Republican Senator admits Supreme Court block is Partisan

The problem is that there are more dem leaning circuit judges who are also well qualified who can be nominated if Hillary wins, and she will beat Donald. So, Mitch is pretty much putting all his eggs in the "anybody but Trump basket." But, perhaps he has some inside scoop.

I think if we nominate Trump, then Hillary will win the Oval Office. The Presidential race impacts down-ticket races which means the Senate likely goes to the Dem's also.

So after November McConnell is going to have two choices:

1. Honor that the "the people spoke" and support Hillary getting to make the nomination and then support the Senate confirming that nomination. "The people spoke" right so I'm sure he will support her nominee.

2. Scramble like hell to get hearings and a vote on Garland during the lame duck session in November before the Senate recesses in December. But since "the people spoke" he will be showing that he was lying about relying on the outcome of the election.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit, if Hillary wins the White House, for Obama to call McConnell and withdraw the Garland nomination and either put up a more left judge or tell him he can support a Hillary nomination. In other words "You had your chance and you fucked up by backing yourself in a corner. Well the people spoke and they wanted Hillary so suck it. LOL"


McConnel has already insinuated that the Senate won't hold any hearing on any nominee, even after the election....until the NRA approves them.
It's the Republicans giving the 65,915,796 Americans who voted for President Obama in 2012 a hardy "Fuck you! Your vote doesn't matter!"

Or maybe they are giving the voters who voted in a huge Republican majority in Congress and a slight majority in the Senate what we want.

It's an Albatross McConnell put around the GOP's neck that could give the Senate back to the Dems.

Great. When it happens, it happens, but I think most voters could care less about this nomination. Most probably don't even know it's going on.

If people wanted "all Obama all the time," they would have voted in a Democrat majority in Congress and the Senate. But we voted a Republican majority TO STOP Obama--not go along with him.

The Senate is part of Congress, but anyways....the 2014 class of Senators is by far the smallest class elected out of the three. It represents the fewest people and are also geographically concentrated in the South. It's hardly a good metric to go by.

Get it straight: Every state regardless of size gets two Senators. That's in contrast to the Congress which is a system of a Congress critter for every X amount of people in the state.

Now I fully understand the Democrat party is the party of excuses, but maybe once in a while they should look in the mirror and place blame instead of making excuses. There has never been a book written by a successful excuse maker.
GOP Senator Gets Honest: 'Trust Me, We Will Not Allow The Supreme Court To Flip'

“No, trust me, we will not allow the Supreme Court to flip,” Johnson told a Wisconsin radio station on Friday. “It’s not going to happen.”

“When other Americans, other than the members of the press, can get their message out, the press’s power is reduced. You engage in campaign finance reform, which restricts free speech, that makes a few members of the press have all the more power. So the press is really not for freedom of speech. They like restrictions in speech because it gives them more power. So again, they want to see the Supreme Court flipped. I got that.”

In an attempt to block campaign finance reform...Senate Republicans are blocking a Supreme Court nomination, to prevent it from being "flipped". There is nothing the Republicans have against the nominee Obama put up in's all just partisan obstruction of Constitutional duties.

This is the first moment in our history that a major political party is saying they will ignore the Constitution because their political party is the only god they have now.

People don't recognize it yet but this is a Constitutional crisis. The Republicans are stating "we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

They are in effect nullifying every vote in the 2012 presidential election. These people are not Americans anymore. You think Eisenhower would do such a thing? He would have never considered it.

"we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

You mean kind of like the same sentiments that Obama had towards the Republican Congress?

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone."
Barack Insane Obama

You'd excuse the Republicans for anything.

Anything. As I said, you people have given up on the Constitution. You are the weak part of the population, your worldview is slowly fading away, and your only hope is to cheat, lie, and ignore 240 years of American democracy.

Gnash your teeth and whine all you want. The demographics have changed and your penchant of forcing other people to do things is coming to a close, for good. You don't want to change? Then buh bye. Have a good cry.

Republicans are "forcing" people do do things? Like what?

The only force I'm aware of is Commie Care. You know, fine the business or the individual (or both) for not having healthcare insurance.

So who do you think the Tea Party is? It's a group of people (mostly Republican) that want to return the country to the words of the US Constitution. Of course, if we ever went back to that way of governing, there would be no such thing as a Democrat party. No more federal government freebies to buy votes with.
GOP Senator Gets Honest: 'Trust Me, We Will Not Allow The Supreme Court To Flip'

“No, trust me, we will not allow the Supreme Court to flip,” Johnson told a Wisconsin radio station on Friday. “It’s not going to happen.”

