbrains", all flock together. While that explains you, I still am more upset that your effort was so feeble and funny it caused me to spit a small amount of coffee on my screen.
Only a certified shitforbrains could possibly attempt to justify creating a stupid regulation in his last days in office by saying it was very important.

Obama is yesterday, and G.W. Bush is the day before yesterday. Today we have trump, and that is the fault of biddable people who thought they voted for a panacea and have found out, or will soon, that they received a nostrum from a snake oil salesman.

Today we have trump, and that is the fault of biddable people

But enough about Hillary.
Yeah, we can tell by who is shutting down free speech and who is not, shitforbrains.

Yelling fire in a crowd is not protected by law. Anyone who knows Berkeley knows the street people who have no connection to the campus are the rabble rousers - a loud protest is in the DNA at CAL, within the non violent genre of Gandhi and MLK; the protest was not an attack on free speech, but on hate speech, which has no place in academia or the White House nor is it protected by the First Amendment.

The left are well known for shutting down free speech many times.
Your attempt to justify yesterdays actions by supporting it simply validates you are also a fascist.

Name calling is your single forte. I did not justify violence, thus your straw man effort failed. Too bad you cannot abstract meaning from the written word, your biases prevent cognition.
By saying people should be prevented to speak because you disagree simply validates you are a fascist. A shitforbrains fascist.

"Simply" validates my evaluation of you. You fail to understand, or choose not to comprehend, the comparison of hate speech and the legally limited rights of free speech.

Inciting a riot, which is in fact what Milo Yiannopoulos seeks, is an effort by him to change the Conversation. Does the term agent provocateur ring a bell with you?

In fact the protest was peaceful, an example of the protesters invoking their right to free speech and free expression. Not until a small group wearing face masks showed up around 6pm, when they created the disturbance carried on live TV News. Which gave Yiannopoulos exactly what he wanted.

So, now trump has threatened CAL with withholding federal funds because the campus does not allow free speech. He and you have no clue.
Dufus says the protest was peaceful.



Contractors working to clean up the toxic site made a mistake.

Of course you would blame those trying to remedy a ecological disaster instead of those that created the toxic water in the first place.
Ah, when EPA bureaucrats and lackeys fuck up it's "a mistake".

lol, "while you support stone communists is funny as fuck"?
  • There is no evidence to support this claim
  • This claim makes zero sense, "funny as fuck" is lame, ridiculous and nonsensical.
  • Bannon is running the show?
  1. What does Bannon bring to the White House
  2. What experience does Bannon have on national security
  3. What writings or publications by Bannon can you provide to demonstrate his value to America
  4. Why should we not bristle and loudly protest persons in power who have zero experience and radical ideas
The same questions were asked about any number of the inexperienced ideologues on your team eight years ago. Hacks like you brushed those concerns aside and chided the dissenters as sore losers, haters, and racists.

Pond sand up your ass, loser.

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