Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

But in the process the US will be forced to retaliate. And most likely World War III will begin.

While it could be possible, and the more cynical might say that Iran dropping such a bomb would
give the West the excuse they need to annihilate them

They probably would gamble on the West response to be too weak and timid to actually
do anything like that
Israel's interests don't trump the rest of the worlds - particularly since Israel is a nuclear power that has refused to sign the NPT.

Sure, but when Iran threatens to wipe you from the face of the Earth, it won't matter who has second strike capability and who doesn't. One nuke ends Israel forever. It won't matter who signed the NPT. Israel will get the blunt end of this deal.

Iran is not suicidal - they're not going to "nuke Israel", and even if they did, "one nuke" won't come close to ending Israel forever.

Israel has second-strike capability, both from ground silos and from submarines. A nuclear attack on Israel would guarantee an automatic nuclear response against Iran.

Israel's nukes are modern thermonuclear fusion bombs - "H-bombs" - which are magnitudes more powerful than anything Iran is close to building. Not to mention the other 3 nuclear powers within 200 miles of Iran.

If a country behaves in a rational manner,,, your argument might work
Iran, or least it leaders are far from stable and trustworthy.
If a theocracy has a belief that suicidal acts can get one into heaven,
it seems a hard sell to believe they are not at least a bit irrational.

Besides, a nuclear bomb capability is the required "trigger" for a H bomb
so, yeah it is a big thing

Iran is one of the oldest civilizations on the planet.

They haven't lasted 6,000 years being irrational.

Problem. Iran isn't limited to its geographical borders. It holds influence over multiple countries in the ME.
Israel's interests don't trump the rest of the worlds - particularly since Israel is a nuclear power that has refused to sign the NPT.

Sure, but when Iran threatens to wipe you from the face of the Earth, it won't matter who has second strike capability and who doesn't. One nuke ends Israel forever. It won't matter who signed the NPT. Israel will get the blunt end of this deal.

Iran is not suicidal - they're not going to "nuke Israel", and even if they did, "one nuke" won't come close to ending Israel forever.

Israel has second-strike capability, both from ground silos and from submarines. A nuclear attack on Israel would guarantee an automatic nuclear response against Iran.

Israel's nukes are modern thermonuclear fusion bombs - "H-bombs" - which are magnitudes more powerful than anything Iran is close to building. Not to mention the other 3 nuclear powers within 200 miles of Iran.

If a country behaves in a rational manner,,, your argument might work
Iran, or least it leaders are far from stable and trustworthy.
If a theocracy has a belief that suicidal acts can get one into heaven,
it seems a hard sell to believe they are not at least a bit irrational.

Besides, a nuclear bomb capability is the required "trigger" for a H bomb
so, yeah it is a big thing

Iran is one of the oldest civilizations on the planet.

They haven't lasted 6,000 years being irrational.

Problem. Iran isn't limited to its geographical borders. It holds influence over multiple countries in the ME.

Iran has some level of influence in Syria and Iraq. That's about it.

The whole Iran empire-building meme is mostly just fantasy and fear-mongering.
Israel's interests don't trump the rest of the worlds - particularly since Israel is a nuclear power that has refused to sign the NPT.

Sure, but when Iran threatens to wipe you from the face of the Earth, it won't matter who has second strike capability and who doesn't. One nuke ends Israel forever. It won't matter who signed the NPT. Israel will get the blunt end of this deal.

If it comes to that - everyone will get the blunt end of the deal because Israel will strike back and then everyone will go nuts.

But Iran is not insane. It wants to be a major regional player but it does not want to destroy itself.

What people don't seem to grasp is that there will be no Isreal if Iran nukes them. Israel won't be there to strike back.


The largest uranium fission bomb (the only sort of nuclear weapon possible for Iran to build) ever built had a destructive radius of less than 5 miles.

Where are you getting your information from?

Does "radioactive fallout" mean anything?
Israel's interests don't trump the rest of the worlds - particularly since Israel is a nuclear power that has refused to sign the NPT.

Sure, but when Iran threatens to wipe you from the face of the Earth, it won't matter who has second strike capability and who doesn't. One nuke ends Israel forever. It won't matter who signed the NPT. Israel will get the blunt end of this deal.

Iran is not suicidal - they're not going to "nuke Israel", and even if they did, "one nuke" won't come close to ending Israel forever.

Israel has second-strike capability, both from ground silos and from submarines. A nuclear attack on Israel would guarantee an automatic nuclear response against Iran.

Israel's nukes are modern thermonuclear fusion bombs - "H-bombs" - which are magnitudes more powerful than anything Iran is close to building. Not to mention the other 3 nuclear powers within 200 miles of Iran.

