Republican says: In order to save conservatism Hillary Clinton must defeat Donald Trump

The GOP establishment is feeling our wrath, that will teach them to mock and disrespect conservatives and the tea party. The vowed to win back the White House without the base, well they are so smug now are they.
The GOP establishment is feeling our wrath, that will teach them to mock and disrespect conservatives and the tea party. The vowed to win back the White House without the base, well they are so smug now are they.

Sure they're smug. They're telling the base "vote the way we say, or else"

People are finally saying "we'll take OR ELSE"
Wild Willie may be more conservative than Trump, the hildabitch definitely isn't, only reason she's not running to the left of the Bern is she knows it would make her unelectable.

Trumps coat tails will pull the down ballot republicans with him if he's the nominee. The only if is the republicans not supporting him in the general. The republicans even have a good chance of winning Reids seat if they play their cards right. I don't think when the rubber meets the road the republicans will commit suicide by not supporting Trump, holding both houses of congress means too much to them.

Agreed. It's complete nonsense. Trump is +23 in Massachusetts. He's +15 in Vermont. This is the guy that can expand the Electoral Map.

Rubio can't compete in Pennsylvania. He can't compete in Michigan, or Wisconsin or New Hampshire. Trump can.

Take a look at the Electoral Map:

View attachment 65246

Rubio is down 20 points to Trump in Florida. A TWENTY POINTS deficit in his home state that is CRUCIAL to win if a Republican candidate cannot expand the Electoral Map.

A Rubio nomination is Romney part two. Doomed from the get go.

I'm curious, why are you writing Cruz out of your scenario?

Because the GOP primary rules are written and orchestrated to defeat a candidate fighting the establishment candidate from the evangelical right. Who is voting tomorrow in the primaries that BY GOP RULES must assign delegates proportionally? Alaska, Alabama, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Georgia, Texas, Virginia, and Tennessee. So these states MUST split their delegates between all the candidates who place. So, even if Cruz swept these states, he would have to split the delegates with the more moderate candidates. But, after Super Tuesday, once the majority of the far right evangelical states have voted, the state primaries may award delegates by winner-take-all rules. This built in disadvantage almost always derails the Cruz-esque candidate.

In other words, in a Cruz/Rubio head to head, nearly invariably, Rubio wins.

Trump is using this built in structural advantage AGAINST the establishment candidate. Trump is beating Cruz in the South, and beating Rubio in the North where the advantage would work against Cruz.

The GOP’s Primary Rules Might Doom Carson, Cruz And Trump
Wild Willie may be more conservative than Trump, the hildabitch definitely isn't, only reason she's not running to the left of the Bern is she knows it would make her unelectable.

Trumps coat tails will pull the down ballot republicans with him if he's the nominee. The only if is the republicans not supporting him in the general. The republicans even have a good chance of winning Reids seat if they play their cards right. I don't think when the rubber meets the road the republicans will commit suicide by not supporting Trump, holding both houses of congress means too much to them.

Agreed. It's complete nonsense. Trump is +23 in Massachusetts. He's +15 in Vermont. This is the guy that can expand the Electoral Map.

Rubio can't compete in Pennsylvania. He can't compete in Michigan, or Wisconsin or New Hampshire. Trump can.

Take a look at the Electoral Map:

View attachment 65246

Rubio is down 20 points to Trump in Florida. A TWENTY POINTS deficit in his home state that is CRUCIAL to win if a Republican candidate cannot expand the Electoral Map.

A Rubio nomination is Romney part two. Doomed from the get go.

I'm curious, why are you writing Cruz out of your scenario?

Because the GOP primary rules are written and orchestrated to defeat a candidate fighting the establishment candidate from the evangelical right. Who is voting tomorrow in the primaries that BY GOP RULES must assign delegates proportionally? Alaska, Alabama, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Georgia, Texas, Virginia, and Tennessee. So these states MUST split their delegates between all the candidates who place. So, even if Cruz swept these states, he would have to split the delegates with the more moderate candidates. But, after Super Tuesday, once the majority of the far right evangelical states have voted, the state primaries may award delegates by winner-take-all rules. This built in disadvantage almost always derails the Cruz-esque candidate.

In other words, in a Cruz/Rubio head to head, nearly invariably, Rubio wins.

Trump is using this built in structural advantage AGAINST the establishment candidate. Trump is beating Cruz in the South, and beating Rubio in the North where the advantage would work against Cruz.

The GOP’s Primary Rules Might Doom Carson, Cruz And Trump

Don't know how it is in the other States but in TX you need 20% to get any delegates, so if Rubio places with 19% he walks away empty handed.
The GOP establishment is feeling our wrath, that will teach them to mock and disrespect conservatives and the tea party. The vowed to win back the White House without the base, well they are so smug now are they.

You're not going to win the White House with a Donald Trump nominee. He has more negatives than Hillary Clinton has. Now 30+% of the Republican party is stating they will not vote for Trump. Then of course he has the Hispanic problem--polling at a negative 75%, when the GOP needs at least 46% of this block to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

The Republican party has shattered into pieces.

The GOP establishment is feeling our wrath, that will teach them to mock and disrespect conservatives and the tea party. The vowed to win back the White House without the base, well they are so smug now are they.

You're not going to win the White House with a Donald Trump nominee. He has more negatives than Hillary Clinton has. Now 30+% of the Republican party is stating they will not vote for Trump. Then of course he has the Hispanic problem--polling at a negative 75%, when the GOP needs at least 46% of this block to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

The Republican party has shattered into pieces.


Your lying old hag isn't going to be president so come to grips with that.
The GOP establishment is feeling our wrath, that will teach them to mock and disrespect conservatives and the tea party. The vowed to win back the White House without the base, well they are so smug now are they.

You're not going to win the White House with a Donald Trump nominee. He has more negatives than Hillary Clinton has. Now 30+% of the Republican party is stating they will not vote for Trump. Then of course he has the Hispanic problem--polling at a negative 75%, when the GOP needs at least 46% of this block to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

The Republican party has shattered into pieces.


Your lying old hag isn't going to be president so come to grips with that.

the lies they push around and just expect us all to believe them.

I just can't believe these people, I just can't!

1. You are getting 100s of thousands of extra votes because people are pumped for Trump. The MYTHICAL establishment Republican votes for Rubio can't even push him past Cruz, and the GOP is in trouble?

2. Trump is carrying massive amounts of Democratic votes, addition through subtraction as it were, and the GOP is in trouble?

3. Trump has a residence in Florida. He is a favorite son of Florida, and the GOP is in trouble?

4. Trump is very popular with blue collar workers, both GOP and Democrats. If he (and he is shrewd so he will, unless it is refused) chooses Kasich, the GOP just cemented Ohio. And the GOP is in trouble?

5. There is no enthusiasm on the Democratic side at all. Look at the freaking numbers from these elections. And the GOP is in trouble?

If the GOP is in trouble, then what the hell do some of you people consider NOT in trouble? It is beyond logic, and it is a narrative that just doesn't work! We are to believe that the BRILLIANT thing to do is NOT vote for who we want, so that someone who can't garner enough votes to even win the GOP primary can get the nod.......and then......and then.......this mythical legion of voters who WON'T show up at the primaries will now show, and push them into the White House?

Do you people pushing this nonsensensical narrative realize how asinine it sounds!

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