Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Yo, your beloved killer, Ted Kennedy, may he burn in HELL! Here is your man, and what a traitor he was!

Senator Teddy Kennedy (D-MA). In 1983, Teddy Kennedy sent emissaries to the Soviets to undermine Ronald Reagan's foreign policy.According to a memo finally released in 1991 from head of the KGB Victor Chebrikov to then-Soviet leader Yuri Andropov:

On 9-10 May of this year, Sen. Edward Kennedy's close friend and trusted confidant [John] Tunney was in Moscow. The senator charged Tunney to convey the following message, through confidential contacts, to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Y. Andropov.

What was the message? That Teddy would help stifle Reagan's anti-Soviet foreign policy if the Soviets would help Teddy run against Reagan in 1984.Kennedy offered to visit Moscow to "arm Soviet officials with explanations regarding problems of nuclear disarmament so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA." Then he said that he would set up interviews with Andropov in the United States. "Kennedy and his friends will bring about suitable steps to have representatives of the largest television companies in the USA contact Y.V. Andropov for an invitation to Moscow for the interviews. . .Like other rational people, [Kennedy] is very troubled by the current state of Soviet-American relations," the letter explained. The memo concluded:

Tunney remarked that the senator wants to run for president in 1988. Kennedy does not discount that during the 1984 campaign, the Democratic Party may officially turn to him to lead the fight against the Republicans and elect their candidate president.

Yo, now move on, nothing here to see! If you wish to see the six other Democrat traitors, than read on!
7 Times Democrats Advised America s Enemies to Oppose the President - Breitbart


Jimmy Carter destabilized the Middle East when he failed to support the Shah of Iran, our ally and also Israel's ally. The rise of radical Islam began under Carter. It was American false and only America have to fix it.
This is why I don't take lessons from idiots like you. The treaty you mentioned was never approved by the senate. Bush broke a treaty which was.

The lesson here kid is that Obama is breaking the same type of agreement that he trying to NOW say we must just aren't up to this kid.
You're too fucking stupid for words. I point out that any deal can be broken, even treaties approved by the Senate. I then point to Bush as the last example of just such an action ... and you idiotically respond with a non sequitur about an executive deal NOT approved by the Senate.

I respond with a fact that makes you look bad....again.

IF Obama walked away from an Exec Action that Billy Boy instituted why would he insist we comply with one HE did...especially when it is clearly not in anyone's best interest?

Give it up kid....making you look bad is no big deal, hell you almost make Lakhota and franco look intelligent.
Actually, you responded with a non sequitur which not only didn't address the post you were responding to, you laid down a "fact" I had never said anything about. That you think doing so makes me look bad is as idiotic as if I say to you, Obama travels on Air Force One. There, I said it. It's a fact and you can't refute it. Damn, I just made you look bad! :thup:

No, you didn't. Lol.
By ant's standards, I just squashed him like a bug. All one has to do is ignore what he posts; respond with a non sequitur that isn't being debated; declare it as fact and do a celebration dance.

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The possible agreement with Iran is being negotiated between the five permanent United Nations Security Council members plus one: the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia and China, plus Germany. So for the agreement to be truly modified, the other signatories would have to sign off.

Congress could pass legislation that conflicts with the agreement, effectively "modifying" it. But Congress' ability to carry this out is more difficult than the senators' blithe language suggests. "It would take presidential acquiescence or a supermajority -- two-thirds to override a veto -- for Congress to act independently to stiffen sanctions.

ignored ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
nitwit said:
* * * *

Dingbat...what you call [empty] opposition is a refusal of REALITY (which is yet another definition of your ilk's delusion.)

Soooooo, exactly what IS your way of avoiding that "inevitability"?


What I call opposition is the opposite of caving in. I realize that concept is too difficult for a sap lib. But still, you asked.

We have a thing called "sanctions." We could -- stay with us here for a moment, you goober -- increase those sanctions and deny the Iranians access to the materiel needed to make nuclear fuel and bombs. We could spy on them from the air and otherwise. We could, theoretically, even dispatch a couple of j-dams if they came to dangerously close to completeion. (Psst. It's happened before.)

nitwit said:
Will North Korea all of a sudden not want to help Iran.
Will Russia....just out of Putin's good will.....all of a sudden want to stop helping Iran (and Syria.)?
Will China stop buying Iran's oil lest they use that money for furthering their nuclear ambitions?

See above. The "desire" of NK to assist Iran is not the determinative factor. Putin and Russia are subject to all kinds of meaningful diplomacy. Too bad nobody ever advised your Obumblermessiah. And even china has been known to get motivated by what it considers its own self interest. Are you truly so narrow of vision that you think they would risk war just as they are emerging as a preeminent superpower?

