Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Look, I don't like Islam period, but Iran has, in the past, declared itself our enemy, is run by crazy mullahs, has ignored and is still ignoring IAEA requests, and is on the verge of getting nukes with our president's blessings. It's just disgusting.

What's disgusting is that you would rather destroy a nation than even look for a path to peace. The last two wars did not do us any favors, they did not lead to a lasting peace or good relations with the countries we bombed to rubble and cost far too much in lives and money. War with Iran cannot be anything more than a last resort. Quit hoping for something that is guaranteed to come out very badly for both sides.

Again, I never said anything about war, so go bitch at someone else who may have actually said such a thing. Your lying is what is disgusting.
Our current policy is a path to war, it's a guarantee, do you think Iran will ever just unconditionally surrender to our demands? Not a chance in hell. They are going to defy us and they will build a bomb and if a warhawk republican ever makes it back to white house we will launch massive attacks even if it takes twenty years. Iran is the great patriotic war Republicans have prayed for since 1979 and they will have it unless something changes for the better.

We can force them to with sanctions. Mr. Obama's plan is to lift the tough sanctions we currently have on Iran, which does what? Helps them get the materials they need to make a bomb. That is all there is too it. Just wait until the Saudis and others get bombs. I already posted a link to that data. They are looking to get one because even THEY do not trust the Iranians. You people need to wake up out of your PC daze!
Everything you "know" about Iran comes from the same kind of people who told us Saddam was an imminent threat to Israel and Europe with his advanced biological and "nucular" programs. Even if you say you do not want a war the people spreading all the scary stories do, they want it badly. There are a lot of American and Israeli conservatives who want to murder Iran in cold blood without any real provocation, the rest of the world just wants to get down to business and get on with life.

Oh I know, Saddam was a harmless man who actually DID use chemical weapons before, is guilty of murdering up to a few MILLION people, scammed his own people with the Oil for Food Program. WTH is WRONG with you people?
They ARE crazy, you idiot. I'm sorry for the all the insults, but I can't help myself. The stupidity is just ASTOUNDING!

America and Iran The best of bad options The Economist

Your link goes nowhere. Nearly six of ten Republicans support negotiations.

What's stupid is calling everone else stupid for not having your obsession.

Sorry, but you ARE stupid. That's just a fact. Anyone who would think that Iran has "changed" and is suddenly "responsible" after all of the crap that they have pulled are STILL pulling (as outlined in a link I provided, statements by the Chief of the IAEA) is a complete and utter moron.
Every other country in the ME. Most people in the world with a brain wouldn't trust Iran. You MUST be kidding. Iran has done absolutely nothing to earn any trust. You ever hear the saying . . . fool me once, shame on you . . . fool me twice, shame on me. Only a complete retard would trust Iran.

What has Iran done, exactly? I mean, seriously, what his this GREAT OFFENSE Iran has committed, exactly?
Every other country in the ME. Most people in the world with a brain wouldn't trust Iran. You MUST be kidding. Iran has done absolutely nothing to earn any trust. You ever hear the saying . . . fool me once, shame on you . . . fool me twice, shame on me. Only a complete retard would trust Iran.

What has Iran done, exactly? I mean, seriously, what his this GREAT OFFENSE Iran has committed, exactly?

Apparently you don't know much about anything, huh?
So, chris, can you answer the question.


Did they launch a major war over weapons that didn't exist? You know, like we did?

I mean, if you are going to argue, 'We absolutely cannot trust you", you really need to give me an example of how they broke their word.

Every other country in the ME. Most people in the world with a brain wouldn't trust Iran. You MUST be kidding. Iran has done absolutely nothing to earn any trust. You ever hear the saying . . . fool me once, shame on you . . . fool me twice, shame on me. Only a complete retard would trust Iran.

What has Iran done, exactly? I mean, seriously, what his this GREAT OFFENSE Iran has committed, exactly?

Iran tried to sink one of our Navy ships, the USS Liberty... Oh, never mind, that was Israel. 15 of the 9-11 hijackers were Iranians... Oh, never mind, those hijackers were Saudis, bush cheney's good buddies. They shot down one of our planes and kept the crew for several weeks, and kept the plane for good.... Oh wait, those were the Red chinese who we sent all the American jobs and factories to. Well, why then are we so worried about Iran then?
What's disgusting is that you would rather destroy a nation than even look for a path to peace. The last two wars did not do us any favors, they did not lead to a lasting peace or good relations with the countries we bombed to rubble and cost far too much in lives and money. War with Iran cannot be anything more than a last resort. Quit hoping for something that is guaranteed to come out very badly for both sides.

Again, I never said anything about war, so go bitch at someone else who may have actually said such a thing. Your lying is what is disgusting.
Our current policy is a path to war, it's a guarantee, do you think Iran will ever just unconditionally surrender to our demands? Not a chance in hell. They are going to defy us and they will build a bomb and if a warhawk republican ever makes it back to white house we will launch massive attacks even if it takes twenty years. Iran is the great patriotic war Republicans have prayed for since 1979 and they will have it unless something changes for the better.

We can force them to with sanctions. Mr. Obama's plan is to lift the tough sanctions we currently have on Iran, which does what? Helps them get the materials they need to make a bomb. That is all there is too it. Just wait until the Saudis and others get bombs. I already posted a link to that data. They are looking to get one because even THEY do not trust the Iranians. You people need to wake up out of your PC daze!
Everything you "know" about Iran comes from the same kind of people who told us Saddam was an imminent threat to Israel and Europe with his advanced biological and "nucular" programs. Even if you say you do not want a war the people spreading all the scary stories do, they want it badly. There are a lot of American and Israeli conservatives who want to murder Iran in cold blood without any real provocation, the rest of the world just wants to get down to business and get on with life.

