Republican Senator says GOP way too extreme

Dale Schultz (R-Wisconsin), said in a recent interview, that the GOP has become too extreme, and compared its decision-making to that of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He was criticizing the late-night legislating that led to the final passage of the state budget, specifically the "10 hours of secret negotiations among majority Republicans," where lawmakers discussed school vouchers, income tax breaks and public school funding.

Look, I think that things have gotten way too extreme and out of hand, and when we start taking important policy issues about whether or not we're going to have bounty hunters in Wisconsin and throwing them in -- in the middle of the night -- without any transparency, public discussion, or analysis, I think we have a problem," Schultz said.

What a majority of the people have an issue with, is how this was done in secret, without public knowledge or consent, which is not what a transparent democracy does. The GOP will have you believe they want "limited" government, yet these are their actions.

The Appleton Post-Crescent published an editorial Wednesday chastising legislators for failing to operate during business hours. "Lawmakers: You look sneaky at best and downright deceptive at worst when you work at night and change the budget seemingly on a whim," the paper wrote. "This must stop. Find a way to conduct your business during normal business hours, and give voters notice on the changes you’re considering that affect their lives and the tax bills."

A spokesperson for the Republican Party of Wisconsin could not be reached for comment (of course!).

Just how far from reality is the GOP? They sit there, and down right demonize government, and spew hate for liberals and the like for all of their missuses of power, yet they act like an authoritarian government.
No different than the non-transparency of government run under Barack Obama, so next thread needed, as this one should be over on that note.
No kidding. Can you imagine if the Progressive Caucus controlled Democrats the way the Tea Partiers control Republicans?

You mean they dont? Could have fooled me.

You tell me...there are just over 50 Tea Party Caucus members in the House and over 70 members of the Progressive Caucus. Which group holds more sway over party leaders? Was there a public option included in the Health Care reform? Have they ever manage to hold legislation hostage as the Tea Party Caucus has?

OK, so there are more Progs than Tea Party people. And the Progs are the party currently in power. They dont hold legislation hostage because they have the power to pass stuff.
Looks like a big ole fail on your part.
You mean they dont? Could have fooled me.

You tell me...there are just over 50 Tea Party Caucus members in the House and over 70 members of the Progressive Caucus. Which group holds more sway over party leaders? Was there a public option included in the Health Care reform? Have they ever manage to hold legislation hostage as the Tea Party Caucus has?

OK, so there are more Progs than Tea Party people. And the Progs are the party currently in power. They dont hold legislation hostage because they have the power to pass stuff.
Looks like a big ole fail on your part.

You know, everyone has the right to be stupid, but you're simply abusing the privilege.

You tell me...there are just over 50 Tea Party Caucus members in the House and over 70 members of the Progressive Caucus. Which group holds more sway over party leaders? Was there a public option included in the Health Care reform? Have they ever manage to hold legislation hostage as the Tea Party Caucus has?

OK, so there are more Progs than Tea Party people. And the Progs are the party currently in power. They dont hold legislation hostage because they have the power to pass stuff.
Looks like a big ole fail on your part.

You know, everyone has the right to be stupid, but you're simply abusing the privilege.

Hey if you need help understanding my post don't be afraid to ask for it. There are no stupid questions.

Anyway, no doubt you, as a union-troll mouth breathing oxygen thief, agree with the nonentity from WI, only because the state of WI finally kicked union ass and you're butt hurt.
You mean they dont? Could have fooled me.

You tell me...there are just over 50 Tea Party Caucus members in the House and over 70 members of the Progressive Caucus. Which group holds more sway over party leaders? Was there a public option included in the Health Care reform? Have they ever manage to hold legislation hostage as the Tea Party Caucus has?

OK, so there are more Progs than Tea Party people. And the Progs are the party currently in power. They dont hold legislation hostage because they have the power to pass stuff.
Looks like a big ole fail on your part.

Really? What has the Progressive Caucus gotten passed?

You can deny and spin, but the right is farther right than the left is far left.



You tell me...there are just over 50 Tea Party Caucus members in the House and over 70 members of the Progressive Caucus. Which group holds more sway over party leaders? Was there a public option included in the Health Care reform? Have they ever manage to hold legislation hostage as the Tea Party Caucus has?

OK, so there are more Progs than Tea Party people. And the Progs are the party currently in power. They dont hold legislation hostage because they have the power to pass stuff.
Looks like a big ole fail on your part.

Really? What has the Progressive Caucus gotten passed?

You can deny and spin, but the right is farther right than the left is far left.




thank gawd they haven't gotten more than they have...THE PEOPLE gave the House to Republicans in the midterm and again with Obama's re-election to STOP THEM after OBAMACARE...that must chap a lot of butts..
tsk tsk
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You tell me...there are just over 50 Tea Party Caucus members in the House and over 70 members of the Progressive Caucus. Which group holds more sway over party leaders? Was there a public option included in the Health Care reform? Have they ever manage to hold legislation hostage as the Tea Party Caucus has?

