Republican version of "I love America"

Republicans tend to think giving people National healthcare leads to a massive "Genocide"event like they're having in Sweden, or Norway.

Meanwhile Republicans think nothing about the massive military the U.S.A has, where the "Pacifist" U.S spends 48% of the World's military budget, apparently that's "Not enough" because otherwise the Terrorists who lived in the U.S.A win.

Actually the U.S.A is more genocidal than Sweden, or Norway, or well just about everybody else who has National healthcare, now-a-days.
I'm not a republican, dipshit.....And The State doesn't "give" anyone anything, that they didn't first steal from someone else.
Republicans tend to think giving people National healthcare leads to a massive "Genocide"event like they're having in Sweden, or Norway.

Meanwhile Republicans think nothing about the massive military the U.S.A has, where the "Pacifist" U.S spends 48% of the World's military budget, apparently that's "Not enough" because otherwise the Terrorists who lived in the U.S.A win.

Actually the U.S.A is more genocidal than Sweden, or Norway, or well just about everybody else who has National healthcare, now-a-days.
I'm not a republican, dipshit.....And The State doesn't "give" anyone anything, that they didn't first steal from someone else.

Well, you certainly have been offended by my anti-Republican remarks.
How come?

I'm pretty neutral in Democrat vs Republican, so I'd never get offended by much smack against, either.

So.... What's the deal there?
Let Americans die from lack of healthcare.

Let Americans die from lack of food.

Let Americans die from wars they cause.

Let Americans die from pollution.

Let Americans die from deregulation, everything from hazarderous food, to unregulated limos falling apart. (Ahem)

Pay Israel more, and more money.

Build infrastructure in Iraq, and Afghanistan by our government more proportionate than for the U.S.A.

Kill, kill, kill the environment to make America ugly.

Kill everybody from poor infrastructure.

American kids deserve less education money.

Americans deserve less money, that's why Unions are wrong.

Isolate everybody from America, because "ZIonism" & "Talking smack" comes first. (Ahem)

Let big business wipe out the competition, raise the prices, and gouge American people.
You seem to have the Republicans pegged!


By the way, stupid, Sobie hates Blacks with a passion.
it is not, universal, left wing doctrine.
Yet every thing he said is your parties platform. All you have is a dumb poll response.

Where do pieces of shit like you come from? Is there some magical pasture outside San Fransicko where lumps of bullshit become animated and become caricatures of the dumbest mother fuckers on earth?

First of all, I'm not a republicrat you sniveling parasite.

Unfortunately for us, the republicrats are the most significant "opposition" to what amounts to the North American Socialist Worker's Party. If any party has a questionable party platform, it's the party that works to undermine free markets and establish a tyrannical central authority just like old Adolph and the boys, along with every other leftist douchebag that destroyed their own country.

I realize you're programmed to parrot asinine shit about republicrats wanting to poison the water, make the air dirtier than communist china, starve all the kids and old people, make the blacks eat all the mexicans and then chase them out of the country, and force all the poor people left over to drink gasoline.

You will gleefully parrot that stupid shit without questioning a word of it, you will ignore every nefarious, sinister, perverse, deviant and criminal act committed by democrook pieces of shit, and demand the death penalty for any republicrat accused of holding the door open for a woman because chivalry is an antiquated tradition of the patriarchy.

Someone please remind me why I'm not supposed to encourage genetic garbage like that to snuff itself out?

Attention mods!...deanrd has hijacked this dude's account!

I never pretended to be Republican, or Democrat.

There's a reason I consider myself Polish first, and American hardly at all. (Despite being born here)

We all consider you hardly American too.

It's truly a compliment to seem more European than American.
Europeans now-a-days tend to be more forward, and thinking, as well as more peaceful, and less multi-culti.

Only Albanians are as backwards as the U.S.A in Europe.

But, I'm not so sure.

At least Albanians aren't causing massive wars, nor are Albanians going nuts going Chimp, Chimp about racism as an issue.

I actually prefer Albanians over Americans, contrary to some White Nationalist forums think.

Albanians are generally Right-Wing, even if a lot of Albanians are Muslims, they usually don't support White political correctness, and White cultural suicide, by Liberalism.
Yet every thing he said is your parties platform. All you have is a dumb poll response.

Where do pieces of shit like you come from? Is there some magical pasture outside San Fransicko where lumps of bullshit become animated and become caricatures of the dumbest mother fuckers on earth?

First of all, I'm not a republicrat you sniveling parasite.

Unfortunately for us, the republicrats are the most significant "opposition" to what amounts to the North American Socialist Worker's Party. If any party has a questionable party platform, it's the party that works to undermine free markets and establish a tyrannical central authority just like old Adolph and the boys, along with every other leftist douchebag that destroyed their own country.

I realize your programmed to parrot asinine shit about republicrats wanting to poison the water, make the air dirtier than communist china, starve all the kids and old people, make the blacks eat all the mexicans and then chase them out of the country, and force all the poor people left over to drink gasoline.

You will gleefully parrot that stupid shit without questioning a word of it, you will ignore every nefarious, sinister, perverse, deviant and criminal act committed by democrook pieces of shit, and demand the death penalty for any republicrat accused of holding the door open for a woman because chivalry is an antiquated tradition of the patriarchy.

