Republican Senator admits Supreme Court block is Partisan

A vote for a democrat is a vote for whites. We can count on democrats keeping blacks on the plantation.

Keep babbling about the 'magic negro'. I'm sure that will convince them to vote republican.

I mean, it always has before, right?

Nothing has changed for blacks under Obama. They are still the race with the highest unemployment rate by far. Black unemployment stats for 25 and under is staggering. But whites seem to be doing fine. Of course that doesn't take into account the amount of whiles who stopped looking for a job and don't count against unemployment, but I digress. Please, keep voting democrat. White people thank you. It's the big dirty secret in politics. LOL

Laughing......and republicans and their 'magic negro' babble are going to do better or black folks, huh?

Odd that they don't believe you.

The stats don't lie. Really, why would a white person care if blacks constantly vote for a party that does nothing for them. LOL

And with your 'magic negro' babble, why do you think blacks would believe the republicans would do any better for them?
Actually, intelligent blacks are starting to recognize Obungles as a "Magic Negro", too....

After all, he sure made a lot of those "black jobs" disappear....

And now he's desperately working to make more illegals "appear" to take even more!!!!!
It's the Republicans giving the 65,915,796 Americans who voted for President Obama in 2012 a hardy "Fuck you! Your vote doesn't matter!"

Or maybe they are giving the voters who voted in a huge Republican majority in Congress and a slight majority in the Senate what we want.
GOP Senator Gets Honest: 'Trust Me, We Will Not Allow The Supreme Court To Flip'

“No, trust me, we will not allow the Supreme Court to flip,” Johnson told a Wisconsin radio station on Friday. “It’s not going to happen.”

“When other Americans, other than the members of the press, can get their message out, the press’s power is reduced. You engage in campaign finance reform, which restricts free speech, that makes a few members of the press have all the more power. So the press is really not for freedom of speech. They like restrictions in speech because it gives them more power. So again, they want to see the Supreme Court flipped. I got that.”

In an attempt to block campaign finance reform...Senate Republicans are blocking a Supreme Court nomination, to prevent it from being "flipped". There is nothing the Republicans have against the nominee Obama put up in's all just partisan obstruction of Constitutional duties.

Of course it's partisan, just as every action Obama has taken in office is partisan.
A classic Tu Quoque Fallacy.

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger? That's what you want to go with?

Sucks to be you
Obama plays McConnell like a bad gong. Of course it's political, and no the dems really have not done the same thing to a goper president, and the closet parallel was when the dem senate confirmed Kennedy .... but the scoutus was already GOP leaning then, so whether the gop is right in not even considering Garland is not really the issue. The issue is that the dems will do this to the gop someday in the future .... but they might have anyway.

But Obama nominated a guy who truly is not a judicial activist. He largely defers to the authority of the other two branches. Obama knows Garland has no chance, but the nomination both illustrates the gop is actually the party preferring activist judges, and McConnell is facing his own senators telling him, "JFC if Trump loses, which he will, Hillary will go left of Sontomayor!"

the guy is anti 2nd amendment. that alone gets him more nays than ayes.

The Senate should hold hearings in the summer and then vote him down. I think it will force Obama to choose a moderate. Then see how the election goes before hearings.

It's all politics on both sides.

The Democrats are hoping to have a hearing and the judge voted down. Then DumBama nominates another one and the Republicans vote him or her down, then another one, and maybe another one.

Then come election time, they will use the record of the Republicans stopping the nominations of these judges for political purposes.

The Republicans are just playing politics like the left does.
It's the Republicans giving the 65,915,796 Americans who voted for President Obama in 2012 a hardy "Fuck you! Your vote doesn't matter!"

Or maybe they are giving the voters who voted in a huge Republican majority in Congress and a slight majority in the Senate what we want.

It's an Albatross McConnell put around the GOP's neck that could give the Senate back to the Dems.
GOP Senator Gets Honest: 'Trust Me, We Will Not Allow The Supreme Court To Flip'

“No, trust me, we will not allow the Supreme Court to flip,” Johnson told a Wisconsin radio station on Friday. “It’s not going to happen.”

“When other Americans, other than the members of the press, can get their message out, the press’s power is reduced. You engage in campaign finance reform, which restricts free speech, that makes a few members of the press have all the more power. So the press is really not for freedom of speech. They like restrictions in speech because it gives them more power. So again, they want to see the Supreme Court flipped. I got that.”

In an attempt to block campaign finance reform...Senate Republicans are blocking a Supreme Court nomination, to prevent it from being "flipped". There is nothing the Republicans have against the nominee Obama put up in's all just partisan obstruction of Constitutional duties.

