Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

They cant lift our sanctions, passed by congress. As much as you leftist would like the U.N to run this country. Congress imposed the sanctions, they'll have to lift them.

They don't need to lift OUR sanctions, dumbass. They just have to lift their own.

Iran can get everything they want by trading with Germany, France, the UK, Russia and China. (Not to mention Japan and Korea and other nations who are going along with our sanctions). For the moment, they are taking us at our word that keeping Iran from getting nukes is a desirable result.

But at some point, if they see this is just the Zionists telling Congress what to do (something that should OUTRAGE Americans), they'll just say "Meh, fuck it. I'll take some oil and pistachios!"
These 47 senators are nothing but traitors & assholes. It doesn't matter what the negotiations are you just don't do that especially to your enemy. I'm a republican but will never vote for these assholes again and I'm not alone.
ChrL 10995801
Oh, all of my claims were backed with links.

You have never produced a poll that shows a majority of Americans oppose the P5+1 negotiations with Iran. You have fraudulently linked to polls that the majority of Americans oppose Iran getting a nuclear bomb. Well so do I and do died Obama and so does the P4+1. So you lied to say the majority do not support negotiations. And you are lying some more to say you posted links to back up your claim. Its all in writing here. All of your posts and links are here. You can't fool anyone who can read.
Came across this today, it's a CNN show on daily life in Iran. All in all they seem to be a much more vibrant, educated and free society than our "friends" the Saudis who probably had a great deal to do with 9/11. They are far more westernized and developed than I expected and the food looked fucking incredible.

Hey, and you can go right down the road and watch them hang homosexuals from cranes and murder women. What an educated vibrant society! Wow!!! Lol. :D

Our friends the Saudis do the same shit, why are we not talking about murdering their country in cold blood? Or any of the others around the world that do horrible things and yet have nothing to fear from us? Iran does nothing that one or more of our "allies" in the region also does regularly. The human rights rationale for war is a sham, we long ago showed the world that we go to war over only one thing, western control of local resources.

Look, I don't like Islam period, but Iran has, in the past, declared itself our enemy, is run by crazy mullahs, has ignored and is still ignoring IAEA requests, and is on the verge of getting nukes with our president's blessings. It's just disgusting.

What's disgusting is that you would rather destroy a nation than even look for a path to peace. The last two wars did not do us any favors, they did not lead to a lasting peace or good relations with the countries we bombed to rubble and cost far too much in lives and money. War with Iran cannot be anything more than a last resort. Quit hoping for something that is guaranteed to come out very badly for both sides.

Again, I never said anything about war, so go bitch at someone else who may have actually said such a thing. Your lying is what is disgusting.

Our current policy is a path to war, it's a guarantee, do you think Iran will ever just unconditionally surrender to our demands? Not a chance in hell. They are going to defy us and they will build a bomb and if a warhawk republican ever makes it back to white house we will launch massive attacks even if it takes twenty years. Iran is the great patriotic war Republicans have prayed for since 1979 and they will have it unless something changes for the better.
A Nuclear Iran is not in our Nations interest, nor the region, and nor the world..............

Again, you place far too much fear in something that probably won't be a big deal.

What we've found in the last 70 years (after our wonderful democracy was the ONLY country to use them on defenseless people) is that a Nuke doesn't really get you all that much. You can't use them without bringing equally or more horrific destruction on yourself. Which is why all the countries that developed them AFTER we did never used them.

So Iran gets a nuke. Who do they use it on? Israel? They have 200 nukes. America has thousands.
Hey, and you can go right down the road and watch them hang homosexuals from cranes and murder women. What an educated vibrant society! Wow!!! Lol. :D
Our friends the Saudis do the same shit, why are we not talking about murdering their country in cold blood? Or any of the others around the world that do horrible things and yet have nothing to fear from us? Iran does nothing that one or more of our "allies" in the region also does regularly. The human rights rationale for war is a sham, we long ago showed the world that we go to war over only one thing, western control of local resources.

Look, I don't like Islam period, but Iran has, in the past, declared itself our enemy, is run by crazy mullahs, has ignored and is still ignoring IAEA requests, and is on the verge of getting nukes with our president's blessings. It's just disgusting.