“When other Americans, other than the members of the press, can get their message out, the press’s power is reduced. You engage in campaign finance reform, which restricts free speech, that makes a few members of the press have all the more power. So the press is really not for freedom of speech. They like restrictions in speech because it gives them more power. So again, they want to see the Supreme Court flipped. I got that.”

In an attempt to block campaign finance reform...Senate Republicans are blocking a Supreme Court nomination, to prevent it from being "flipped". There is nothing the Republicans have against the nominee Obama put up in's all just partisan obstruction of Constitutional duties.

This is the first moment in our history that a major political party is saying they will ignore the Constitution because their political party is the only god they have now.

People don't recognize it yet but this is a Constitutional crisis. The Republicans are stating "we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

They are in effect nullifying every vote in the 2012 presidential election. These people are not Americans anymore. You think Eisenhower would do such a thing? He would have never considered it.

"we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

You mean kind of like the same sentiments that Obama had towards the Republican Congress?

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone."
Barack Insane Obama

You'd excuse the Republicans for anything.

Anything. As I said, you people have given up on the Constitution. You are the weak part of the population, your worldview is slowly fading away, and your only hope is to cheat, lie, and ignore 240 years of American democracy.

Gnash your teeth and whine all you want. The demographics have changed and your penchant of forcing other people to do things is coming to a close, for good. You don't want to change? Then buh bye. Have a good cry.

Republicans are "forcing" people do do things? Like what?

The only force I'm aware of is Commie Care. You know, fine the business or the individual (or both) for not having healthcare insurance.

So who do you think the Tea Party is? It's a group of people (mostly Republican) that want to return the country to the words of the US Constitution. Of course, if we ever went back to that way of governing, there would be no such thing as a Democrat party. No more federal government freebies to buy votes with.

Oh please stop. You piss on the Constitution every chance you get. The Constitution says the Senate interviews then approves an appointment by the president to the Senate. Has worked for 240 years, until now. Now Republicans have decided and have said, we won't approve anyone put forth by this duly elected president, we won't approve anyone until the NRA approves them first, we admit it, we aren't going to allow the Supreme Court to swing to the liberal side.

This is what Republicans have said. You aren't Americans anymore. You pretend to be but the democracy doesn't work for you any more so you've decided to ignore the Constitution. And Republicans give away free shit all the time, they just prefer to give it to people that don't need the money.

You only lie to yourself.
GOP Senator Gets Honest: 'Trust Me, We Will Not Allow The Supreme Court To Flip'

In an attempt to block campaign finance reform...Senate Republicans are blocking a Supreme Court nomination, to prevent it from being "flipped". There is nothing the Republicans have against the nominee Obama put up in's all just partisan obstruction of Constitutional duties.

This is the first moment in our history that a major political party is saying they will ignore the Constitution because their political party is the only god they have now.

People don't recognize it yet but this is a Constitutional crisis. The Republicans are stating "we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

They are in effect nullifying every vote in the 2012 presidential election. These people are not Americans anymore. You think Eisenhower would do such a thing? He would have never considered it.

"we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

You mean kind of like the same sentiments that Obama had towards the Republican Congress?

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone."
Barack Insane Obama

You'd excuse the Republicans for anything.

Anything. As I said, you people have given up on the Constitution. You are the weak part of the population, your worldview is slowly fading away, and your only hope is to cheat, lie, and ignore 240 years of American democracy.

Gnash your teeth and whine all you want. The demographics have changed and your penchant of forcing other people to do things is coming to a close, for good. You don't want to change? Then buh bye. Have a good cry.

Republicans are "forcing" people do do things? Like what?

The only force I'm aware of is Commie Care. You know, fine the business or the individual (or both) for not having healthcare insurance.

So who do you think the Tea Party is? It's a group of people (mostly Republican) that want to return the country to the words of the US Constitution. Of course, if we ever went back to that way of governing, there would be no such thing as a Democrat party. No more federal government freebies to buy votes with.

Oh please stop. You piss on the Constitution every chance you get. The Constitution says the Senate interviews then approves an appointment by the president to the Senate. Has worked for 240 years, until now. Now Republicans have decided and have said, we won't approve anyone put forth by this duly elected president, we won't approve anyone until the NRA approves them first, we admit it, we aren't going to allow the Supreme Court to swing to the liberal side.

This is what Republicans have said. You aren't Americans anymore. You pretend to be but the democracy doesn't work for you any more so you've decided to ignore the Constitution. And Republicans give away free shit all the time, they just prefer to give it to people that don't need the money.

You only lie to yourself.
The dumbazzed Republicans don't realize that by refusing to confirm the Conservative ( but not bat shit crazy ) nominated by Obama ... the court is now producing LIBERAL decisions until such time as someone else is nominated and confirmed which, according to Republicans .. will likely be next year.