This is the first moment in our history that a major political party is saying they will ignore the Constitution because their political party is the only god they have now.

People don't recognize it yet but this is a Constitutional crisis. The Republicans are stating "we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

They are in effect nullifying every vote in the 2012 presidential election. These people are not Americans anymore. You think Eisenhower would do such a thing? He would have never considered it.

I wasn't aware that the House sends the Senate a Supreme Court nominee.

I could have sworn that was the president.
But you want to talk "partisan" when Harry Reid practically shut down the government over "politics"?????

Gee, I think your hypocrisy is pretty obvious on that one.....

Since its completely obvious you can't show us even ONE example of the democrats ever refusing to conduct a hearing on a presidential nominee for the Supreme Court because the 'next president should decide......when did Harry Reid 'shut down the government'?

So just remember the immortal words of your "Magic Negro"......

"Elections have consequences".....

Magic Negro, huh? And republicans wonder why black folks don't vote for them.

it was a black guy that invented the term Magic Negro.
Mitch McConnell going against Obama is like Floyd Patterson going against Ali.
I don't care what you want to call it. but it is what WE THE PEOPLE want from our Gop congresscriters . so you all don't like it, well THEY WON and control things by the people giving them that Position because of Obama. , so too bad how sad for you.
I don't care what you want to call it. but it is what WE THE PEOPLE want from our Gop congresscriters .

Is it?


CBS/NYT Poll: 73% of Americans Say Republicans Are Delaying Hearings for Political Reasons. "Senate Republican leaders have said they will not hold hearings on any Supreme Court justice nominated by President Obama because they want to wait until the next president is in office. Seventy-three percent of Americans think this is being done for political reasons, while just a quarter say it is because that's what Republican Senate leaders think is best for the country. Americans across the political spectrum, including a slim majority of Republicans (52 percent) and a large majority of Democrats (90 percent), think the hearings are being held up for political reasons." [CBS News, 3/22/16]

- See more at: The American People Want the Republican Senate to Do Its Job, Act on Supreme Court Nomination | Democratic Policy & Communications Center
GOP Senator Gets Honest: 'Trust Me, We Will Not Allow The Supreme Court To Flip'

“No, trust me, we will not allow the Supreme Court to flip,” Johnson told a Wisconsin radio station on Friday. “It’s not going to happen.”

“When other Americans, other than the members of the press, can get their message out, the press’s power is reduced. You engage in campaign finance reform, which restricts free speech, that makes a few members of the press have all the more power. So the press is really not for freedom of speech. They like restrictions in speech because it gives them more power. So again, they want to see the Supreme Court flipped. I got that.”

In an attempt to block campaign finance reform...Senate Republicans are blocking a Supreme Court nomination, to prevent it from being "flipped". There is nothing the Republicans have against the nominee Obama put up in's all just partisan obstruction of Constitutional duties.

This is the first moment in our history that a major political party is saying they will ignore the Constitution because their political party is the only god they have now.

People don't recognize it yet but this is a Constitutional crisis. The Republicans are stating "we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

They are in effect nullifying every vote in the 2012 presidential election. These people are not Americans anymore. You think Eisenhower would do such a thing? He would have never considered it.
I dunno if it's really a constitutional crisis, but the gop in politicizing the judiciary to the same extent in did when Johnson shoved civil rights down the South's throat. And the dem pushback was not pretty to watch. It began with Nixon and only ended with Reagan's final year and the confirmation of Kennedy.
It's the Republicans giving the 65,915,796 Americans who voted for President Obama in 2012 a hardy "Fuck you! Your vote doesn't matter!"

Or maybe they are giving the voters who voted in a huge Republican majority in Congress and a slight majority in the Senate what we want.

It's an Albatross McConnell put around the GOP's neck that could give the Senate back to the Dems.

Great. When it happens, it happens, but I think most voters could care less about this nomination. Most probably don't even know it's going on.

If people wanted "all Obama all the time," they would have voted in a Democrat majority in Congress and the Senate. But we voted a Republican majority TO STOP Obama--not go along with him.
GOP Senator Gets Honest: 'Trust Me, We Will Not Allow The Supreme Court To Flip'

“No, trust me, we will not allow the Supreme Court to flip,” Johnson told a Wisconsin radio station on Friday. “It’s not going to happen.”

“When other Americans, other than the members of the press, can get their message out, the press’s power is reduced. You engage in campaign finance reform, which restricts free speech, that makes a few members of the press have all the more power. So the press is really not for freedom of speech. They like restrictions in speech because it gives them more power. So again, they want to see the Supreme Court flipped. I got that.”