If a country behaves in a rational manner,,, your argument might work
Iran, or least it leaders are far from stable and trustworthy.
If a theocracy has a belief that suicidal acts can get one into heaven,
it seems a hard sell to believe they are not at least a bit irrational.

Besides, a nuclear bomb capability is the required "trigger" for a H bomb
so, yeah it is a big thing

Iran behaves perfectly rationally and in it's self interest. We may not agree with it's regional actions and support of terrorism in the region, but that doesn't mean it's not rational. And despite what you say they have proven to be a very stable regime so far. As far as being a theocracy (which it is) that believes that suicidal acts can get one into heaven...there has been an remarkable dirth of Iranian suicide bombers.

Is it dangerous? Russia could China could be....but it is rational and it cares about it's own survival. Do we want to see it with a nuke? No. Nuclear proliferation is very undesirable particularly in the hands of countries like Iran.

If you want irrational I would offer North Korea. A nuke in it's hands would be far more frightening.
Sure, but when Iran threatens to wipe you from the face of the Earth, it won't matter who has second strike capability and who doesn't. One nuke ends Israel forever. It won't matter who signed the NPT. Israel will get the blunt end of this deal.

Iran is not suicidal - they're not going to "nuke Israel", and even if they did, "one nuke" won't come close to ending Israel forever.

Israel has second-strike capability, both from ground silos and from submarines. A nuclear attack on Israel would guarantee an automatic nuclear response against Iran.

Israel's nukes are modern thermonuclear fusion bombs - "H-bombs" - which are magnitudes more powerful than anything Iran is close to building. Not to mention the other 3 nuclear powers within 200 miles of Iran.

If a country behaves in a rational manner,,, your argument might work
Iran, or least it leaders are far from stable and trustworthy.
If a theocracy has a belief that suicidal acts can get one into heaven,
it seems a hard sell to believe they are not at least a bit irrational.

Besides, a nuclear bomb capability is the required "trigger" for a H bomb
so, yeah it is a big thing

Iran is one of the oldest civilizations on the planet.

They haven't lasted 6,000 years being irrational.

Problem. Iran isn't limited to its geographical borders. It holds influence over multiple countries in the ME.

Iran has some level of influence in Syria and Iraq. That's about it.

The whole Iran empire-building meme is mostly just fantasy and fear-mongering.

Uh, and what proof do you have that Iran's influence is that limited?
Israel's interests don't trump the rest of the worlds - particularly since Israel is a nuclear power that has refused to sign the NPT.

Sure, but when Iran threatens to wipe you from the face of the Earth, it won't matter who has second strike capability and who doesn't. One nuke ends Israel forever. It won't matter who signed the NPT. Israel will get the blunt end of this deal.

Iran is not suicidal - they're not going to "nuke Israel", and even if they did, "one nuke" won't come close to ending Israel forever.

Israel has second-strike capability, both from ground silos and from submarines. A nuclear attack on Israel would guarantee an automatic nuclear response against Iran.

Israel's nukes are modern thermonuclear fusion bombs - "H-bombs" - which are magnitudes more powerful than anything Iran is close to building. Not to mention the other 3 nuclear powers within 200 miles of Iran.

If a country behaves in a rational manner,,, your argument might work
Iran, or least it leaders are far from stable and trustworthy.
If a theocracy has a belief that suicidal acts can get one into heaven,
it seems a hard sell to believe they are not at least a bit irrational.

Besides, a nuclear bomb capability is the required "trigger" for a H bomb
so, yeah it is a big thing

Iran is one of the oldest civilizations on the planet.

They haven't lasted 6,000 years being irrational.

Germans are still around and they were pretty irrational :)

The people have been around that long but they have
change gov'ts and belief systems, multiple times over
It has not even been called Iran for that long of a time

How can a nation that could soon be a nuclear power still legally stone women to death for adultery?

Again, tough sell to make
it seems like a real loser
There is no "constitutional overreach". What he is doing is perfectly legit and has been done by every president before him.

Edited to add: Consider the SALT talks: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks SALT Encyclopedia Britannica

Most of those agreements were executive agreements eventually leading to the ABM Treaty.

...The Interim Agreement froze each side’s number of ICBMs and submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) at current levels for five years, pending negotiation of a more detailed SALT II. As an executive agreement, it did not require U.S. Senate ratification, but it was approved by Congress in a joint resolution

The agreements being negotiated with Iran are similar. Neither side can get everything they want but if they put a freeze on it for ten years, they can buy time to negotiate something more permenant.

Or provide a structure to flaut the agreement and then announce that they have nuclear weapons in a few years like North Korea.
Israel's interests don't trump the rest of the worlds - particularly since Israel is a nuclear power that has refused to sign the NPT.

