Republican says: In order to save conservatism Hillary Clinton must defeat Donald Trump

What this Professor didn't consider by his plan, is how the trump supporting constituents react to Republicans making certain Trump lost.
"Republican says: In order to save conservatism Hillary Clinton must defeat Donald Trump"

Is 'conservatism' worth saving in its current form – it's not a matter of 'saving' it but returning it to a time when conservatives were interested in sound, responsible governance, before the bane of the social right and religious fundamentalism.
The establishment folks are getting desperate. I didn't vote for Trump, but I would over the hildabitch.

The point of the article is, if Donald Trump wins and he is the new label of conservatism, then the conservative movement is dead and buried for lifetimes to come.

So is it better to forfeit this battle, so that the war for smaller government, more efficient government lives on?

The point is Donald Trump is a liberal. He really should be running on the Democrat ticket against Hillary Clinton. He really doesn't belong anywhere on the Republican platform. Frankly, he deserves an Oscar for his performance over the last 6 to 7 months. He's certainly not qualified in any manner, to be Commander and Chief of this country.

Hillary Clinton is more conservative than Donald Trump is. In fact, she used to be Republican, and actually worked on Barry Goldwater's campaign. Donald Trump has changed his party status at least 5 times. Obviously he doesn't know what he is, and he has a long history of supporting liberal Democrat policies.

Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report
Let’s Elect Hillary Now
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance


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You can always count on some nutty professor to write an ass backwards article to get himself some attention. Looks like it worked.

You would like to believe that, but the author is much more important than just a professor:

A National security professor at a Naval Academy who is also a Republican carries a lot more weight than just a professor coming out of some liberal college, and he makes a lot of sense in the article.
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The establishment folks are getting desperate. I didn't vote for Trump, but I would over the hildabitch.

The point of the article is, if Donald Trump wins and he is the new label of conservatism, then the conservative movement is dead and buried for lifetimes to come.

So is it better to forfeit this battle, so that the war for smaller government, more efficient government lives on?

The point is Donald Trump is a liberal. He really should be running on the Democrat ticket against Hillary Clinton. He really doesn't belong anywhere on the Republican platform. Frankly, he deserves an Oscar for his performance over the last 6 to 7 months. He's certainly not qualified in any manner, to be Commander and Chief of this country.

Hillary Clinton is more conservative than Donald Trump is. In fact, she used to be Republican, and actually worked on Barry Goldwater's campaign. Donald Trump has changed his party status at least 5 times. Obviously he doesn't know what he is, and he has a long history of supporting liberal Democrat policies.

Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report
Let’s Elect Hillary Now
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance



Wild Willie may be more conservative than Trump, the hildabitch definitely isn't, only reason she's not running to the left of the Bern is she knows it would make her unelectable.

Trumps coat tails will pull the down ballot republicans with him if he's the nominee. The only if is the republicans not supporting him in the general. The republicans even have a good chance of winning Reids seat if they play their cards right. I don't think when the rubber meets the road the republicans will commit suicide by not supporting Trump, holding both houses of congress means too much to them.
It's clear that politically informed Republicans are thinking about what to do if Donald Trump is the nominee of the Republican party.

The future of the entire Conservative movement is at stake, and a Hillary Clinton win over Donald Trump, may be the only way to save it. Very interesting prospective view on this matter.

I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

Actually, that is the problem. There are no Conservatives in Congress. There is no Republican Party. Our whole argument is that the Republicans are no difference than the Democrats. They pass everything Obama and the Democrats want passed. Just look at that Omnibus Bill the Congress just passed. If our displeasure with the Establishment Republicans means the loss of the election and the demise of what is now termed the Republican Party, then so be it. Good riddance.

Apparently many of you do not understand civics 101. Obama has what is called a VETO pen. While Republicans have a small majority in the Senate and a majority in the House they are still under the threat of the veto pen.