In an attempt to block campaign finance reform...Senate Republicans are blocking a Supreme Court nomination, to prevent it from being "flipped". There is nothing the Republicans have against the nominee Obama put up in's all just partisan obstruction of Constitutional duties.

This is the first moment in our history that a major political party is saying they will ignore the Constitution because their political party is the only god they have now.

People don't recognize it yet but this is a Constitutional crisis. The Republicans are stating "we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

They are in effect nullifying every vote in the 2012 presidential election. These people are not Americans anymore. You think Eisenhower would do such a thing? He would have never considered it.

"we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

You mean kind of like the same sentiments that Obama had towards the Republican Congress?

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone."
Barack Insane Obama
GOP Senator Gets Honest: 'Trust Me, We Will Not Allow The Supreme Court To Flip'

“No, trust me, we will not allow the Supreme Court to flip,” Johnson told a Wisconsin radio station on Friday. “It’s not going to happen.”

“When other Americans, other than the members of the press, can get their message out, the press’s power is reduced. You engage in campaign finance reform, which restricts free speech, that makes a few members of the press have all the more power. So the press is really not for freedom of speech. They like restrictions in speech because it gives them more power. So again, they want to see the Supreme Court flipped. I got that.”

In an attempt to block campaign finance reform...Senate Republicans are blocking a Supreme Court nomination, to prevent it from being "flipped". There is nothing the Republicans have against the nominee Obama put up in's all just partisan obstruction of Constitutional duties.

This is the first moment in our history that a major political party is saying they will ignore the Constitution because their political party is the only god they have now.

People don't recognize it yet but this is a Constitutional crisis. The Republicans are stating "we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

They are in effect nullifying every vote in the 2012 presidential election. These people are not Americans anymore. You think Eisenhower would do such a thing? He would have never considered it.

"we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

You mean kind of like the same sentiments that Obama had towards the Republican Congress?

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone."
Barack Insane Obama

You'd excuse the Republicans for anything.

Anything. As I said, you people have given up on the Constitution. You are the weak part of the population, your worldview is slowly fading away, and your only hope is to cheat, lie, and ignore 240 years of American democracy.

Gnash your teeth and whine all you want. The demographics have changed and your penchant of forcing other people to do things is coming to a close, for good. You don't want to change? Then buh bye. Have a good cry.
GOP Senator Gets Honest: 'Trust Me, We Will Not Allow The Supreme Court To Flip'

“No, trust me, we will not allow the Supreme Court to flip,” Johnson told a Wisconsin radio station on Friday. “It’s not going to happen.”

“When other Americans, other than the members of the press, can get their message out, the press’s power is reduced. You engage in campaign finance reform, which restricts free speech, that makes a few members of the press have all the more power. So the press is really not for freedom of speech. They like restrictions in speech because it gives them more power. So again, they want to see the Supreme Court flipped. I got that.”

In an attempt to block campaign finance reform...Senate Republicans are blocking a Supreme Court nomination, to prevent it from being "flipped". There is nothing the Republicans have against the nominee Obama put up in's all just partisan obstruction of Constitutional duties.

This is the first moment in our history that a major political party is saying they will ignore the Constitution because their political party is the only god they have now.

People don't recognize it yet but this is a Constitutional crisis. The Republicans are stating "we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

They are in effect nullifying every vote in the 2012 presidential election. These people are not Americans anymore. You think Eisenhower would do such a thing? He would have never considered it.

"we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

You mean kind of like the same sentiments that Obama had towards the Republican Congress?

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone."
Barack Insane Obama

The analogy is false. Obama may or may not be right in executive actions, but he's only politicizing, or responding to the gop's politicizing, issues between the potus and congress. The gop is expressly politicizing the judiciary because the balance is about to shift after the dems won 4 out of 6 presidential elections.

McConnell's not dumb.

He's not up for reelection for 4-years. What he's doing it keep any Obama nominee from being brought up for hearings and a vote so that the 24 R's up for reelection this year don't have to go on record in a vote of the Yeas and Nays voting against a highly qualified nominee.

He takes the heat now and is protecting the 24 R's planing on the "heat" being off the news cycle during the summer. That allows him to release the 4 or 5 Senators that have a serious chance of losing to distance themselves from HIS actions and disagree with him hoping for a better outcome in the Senate elections. If the ones in trouble get reelected then the Senate might remain a majority "R". He's afraid a highly qualified candidate being put through hearings now will result in those 4-5 candidates losing their race, meaning the D's become the majority party in January.

The plan is that by the time 4-years are up, the people will have forgotten all about his dereliction of duty when he's up for reelection.


They mantra that this is about "letting the people decide" in November on a next President is a lie.