I know. I know. All of this is tough stuff fraught with many complications. So YOUR first and only option is to toss up your hands in the air and just give in, give up, quit and roll over. I may have gotten the order wrong.

All your snide remarks aside (which is 90% of your posts) exactly WHO made you judge and jury and sentence of what another sovereign country wants to do about arming itself?? Especially since it arch enemy (Israel) has 200 nukes already?

Do I want for Iran to have nukes??? NOOOOoooo!!!

Do I want for multilateral disbarment of this suicidal weapons??? YYYeessss!!
Don't quit your day job kid, a Diplomat you aren't :)

\It takes real intelligence to think you can "negotiate" with a group (who by your own admission) can lie about whatever they want.

Look, I'm sorry that is not smart in ANYBODY'S world....any agreement reached with a Government like that isn't worth the paper it is printed on.

Well, with dingbats like your ilk, negotiations would indeed be impossible.

But given your "logic" about not dealing with people who lie......then nothing that our country could ever state should be taken seriously because WE TOO LIE.......Just ask Natives about our treaties with them
;) They have Hamas and Hezbollah for that.[/QUOTE said:
To which Iranians would retort...."....and you Americans, didn't you recently use the contras and mujahideens????"
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Jimmy Carter destabilized the Middle East when he failed to support the Shah of Iran, our ally and also Israel's ally. The rise of radical Islam began under Carter. It was American false and only America have to fix it.

No, not really...The Shah was a westernized playboy who roamed the world and left his military junta to maintain power and operate with Savak...the brutal Iranian secret service that prompted the revolution of 1979.

What began to really destabilize the ME, was the first gulf war.
The only fools here are the ones who would even contemplate supporting a nuclear Iran. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
so you are of the neocon hive mind (attack first & ask questions later). BTW- you ever serve? When, where?

Serving has nothing at all to do with anything, as I'm sure you know. I know enough about Iran and it's noncompliance with all treaties to know that this is a stupid idea.

You are the one of the hive mind, assuming that everyone who disagrees with Obama is a "neo con." Foolish. I'm a libertarian.

Who wants Iran to be in possession of a nuclear bomb, and do provide evidence.
IIar 10986130
Obumbler -- like many of the liberals here -- contend that there is some kind of inevitability to Iran acquiring nuclear weapons capacity.

Obama contends that an agreement allows 1 year breakout time to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear capacity. That includes bombing their facilities long before nuclear capacity is achieved,

Your statement is a lie. It is not inevitable.

Agree. It's the conservative way, the truth will set them free from power and elected office.

What's your opinion on Iran. You trust the Iranian mullahs? Do you know about their prophecies of the 12th Imam? Do you think they just make this shit up? Of course not, they are a religious theocracy who believes this crap.

My opinion of Iran was formed when they committed an act of war by invading and occupying our embassy. That said, there is no easy solution to the contemporary problem.

Suggesting Obama wants them to have a bomb is simply hate and fear rhetoric; the only realistic policy is to negotiate, and if they refuse or violate any agreement, take targeted and limited military action. The 47 Senators sabotaged a process solely for political purposes. Anyone who supports what the 47 did is a fool, as is anyone who believes the 47 Senators acted out of patriotic duty. I simply hope the Democrats don't stoop so low as to act in the same irresponsible manner if and when we elect a Republican to the oval office.

    • The agreement sees signatories promise to protect Ukraine's borders

    • It was signed by Bill Clinton, John Major, Boris Yeltsin and Leonid Kuchma in 1994

    • Ukrainian parliament has now reached out directly to all the countries who signed the treaty

    • Putin currently has 150,000 troops on Ukraine's borders and it is reported some have crossed into the country

    • President Obama says he is 'deeply concerned' by the news

    • The US and Britain have both made 'crisis calls' to President Putin to warn him to respect territorial boundaries

Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook[/B]

Always glad to help with your education, now this is an Executive Action...let's see you dance around the fact that Obammy broke this one and expects us to honor the one he is doing ;)
This is why I don't take lessons from idiots like you. The treaty you mentioned was never approved by the senate. Bush broke a treaty which was.

The lesson here kid is that Obama is breaking the same type of agreement that he trying to NOW say we must just aren't up to this kid.
You're too fucking stupid for words. I point out that any deal can be broken, even treaties approved by the Senate. I then point to Bush as the last example of just such an action ... and you idiotically respond with a non sequitur about an executive deal NOT approved by the Senate.

I respond with a fact that makes you look bad....again.

