Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

It's all for not when we have a pussy in the WH.........which of course you adore................Our Nation has the capability to impact that program.........either by allowing Israel to hit them or taking them out ourselves..................

BOOM...............GONE..............which could set their program quite a bit.............

Iran's Allies.............Russia and China who are helping them build Nuclear plants and with research and training..........are you finally recognizing that they are Iran's allies....................informative.........

When you finally realize they are our enemy,..............get back to me.

If I felt that you had half a brain, I'd tell you how much I DO NOT "worship" Obama......I have a lot of problems with his policies.

Be that as it may, sure, nuke Iran and see what happens.....the least of those problems may be a southerly wind right back to Israel.
It's all for not when we have a pussy in the WH.........which of course you adore................Our Nation has the capability to impact that program.........either by allowing Israel to hit them or taking them out ourselves..................

BOOM...............GONE..............which could set their program quite a bit.............

Iran's Allies.............Russia and China who are helping them build Nuclear plants and with research and training..........are you finally recognizing that they are Iran's allies....................informative.........

When you finally realize they are our enemy,..............get back to me.

If I felt that you had half a brain, I'd tell you how much I DO NOT "worship" Obama......I have a lot of problems with his policies.

Be that as it may, sure, nuke Iran and see what happens.....the least of those problems may be a southerly wind right back to Israel.
I wouldn't nuke them........I'm put some bunker busters in those sites and say CENTRIFUGE THIS................

You must want Iran to get Nukes Mr. Gnat.............

Anta 10995303
you think that we should be Governed by opinion

Not necessarily but my point is that
Losers such as ChrisL should not make claims that her hate filled obssesion against the nuclear negotiations is a majority American opinion. The polls are consistent for nearly two years that she is wrong by a factor of more than two to one.

Don't make claims that are not backed up by anything other than hatred and ignorance in other words to put it bluntly.
Came across this today, it's a CNN show on daily life in Iran. All in all they seem to be a much more vibrant, educated and free society than our "friends" the Saudis who probably had a great deal to do with 9/11. They are far more westernized and developed than I expected and the food looked fucking incredible.

Anta 10995303
you think that we should be Governed by opinion

Not necessarily but my point is that
Losers such as ChrisL should not make claims that her hate filled obssesion against the nuclear negotiations is a majority American opinion. The polls are consistent for nearly two years that she is wrong by a factor of more than two to one.

Don't make claims that are not backed up by anything other than hatred and ignorance in other words to put it bluntly.

Ha-ha!! Temper tantrum time! :D By the way, the only loser around here is you and your friends who support a nuclear Iran. That is the epitome of loserville and the ultimate in stupidity. That must be where you come from, huh?

You are just mad because your idol is making another stupid mistake. Face it, your man that you love (man lover) Obama is a loser who makes retarded decisions. It's quite obvious to everyone with a brain that he doesn't have America's best interests at heart.

You must be angry that Bibi won the Israeli election, huh? Too bad he couldn't be OUR president, as he is MUCH better than your man love Obama could ever hope to be. :) Lol.
Anta 10995303
you think that we should be Governed by opinion

Not necessarily but my point is that
Losers such as ChrisL should not make claims that her hate filled obssesion against the nuclear negotiations is a majority American opinion. The polls are consistent for nearly two years that she is wrong by a factor of more than two to one.

Don't make claims that are not backed up by anything other than hatred and ignorance in other words to put it bluntly.

Oh, all of my claims were backed with links. You on the other hand have nothing but Obama man love. To put it bluntly, you must want to suck him off. I mean, that's pretty much what you and your gay lover friends have been doing this entire thread. :beer: To Bibi!!!
Hey, I've said everything I wanted to say on this thread. I've posted a whole bunch of links. If you still think this is a good idea, then you are fucked. I'm done with this thread now, unless some new information happens to come up. :bye1: Arguing with you guys is useless, as you are too partisan and too much in love with the Obamanator.
Go fuck yourself, you little dishrag whore!

You're trying to start a war that could bring an end to all life on planet earth.