Sure, but when Iran threatens to wipe you from the face of the Earth, it won't matter who has second strike capability and who doesn't. One nuke ends Israel forever. It won't matter who signed the NPT. Israel will get the blunt end of this deal.

If it comes to that - everyone will get the blunt end of the deal because Israel will strike back and then everyone will go nuts.

But Iran is not insane. It wants to be a major regional player but it does not want to destroy itself.

What people don't seem to grasp is that there will be no Isreal if Iran nukes them. Israel won't be there to strike back.


The largest uranium fission bomb (the only sort of nuclear weapon possible for Iran to build) ever built had a destructive radius of less than 5 miles.

Where are you getting your information from?

Does "radioactive fallout" mean anything?

It does, but going from the way you're saying it, it doesn't mean what you think it does.
There is no "constitutional overreach". What he is doing is perfectly legit and has been done by every president before him.

So every President has done everything within their means to promote the interests of the enemy of United States, without tipping their hand that they're actually doing so... ?

Now setting aside the obvious example of William The Bubba... would ya have an example or two?

An example supporting your that what you are requesting?

So you're claiming here that reality appears distorted to you?

Well, such is typical of the usage of deviant reasoning. (That's sorta the downside to delusion.)
Iran is not suicidal - they're not going to "nuke Israel", and even if they did, "one nuke" won't come close to ending Israel forever.

Israel has second-strike capability, both from ground silos and from submarines. A nuclear attack on Israel would guarantee an automatic nuclear response against Iran.

Israel's nukes are modern thermonuclear fusion bombs - "H-bombs" - which are magnitudes more powerful than anything Iran is close to building. Not to mention the other 3 nuclear powers within 200 miles of Iran.

If a country behaves in a rational manner,,, your argument might work
Iran, or least it leaders are far from stable and trustworthy.
If a theocracy has a belief that suicidal acts can get one into heaven,
it seems a hard sell to believe they are not at least a bit irrational.

Besides, a nuclear bomb capability is the required "trigger" for a H bomb
so, yeah it is a big thing

Iran is one of the oldest civilizations on the planet.

They haven't lasted 6,000 years being irrational.

Problem. Iran isn't limited to its geographical borders. It holds influence over multiple countries in the ME.

Iran has some level of influence in Syria and Iraq. That's about it.

The whole Iran empire-building meme is mostly just fantasy and fear-mongering.

Uh, and what proof do you have that Iran's influence is that limited?

What "proof" do you have that Iran's influence is any more than that?
Iran is one of the oldest civilizations on the planet.

They haven't lasted 6,000 years being irrational.

Comparing the modern leaders of Iran to Cyrus who referred to the Jews as "The Anointed of the Lord" ... would be a wee bit of a stretch.

There is no "constitutional overreach". What he is doing is perfectly legit and has been done by every president before him.

So every President has done everything within their means to promote the interests of the enemy of United States, without tipping their hand that they're actually doing so... ?

Now setting aside the obvious example of William The Bubba... would ya have an example or two?

An example supporting your that what you are requesting?

So you're claiming here that reality appears distorted to you?

Well, such is typical of the usage of deviant reasoning. (That's sorta the downside to delusion.)

No. I'm trying to make sense of your distorted question. What are you asking for examples of?
There is no "constitutional overreach". What he is doing is perfectly legit and has been done by every president before him.

Edited to add: Consider the SALT talks: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks SALT Encyclopedia Britannica

Most of those agreements were executive agreements eventually leading to the ABM Treaty.

...The Interim Agreement froze each side’s number of ICBMs and submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) at current levels for five years, pending negotiation of a more detailed SALT II. As an executive agreement, it did not require U.S. Senate ratification, but it was approved by Congress in a joint resolution

The agreements being negotiated with Iran are similar. Neither side can get everything they want but if they put a freeze on it for ten years, they can buy time to negotiate something more permenant.

There is no indication yet that it would endanger Israel or threaten the world or the US.

A 10 year sunset clause most certainly would.

Depends on exactly what is in the agreement and no, even then - it could just mean back to another set of sanctions or negotiations. A nuclear bomb isn't going to spring forth like Athena from the head of Zeus at the end of ten years.

I notice how so many people want to put wings and a halo on this deal and call it glorious, but it simply isn't. This deal is being negotiated without input from Israel, therefore whatever is being discussed is not in the best interests of Israel. All Iran needs to do is stonewall and play nice until they have enough centrifuges to make a bomb. They are already 1/4th of the way there.

It also requires one to believe that Papa Obama is a good judge of character
That could be a hard sell

This is what you guys don't get. It's really this simple.

"Character" has nothing to do with this. Nothing at all.

This is politics.


And you guys thought when they started calling sexual deviants "Gay" that it was cute... and harmless.