So their hissy fit is producing a Liberal Court ... the very thing they don't want.
This is the first moment in our history that a major political party is saying they will ignore the Constitution because their political party is the only god they have now.

People don't recognize it yet but this is a Constitutional crisis. The Republicans are stating "we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

They are in effect nullifying every vote in the 2012 presidential election. These people are not Americans anymore. You think Eisenhower would do such a thing? He would have never considered it.

"we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

You mean kind of like the same sentiments that Obama had towards the Republican Congress?

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone."
Barack Insane Obama

You'd excuse the Republicans for anything.

Anything. As I said, you people have given up on the Constitution. You are the weak part of the population, your worldview is slowly fading away, and your only hope is to cheat, lie, and ignore 240 years of American democracy.

Gnash your teeth and whine all you want. The demographics have changed and your penchant of forcing other people to do things is coming to a close, for good. You don't want to change? Then buh bye. Have a good cry.

Republicans are "forcing" people do do things? Like what?

The only force I'm aware of is Commie Care. You know, fine the business or the individual (or both) for not having healthcare insurance.

So who do you think the Tea Party is? It's a group of people (mostly Republican) that want to return the country to the words of the US Constitution. Of course, if we ever went back to that way of governing, there would be no such thing as a Democrat party. No more federal government freebies to buy votes with.

Oh please stop. You piss on the Constitution every chance you get. The Constitution says the Senate interviews then approves an appointment by the president to the Senate. Has worked for 240 years, until now. Now Republicans have decided and have said, we won't approve anyone put forth by this duly elected president, we won't approve anyone until the NRA approves them first, we admit it, we aren't going to allow the Supreme Court to swing to the liberal side.

This is what Republicans have said. You aren't Americans anymore. You pretend to be but the democracy doesn't work for you any more so you've decided to ignore the Constitution. And Republicans give away free shit all the time, they just prefer to give it to people that don't need the money.

You only lie to yourself.
The dumbazzed Republicans don't realize that by refusing to confirm the Conservative ( but not bat shit crazy ) nominated by Obama ... the court is now producing LIBERAL decisions until such time as someone else is nominated and confirmed which, according to Republicans .. will likely be next year.

So their hissy fit is producing a Liberal Court ... the very thing they don't want.

I agree. And when they lose in November they will scramble like mad dogs to approve Garland because anyone else nominated by Hilllary or Bernie is going to be alot more liberal.

The Republicans are right in the middle of a huge shit sandwich and there is no way out. Even if Trump were to win in November on some weird aligning of the evil planets, the Democrats in the Senate will block anyone he nominates. For all four years and then use the Republican's own words, "we are waiting on the next election so the American people can speak".
"we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

You mean kind of like the same sentiments that Obama had towards the Republican Congress?

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone."
Barack Insane Obama

You'd excuse the Republicans for anything.

Anything. As I said, you people have given up on the Constitution. You are the weak part of the population, your worldview is slowly fading away, and your only hope is to cheat, lie, and ignore 240 years of American democracy.

Gnash your teeth and whine all you want. The demographics have changed and your penchant of forcing other people to do things is coming to a close, for good. You don't want to change? Then buh bye. Have a good cry.

Republicans are "forcing" people do do things? Like what?

The only force I'm aware of is Commie Care. You know, fine the business or the individual (or both) for not having healthcare insurance.

So who do you think the Tea Party is? It's a group of people (mostly Republican) that want to return the country to the words of the US Constitution. Of course, if we ever went back to that way of governing, there would be no such thing as a Democrat party. No more federal government freebies to buy votes with.

Oh please stop. You piss on the Constitution every chance you get. The Constitution says the Senate interviews then approves an appointment by the president to the Senate. Has worked for 240 years, until now. Now Republicans have decided and have said, we won't approve anyone put forth by this duly elected president, we won't approve anyone until the NRA approves them first, we admit it, we aren't going to allow the Supreme Court to swing to the liberal side.

This is what Republicans have said. You aren't Americans anymore. You pretend to be but the democracy doesn't work for you any more so you've decided to ignore the Constitution. And Republicans give away free shit all the time, they just prefer to give it to people that don't need the money.

You only lie to yourself.
The dumbazzed Republicans don't realize that by refusing to confirm the Conservative ( but not bat shit crazy ) nominated by Obama ... the court is now producing LIBERAL decisions until such time as someone else is nominated and confirmed which, according to Republicans .. will likely be next year.

So their hissy fit is producing a Liberal Court ... the very thing they don't want.