1. Obamacare: You cannot defund Obamacare, leaving millions that were forced onto Obamacare without insurance overnight. They could do that, but the odds of any Republican winning an election for county dog catcher would be zero to none after taking that action.

2. You've been lied too: Ted Cruz continually states that he will repeal every single word of Obamacare if he is elected. He can't repeal it. The only way to repeal every single word would require a Republican President with Republican (super majorities) in both houses. That's how we got Obamacare and that's the only way to get rid of it.

3. You cannot threaten to shut down the government at every turn: That has backfired on Republicans every single time over the past several years.

4. It does no good to read Green Eggs and Ham from the United States Senate floor to filibuster Obamacare.

So while Republicans have small majorities in both houses, they are still under the thumb of the VETO pen.

What's Donald Trump's health plan? Single Payer Health care which would be 10 times worse than Obamacare.

Wild Willie may be more conservative than Trump, the hildabitch definitely isn't, only reason she's not running to the left of the Bern is she knows it would make her unelectable.

Trumps coat tails will pull the down ballot republicans with him if he's the nominee. The only if is the republicans not supporting him in the general. The republicans even have a good chance of winning Reids seat if they play their cards right. I don't think when the rubber meets the road the republicans will commit suicide by not supporting Trump, holding both houses of congress means too much to them.

Agreed. It's complete nonsense. Trump is +23 in Massachusetts. He's +15 in Vermont. This is the guy that can expand the Electoral Map.

Rubio can't compete in Pennsylvania. He can't compete in Michigan, or Wisconsin or New Hampshire. Trump can.

Take a look at the Electoral Map:

270towin Toss-up.png

Rubio is down 20 points to Trump in Florida. A TWENTY POINTS deficit in his home state that is CRUCIAL to win if a Republican candidate cannot expand the Electoral Map.

A Rubio nomination is Romney part two. Doomed from the get go.
Wild Willie may be more conservative than Trump, the hildabitch definitely isn't, only reason she's not running to the left of the Bern is she knows it would make her unelectable.

Trumps coat tails will pull the down ballot republicans with him if he's the nominee. The only if is the republicans not supporting him in the general. The republicans even have a good chance of winning Reids seat if they play their cards right. I don't think when the rubber meets the road the republicans will commit suicide by not supporting Trump, holding both houses of congress means too much to them.

Agreed. It's complete nonsense. Trump is +23 in Massachusetts. He's +15 in Vermont. This is the guy that can expand the Electoral Map.

Rubio can't compete in Pennsylvania. He can't compete in Michigan, or Wisconsin or New Hampshire. Trump can.

Take a look at the Electoral Map:

View attachment 65246

Rubio is down 20 points to Trump in Florida. A TWENTY POINTS deficit in his home state that is CRUCIAL to win if a Republican candidate cannot expand the Electoral Map.

A Rubio nomination is Romney part two. Doomed from the get go.

I'm curious, why are you writing Cruz out of your scenario?
It's clear that politically informed Republicans are thinking about what to do if Donald Trump is the nominee of the Republican party.

The future of the entire Conservative movement is at stake, and a Hillary Clinton win over Donald Trump, may be the only way to save it. Very interesting prospective view on this matter.

I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

Tom Nichols is a professor at The Naval War College. Who signs his check?
What this Professor didn't consider by his plan, is how the trump supporting constituents react to Republicans making certain Trump lost.

I believe it's about 30% of the Republican party is already stating that there is no way they'll vote for Donald Trump. I am on social media Republican boards, and this comment is everywhere. The silence from Republicans that were extremely active a couple of months ago, is now deafening.

We also know that registered Republican Latino's have already publicly stated that they will not support a Donald Trump nominee. Univision, the largest Hispanic cable network in this country actually cut him off.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

So I think you'll see millions of Republican either refuse to vote, vote for a write in candidate, or insure that Hillary Clinton wins by voting for her.
The point of the article is, if Donald Trump wins and he is the new label of conservatism, then the conservative movement is dead and buried for lifetimes to come.
What conservative movement?
Wild Willie may be more conservative than Trump, the hildabitch definitely isn't, only reason she's not running to the left of the Bern is she knows it would make her unelectable.