OK, so there are more Progs than Tea Party people. And the Progs are the party currently in power. They dont hold legislation hostage because they have the power to pass stuff.
Looks like a big ole fail on your part.

Really? What has the Progressive Caucus gotten passed?

You can deny and spin, but the right is farther right than the left is far left.




They got passed everything they wanted, one way or another. The only thing standing in their way for the first two years were other Democrats.
Both sides are becoming extremes of one another. The democrats are moving further left. The republicans are moving further right. This is what happens in a split whether it's a country or a sheet of paper.
Both sides are becoming extremes of one another. The democrats are moving further left. The republicans are moving further right. This is what happens in a split whether it's a country or a sheet of paper.

For every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction. The first two years of the O Administration marked the most left ward lurch since LBJ. Not surprising people are moving back the other way.
According to the system, both parties have been on a trajectory toward more “extreme” positions since roughly 1970, the natural result of which is more polarization. However, the parties do not quite share equal responsibility for this: Republicans have moved about twice as much to the right as Democrats have to the left. Also, while the Democrats’ leftward shift was essentially a one-off event, the result of many moderate, Southern Democrats losing their seats in the early 1990s, the Republicans’ rightward transition has been continuous and steady.
According to the system, both parties have been on a trajectory toward more “extreme” positions since roughly 1970, the natural result of which is more polarization. However, the parties do not quite share equal responsibility for this: Republicans have moved about twice as much to the right as Democrats have to the left. Also, while the Democrats’ leftward shift was essentially a one-off event, the result of many moderate, Southern Democrats losing their seats in the early 1990s, the Republicans’ rightward transition has been continuous and steady.

yeah sure..
the Democrat party has gone so far left, they should just take the name, the Socialist party of the United States..there is NOTHING Democratic about them today..unless we want to be like Venezuela, or Cuba
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According to the system, both parties have been on a trajectory toward more “extreme” positions since roughly 1970, the natural result of which is more polarization. However, the parties do not quite share equal responsibility for this: Republicans have moved about twice as much to the right as Democrats have to the left. Also, while the Democrats’ leftward shift was essentially a one-off event, the result of many moderate, Southern Democrats losing their seats in the early 1990s, the Republicans’ rightward transition has been continuous and steady.

yeah sure..
the Democrat party has gone so far left, they should just take the name, the Socialist party of the United States..there is NOTHING Democratic about them today..unless we want to be like Venezuela, or Cuba

You surpassed the bounds of reasonableness so long ago you don't even know what it looks like anymore.

Some "socialism"...

As share of GDP, corporate profits highest since 1950

dow Hits Highest Close EVER
According to the system, both parties have been on a trajectory toward more “extreme” positions since roughly 1970, the natural result of which is more polarization. However, the parties do not quite share equal responsibility for this: Republicans have moved about twice as much to the right as Democrats have to the left. Also, while the Democrats’ leftward shift was essentially a one-off event, the result of many moderate, Southern Democrats losing their seats in the early 1990s, the Republicans’ rightward transition has been continuous and steady.

According to the system. Rly? Why should I believe a system put together by left wingers? We are dealing with people who think nationalizing the oil companies is a reasonable subject for policy debate.
According to the system, both parties have been on a trajectory toward more “extreme” positions since roughly 1970, the natural result of which is more polarization. However, the parties do not quite share equal responsibility for this: Republicans have moved about twice as much to the right as Democrats have to the left. Also, while the Democrats’ leftward shift was essentially a one-off event, the result of many moderate, Southern Democrats losing their seats in the early 1990s, the Republicans’ rightward transition has been continuous and steady.

According to the system. Rly? Why should I believe a system put together by left wingers? We are dealing with people who think nationalizing the oil companies is a reasonable subject for policy debate.

And yet you've provided no evidence to the contrary. You simply cannot deny that the "Right" has gone further right than the "Left" have ever gone left.

Now, you might like how far right they have gone and may even want them to go farther to the right, but that does not change the original fact.
You tell me...there are just over 50 Tea Party Caucus members in the House and over 70 members of the Progressive Caucus. Which group holds more sway over party leaders? Was there a public option included in the Health Care reform? Have they ever manage to hold legislation hostage as the Tea Party Caucus has?

OK, so there are more Progs than Tea Party people. And the Progs are the party currently in power. They dont hold legislation hostage because they have the power to pass stuff.
Looks like a big ole fail on your part.

Really? What has the Progressive Caucus gotten passed?

You can deny and spin, but the right is farther right than the left is far left.



Does these graphs show that the majority in country have been mostly supportive of Republicans over time ?
According to the system, both parties have been on a trajectory toward more “extreme” positions since roughly 1970, the natural result of which is more polarization. However, the parties do not quite share equal responsibility for this: Republicans have moved about twice as much to the right as Democrats have to the left. Also, while the Democrats’ leftward shift was essentially a one-off event, the result of many moderate, Southern Democrats losing their seats in the early 1990s, the Republicans’ rightward transition has been continuous and steady.

