Republican Richard Burr quits as chairman of the influential Senate Intelligence Committee while he’s under investigation for stock trades he made

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the drained!

When's Finestein going to resign?
Senator Feinstein has a bright future!
Since Burr is one of the four bipartisan MOC's that prove the skidmark acted late in controlling the corona virus, this is going to be bad for the skidmark.
Since Burr is one of the four bipartisan MOC's that prove the skidmark acted late in controlling the corona virus, this is going to be bad for the skidmark.

You really must be in junior high and the furthest thing to a 1% except in terms of IQ!

Burr had NOTHING to do with the response to COVID-19, but your Momma knew that and didn't read you that bedtime story while sucking her teat for dinner!

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Sen. Richard Burr, until yesterday the chairman of the Senate Intel Committee, is in hot water. His phone has been seized as part of an investigation in to possible insider trading based on knowledge he had about COVID that may not have been public when he dumped a whole lot of stock. So did his brother-in-law.

The decision to aggressively go after Burr, and not other members of Congress who also made trades of convenient timing, may be merited. It may be that there is more evidence on his actions. We don't know. But.............

"Such a warrant being served on a sitting U.S. senator would require approval from the highest ranks of the Justice Department and is a step that would not be taken lightly."

Which begs the question, given Barr's willingness to use the DOJ as a cudgel against Trump's perceived enemies, is Burr being investigation because.................

Burr's committee's findings are in stark contrast to those of House Repubs. The findings also make the appointment of John Durham all the more suspect since............

"A new Senate report undercuts claims by President Trump and his allies that Obama-era officials sought to undermine him while investigating Russia’s 2016 election meddling."

So Burr has already shown a propensity for independence from the Repub/WH/RWM narrative that is being ramped up in an attempt to claim Vlad didn't really want the Bloviator-in-Chief to get elected after all. You know, something being promoted under the vague umbrella of "Obamagate."

That means there was ample motivation for Team Trump to want to sideline Burr. Especially considering.............

"The committee is expected to release a final bipartisan installment in the coming months evaluating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia."

Is the investigation in to Burr all above board? Maybe. But when you have an AG who applies the law in a random way in order to serve the prez's interests no one can be blamed for sending up a red flag of suspicion.

Burr's committee's past work suggests it will conflict with the predictable Durham report being that Durham was picked by Barr to produce a specific kind of report. One that supports the fatuous "Obamagate" narrative. A narrative Burr has already thrown in the shitter.

If you think the horseshit being circulated now by Trumpworld isn't setting the table for the eventual release of Durham's report, conveniently timed to coincide with the height of the presidential campaign, you aren't paying attention.
Lets see -

The intelligence Community is quickly being shown to the world that it is nothing much more that a corrupt shadow Government working against American's interests.

The Federal Bureau of intelligence goes after the Chairman of The Senate Intelligence Committee -

We don't need to keep declassifying documents to show their corruption - they have moved right out into the open.

(subtitled the deep state fights back)
The intelligence Community is quickly being shown to the world that it is nothing much more that a corrupt shadow Government working against American's interests.
Well, no. I mean I know you believe that. And I know Trump has sought to discredit the IC from the beginning because of their assessment that Don was Vlad's favorite candidate.

The thing is, all the accusations so far have been bloviating nonsense with no factual backing. It's all innuendo, unproven accusations, lies. But when they are completely debunked the brainwashing you folks have been victims of kicks in and it's deny, deny, deny.

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