Trumps coat tails will pull the down ballot republicans with him if he's the nominee. The only if is the republicans not supporting him in the general. The republicans even have a good chance of winning Reids seat if they play their cards right. I don't think when the rubber meets the road the republicans will commit suicide by not supporting Trump, holding both houses of congress means too much to them.

Agreed. It's complete nonsense. Trump is +23 in Massachusetts. He's +15 in Vermont. This is the guy that can expand the Electoral Map.

Rubio can't compete in Pennsylvania. He can't compete in Michigan, or Wisconsin or New Hampshire. Trump can.

Take a look at the Electoral Map:

View attachment 65246

Rubio is down 20 points to Trump in Florida. A TWENTY POINTS deficit in his home state that is CRUCIAL to win if a Republican candidate cannot expand the Electoral Map.

A Rubio nomination is Romney part two. Doomed from the get go.

Trump has already chased off 17% of the population right into Hillary Clinton's lap. Hispanics, are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee, since Reagan needs at least 40% of this block to win the White House. Trump is polling at a negative 75% with this group. Even Republican Latino voters have already stated they will not support a Trump nominee.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

As far as your comment this is another Romney scenario, you are exactly right, but your conclusion as to why Romney lost is 100% wrong.

Romney did not lose because he wasn't conservative enough as you have been repeatedly told by right wing talk show hosts. Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee. In 2012 the debate stage was full of immigration, deportation questions and answers. Romney only captured 27% of the Latino vote was one problem. The next problem was women. Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. This by the Evangelical wing of the party driving the election into abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legal, legitimate rape questions.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

IOW--it wasn't a Romney problem it was a Republican party problem that cost Republicans the White House in 2012. For 2016 -- Women and Hispanics will be voting heavily for Hillary Clinton again. The only difference between 2012 and 2016, is that you now have millions of Republicans who are going to sit this election out, vote for a write-in candidate, or vote for Hillary Clinton to insure she wins.

The Republican party has imploded.


And this has everything to do with Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwwd-d and his right wing comrades who have promoted this anger toward the Republican party, For nothing more than political entertainment, ratings and those obscene profit breaks. Remember that the morning after the election when you have one huge Hillary Clinton hangover.

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Wild Willie may be more conservative than Trump, the hildabitch definitely isn't, only reason she's not running to the left of the Bern is she knows it would make her unelectable.

Trumps coat tails will pull the down ballot republicans with him if he's the nominee. The only if is the republicans not supporting him in the general. The republicans even have a good chance of winning Reids seat if they play their cards right. I don't think when the rubber meets the road the republicans will commit suicide by not supporting Trump, holding both houses of congress means too much to them.

Agreed. It's complete nonsense. Trump is +23 in Massachusetts. He's +15 in Vermont. This is the guy that can expand the Electoral Map.

Rubio can't compete in Pennsylvania. He can't compete in Michigan, or Wisconsin or New Hampshire. Trump can.

Take a look at the Electoral Map:

View attachment 65246

Rubio is down 20 points to Trump in Florida. A TWENTY POINTS deficit in his home state that is CRUCIAL to win if a Republican candidate cannot expand the Electoral Map.

A Rubio nomination is Romney part two. Doomed from the get go.

Trump has already chased off 17% of the population right into Hillary Clinton's lap. Hispanics, are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee, since Reagan needs at least 40% of this block to win the White House. Trump is polling at a negative 75% with this group. Even Republican Latino voters have already stated they will not support a Trump nominee.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

As far as your comment this is another Romney scenario, you are exactly right, but your conclusion as to why Romney lost is 100% wrong.