According to the system. Rly? Why should I believe a system put together by left wingers? We are dealing with people who think nationalizing the oil companies is a reasonable subject for policy debate.

And yet you've provided no evidence to the contrary. You simply cannot deny that the "Right" has gone further right than the "Left" have ever gone left.

Now, you might like how far right they have gone and may even want them to go farther to the right, but that does not change the original fact.

You can't counter bullshit. What does "go to the right" even mean? Is pushing for mroe restrictive immigration right or left? Is wanting more investigation of civil rights abuses by this administration right or left? You haven't even defined what "right" or "left" means so how can a party go one way or another? This is another one of those embarassing memes the Left trots out periodically. Like "all Republicans vote in lockstep" or "George Bush was a conservative." When confronted with facts they fade into name calling and silence.
No farther than the Democrat Party is.

I disagree with that. I left the Republican Party because the extreme right completely controls the party. To those of you on the far right, you think the Democrats are far left because you are so far to the right, but the fact is that most Democrats are fairly moderate. Moderate Republicans are finding their way to the Democratic Party.

I understand you wanting to leave the Republican party because of the extremism, but if all of the moderate pubs leave, then that party will have serious problems. More so than now, if that's even conceivable. :eek:

I don't see there being any fight left to win control of the Republican Party. That has already happened and the far right won. Now they have to deal with becoming the party of no significance as they lose one election after another. Just as a point of perspective, Romney moved much further to the right during his 2012 run compared to where he stood in 2008. I supported him in 2008 but not in 2012. At this point, I believe my vote and ideas can be more effective persuading Dems to be a bit more moderate and less liberal versus trying to move those on the far right anywhere near the center. To make matters worse, I personally disagree with almost all of the social agenda from the far right. At this point, I find it very unlikely that I would ever go back to the Republican Party, but one never knows.

Come 2016, we shall see who controls the Republican Party. My guess is that Christie will become an after thought and not come close to winning the nomination because he is just too liberal for today's Republican Party. A good percentage of Republicans are already very upset with him for even shaking Obama's hand. It's laughable.
No farther than the Democrat Party is.

I disagree with that. I left the Republican Party because the extreme right completely controls the party. To those of you on the far right, you think the Democrats are far left because you are so far to the right, but the fact is that most Democrats are fairly moderate. Moderate Republicans are finding their way to the Democratic Party.

Any "moderate" republicans that were finding their way to the democratic party got chased off by Obama.

Why? Because Obama is Bush III?
No farther than the Democrat Party is.

I disagree with that. I left the Republican Party because the extreme right completely controls the party. To those of you on the far right, you think the Democrats are far left because you are so far to the right, but the fact is that most Democrats are fairly moderate. Moderate Republicans are finding their way to the Democratic Party.

you're insane, look at the freakshow that controls the dems, environmentalist whackos (better believe in the global warming hoax)
the gaystopo (gotta love them homos, or else you will be crushed!)
the civil rights groups (dont they seem a lot like NATO, do they have a function anymore?)
Abortion lovers (kill kids if it gets in the way of your partying lifestyle!)
Criminal lovers (criminals just need a hug!)
Gun grabbers (hate those guns, love those murderers, rapists, pedophiles, ect)
IRS targeting on politics
NSA spying on people

yeah, love those democrats

Denying the fact that the planet is warming makes you the insane one. Whether CO2 emissions is the direct cause, I'm not absolutely certain but there is plenty of evidence pointing us in that direction. But denying that it's getting hotter as all the ice caps continue at a pace even faster than predicted means you have your head in the sand.

As for you hating gays, well, that's just another reason for me to shy away from a party of homophobes. I happen to have a number of gay friends and they are good people who deserve to have the same rights as everyone else. Oh, and I'm not worried that their gayness might rub off on me.

Most all of the crap you buy into is based on a social agenda that dictates what people can and cannot do, but you call yourself conservative. That's actually a contradiction at best. No, I'm not insane at all.
According to the system. Rly? Why should I believe a system put together by left wingers? We are dealing with people who think nationalizing the oil companies is a reasonable subject for policy debate.

And yet you've provided no evidence to the contrary. You simply cannot deny that the "Right" has gone further right than the "Left" have ever gone left.

Now, you might like how far right they have gone and may even want them to go farther to the right, but that does not change the original fact.

You can't counter bullshit. What does "go to the right" even mean? Is pushing for mroe restrictive immigration right or left? Is wanting more investigation of civil rights abuses by this administration right or left? You haven't even defined what "right" or "left" means so how can a party go one way or another? This is another one of those embarassing memes the Left trots out periodically. Like "all Republicans vote in lockstep" or "George Bush was a conservative." When confronted with facts they fade into name calling and silence.
I bet the republicans will vote in lock step from here on out, just like the democrats did in these last two elections, and this no matter what.

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