But in your defense, who could have known that they'd eventually profess publicly that character has no relevance to governance. (But it does explain how they came up with 'The Constitution Protects the Right to murder your pre-born children.)
Israel's interests don't trump the rest of the worlds - particularly since Israel is a nuclear power that has refused to sign the NPT.

Sure, but when Iran threatens to wipe you from the face of the Earth, it won't matter who has second strike capability and who doesn't. One nuke ends Israel forever. It won't matter who signed the NPT. Israel will get the blunt end of this deal.

Iran is not suicidal - they're not going to "nuke Israel", and even if they did, "one nuke" won't come close to ending Israel forever.

Israel has second-strike capability, both from ground silos and from submarines. A nuclear attack on Israel would guarantee an automatic nuclear response against Iran.

Israel's nukes are modern thermonuclear fusion bombs - "H-bombs" - which are magnitudes more powerful than anything Iran is close to building. Not to mention the other 3 nuclear powers within 200 miles of Iran.

If a country behaves in a rational manner,,, your argument might work
Iran, or least it leaders are far from stable and trustworthy.
If a theocracy has a belief that suicidal acts can get one into heaven,
it seems a hard sell to believe they are not at least a bit irrational.

Besides, a nuclear bomb capability is the required "trigger" for a H bomb
so, yeah it is a big thing

Iran is one of the oldest civilizations on the planet.

They haven't lasted 6,000 years being irrational.

Iran hasn't been Islamic for 6000 years. The Irrational thing came along at precisely the same time that Islam came along. And since then, Iran's been crazier than a shit-house rat.

Go figure, ... huh?
There is no "constitutional overreach". What he is doing is perfectly legit and has been done by every president before him.

Edited to add: Consider the SALT talks: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks SALT Encyclopedia Britannica

Most of those agreements were executive agreements eventually leading to the ABM Treaty.

...The Interim Agreement froze each side’s number of ICBMs and submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) at current levels for five years, pending negotiation of a more detailed SALT II. As an executive agreement, it did not require U.S. Senate ratification, but it was approved by Congress in a joint resolution

The agreements being negotiated with Iran are similar. Neither side can get everything they want but if they put a freeze on it for ten years, they can buy time to negotiate something more permenant.

A 10 year sunset clause most certainly would.

Depends on exactly what is in the agreement and no, even then - it could just mean back to another set of sanctions or negotiations. A nuclear bomb isn't going to spring forth like Athena from the head of Zeus at the end of ten years.

I notice how so many people want to put wings and a halo on this deal and call it glorious, but it simply isn't. This deal is being negotiated without input from Israel, therefore whatever is being discussed is not in the best interests of Israel. All Iran needs to do is stonewall and play nice until they have enough centrifuges to make a bomb. They are already 1/4th of the way there.

It also requires one to believe that Papa Obama is a good judge of character
That could be a hard sell

This is what you guys don't get. It's really this simple.

"Character" has nothing to do with this. Nothing at all.

This is politics.


And you guys thought when they started calling sexual deviants "Gay" that it was cute... and harmless.

But in your defense, who could have known that they'd eventually profess publicly that character has no relevance to governance. (But it does explain how they came up with 'The Constitution Protects the Right to murder your pre-born children.)

*Pats head*

It's cute how you think mentioning abortion in every thread is some sort of magical spell that makes your drivel relevant.
Yo, how quickly we forget? Just a few days back the "Socialist Progressive Democrats" showed their true colors as traitors! They boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech, our only ally in the middle east? Now who is the real Hypocrite in Washington?


shooting bird.jpg
Yo, how quickly we forget? Just a few days back the "Socialist Progressive Democrats" showed their true colors as traitors! They boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech, our only ally in the middle east? Now who is the real Hypocrite in Washington?


View attachment 37678

Umh...what does boycotting a speech have to do with anything? :dunno:
If a country behaves in a rational manner,,, your argument might work
Iran, or least it leaders are far from stable and trustworthy.
If a theocracy has a belief that suicidal acts can get one into heaven,
it seems a hard sell to believe they are not at least a bit irrational.

Besides, a nuclear bomb capability is the required "trigger" for a H bomb
so, yeah it is a big thing

Iran is one of the oldest civilizations on the planet.

They haven't lasted 6,000 years being irrational.

Problem. Iran isn't limited to its geographical borders. It holds influence over multiple countries in the ME.

Iran has some level of influence in Syria and Iraq. That's about it.

The whole Iran empire-building meme is mostly just fantasy and fear-mongering.

Uh, and what proof do you have that Iran's influence is that limited?

What "proof" do you have that Iran's influence is any more than that?

As you so often point out, it isn't up to me to prove a negative.

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