Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

From an interesting article by G. Porter from the Middle East Eye

The Cotton letter makes arguments that are patently false. The letter suggested that any agreement that lacked approval of Congress “is a mere executive agreement”, as though such agreements are somehow of only marginal importance in US diplomatic history. In fact, the agreements on withdrawal of US forces from both the wars in Vietnam and in Iraq were not treaties but executive agreements.

The more serious problem with focusing on the Logan Act, however, is that what Cotton and his Republican colleagues were doing was not negotiating with a foreign government but trying to influence the outcome of negotiations in the interest of a foreign government. The premise of the Senate Republican reflected in the letter – that Iran must not be allowed to have any enrichment capacity whatever – did not appear spontaneously. The views that Cotton and the other Republicans have espoused on Iran were the product of assiduous lobbying by Israeli agents of influence using the inducement of promises of election funding and the threat of support for the members’ opponents in future elections.
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In this very thread a couple or a few of our resident laughable lolberals have assumed the position that the President and his negotiations with Iran are silent on permitting Iran to have nuclear capability. Period.

Evidently, our resident laughable lolberals don't even bother to read (much less understand) the news "about" which they spew their chorus of talking point imbecility.

Two perpetual mistakes that your ilk keeps on making....mostly, one would guess, because you cannot avoid the interpretation of "news" as spoon-fed you by FOX and other right wing so-called media.

First, you and most of us, have NO CLEAR idea of what the prospective agreement actually deliniates.

Second, regardless of your constant fits and tantrums, there is NOTHING we can do to avoid Iran from evetually procuring a nuclear weapon.......We could nuke them ourselves, and that (even your perverted mind-set) would deem as unacceptable.
Actually we probably can keep Iran from getting a working nuke with an agreement and inspections. They've stopped enriching uranium, and the IAEA has access for inspections. Any deal would have to include unacceptable consequences falling on Iran if they re-commenced enrichment.

Oh really? Let's check on that.

U.N. nuclear watchdog says pace of Iran s cooperation slow Reuters

(Reuters) - The U.N. nuclear watchdog chief said on Monday Iran was being slow to cooperate with his agency's investigation into the Iranian atomic program and that the inquiry could not continue indefinitely.

Diplomats have voiced doubt over whether the outstanding issues in the U.N. investigation would be resolved before a broader diplomatic agreement is reached between Iran and the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany.

The seven countries have set a deadline of late March for a framework deal and June for a comprehensive final settlement that would curb Iran's nuclear activity to ensure it cannot be put to bombmaking in return for the lifting of international sanctions that have hammered the oil-based Iranian economy.

When asked about a time frame for the U.N. inquiry running parallel to the higher-level negotiations, International Atomic Energy Agency chief Yukiya Amano said: "It depends on the level and pace of cooperation from Iran, I cannot tell by when...

"We have asked questions and the questions are clear, so (Iran) can answer."

The Islamic Republic has yet to address two outstanding issues relating to alleged explosives tests and other measures that might have been used for nuclear bomb research which it should have explained away by last August.
You mean, you have no intelligent responses to the facts, so you have to go and try to bring the US into this. As Yoda would say, Pathetic you are. Lol.
The US is the biggest arms dealer on the planet. We supply more arms, to more country's, than anyone else. And that includes terrorist organizations like ISIS. So for you (or anyone else) to be outraged over Iran doing this and not outraged over the US for doing much more of this, just means you are one major fucking hypocrite.

Do you have an unbiased link for your accusations against our country? Maybe you should go live in Iran. I think you would be happy there.
You mean, you have no intelligent responses to the facts, so you have to go and try to bring the US into this. As Yoda would say, Pathetic you are. Lol.
The US is the biggest arms dealer on the planet. We supply more arms, to more country's, than anyone else. And that includes terrorist organizations like ISIS. So for you (or anyone else) to be outraged over Iran doing this and not outraged over the US for doing much more of this, just means you are one major fucking hypocrite.

Fucking idiot. You're probably one of those who would go fight with Islam against the US. You fucking traitorous POS.
For those on this thread who can think on their own......