IF Obama walked away from an Exec Action that Billy Boy instituted why would he insist we comply with one HE did...especially when it is clearly not in anyone's best interest?

Give it up kid....making you look bad is no big deal, hell you almost make Lakhota and franco look intelligent.
Actually, you responded with a non sequitur which not only didn't address the post you were responding to, you laid down a "fact" I had never said anything about. That you think doing so makes me look bad is as idiotic as if I say to you, Obama travels on Air Force One. There, I said it. It's a fact and you can't refute it. Damn, I just made you look bad! :thup:

You are embarrassing yourself, you responded to what I posted which opened that portion of the Conversation, had you not responded to the statement you might have a point like I said, I can go on busting you up all day kid.
Don't quit your day job kid, a Diplomat you aren't :)

\It takes real intelligence to think you can "negotiate" with a group (who by your own admission) can lie about whatever they want.

Look, I'm sorry that is not smart in ANYBODY'S world....any agreement reached with a Government like that isn't worth the paper it is printed on.

Well, with dingbats like your ilk, negotiations would indeed be impossible.

But given your "logic" about not dealing with people who lie......then nothing that our country could ever state should be taken seriously because WE TOO LIE.......Just ask Natives about our treaties with them

I am still looking for intelligent liberal, would you like to know about their belief system?

Or would that be too much reality for you?
Sorry, your Boi King broke the treaty we signed with the Ukraine, they gave up weapons when we said we'd protect them.

Which agreement was that?

Here's what you don't get. Russia didn't invade the Ukraine, the Russians living in Ukraine revolted against the usurpers in Kiev.

I hope we didn't agree to get involved in their internal affairs.
Sorry, your Boi King broke the treaty we signed with the Ukraine, they gave up weapons when we said we'd protect them.

Which agreement was that?

Here's what you don't get. Russia didn't invade the Ukraine, the Russians living in Ukraine revolted against the usurpers in Kiev.

I hope we didn't agree to get involved in their internal affairs.

I already posted it Joe, I'm not doing your work for you.

Billy Boy put it in place.
This is why I don't take lessons from idiots like you. The treaty you mentioned was never approved by the senate. Bush broke a treaty which was.

The lesson here kid is that Obama is breaking the same type of agreement that he trying to NOW say we must just aren't up to this kid.
You're too fucking stupid for words. I point out that any deal can be broken, even treaties approved by the Senate. I then point to Bush as the last example of just such an action ... and you idiotically respond with a non sequitur about an executive deal NOT approved by the Senate.

I respond with a fact that makes you look bad....again.

IF Obama walked away from an Exec Action that Billy Boy instituted why would he insist we comply with one HE did...especially when it is clearly not in anyone's best interest?

Give it up kid....making you look bad is no big deal, hell you almost make Lakhota and franco look intelligent.
Actually, you responded with a non sequitur which not only didn't address the post you were responding to, you laid down a "fact" I had never said anything about. That you think doing so makes me look bad is as idiotic as if I say to you, Obama travels on Air Force One. There, I said it. It's a fact and you can't refute it. Damn, I just made you look bad! :thup:

You are embarrassing yourself, you responded to what I posted which opened that portion of the Conversation, had you not responded to the statement you might have a point like I said, I can go on busting you up all day kid.
I responded to you to tell you what a fucking moron you are. But hey, if that opened any doors for ya, more power to you.
Sorry, your Boi King broke the treaty we signed with the Ukraine, they gave up weapons when we said we'd protect them.

Which agreement was that?

Here's what you don't get. Russia didn't invade the Ukraine, the Russians living in Ukraine revolted against the usurpers in Kiev.

I hope we didn't agree to get involved in their internal affairs.

I already posted it Joe, I'm not doing your work for you.

Billy Boy put it in place.
You seem to declare yourself the victor a lot. Do you really lack as much self-esteem as it seems?
I am still looking for intelligent liberal, would you like to know about their belief system?

Or would that be too much reality for you?

I'd suggest you analyze for yourself YOUR OWN racist, bigoted, jingoistic, right wing, chicken hawk, belief system........

Don't bother bitching about the state of someone else's house when yours stinks to high heaven. If all else fails, go light up a cross.
You mean, you have no intelligent responses to the facts, so you have to go and try to bring the US into this. As Yoda would say, Pathetic you are. Lol.
The US is the biggest arms dealer on the planet. We supply more arms, to more country's, than anyone else. And that includes terrorist organizations like ISIS. So for you (or anyone else) to be outraged over Iran doing this and not outraged over the US for doing much more of this, just means you are one major fucking hypocrite.

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