Your rhetoric goes way beyond irresponsible.
Hey, I've said everything I wanted to say on this thread. I've posted a whole bunch of links. If you still think this is a good idea, then you are fucked. I'm done with this thread now, unless some new information happens to come up. :bye1: Arguing with you guys is useless, as you are too partisan and too much in love with the Obamanator.
Go fuck yourself, you little dishrag whore!

You're trying to start a war that could bring an end to all life on planet earth.

Your rhetoric goes way beyond irresponsible.

Look sissy boy the war is going to happen because Islam wants it to happen.
Hey, I've said everything I wanted to say on this thread. I've posted a whole bunch of links. If you still think this is a good idea, then you are fucked. I'm done with this thread now, unless some new information happens to come up. :bye1: Arguing with you guys is useless, as you are too partisan and too much in love with the Obamanator.
Go fuck yourself, you little dishrag whore!

You're trying to start a war that could bring an end to all life on planet earth.

Your rhetoric goes way beyond irresponsible.

You are an Islamic woman-hating pig. :) It's Islamics who wear dishrags on their heads, BTW. :biggrin:
Oh really? Where have I advocated for anything like that, liar? YOU, on the other hand, are a traitor. If you lived in Iran, you would have been hung or stoned to death a LONG time ago. Lol.
You're deliberately contributing to all the bullshit propaganda on Iran in order to start a war with them, so we can go in there and rape that country of its resources, just like we did with Iraq in 2003.

Your bullshit arguments are no different than the "Iraq had WMD's" crap being spewed 13 years ago. You fuckers were wrong then and you're wrong now.

BTW, attacking a country that did not attack you first, is called a "war of aggression". No different than the Nazis making up bullshit reasons to go into Poland.
Hey, I've said everything I wanted to say on this thread. I've posted a whole bunch of links. If you still think this is a good idea, then you are fucked. I'm done with this thread now, unless some new information happens to come up. :bye1: Arguing with you guys is useless, as you are too partisan and too much in love with the Obamanator.
Go fuck yourself, you little dishrag whore!

You're trying to start a war that could bring an end to all life on planet earth.

Your rhetoric goes way beyond irresponsible.

Look sissy boy the war is going to happen because Islam wants it to happen.

Exactly. They declared us their enemy long ago. :)
Oh really? Where have I advocated for anything like that, liar? YOU, on the other hand, are a traitor. If you lived in Iran, you would have been hung or stoned to death a LONG time ago. Lol.
You're deliberately contributing to all the bullshit propaganda on Iran in order to start a war with them, so we can go in there and rape that country of its resources, just like we did with Iraq in 2003.

Your bullshit arguments are no different than the "Iraq had WMD's" crap being spewed 13 years ago. You fuckers were wrong then and you're wrong now.

BTW, attacking a country that did not attack you first, is called a "war of aggression". No different than the Nazis making up bullshit reasons to go into Poland.

You are an Islamic-loving woman-oppressing hateful pig. That is all. Now, stop addressing my posts. I have no interest in you.
Look sissy boy the war is going to happen because Islam wants it to happen.
The war could happen if people keep listening to racist, war-mongering assholes like you.

Look, nobody takes you seriously. It's obvious that you are in love with Islam. Why don't you go live in one of those craptard countries and do us all a favor?
Look, nobody takes you seriously. It's obvious that you are in love with Islam. Why don't you go live in one of those craptard countries and do us all a favor?
I'm a white Irish Catholic whore and I'm not going anywhere.

The only option you have is to learn how to deal with me.
Hey, I've said everything I wanted to say on this thread. I've posted a whole bunch of links. If you still think this is a good idea, then you are fucked. I'm done with this thread now, unless some new information happens to come up. :bye1: Arguing with you guys is useless, as you are too partisan and too much in love with the Obamanator.
Go fuck yourself, you little dishrag whore!

You're trying to start a war that could bring an end to all life on planet earth.

Your rhetoric goes way beyond irresponsible.

Look sissy boy the war is going to happen because Islam wants it to happen.

He's having his daily temper tantrum now. :lol: Love it!

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