Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

No, sorry but Obama is the one going to have a hard time. For one thing, the head of the IAEA says Iran is still being "slow to comply." He says that could potentially interfere with Obama's stupid idiotic deal.

U.N. nuclear watchdog says pace of Iran s cooperation slow Reuters

Why do yo blatantly lie and post a link to prove you lied?

"The IAEA remains ready to accelerate the resolution of all outstanding issues, Amano added, but "this process cannot continue indefinitely". Iran's leading negotiator Abbas Araqchi met with Amano last week, promising swifter cooperation, but neither side has spelled out any details."

They are still negotiating and Obama says its 50/50 on reaching a deal. So maybe these couple issues are part of it You don't known. So you lie to call it Obama's stupid deal.

From your link;
The IAEA is likely to monitor the implementation of any deal between Iran and the six powers. Amano said he proposed a 1.8-percent increase to the body's 344-million-euro ($386 million) budget given increased demand for its services.

He reiterated deep concern about the nuclear activities of North Korea, which quit the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1993. The IAEA has not had inspectors on the ground there since they were expelled by North Korea in 2009.
. (Reuters) - The U.N. nuclear watchdog chief said on Monday Iran was being slow to cooperate with his agency's investigation into the Iranian atomic program and that the inquiry could not continue indefinitely.

Do you want Iran to go back to being like North Korea on nuclear issues and kick the inspectors out?

They are not cooperative with inspectors now. So . . . your solution is to give them the green light? Lol.

Not fooled by GWB, but totally fooled by Obama. ROFL. You people are SO foolish.
Do you have an unbiased link for your accusations against our country? Maybe you should go live in Iran. I think you would be happy there.
Here you go...

The United-States of America remains the largest exporter of conventional weapons in the world, according to the latest study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The U.S account for 30% of global arms sales, or about $7 billion per year, for the period 2005-2009, SIPRI statement says. From 2005 to 2009, the U.S. sold one-third of its arm exports to South Korea (15%), Israel (13%) and the United Arab Emirates (11%).
And don't forget about this one.

How the US Supports the Islamic State (ISIS):
Fucking idiot. You're probably one of those who would go fight with Islam against the US. You fucking traitorous POS.
You're advocating doing the same thing the Nazis did in WWII, yet you're calling me the traitor?

You are one dumbass bitch!

Oh really? Where have I advocated for anything like that, liar? YOU, on the other hand, are a traitor. If you lived in Iran, you would have been hung or stoned to death a LONG time ago. Lol.
Do you have an unbiased link for your accusations against our country? Maybe you should go live in Iran. I think you would be happy there.
Here you go...

The United-States of America remains the largest exporter of conventional weapons in the world, according to the latest study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The U.S account for 30% of global arms sales, or about $7 billion per year, for the period 2005-2009, SIPRI statement says. From 2005 to 2009, the U.S. sold one-third of its arm exports to South Korea (15%), Israel (13%) and the United Arab Emirates (11%).
And don't forget about this one.

How the US Supports the Islamic State (ISIS):

Ah, so Obama supports ISIS, gotcha. :)
ChrL 10989091
We can nix Obama's stupid plan, which does MORE to help Iran than doing nothing and leaving current more strict sanctions in place, idiot.

They can't nix the P4+1 and Iran from proceeding and Obama won't veto any UNSC sanctions modifications at the UNSC.

You live in a right wing dream world.

That is why you will always be a fool. Republicans cannot do anything without Dem Senator support and now that Dems see what fools 47 Republican Senators and that support for the negotiations are still 2 to 1 in favor - they will stick with Obama instead of the idiot 47.

If Iran backs out at all it will allow their hardliners to,blame the US and the US loses respect from the P4+1. Iran can still proceed with making a deal,and then Obama can make the case to the American people that Republican hardliners aided and abetted Iran's hardliners in taking the US out of the historic deal that will make the world safer. Americans are 2 to 1 in favor of this deal since negotiations began. You have run away from that truth.

According to my links, anything Obama does unilaterally is not beholden to the next administration.

Then, technically we are STILL at war with Vietnam since that war ended with just an executive agreement......Who knew?
The US is the biggest arms dealer on the planet. We supply more arms, to more country's, than anyone else. And that includes terrorist organizations like ISIS. So for you (or anyone else) to be outraged over Iran doing this and not outraged over the US for doing much more of this, just means you are one major fucking hypocrite.

Fucking idiot. You're probably one of those who would go fight with Islam against the US. You fucking traitorous POS.
meltdown :blowup:is delicious :eusa_drool:
ChrL 10991936
They are not cooperative with inspectors now.

They were late on a couple issues. The deal isn't closed yet so those two issues can be resolved as part of the deal by a certain date. So do you have a count on how many issues Iran has been cooperative on? You probably don't since you've shown no signs of being informed on this subject. It has to be more than two issues.

I pointed out that you were not truthful in stating what the inspectors had to say so are you ever going to address your persistent dishonesty on this matter or will you continue to run away from it.
ChrL 10991928
According to my links, anything Obama does unilaterally is not beholden to the next administration.

Unilaterally in what sense? P5+1 is a multilateral negotiation going on since 2006. The next Administration can't undue (in a practical and moral sense) much if a deal is made and Iran complies and does not ever attempt to breakout from peaceful nuclear power to trying to build a bomb. They will be stopped if a violation occurs and that includes any member state having the right to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities.

Nothing changes in that regard except outsiders will have better intelligence if military strikes should be needed.

