Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

...and you do realize right wingers that you are powerless to impact what another sovereign country wishes to do with its money, know-how and help from that country's allies?

You spew your hatred, profanity, 4th graders' insults, and bigotry on here......and you should know (or at least your remaining few brain cells should) that its all for naught......

No we are not. We can nix Obama's stupid plan, which does MORE to help Iran than doing nothing and leaving current more strict sanctions in place, idiot.
No we are not. We can nix Obama's stupid plan, which does MORE to help Iran than doing nothing and leaving current more strict sanctions in place, idiot.

Go right ahead, delusional Chrissy.....nix away.......LOL
No we are not. We can nix Obama's stupid plan, which does MORE to help Iran than doing nothing and leaving current more strict sanctions in place, idiot.

Go right ahead, delusional Chrissy.....nix away.......LOL

This is why I support the senators, understand yet?
you mean the 47 senators? Come n Chrissy. Take your partisan blinders off. You look silly.
Lets say.....just for argument sake........that the excerpt (below) from an article is indeed true. How would you right wingers feel if you were thusly MANIPULATED by foreign lobbyists?

The views that Cotton and the other Republicans have espoused on Iran were the product of assiduous lobbying by Israeli agents of influence using the inducement of promises of election funding and the threat of support for the members’ opponents in future elections.
Link to that?
Do you have an unbiased link for your accusations against our country? Maybe you should go live in Iran. I think you would be happy there.
Here you go...

The United-States of America remains the largest exporter of conventional weapons in the world, according to the latest study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The U.S account for 30% of global arms sales, or about $7 billion per year, for the period 2005-2009, SIPRI statement says. From 2005 to 2009, the U.S. sold one-third of its arm exports to South Korea (15%), Israel (13%) and the United Arab Emirates (11%).
And don't forget about this one.

How the US Supports the Islamic State (ISIS):
No, sorry but Obama is the one going to have a hard time. For one thing, the head of the IAEA says Iran is still being "slow to comply." He says that could potentially interfere with Obama's stupid idiotic deal.

U.N. nuclear watchdog says pace of Iran s cooperation slow Reuters

Why do yo blatantly lie and post a link to prove you lied?

"The IAEA remains ready to accelerate the resolution of all outstanding issues, Amano added, but "this process cannot continue indefinitely". Iran's leading negotiator Abbas Araqchi met with Amano last week, promising swifter cooperation, but neither side has spelled out any details."

They are still negotiating and Obama says its 50/50 on reaching a deal. So maybe these couple issues are part of it You don't known. So you lie to call it Obama's stupid deal.

From your link;
The IAEA is likely to monitor the implementation of any deal between Iran and the six powers. Amano said he proposed a 1.8-percent increase to the body's 344-million-euro ($386 million) budget given increased demand for its services.

He reiterated deep concern about the nuclear activities of North Korea, which quit the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1993. The IAEA has not had inspectors on the ground there since they were expelled by North Korea in 2009.
. (Reuters) - The U.N. nuclear watchdog chief said on Monday Iran was being slow to cooperate with his agency's investigation into the Iranian atomic program and that the inquiry could not continue indefinitely.

Do you want Iran to go back to being like North Korea on nuclear issues and kick the inspectors out?
ChrL 10989091
We can nix Obama's stupid plan, which does MORE to help Iran than doing nothing and leaving current more strict sanctions in place, idiot.

They can't nix the P4+1 and Iran from proceeding and Obama won't veto any UNSC sanctions modifications at the UNSC.

You live in a right wing dream world.

That is why you will always be a fool. Republicans cannot do anything without Dem Senator support and now that Dems see what fools 47 Republican Senators and that support for the negotiations are still 2 to 1 in favor - they will stick with Obama instead of the idiot 47.

If Iran backs out at all it will allow their hardliners to,blame the US and the US loses respect from the P4+1. Iran can still proceed with making a deal,and then Obama can make the case to the American people that Republican hardliners aided and abetted Iran's hardliners in taking the US out of the historic deal that will make the world safer. Americans are 2 to 1 in favor of this deal since negotiations began. You have run away from that truth.
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Except- again- if the other P6 nations realize we aren't negotiating in good faith, they'll just lift the sanctions on their own.

Its really THAT simple.....(and shows the futility of the 47 nitwits' foot-stomping.)