If you really discern what right wing idiots are stating, you too will see that the ONLY thing that they're suggesting is to do NOTHING.....

"Oppose this agreement," they'll shout, and propose NOTHING....

The other "bright" right wingers will also shout, MORE sanctions, as if that has helped, and since we don't trade with Iran (except, maybe, for pistacchios), these other nitwits want for China and Russia to impose these additional sanctions (which they won't do.)....OR, they want for these sanctions to come from our allies (France, Germany, UK) who by now have concluded that with tea-baggers in congress, they best work out their own deal with Iran beacuse our country has become so partisan that, as Pogo wisely stated, "the enemy is us."
Bovine post.

Maintaining strict Sanctions with a country you know will not honor them is not Nothing.........It is trying to delay or stop their production of a Nuclear weapon. Even if they manage to get inspectors into Iran to monitor, Iran will use every method in the book to stall and avoid inspections of the real deal labs they have to continue their Nuclear Weapons capability.

Obama and the P5 haven't reached a deal, as Iran is demanding more than the P5 is willing to give at this time..........but they may via political pressure cut a deal just to say look what we did.............and cut more sanctions than already agreed to and give Iran more money to research their true ambitions.

You don't make deals with the Devil...............If you know they will not honor it, then whats the point........

I haven't asked for more sanctions................I asked to maintain the sanctions in place, and put pressure on the countries still aiding and abetting the process...........Mainly Russia............Russia is part of the United Nations and they still give the tech for improvements in Iran even though they are AGAINST INTERNATIONAL LAW..........So much for IT'S THE LAW.............

As posted many times already.............Iran is CLASSIFIED as a STATE SPONSOR OF the STATE DEPARTMENT.................and they have and will continue to do so.............Why cut a deal with that............Will they end their support of TERROR................Nope...........

We have already stopped Israel from hitting these sites...........Let them do it and get it over with.............Yes allow military strikes to deal with it.............and we don't even have to do the attack..............Iran has proxies attacking Israel all the time...........basically.........Israel is already in a proxy War with Iran and has been for a long time................

You will ignore my post............and continue with the insults..................and support a final deal that will end up being on paper and never really stop them from getting the weapons.......

Finally, why does the left wing agree to Iran getting Nuclear Power Plants when they don't want anymore here.............Iran sits on a Sea of Oil which will provide them all the power they will ever need. But OH MY GOSH if they don't get Nuclear Power there their lights will go out.............

We do not even have a negotiated agreement with Iran and Republican Senators are attempting to sabotage negotiations

Republicans would rather side with the radicals in Iran than Obama


So you're position is, as a person who represents themselves as an honest broker, coming ot debate the issue... that The "Radical" Islamists; which is the say the Islamists... in Tehran, are aligned with the 47 Americans in the Senate whose position is that the United States is not going to allow Iran to acquire the means to produce Nuclear Weapons?

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up.

Imagine that contributor's weeping and gnashing of tooth if someone had accused them of 'believing' that the Islamists in Tehran, who have for years now and, who are currently pursuing the development of nuclear weapons, are aligned with the Americans in the US Senate, in PREVENTING IRAN FROM PRODUCING NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

LMNAO! Oh lordy, that is ADORABLE!
The Jews just sent a letter to Obabble...
Don't quit your day job kid, a Diplomat you aren't :)

\It takes real intelligence to think you can "negotiate" with a group (who by your own admission) can lie about whatever they want.

Look, I'm sorry that is not smart in ANYBODY'S world....any agreement reached with a Government like that isn't worth the paper it is printed on.

Well, with dingbats like your ilk, negotiations would indeed be impossible.

But given your "logic" about not dealing with people who lie......then nothing that our country could ever state should be taken seriously because WE TOO LIE.......Just ask Natives about our treaties with them

I am still looking for intelligent liberal, would you like to know about their belief system?

Or would that be too much reality for you?

