Republican Stupidity -Ban Books but Not Guns

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Republicans are idiots. It's just that simple. They want to ban books and subjects because they think teaching true history will hurt white children, but allowing more guns will make them better Americans.

View attachment 655582

They want to ban LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD?
Something tells me the girl on the left is not holding up one of the books in controversy. Why would that be I wonder? I'm sure thats on purpose.
Mmmm I say no. Let law abiding black Americans keep their guns for self defense, they face more crime than th erest of us and cops wont show up until minutes later
/——: So Dr have no problem with

/———/ The Burbank Unified School District in Los Angeles recently barred To Kill A Mockingbird, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and others. Democrats are now banning books for an unbelievable reason | Culture Watch News
Yawn! Banning books but not guns is a republican thing. So if republicans can ban teaching things they say make white children feel bad, stories making black children feel bad can be banned too.
You can count on left wingers to resort to cliches instead of political reality. To the typical uneducated radical leftie who relies on left wing blogs instead of real world opinion, the concept of "banning books" might seem like the ultimate hit piece to expose hypocrisy in the republican party but it only exposes the profound ignorance lefties have for family values and Constitutional issues.
They want to ban LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD?
Something tells me the girl on the left is not holding up one of the books in controversy. Why would that be I wonder? I'm sure thats on purpose.
Mmmm I say no. Let law abiding black Americans keep their guns for self defense, they face more crime than th erest of us and cops wont show up until minutes later
Whites face more crime. It's time to stop telling yourselves different.
Republicans are idiots. It's just that simple. They want to ban books and subjects because they think teaching true history will hurt white children, but allowing more guns will make them better Americans.

View attachment 655582

Schools need to teach children reading, writing, math and science. Our kids are 2 years behind thanks to the Covid lunacy. There is no time in the school day to waste on divisive topics of questionable merit.
You can count on left wingers to resort to cliches instead of political reality. To the typical uneducated radical leftie who relies on left wing blogs instead of real world opinion, the concept of "banning books" might seem like the ultimate hit piece to expose hypocrisy in the republican party but it only exposes the profound ignorance lefties have for family values and Constitutional issues.
You know nothing about family values or the constitution.
Schools need to teach children reading, writing, math and science. Our kids are 2 years behind thanks to the Covid lunacy. There is no time in the school day to waste on divisive topics of questionable merit.
Schools need to teach kids the truth. None of that is divisive or questionable. You are just scared that when reality is taught your kids will question you.
Democrats need to get a backbone.
They need to get more than that.

Heather Has Two Mommies should have been banned years ago. It's done too much damage already.
More far left propaganda.

Using the median analysis, the United States is the only country examined that shows a propensity for mass shootings. The data itself supports this interpretation, as the United States endured mass shooting events all seven years, but the other countries all experienced mass shootings during only one or two years. Thus, in a typical year, most countries experience zero mass shooting deaths, while the US experiences at least a few.
Using the median analysis, the United States is the only country examined that shows a propensity for mass shootings. The data itself supports this interpretation, as the United States endured mass shooting events all seven years, but the other countries all experienced mass shootings during only one or two years. Thus, in a typical year, most countries experience zero mass shooting deaths, while the US experiences at least a few.
I thought you libs said the pen is mightier than the sword.
Using the median analysis, the United States is the only country examined that shows a propensity for mass shootings. The data itself supports this interpretation, as the United States endured mass shooting events all seven years, but the other countries all experienced mass shootings during only one or two years. Thus, in a typical year, most countries experience zero mass shooting deaths, while the US experiences at least a few.

Thank you for proving my point correct and your far left narrative incorrect!
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