So "beholden" is a farcical concept in this whole scenario specifically if Iran complies for the next 15 years with their agreement with the west and China and Russia.
Hey, I've said everything I wanted to say on this thread. I've posted a whole bunch of links. If you still think this is a good idea, then you are fucked. I'm done with this thread now, unless some new information happens to come up. :bye1: Arguing with you guys is useless, as you are too partisan and too much in love with the Obamanator.
Hey, I've said everything I wanted to say on this thread. I've posted a whole bunch of links. If you still think this is a good idea, then you are fucked. I'm done with this thread now, unless some new information happens to come up. :bye1: Arguing with you guys is useless, as you are too partisan and too much in love with the Obamanator.

You had no response to this and dozens of other replies to you from me and many other intelligent and loyal Americans.

NF 10990152
They can't nix the P4+1 and Iran from proceeding and Obama won't veto any UNSC sanctions modifications at the UNSC.

When boxed in you post meaningless links and the meaningful ones you lie about the content. So run, just go ahead and run and hang out with your measly pitiful minority of obsessed Obama haters who oppose this deal going through.

We are weary of hearing how your unintelligent minority is right and the majority in the whole wide world is wrong based upon your lies and misinformation.
Russia is part of the United Nations and they still give the tech for improvements in Iran even though they are AGAINST INTERNATIONAL LAW..

What is your source for that?

You have a penchant for making up your own realities.

"In June 2010, they sided with the Western powers rather than with Brazil and Turkey in the UNSC and voted for a fourth round of mandatory sanctions against Tehran for its continued pursuit of sensitive nuclear activities."

Source below:

ChrisL 10970853
The Russians and Chinese fight sanctions against Iran because they are allies of Iran. They are the holdouts. This has always been the case.
You know nothing about this subject - absolutely nothing:

Previously, Chinese and Russian officials might have blamed the George W. Bush administration for its alleged threatening behavior for blocking a diplomatic settlement and even prompting fearful Iranians to consider acquiring nuclear weapons as a means to guarantee their security. But the Obama administration’s efforts to engage Iran in negotiations about its nuclear program and other issues have led many of them at least to hold the Ahmadinejad regime primarily responsible for the continuing crisis. At international meetings, Chinese and Russian leaders have visibly sought to minimize their public contact with Ahmadinejad and distance themselves from his fiery anti-Jewish and anti-Western rhetoric.

In June 2010, they sided with the Western powers rather than with Brazil and Turkey in the UNSC and voted for a fourth round of mandatory sanctions against Tehran for its continued pursuit of sensitive nuclear activities. These activities violate earlier Council resolutions prohibiting Iran from enriching uranium or undertaking other activities that could contribute to its developing nuclear weapons until Tehran had made its current and past nuclear work more transparent to the IAEA.
Why China and Russia Help Iran The Diplomat

Why not back something that you write up once in a while?
Congressional Record Vol. 144-Part 7 Proceedings and Debates of the 105th ... - Google Books
And people roll their eyes when i say that republicorp has waged a war against our great nation for years.
Hey, I've said everything I wanted to say on this thread. I've posted a whole bunch of links. If you still think this is a good idea, then you are fucked. I'm done with this thread now, unless some new information happens to come up. :bye1: Arguing with you guys is useless, as you are too partisan and too much in love with the Obamanator.

You had no response to this and dozens of other replies to you from me and many other intelligent and loyal Americans.

NF 10990152
They can't nix the P4+1 and Iran from proceeding and Obama won't veto any UNSC sanctions modifications at the UNSC.

When boxed in you post meaningless links and the meaningful ones you lie about the content. So run, just go ahead and run and hang out with your measly pitiful minority of obsessed Obama haters who oppose this deal going through.

We are weary of hearing how your unintelligent minority is right and the majority in the whole wide world is wrong based upon your lies and misinformation.

I SAID I'm done with you fools. You can continue to worship your God, Obama. Lol. The smart people who have read the many links I've provided are capable of free thinking without the shackles of partisanship. Have a nice life!
...and you do realize right wingers that you are powerless to impact what another sovereign country wishes to do with its money, know-how and help from that country's allies?

You spew your hatred, profanity, 4th graders' insults, and bigotry on here......and you should know (or at least your remaining few brain cells should) that its all for naught......
It's all for not when we have a pussy in the WH.........which of course you adore................Our Nation has the capability to impact that program.........either by allowing Israel to hit them or taking them out ourselves..................

BOOM...............GONE..............which could set their program quite a bit.............

Iran's Allies.............Russia and China who are helping them build Nuclear plants and with research and training..........are you finally recognizing that they are Iran's allies....................informative.........

When you finally realize they are our enemy,..............get back to me.
ChrL 10995064
I SAID I'm done with you fools. You can continue to worship your God, Obama.

I see your closing and only argument against a steady presentation of actual facts and solid reason is that our arguments are solely based upon worship of Obama.

How is it that nearly two years of polling data that shows, as recent as this week, that the majority of Americans by a 2 to 1 margin support the negotiations with Iran that Obama
has been engaged with five other major nations, is somehow the result of Obama worship and according to you only the opposite is true.

Do you see how we know for certain that you are running away from very solid facts and the lies you have told to deny them?

So run, your record is very clear and not in dispute. You are completely wrong.
ChrL 10995064
I SAID I'm done with you fools. You can continue to worship your God, Obama.

I see your closing and only argument against a steady presentation of actual facts and solid reason is that our arguments are solely based upon worship of Obama.

How is it that nearly two years of polling data that shows, as recent as this week, that the majority of Americans by a 2 to 1 margin support the negotiations with Iran that Obama
has been engaged with five other major nations, is somehow the result of Obama worship and according to you only the opposite is true.

Do you see how we know for certain that you are running away from very solid facts and the lies you have told to deny them?

So run, your record is very clear and not in dispute. You are completely wrong.

Do you think that we should be Governed by opinion polls?

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