I agree. And when they lose in November they will scramble like mad dogs to approve Garland because anyone else nominated by Hilllary or Bernie is going to be alot more liberal.

The Republicans are right in the middle of a huge shit sandwich and there is no way out. Even if Trump were to win in November on some weird aligning of the evil planets, the Democrats in the Senate will block anyone he nominates. For all four years and then use the Republican's own words, "we are waiting on the next election so the American people can speak".
I would rather see Trump as President than bat shit crazy religious nut job Cruz.

In the past, Trump has supported Social Security / Medicare / and abortion. Now that he's running as a Republican, he is toeing the ultra right wing line ... but if he gets into office the Raging Righties might be in for one hell of a surprise. On anything other than Illegal immigration he may turn out to be more liberal than they are expecting. Shhh don't tell those fucking idiots though. :)
GOP Senator Gets Honest: 'Trust Me, We Will Not Allow The Supreme Court To Flip'

“No, trust me, we will not allow the Supreme Court to flip,” Johnson told a Wisconsin radio station on Friday. “It’s not going to happen.”

“When other Americans, other than the members of the press, can get their message out, the press’s power is reduced. You engage in campaign finance reform, which restricts free speech, that makes a few members of the press have all the more power. So the press is really not for freedom of speech. They like restrictions in speech because it gives them more power. So again, they want to see the Supreme Court flipped. I got that.”

In an attempt to block campaign finance reform...Senate Republicans are blocking a Supreme Court nomination, to prevent it from being "flipped". There is nothing the Republicans have against the nominee Obama put up in's all just partisan obstruction of Constitutional duties.

This is the first moment in our history that a major political party is saying they will ignore the Constitution because their political party is the only god they have now.

People don't recognize it yet but this is a Constitutional crisis. The Republicans are stating "we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

They are in effect nullifying every vote in the 2012 presidential election. These people are not Americans anymore. You think Eisenhower would do such a thing? He would have never considered it.

How is the Constitution ignored?
GOP Senator Gets Honest: 'Trust Me, We Will Not Allow The Supreme Court To Flip'

In an attempt to block campaign finance reform...Senate Republicans are blocking a Supreme Court nomination, to prevent it from being "flipped". There is nothing the Republicans have against the nominee Obama put up in's all just partisan obstruction of Constitutional duties.

This is the first moment in our history that a major political party is saying they will ignore the Constitution because their political party is the only god they have now.

People don't recognize it yet but this is a Constitutional crisis. The Republicans are stating "we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

They are in effect nullifying every vote in the 2012 presidential election. These people are not Americans anymore. You think Eisenhower would do such a thing? He would have never considered it.

"we'll do what we want when in power, there is no Constitution any more."

You mean kind of like the same sentiments that Obama had towards the Republican Congress?

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone."
Barack Insane Obama

You'd excuse the Republicans for anything.

Anything. As I said, you people have given up on the Constitution. You are the weak part of the population, your worldview is slowly fading away, and your only hope is to cheat, lie, and ignore 240 years of American democracy.

Gnash your teeth and whine all you want. The demographics have changed and your penchant of forcing other people to do things is coming to a close, for good. You don't want to change? Then buh bye. Have a good cry.

Republicans are "forcing" people do do things? Like what?

The only force I'm aware of is Commie Care. You know, fine the business or the individual (or both) for not having healthcare insurance.

So who do you think the Tea Party is? It's a group of people (mostly Republican) that want to return the country to the words of the US Constitution. Of course, if we ever went back to that way of governing, there would be no such thing as a Democrat party. No more federal government freebies to buy votes with.

Oh please stop. You piss on the Constitution every chance you get. The Constitution says the Senate interviews then approves an appointment by the president to the Senate. Has worked for 240 years, until now. Now Republicans have decided and have said, we won't approve anyone put forth by this duly elected president, we won't approve anyone until the NRA approves them first, we admit it, we aren't going to allow the Supreme Court to swing to the liberal side.

This is what Republicans have said. You aren't Americans anymore. You pretend to be but the democracy doesn't work for you any more so you've decided to ignore the Constitution. And Republicans give away free shit all the time, they just prefer to give it to people that don't need the money.

You only lie to yourself.

And you would be pissing and moaning just as loud if they had the hearing and turned him down.

DumBama wants to play politics with all this and you're just fine with that. That's besides the fact that the Republicans might change their minds in five or six months and still be well within their constitutional authority.

The thing that kills me about you libs is you want to bring up tradition such as an immediate hearing that we had for 240 years, but when point out we've had normal marriage since day one of this country, you tell us that we and the Constitution need to change with the times.
I wasn't aware that the House sends the Senate a Supreme Court nominee.