What's disgusting is that you would rather destroy a nation than even look for a path to peace. The last two wars did not do us any favors, they did not lead to a lasting peace or good relations with the countries we bombed to rubble and cost far too much in lives and money. War with Iran cannot be anything more than a last resort. Quit hoping for something that is guaranteed to come out very badly for both sides.

Again, I never said anything about war, so go bitch at someone else who may have actually said such a thing. Your lying is what is disgusting.
Our current policy is a path to war, it's a guarantee, do you think Iran will ever just unconditionally surrender to our demands? Not a chance in hell. They are going to defy us and they will build a bomb and if a warhawk republican ever makes it back to white house we will launch massive attacks even if it takes twenty years. Iran is the great patriotic war Republicans have prayed for since 1979 and they will have it unless something changes for the better.

We can force them to with sanctions. Mr. Obama's plan is to lift the tough sanctions we currently have on Iran, which does what? Helps them get the materials they need to make a bomb. That is all there is too it. Just wait until the Saudis and others get bombs. I already posted a link to that data. They are looking to get one because even THEY do not trust the Iranians. You people need to wake up out of your PC daze!
If we listen to the idiots................the sky will be falling from a Radioactive cloud after a nuclear Iran hands over a bomb to their proxy terror groups.

But why would they do that? Why spend billions of dollars to make a weapon like that, and then hand it over to a "proxy" group run by who knows? That doesn't make any sense.

Oh, wait, we are going to get Eagle's "But they're MUSLIMS---- and they're CRAZY" speech.
A Nuclear Iran is not in our Nations interest, nor the region, and nor the world..............

Again, you place far too much fear in something that probably won't be a big deal.

What we've found in the last 70 years (after our wonderful democracy was the ONLY country to use them on defenseless people) is that a Nuke doesn't really get you all that much. You can't use them without bringing equally or more horrific destruction on yourself. Which is why all the countries that developed them AFTER we did never used them.

So Iran gets a nuke. Who do they use it on? Israel? They have 200 nukes. America has thousands.

They will at LEAST be more of a thorn in the side of the rest of the world than they already are, at LEAST, and that is the best case scenario.
ChrL 10995801
Oh, all of my claims were backed with links.

You have never produced a poll that shows a majority of Americans oppose the P5+1 negotiations with Iran. You have fraudulently linked to polls that the majority of Americans oppose Iran getting a nuclear bomb. Well so do I and do died Obama and so does the P4+1. So you lied to say the majority do not support negotiations. And you are lying some more to say you posted links to back up your claim. Its all in writing here. All of your posts and links are here. You can't fool anyone who can read.

Oh shut the hell up, you Obama arse kisser. I've heard just about enough out of your dumb pie hole to last a lifetime. I've posted plenty of links which back up ALL of my claims. Anyone can check that by going to my profile page or using the search function, and everyone will KNOW who the liar is. It's you.
ChrL 10995801
Oh, all of my claims were backed with links.

You have never produced a poll that shows a majority of Americans oppose the P5+1 negotiations with Iran. You have fraudulently linked to polls that the majority of Americans oppose Iran getting a nuclear bomb. Well so do I and do died Obama and so does the P4+1. So you lied to say the majority do not support negotiations. And you are lying some more to say you posted links to back up your claim. Its all in writing here. All of your posts and links are here. You can't fool anyone who can read.

And you STILL can't quote correctly, can you? Lol. You're weird.
If we listen to the idiots................the sky will be falling from a Radioactive cloud after a nuclear Iran hands over a bomb to their proxy terror groups.

But why would they do that? Why spend billions of dollars to make a weapon like that, and then hand it over to a "proxy" group run by who knows? That doesn't make any sense.

Oh, wait, we are going to get Eagle's "But they're MUSLIMS---- and they're CRAZY" speech.

They ARE crazy, you idiot. I'm sorry for the all the insults, but I can't help myself. The stupidity is just ASTOUNDING!

America and Iran The best of bad options The Economist

THE March 24th deadline for an agreement with Iran may be looming, but the parties to the talks have kept impressively quiet about the details being hammered out this week in Montreux, Switzerland. Despite speculation that a deal is imminent, significant gaps still remain which could yet scupper one.

