Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

OMG, there are Republicans in my yard with guns! The war has begun!
If this is the way democrats feel, they have an obligation to put an end to traitors and declare war themselves.
I still say that Rinata was merely ghost writing for TdM. You cannot look at her ridiculous thread headline and not automatically assume that TdM posted it.

May be.

I got into it once with Rinata and determined it was a demented old lady and stopped effing with her. Picking on the elderly, retarded, and stupid just ain't right.
I still say that Rinata was merely ghost writing for TdM. You cannot look at her ridiculous thread headline and not automatically assume that TdM posted it.

May be.

I got into it once with Rinata and determined it was a demented old lady and stopped effing with her. Picking on the elderly, retarded, and stupid just ain't right.

Rinata and I used to regularly get into verbal jousting.

Later on, we had a truce emerge -- somehow.

But if she's gonna start channeling TdM, all bets are off!

Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

Dateline May 12 Reporting from undisclosed/redacted


Demarcation day has arrived, Republican troops have taken New Jersey! The East Coast push has finally begun. Both beach landings and paratroopers have met and secured important towns across the Garden State. Freedom marches on but the cost is high. Snooki is MIA.

Stand by for further updates.
you forgot pushing granny over a cliff. :rolleyes:

playing the role of tdm for this thread will be rinata.

Romney's goal as President is to start a war he supports but he..nor any of his sons will fight in.

The Bishop Vampire thanks you for your blood...America.
Are you kidding? Clinton abused a women young enough to be his daughter in the freaking Oval Office and had his wife and supporters ruin the lives of any other woman who came forward with testimony of Bubba Bill's abuses. Clinton was diddling Monica with a cigar while the 9-11 terrorists were going to flight school. Democrats authorized boots on the Ground in Iraq and then engaged in treason while they called the US Military commander "betray-us" and sat back and pretended to be bystanders while they undermined the Military mission. Maybe it's a lack of proper education or Michael Savage was right that liberalism is a mental illness.

Michael Savage is an idiot and so are you!!! All of the women BC was involved with were old enough to know better. Why are they not responsible for their own actions??? I'll bet they would have been had it been GWB they were involved with instead of Bill Clinton. You people are such hypocrites.
I still say that Rinata was merely ghost writing for TdM. You cannot look at her ridiculous thread headline and not automatically assume that TdM posted it.

I have no idea who or what TdM is. And that's the God's truth. Apparently you attach an importance to it that is not shared by me.
I think I hit a nerve with all of you right wing nuts!!! I'm so glad!!

The GOP’s war on Americans has been going on for some time, but it started in earnest in January 2011 when Republicans assumed control of the House of Representatives and several state legislatures. First it must be emphasized that in recent memory there are no instances of Republicans passing any legislation that helps the American people, but they have worked tirelessly to help the wealthiest one percent. It is expected that during a normal campaign season, candidates and political parties would promote their agendas by stressing what they will do for the people, but Republicans have abandoned any pretext of helping Americans and are blatantly campaigning on enriching the wealthy and corporations.

Shortly after taking their oath of office, Republicans immediately singled out women for their initial assault, and then set out to increase hunger and poverty with vicious spending cuts affecting the poor, children, and elderly Americans. They used the deficit, budget, and religion to garner support for their assaults and have been unrelenting in pushing austerity measures on the 99%, and they found willing advocates among racists, teabaggers, and religious fanatics. The tragedy the GOP’s supporters will never comprehend until it is too late is that they will suffer as much as the poor people, minorities, and women they hate.

In both versions of Paul Ryan’s Path to Prosperity budget, the level of cuts to social safety nets is only matched in severity by the plan to privatize Medicare that not only decimates the elderly, but restricts uninsured Americans from receiving health care.

Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

Great article!!! Hope you all will check it out.

Yes, this is a great article. Thanks for sharing.
You forgot pushing granny over a cliff. :rolleyes:

If teabaggers ever gain control, grandma won't have to be pushed. She will die from asphyxiation. And children will never live long enough to be grandmas.

House Republican leaders have pushed through an astonishing 191 votes to weaken environmental protections.

Tests reveal high chemical levels in kids' bodies

Industrial toxins could be leading to more childhood disease and disorders.

"We are in an epidemic of environmentally mediated disease among American children today," he said. "Rates of asthma, childhood cancers, birth defects and developmental disorders have exponentially increased, and it can't be explained by changes in the human genome. So what has changed? All the chemicals we're being exposed to."

"We didn't inherit this land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
Lakota Sioux Proverb
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You forgot pushing granny over a cliff. :rolleyes:

If teabaggers ever gain control, grandma won't have to be pushed. She will die from asphyxiation. And children will never live long enough to be grandmas.

House Republican leaders have pushed through an astonishing 191 votes to weaken environmental protections.

Tests reveal high chemical levels in kids' bodies

Industrial toxins could be leading to more childhood disease and disorders.

"We are in an epidemic of environmentally mediated disease among American children today," he said. "Rates of asthma, childhood cancers, birth defects and developmental disorders have exponentially increased, and it can't be explained by changes in the human genome. So what has changed? All the chemicals we're being exposed to."

"We didn't inherit this land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
Lakota Sioux Proverb

bfgrn doesn't see how his lame hyperbole has revealed him to be just another moron like rderp and TdM. Brainless twats, all three of them.
Romney's goal as President is to start a war he supports but he..nor any of his sons will fight in.

The Bishop Vampire thanks you for your blood...America.
So which of his wars has Obama fought in? His daughters?

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