I could have sworn that was the president.
But you want to talk "partisan" when Harry Reid practically shut down the government over "politics"?????

Gee, I think your hypocrisy is pretty obvious on that one.....

Since its completely obvious you can't show us even ONE example of the democrats ever refusing to conduct a hearing on a presidential nominee for the Supreme Court because the 'next president should decide......when did Harry Reid 'shut down the government'?

So just remember the immortal words of your "Magic Negro"......

"Elections have consequences".....

Magic Negro, huh? And republicans wonder why black folks don't vote for them.

it was a black guy that invented the term Magic Negro.

But it was a fat white guy that spread it out among the masses.

The fat white guy loves so use what liberals say and spread it among the masses. That's what making fun of liberals is all about.

Yeah like that liberal song "Barack the Magic Negro"

He lies about what gets said and then extrapolates an entirely new and often sinister meaning to what was really said. He has that type of propaganda down to a science. The Ditto Heads are mostly too stupid to pick up on the lie so of course they believe.
It's the Republicans giving the 65,915,796 Americans who voted for President Obama in 2012 a hardy "Fuck you! Your vote doesn't matter!"

Or maybe they are giving the voters who voted in a huge Republican majority in Congress and a slight majority in the Senate what we want.

It's an Albatross McConnell put around the GOP's neck that could give the Senate back to the Dems.

Great. When it happens, it happens, but I think most voters could care less about this nomination. Most probably don't even know it's going on.

If people wanted "all Obama all the time," they would have voted in a Democrat majority in Congress and the Senate. But we voted a Republican majority TO STOP Obama--not go along with him.

The Senate is part of Congress, but anyways....the 2014 class of Senators is by far the smallest class elected out of the three. It represents the fewest people and are also geographically concentrated in the South. It's hardly a good metric to go by.

Get it straight: Every state regardless of size gets two Senators. That's in contrast to the Congress which is a system of a Congress critter for every X amount of people in the state.

Now I fully understand the Democrat party is the party of excuses, but maybe once in a while they should look in the mirror and place blame instead of making excuses. There has never been a book written by a successful excuse maker.

Congress is made up of 2 chambers, the House of Representatives and the Senate.
But you want to talk "partisan" when Harry Reid practically shut down the government over "politics"?????

Gee, I think your hypocrisy is pretty obvious on that one.....

Since its completely obvious you can't show us even ONE example of the democrats ever refusing to conduct a hearing on a presidential nominee for the Supreme Court because the 'next president should decide......when did Harry Reid 'shut down the government'?

So just remember the immortal words of your "Magic Negro"......

"Elections have consequences".....

Magic Negro, huh? And republicans wonder why black folks don't vote for them.

it was a black guy that invented the term Magic Negro.

But it was a fat white guy that spread it out among the masses.

The fat white guy loves so use what liberals say and spread it among the masses. That's what making fun of liberals is all about.

Yeah like that liberal song "Barack the Magic Negro"

He lies about what gets said and then extrapolates an entirely new and often sinister meaning to what was really said. He has that type of propaganda down to a science. The Ditto Heads are mostly too stupid to pick up on the lie so of course they believe.

What's not to believe?

It was a black liberal columnist that made up the phrase and yes, Rush took off on it.
Since its completely obvious you can't show us even ONE example of the democrats ever refusing to conduct a hearing on a presidential nominee for the Supreme Court because the 'next president should decide......when did Harry Reid 'shut down the government'?

Magic Negro, huh? And republicans wonder why black folks don't vote for them.

it was a black guy that invented the term Magic Negro.

But it was a fat white guy that spread it out among the masses.

The fat white guy loves so use what liberals say and spread it among the masses. That's what making fun of liberals is all about.

Yeah like that liberal song "Barack the Magic Negro"

He lies about what gets said and then extrapolates an entirely new and often sinister meaning to what was really said. He has that type of propaganda down to a science. The Ditto Heads are mostly too stupid to pick up on the lie so of course they believe.

What's not to believe?

It was a black liberal columnist that made up the phrase and yes, Rush took off on it.

American critic David Ehrenstein used the title "Obama the 'Magic Negro'" for an editorial he wrote for the Los Angeles Times, saying that:

He's there [Obama] to assuage white "guilt" (i.e., the minimal discomfort they feel) over the role of slavery and racial segregation in American history, while replacing stereotypes of a dangerous, highly sexualized black man with a benign figure for whom interracial sexual congress holds no interest.[12]

This inspired parodist Paul Shanklin to write the song "Barack the Magic Negro", which was eventually broadcast by Rush Limbaugh's radio show.[13]

Magical Negro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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