Romney did not lose because he wasn't conservative enough as you have been repeatedly told by right wing talk show hosts. Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee. In 2012 the debate stage was full of immigration, deportation questions and answers. Romney only captured 27% of the Latino vote was one problem. The next problem was women. Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. This by the Evangelical wing of the party driving the election into abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legal, legitimate rape questions.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

IOW--it wasn't a Romney problem it was a Republican party problem that cost Republicans the White House in 2012. For 2016 -- Women and Hispanics will be voting heavily for Hillary Clinton again. The only difference between 2012 and 2016, is that you now have millions of Republicans who are going to sit this election out, vote for a write-in candidate, or vote for Hillary Clinton to insure she wins.

The Republican party has imploded.


And this has everything to do with Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwwd-d and his right wing comrades who have promoted this anger toward the Republican party, For nothing more than political entertainment, ratings and those obscene profit breaks. Remember that the morning after the election when you have one huge Hillary Clinton hangover.


Would you like to bet on whether the hildabitch makes it to the general election or not? I say she will be defending herself against some really big legal troubles by early May at the latest. So I really hope you're feeling the Bern. Oh BTW Trump is going to take at least 20% of the dems if he's the nominee.

Those who put their lives on the line support Trump. That's mainly because Trump puts his money where his mouth is compared to all of the rest (except Sanders' whose licking Hill-Beasts' shoes all the way the her nomination.)

Benghazi heroes have the proper and only truly traditional American take on this election which is.........PUT UP!......OR SHUT UP!!! Both are risking a price.
It's clear that politically informed Republicans are thinking about what to do if Donald Trump is the nominee of the Republican party.

The future of the entire Conservative movement is at stake, and a Hillary Clinton win over Donald Trump, may be the only way to save it. Very interesting prospective view on this matter.

I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

Actually, that is the problem. There are no Conservatives in Congress. There is no Republican Party. Our whole argument is that the Republicans are no difference than the Democrats. They pass everything Obama and the Democrats want passed. Just look at that Omnibus Bill the Congress just passed. If our displeasure with the Establishment Republicans means the loss of the election and the demise of what is now termed the Republican Party, then so be it. Good riddance.

Name the most fiscally responsible POTUS for whom you have ever voted.....

Since none of them have been fiscally responsible, the answer of course is...none. The last guy who was....Dwight Eisenhower.
Since 1968, two (will) have bequeathed smaller deficits (or, on one occasion a surplus) to their successors, suggesting that fiscal responsibility is relative.....

There have been no surpluses since 1957. You should look at the facts, instead of the wishful thinking. Dept of the Treasury does keep this stuff you know.
It's clear that politically informed Republicans are thinking about what to do if Donald Trump is the nominee of the Republican party.

The future of the entire Conservative movement is at stake, and a Hillary Clinton win over Donald Trump, may be the only way to save it. Very interesting prospective view on this matter.

I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

Actually, that is the problem. There are no Conservatives in Congress. There is no Republican Party. Our whole argument is that the Republicans are no difference than the Democrats. They pass everything Obama and the Democrats want passed. Just look at that Omnibus Bill the Congress just passed. If our displeasure with the Establishment Republicans means the loss of the election and the demise of what is now termed the Republican Party, then so be it. Good riddance.

What's your beef with the Omnibus Bill?

That it's a monstrous bill loaded with garbage that if included in each department's appropriations bill, which is how congress used to do it would never get out.

Ever since congress has gone with this idiocy, federal spending, waste, pork barrel projects have run rampant with no end in sight.

Inclusive of the FY 2017 budget proposal, federal spending under Obama has risen at the lowest rate since the late 50s.....

If we were still on the trajectory established by the POTUS for whom you cast 2 enthusiastic votes, that omnibus bill would have come in at 5.76 trillion (exclusive of the effects of TARP and ARRA)

I haven't cast an enthusiastic vote since Reagan beat Carter, then Mondale. Anyone with a functional brain enthusiastically voted against Carter and Mondale. Hard to say where Barrack Hussein Obama's last budget is going to work out, his first added 1.9 trillion to the debt, this year looks like about 700 trillion.

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