Fuck you. I posted reality, dumb fucks/partisan hacks ignore it simply because they are stupid and assholes. Is that how you want to be perceive?
Read about the debate of the Monroe Doctrine and try to comport its legitimacy with current affairs.
Russia is part of the United Nations and they still give the tech for improvements in Iran even though they are AGAINST INTERNATIONAL LAW..

What is your source for that?

You have a penchant for making up your own realities.

"In June 2010, they sided with the Western powers rather than with Brazil and Turkey in the UNSC and voted for a fourth round of mandatory sanctions against Tehran for its continued pursuit of sensitive nuclear activities."

Source below:

ChrisL 10970853
The Russians and Chinese fight sanctions against Iran because they are allies of Iran. They are the holdouts. This has always been the case.
You know nothing about this subject - absolutely nothing:

Previously, Chinese and Russian officials might have blamed the George W. Bush administration for its alleged threatening behavior for blocking a diplomatic settlement and even prompting fearful Iranians to consider acquiring nuclear weapons as a means to guarantee their security. But the Obama administration’s efforts to engage Iran in negotiations about its nuclear program and other issues have led many of them at least to hold the Ahmadinejad regime primarily responsible for the continuing crisis. At international meetings, Chinese and Russian leaders have visibly sought to minimize their public contact with Ahmadinejad and distance themselves from his fiery anti-Jewish and anti-Western rhetoric.

In June 2010, they sided with the Western powers rather than with Brazil and Turkey in the UNSC and voted for a fourth round of mandatory sanctions against Tehran for its continued pursuit of sensitive nuclear activities. These activities violate earlier Council resolutions prohibiting Iran from enriching uranium or undertaking other activities that could contribute to its developing nuclear weapons until Tehran had made its current and past nuclear work more transparent to the IAEA.
Why China and Russia Help Iran The Diplomat

Why not back something that you write up once in a while?
They haven't attack us. And, we did overthrow a govt there and gave poison gas to saddam, maiming tens of thousands of their soldiers. I'm not saying they're good guys, but I don't see the evidence that they are insane homicidal jihadist terrorists who will not stop till all our heads are cut off.

Some of their trained terrorists were responsible for killing some of our troops in Iraq. They fund terrorist operations all over the ME.
The possible agreement with Iran is being negotiated between the five permanent United Nations Security Council members plus one: the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia and China, plus Germany. So for the agreement to be truly modified, the other signatories would have to sign off.

Congress could pass legislation that conflicts with the agreement, effectively "modifying" it. But Congress' ability to carry this out is more difficult than the senators' blithe language suggests. "It would take presidential acquiescence or a supermajority -- two-thirds to override a veto -- for Congress to act independently to stiffen sanctions.

No, sorry but Obama is the one going to have a hard time. For one thing, the head of the IAEA says Iran is still being "slow to comply." He says that could potentially interfere with Obama's stupid idiotic deal.

U.N. nuclear watchdog says pace of Iran s cooperation slow Reuters

(Reuters) - The U.N. nuclear watchdog chief said on Monday Iran was being slow to cooperate with his agency's investigation into the Iranian atomic program and that the inquiry could not continue indefinitely.

Diplomats have voiced doubt over whether the outstanding issues in the U.N. investigation would be resolved before a broader diplomatic agreement is reached between Iran and the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany.

The seven countries have set a deadline of late March for a framework deal and June for a comprehensive final settlement that would curb Iran's nuclear activity to ensure it cannot be put to bombmaking in return for the lifting of international sanctions that have hammered the oil-based Iranian economy.

When asked about a time frame for the U.N. inquiry running parallel to the higher-level negotiations, International Atomic Energy Agency chief Yukiya Amano said: "It depends on the level and pace of cooperation from Iran, I cannot tell by when...

"We have asked questions and the questions are clear, so (Iran) can answer."

The Islamic Republic has yet to address two outstanding issues relating to alleged explosives tests and other measures that might have been used for nuclear bomb research which it should have explained away by last August.
Fucking idiot. You're probably one of those who would go fight with Islam against the US. You fucking traitorous POS.

Ahhhhhhh, yet another right wing, neocon Shakespeare wanna-be.