Oh I know, Saddam was a harmless man who actually DID use chemical weapons before, is guilty of murdering up to a few MILLION people, scammed his own people with the Oil for Food Program. WTH is WRONG with you people?

And he was paying 10,000.00 dollars tpo parents who strapped bombs on their 5 and 6 year old children and blowing them up in Jewish restaurants and schools.
What's disgusting is that you would rather destroy a nation than even look for a path to peace. The last two wars did not do us any favors, they did not lead to a lasting peace or good relations with the countries we bombed to rubble and cost far too much in lives and money. War with Iran cannot be anything more than a last resort. Quit hoping for something that is guaranteed to come out very badly for both sides.

Again, I never said anything about war, so go bitch at someone else who may have actually said such a thing. Your lying is what is disgusting.
Our current policy is a path to war, it's a guarantee, do you think Iran will ever just unconditionally surrender to our demands? Not a chance in hell. They are going to defy us and they will build a bomb and if a warhawk republican ever makes it back to white house we will launch massive attacks even if it takes twenty years. Iran is the great patriotic war Republicans have prayed for since 1979 and they will have it unless something changes for the better.

We can force them to with sanctions. Mr. Obama's plan is to lift the tough sanctions we currently have on Iran, which does what? Helps them get the materials they need to make a bomb. That is all there is too it. Just wait until the Saudis and others get bombs. I already posted a link to that data. They are looking to get one because even THEY do not trust the Iranians. You people need to wake up out of your PC daze!
Everything you "know" about Iran comes from the same kind of people who told us Saddam was an imminent threat to Israel and Europe with his advanced biological and "nucular" programs. Even if you say you do not want a war the people spreading all the scary stories do, they want it badly. There are a lot of American and Israeli conservatives who want to murder Iran in cold blood without any real provocation, the rest of the world just wants to get down to business and get on with life.

Oh I know, Saddam was a harmless man who actually DID use chemical weapons before, is guilty of murdering up to a few MILLION people, scammed his own people with the Oil for Food Program. WTH is WRONG with you people?
Oh yeah things are so much better now. Just like the rest of the warhawks you are not devoting a second of thought to the aftermath. I think you are lying and do want a war if you are willing to make the case at this late date that anything is better because we invaded Iraq. If you will buy that shit you will buy the same shit when again the case is made to unilaterally attack Iran just because they do not like us.
ChrL 10996298
Oh I know, Saddam was a harmless man who actually DID use chemical weapons before, is guilty of murdering up to a few MILLION people, scammed his own people with the Oil for Food Program.

No one says Saddam was harmless. Chalk up another lie by you. Why did Bush use WMD as the reason there had to be am invasion?
ChrL 10996310
Anyone who would think that Iran has "changed" and is suddenly "responsible" after all of the crap that they have pulled are STILL pulling (as outlined in a link I provided, statements by the Chief of the IAEA)

Do you think the Chief of the IAEA supports your bigoted hatred and your opposition to completing the negotiations toward a final long term deal?

I have not argued that Iran is suddenly responsible. Count another lie on your record. We may find out if they are responsible after a deal. If they are not bomb their facilities. That is the surest way tio stop a bomb. Not cater to Iran's hardliners like you are doing since you both want to subvert a deal. You have the most in common with Iraq's hardliners at this point in time.
ChrL 10970116

NF 10970132
Are gun rights for peaceful law abiding citizens only?

ChrL 10970140
Ahhh, yes. Felons lose their rights. Are you even FROM this country? WTF?

NF 10970173
When do felons become felons? Before or after they violate the law?

Is the P5+1 deal if enacted going to become a part of international law?

Why didn't you answer the last two questions?
So, chris, can you answer the question.


Did they launch a major war over weapons that didn't exist? You know, like we did?

I mean, if you are going to argue, 'We absolutely cannot trust you", you really need to give me an example of how they broke their word.


The support and aid worldwide terrorism and attack other countries by proxy using terrorists. They stone and kill women. They hang homosexuals. They are run by religious extremists. They lie, cheat and deceive. Their beliefs are that they want to bring the world into the dark ages. That's just a few things.
ChrL 10996310
Anyone who would think that Iran has "changed" and is suddenly "responsible" after all of the crap that they have pulled are STILL pulling (as outlined in a link I provided, statements by the Chief of the IAEA)

Do you think the Chief of the IAEA supports your bigoted hatred and your opposition to completing the negotiations toward a final long term deal?

I have not argued that Iran is suddenly responsible. Count another lie on your record. We may find out if they are responsible after a deal. If they are not bomb their facilities. That is the surest way tio stop a bomb. Not cater to Iran's hardliners like you are doing since you both want to subvert a deal. You have the most in common with Iraq's hardliners at this point in time.

The chief of the IAEA says he is not sure if these "negotiations" are even going to be possible because Iran is STILL not fully cooperating. Now what?
ChrL 10970116

NF 10970132
Are gun rights for peaceful law abiding citizens only?

ChrL 10970140
Ahhh, yes. Felons lose their rights. Are you even FROM this country? WTF?

NF 10970173
When do felons become felons? Before or after they violate the law?

Is the P5+1 deal if enacted going to become a part of international law?

Why didn't you answer the last two questions?

Because your questions are idiotic, just like you, and I don't like you much . . . actually not at all. Anyone who is supportive of Islam and the Iranian regime is a loser, IMO. You can go screw off.

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