This is NOT about the Supreme Court nominee, this is about the current Senate Leadership trying to stay in power.


I wasn't aware that the House sends the Senate a Supreme Court nominee.

I could have sworn that was the president.
But you want to talk "partisan" when Harry Reid practically shut down the government over "politics"?????

Gee, I think your hypocrisy is pretty obvious on that one.....

Since its completely obvious you can't show us even ONE example of the democrats ever refusing to conduct a hearing on a presidential nominee for the Supreme Court because the 'next president should decide......when did Harry Reid 'shut down the government'?

So just remember the immortal words of your "Magic Negro"......

"Elections have consequences".....

Magic Negro, huh? And republicans wonder why black folks don't vote for them.

it was a black guy that invented the term Magic Negro.

But it was a fat white guy that spread it out among the masses.
It's the Republicans giving the 65,915,796 Americans who voted for President Obama in 2012 a hardy "Fuck you! Your vote doesn't matter!"

Or maybe they are giving the voters who voted in a huge Republican majority in Congress and a slight majority in the Senate what we want.

It's an Albatross McConnell put around the GOP's neck that could give the Senate back to the Dems.

Great. When it happens, it happens, but I think most voters could care less about this nomination. Most probably don't even know it's going on.

If people wanted "all Obama all the time," they would have voted in a Democrat majority in Congress and the Senate. But we voted a Republican majority TO STOP Obama--not go along with him.

The Senate is part of Congress, but anyways....the 2014 class of Senators is by far the smallest class elected out of the three. It represents the fewest people and are also geographically concentrated in the South. It's hardly a good metric to go by.

McConnell's not dumb.

He's not up for reelection for 4-years. What he's doing it keep any Obama nominee from being brought up for hearings and a vote so that the 24 R's up for reelection this year don't have to go on record in a vote of the Yeas and Nays voting against a highly qualified nominee.

He takes the heat now and is protecting the 24 R's planing on the "heat" being off the news cycle during the summer. That allows him to release the 4 or 5 Senators that have a serious chance of losing to distance themselves from HIS actions and disagree with him hoping for a better outcome in the Senate elections. If the ones in trouble get reelected then the Senate might remain a majority "R". He's afraid a highly qualified candidate being put through hearings now will result in those 4-5 candidates losing their race, meaning the D's become the majority party in January.

The plan is that by the time 4-years are up, the people will have forgotten all about his dereliction of duty when he's up for reelection.


They mantra that this is about "letting the people decide" in November on a next President is a lie.

This is NOT about the Supreme Court nominee, this is about the current Senate Leadership trying to stay in power.

The problem is that there are more dem leaning circuit judges who are also well qualified who can be nominated if Hillary wins, and she will beat Donald. So, Mitch is pretty much putting all his eggs in the "anybody but Trump basket." But, perhaps he has some inside scoop.
The problem is that there are more dem leaning circuit judges who are also well qualified who can be nominated if Hillary wins, and she will beat Donald. So, Mitch is pretty much putting all his eggs in the "anybody but Trump basket." But, perhaps he has some inside scoop.

I think if we nominate Trump, then Hillary will win the Oval Office. The Presidential race impacts down-ticket races which means the Senate likely goes to the Dem's also.

So after November McConnell is going to have two choices:

1. Honor that the "the people spoke" and support Hillary getting to make the nomination and then support the Senate confirming that nomination. "The people spoke" right so I'm sure he will support her nominee.

2. Scramble like hell to get hearings and a vote on Garland during the lame duck session in November before the Senate recesses in December. But since "the people spoke" he will be showing that he was lying about relying on the outcome of the election.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit, if Hillary wins the White House, for Obama to call McConnell and withdraw the Garland nomination and either put up a more left judge or tell him he can support a Hillary nomination. In other words "You had your chance and you fucked up by backing yourself in a corner. Well the people spoke and they wanted Hillary so suck it. LOL"


I wasn't aware that the House sends the Senate a Supreme Court nominee.

I could have sworn that was the president.
But you want to talk "partisan" when Harry Reid practically shut down the government over "politics"?????

Gee, I think your hypocrisy is pretty obvious on that one.....

Since its completely obvious you can't show us even ONE example of the democrats ever refusing to conduct a hearing on a presidential nominee for the Supreme Court because the 'next president should decide......when did Harry Reid 'shut down the government'?

So just remember the immortal words of your "Magic Negro"......

"Elections have consequences".....

Magic Negro, huh? And republicans wonder why black folks don't vote for them.

it was a black guy that invented the term Magic Negro.

But it was a fat white guy that spread it out among the masses.

The fat white guy loves so use what liberals say and spread it among the masses. That's what making fun of liberals is all about.

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