What in the hell does that mean? Apparently, you are just another moron. Not to mention, thou art a partisan hacktard. How's that for Shakesperean?
Liberals, they are the ones who volunteer their lunch money to the school bully in the hopes that he would "like" them. :p
"Iran has already produced 75 percent of its reserves, so the likelihood of other major discoveries is low." Link below!!

Iran sits on a Sea of Oil which will provide them all the power they will ever need.

So you really don't research what you put in your uninformed posts, do you?

Iran is the second largest OPEC producer and the fifth largest globally (after Russia, Saudi Arabia, the United States and China). In 2010, it produced some 3.7 million barrels per day. Its oil sector is one of the oldest in the world. Production started in 1908 at the Masjid-i-Suleiman oil field. As a result, Iran has one of the world’s most mature oil sectors. About 80 percent of its reserves were discovered before 1965. Iran has already produced 75 percent of its reserves, so the likelihood of other major discoveries is low. Iran has made some important new discoveries in the past decade, such as the Yadavaran and Azadegan fields, but they have not been sufficeint to alter the trend in oil reserves depletion.
The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) has held crude production within the 3.8 million to 4.0 million barrels per day range for the last several years. This has been a major achievement since most oil sectors with depletion rates of 75 percent usually witness steep declines in production. Indeed, Iran’s base production is declining around 4 percent per year. The recently discovered new sources have allowed Iran to hold oil production relatively steady, and they may even help production levels to grow somewhat in the immediate future. But new sources will not be able to offset natural declines beyond the short-term. As a result, Iran will have to rely heavily on proven but undeveloped reserves, which will require major new investments. Production capacity is likely to fall because of geological constraints, the lack of domestic technical capacity, financial constraints and international sanctions.

When will you rely on facts Eagle?
You mean, you have no intelligent responses to the facts, so you have to go and try to bring the US into this. As Yoda would say, Pathetic you are. Lol.
The US is the biggest arms dealer on the planet. We supply more arms, to more country's, than anyone else. And that includes terrorist organizations like ISIS. So for you (or anyone else) to be outraged over Iran doing this and not outraged over the US for doing much more of this, just means you are one major fucking hypocrite.
serious. That is pretty hypocritical.
Saudi Nuclear Deal Raises Stakes for Iran Talks - WSJ

Saudi Arabia’s former intelligence chief, Prince Turki al-Faisal, a member of the royal family, has publicly warned in recent months that Riyadh will seek to match the nuclear capabilities Iran is allowed to maintain as part of any final agreement reached with world powers. This could include the ability to enrich uranium and to harvest the weapons-grade plutonium discharged in a nuclear reactor’s spent fuel.

Several U.S. and Arab officials have voiced concerns about a possible nuclear-arms race erupting in the Middle East, spurred on by Saudi Arabia’s regional rivalry with Iran, which has been playing out in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen in recent months.

“The proliferation of nuclear technologies is a nightmare the White House would like to discount rather than contemplate,” said Simon Henderson of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a Washington think tank. “This is more than just an imaginary threat.”

The memorandum of understanding between Saudi Arabia and South Korea includes a plan to study the feasibility of building two nuclear reactors worth $2 billion in the Arab country over the next 20 years, according to Saudi state media.

Current and former U.S. officials said there is particular concern about Saudi Arabia’s decadeslong military alliance with Pakistan, a nuclear-armed state with a history of proliferating military technologies.
Lets say.....just for argument sake........that the excerpt (below) from an article is indeed true. How would you right wingers feel if you were thusly MANIPULATED by foreign lobbyists?

The views that Cotton and the other Republicans have espoused on Iran were the product of assiduous lobbying by Israeli agents of influence using the inducement of promises of election funding and the threat of support for the members’ opponents in future elections.
...and you do realize right wingers that you are powerless to impact what another sovereign country wishes to do with its money, know-how and help from that country's allies?

You spew your hatred, profanity, 4th graders' insults, and bigotry on here......and you should know (or at least your remaining few brain cells should) that its all for naught......

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