Perhaps "good" theatre for the right wing base (which they would have regardless,) but real stupidity in the diplomacy arena,
Additional excerpts from the Middle East Eye article.....

Cotton’s Loyalty to Israel

Rosenberg (former AIPAC lobbyist) has reasoned that AIPAC must have drafted the letter and handed it to Senator Cotton. “Nothing happens on Capitol Hill related to Israel,” he tweets, “unless and until Howard Kohr (AIPAC chief) wants it to happen. Nothing.”

Senator Cotton just happens to be a protégé of neoconservative political kingpin Bill Kristol, whose Emergency Committee on Israel gave him nearly a million dollars late in his 2014 Senate campaign and guaranteed that Cotton would have the support of the four biggest funders of major anti-Iran organizations.

Cotton proved his absolute fealty to Likudist policy on Iran by sponsoring an amendment to the Nuclear Iran Prevention Act of 2013 that would have punished violators of the sanctions against Iran with prison sentences of up to 20 years and extended the punishment to “a spouse and any relative, to the third degree” of the sanctions violator. In presenting the amendment in the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Cotton provided the useful clarification that it would have included “parents, children, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, grandparents, great grandparents, grandkids, great grandkids”.

That amendment, which he apparently believed would best reflect his adoption of the Israeli view of how to cut Iran down to size, was unsuccessful, but it established his reliability in the eyes of the Republican Likudist kingmakers. Now Kristol is grooming him to be the vice-presidential nominee in 2016.

So the real story behind the letter from Cotton and his Republican colleagues is how the enforcers of Likudist policy on Iran used an ambitious young Republican politician to try to provoke a breakdown in the Iran nuclear negotiations. The issue it raises is a far more serious issue than the Logan Act, but thus far major news organizations have steered clear of that story.
No we are not. We can nix Obama's stupid plan, which does MORE to help Iran than doing nothing and leaving current more strict sanctions in place, idiot.

Except- again- if the other P6 nations realize we aren't negotiating in good faith, they'll just lift the sanctions on their own.

Amazing you don't get this.
They cant lift our sanctions, passed by congress. As much as you leftist would like the U.N to run this country. Congress imposed the sanctions, they'll have to lift them.:thup:
No we are not. We can nix Obama's stupid plan, which does MORE to help Iran than doing nothing and leaving current more strict sanctions in place, idiot.

Except- again- if the other P6 nations realize we aren't negotiating in good faith, they'll just lift the sanctions on their own.

Amazing you don't get this.
Yeah come on people. Its a no-brainer. Don't undercut the President.
Jroc 10990642
They cant lift our sanctions, passed by congress. As much as you leftist would like the U.N to run this country. Congress imposed the sanctions, they'll have to lift them.

How ignorant of the negotiations can you be? Banking sanctions are international. Technical nuclear sanctions are through the UNSC and the US Congress cannot veto them retroactively. Congress can stop US unilateral sanctions from being lifted but that is stupid and childish considering the international community has been at this for nine years and finally getting close to a deal.
No we are not. We can nix Obama's stupid plan, which does MORE to help Iran than doing nothing and leaving current more strict sanctions in place, idiot.

Except- again- if the other P6 nations realize we aren't negotiating in good faith, they'll just lift the sanctions on their own.

Amazing you don't get this.

Good faith is preventing Iran from getting nukes at ALL costs.
ChrL 10989091
We can nix Obama's stupid plan, which does MORE to help Iran than doing nothing and leaving current more strict sanctions in place, idiot.

They can't nix the P4+1 and Iran from proceeding and Obama won't veto any UNSC sanctions modifications at the UNSC.

You live in a right wing dream world.

That is why you will always be a fool. Republicans cannot do anything without Dem Senator support and now that Dems see what fools 47 Republican Senators and that support for the negotiations are still 2 to 1 in favor - they will stick with Obama instead of the idiot 47.

If Iran backs out at all it will allow their hardliners to,blame the US and the US loses respect from the P4+1. Iran can still proceed with making a deal,and then Obama can make the case to the American people that Republican hardliners aided and abetted Iran's hardliners in taking the US out of the historic deal that will make the world safer. Americans are 2 to 1 in favor of this deal since negotiations began. You have run away from that truth.

According to my links, anything Obama does unilaterally is not beholden to the next administration.

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