Iran, unrealistically, is demanding the immediate removal of all sanctions. Barack Obama, America’s president, can suspend most of America’s, but only Congress can remove sanctions that it has legislated. The rapturous applause for the speech Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, gave to Congress on March 3rd suggests that suspension is the best the Iranians can get from America for the foreseeable future. The European Union and the United Nations Security Council could, however, remove their sanctions more permanently.

Iran also wants to be able to continue to develop more advanced centrifuges, which would allow the rapid ramp-up of uranium enrichment (and thus speed the path to a bomb) once the agreed restrictions fall away. The centrifuges that Iran hopes eventually to deploy spin about six times faster than the ones installed now, which they say they will need to produce low-enriched uranium (LEU) on the industrial scale needed to fuel commercial reactors.

Iran has said it will accept the International Atomic Energy Authority’s (IAEA) Additional Protocol, which involves more intrusive inspections of nuclear facilities than usual. But Iran has not yet agreed to other inspections, which given its history of cheating is deemed a necessary requirement by the West. A final key issue yet to be resolved is that Iran must come clean about past weapons-programme activities. It has thus far steadily refused to do so because it still insists, no matter how implausibly, that there never were any.
Look sissy boy the war is going to happen because Islam wants it to happen.

What "Islam" wants it to happen? Egypt is 80 million - they don't want it to happen? Why is Iran fighting Daesh terrorist scum in Iraq and Syria?

Do you think Saudis want it to happen. You are very deranged when it comes to Islam - what Bush called the religion of peace.
Our friends the Saudis do the same shit, why are we not talking about murdering their country in cold blood? Or any of the others around the world that do horrible things and yet have nothing to fear from us? Iran does nothing that one or more of our "allies" in the region also does regularly. The human rights rationale for war is a sham, we long ago showed the world that we go to war over only one thing, western control of local resources.

Look, I don't like Islam period, but Iran has, in the past, declared itself our enemy, is run by crazy mullahs, has ignored and is still ignoring IAEA requests, and is on the verge of getting nukes with our president's blessings. It's just disgusting.

What's disgusting is that you would rather destroy a nation than even look for a path to peace. The last two wars did not do us any favors, they did not lead to a lasting peace or good relations with the countries we bombed to rubble and cost far too much in lives and money. War with Iran cannot be anything more than a last resort. Quit hoping for something that is guaranteed to come out very badly for both sides.

Again, I never said anything about war, so go bitch at someone else who may have actually said such a thing. Your lying is what is disgusting.
Our current policy is a path to war, it's a guarantee, do you think Iran will ever just unconditionally surrender to our demands? Not a chance in hell. They are going to defy us and they will build a bomb and if a warhawk republican ever makes it back to white house we will launch massive attacks even if it takes twenty years. Iran is the great patriotic war Republicans have prayed for since 1979 and they will have it unless something changes for the better.

We can force them to with sanctions. Mr. Obama's plan is to lift the tough sanctions we currently have on Iran, which does what? Helps them get the materials they need to make a bomb. That is all there is too it. Just wait until the Saudis and others get bombs. I already posted a link to that data. They are looking to get one because even THEY do not trust the Iranians. You people need to wake up out of your PC daze!
Everything you "know" about Iran comes from the same kind of people who told us Saddam was an imminent threat to Israel and Europe with his advanced biological and "nucular" programs. Even if you say you do not want a war the people spreading all the scary stories do, they want it badly. There are a lot of American and Israeli conservatives who want to murder Iran in cold blood without any real provocation, the rest of the world just wants to get down to business and get on with life.
Good faith is preventing Iran from getting nukes at ALL costs.

No, that's YOUR idea of good faith. Most of the world doesn't care if Iran gets nukes or not.

That's a lie.

who do you think really cares that much, other than the Zionshits?

Every other country in the ME. Most people in the world with a brain wouldn't trust Iran. You MUST be kidding. Iran has done absolutely nothing to earn any trust. You ever hear the saying . . . fool me once, shame on you . . . fool me twice, shame on me. Only a complete retard would trust Iran.

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