Someone please remind me why I'm not supposed to encourage genetic garbage like that to snuff itself out?

go fuck your self pete. you are a peice of shit.
Trump EPA moves to roll back more clean air and water rules
Trump EPA moves to roll back more clean air and water rules
As Trump Guts EPA From Within, Watchdog Reports Blasts Agency for Failures Related to Flint Water Crisis
Trump signs three executive orders taking aim at unions
Here are the massive tax breaks Trump is proposing for the rich
Seems as though the laws being passed right now serve as evidnce of all listed in the op
You seem to have the Republicans pegged!


By the way, stupid, Sobie hates Blacks with a passion.

That's how it is with bed wetters.

The enemy of their enemies are a bed wetter's friend. Like when Ted Kennedy approached the USSR about helping him defeat Reagan. Treason is just a tool for liberals.

Take the jihadis for instance. Achmed will gleefully saw off the head of an atheist moonbat, queer, militant vegan, feminazi, or tranny. Bed wetters love Achmed though, because they believe Achmed hates all Americans equally. They figure they can just hug Achmed, he will embrace atheist dogma and start sucking cock.
Yet every thing he said is your parties platform. All you have is a dumb poll response.

Where do pieces of shit like you come from? Is there some magical pasture outside San Fransicko where lumps of bullshit become animated and become caricatures of the dumbest mother fuckers on earth?

First of all, I'm not a republicrat you sniveling parasite.

Unfortunately for us, the republicrats are the most significant "opposition" to what amounts to the North American Socialist Worker's Party. If any party has a questionable party platform, it's the party that works to undermine free markets and establish a tyrannical central authority just like old Adolph and the boys, along with every other leftist douchebag that destroyed their own country.

I realize your programmed to parrot asinine shit about republicrats wanting to poison the water, make the air dirtier than communist china, starve all the kids and old people, make the blacks eat all the mexicans and then chase them out of the country, and force all the poor people left over to drink gasoline.

You will gleefully parrot that stupid shit without questioning a word of it, you will ignore every nefarious, sinister, perverse, deviant and criminal act committed by democrook pieces of shit, and demand the death penalty for any republicrat accused of holding the door open for a woman because chivalry is an antiquated tradition of the patriarchy.

Someone please remind me why I'm not supposed to encourage genetic garbage like that to snuff itself out?

go fuck your self pete. you are a peice of shit.
Trump EPA moves to roll back more clean air and water rules
Trump EPA moves to roll back more clean air and water rules
As Trump Guts EPA From Within, Watchdog Reports Blasts Agency for Failures Related to Flint Water Crisis
Trump signs three executive orders taking aim at unions
Here are the massive tax breaks Trump is proposing for the rich
Seems as though the laws being passed right now serve as evidnce of all listed in the op
EPA...State Department of Health. We’re taxed twice.

Even in this age of Spell Check you can't help but fuck up the simplest words.


If it wasn't for child resistant lids you would have been found dead under a kitchen sink with a gut full of Drano around the age of 10.
Let Americans die from lack of healthcare.

Let Americans die from lack of food.

Let Americans die from wars they cause.

Let Americans die from pollution.

Let Americans die from deregulation, everything from hazarderous food, to unregulated limos falling apart. (Ahem)

Pay Israel more, and more money.

Build infrastructure in Iraq, and Afghanistan by our government more proportionate than for the U.S.A.

Kill, kill, kill the environment to make America ugly.

Kill everybody from poor infrastructure.

American kids deserve less education money.

Americans deserve less money, that's why Unions are wrong.

Isolate everybody from America, because "ZIonism" & "Talking smack" comes first. (Ahem)

Let big business wipe out the competition, raise the prices, and gouge American people.

You haven’t even saved Europe yet, don’t be trying to change things here.
Let Americans die from lack of healthcare.

Let Americans die from lack of food.

Let Americans die from wars they cause.

Let Americans die from pollution.

Let Americans die from deregulation, everything from hazarderous food, to unregulated limos falling apart. (Ahem)

Pay Israel more, and more money.

Build infrastructure in Iraq, and Afghanistan by our government more proportionate than for the U.S.A.

Kill, kill, kill the environment to make America ugly.

Kill everybody from poor infrastructure.

American kids deserve less education money.

Americans deserve less money, that's why Unions are wrong.

Isolate everybody from America, because "ZIonism" & "Talking smack" comes first. (Ahem)

Let big business wipe out the competition, raise the prices, and gouge American people.

You haven’t even saved Europe yet, don’t be trying to change things here.

A.) I'm an American born, and raised, but most of my family arrived to the U.S.A in the 20th Century, so it's not shocking that I don't relate to Colonists who were fighting Bears, Native Americans, and Black slaves when they were colonizing as backwoods bastids.

B.) Europe's in a lot better shape overall than America, the U.S.A is getting crazy, not only is the U.S.A becoming more divided than European states, overall.
The U.S.A is far less White than most European states.

Even in this age of Spell Check you can't help but fuck up the simplest words.


If it wasn't for child resistant lids you would have been found dead under a kitchen sink around the age of 10.
all you have is insults . No substance nothing but lies and hate.Be proud buddy! When the facts are not in your favor screem like a baby bed wetter. I love it when idiots like you who support draft dodgers and crying baby drunks act tough. You are nothing but a sniveling little bitch!
You haven’t even saved Europe yet, don’t be trying to change things here.

They lost Europe. The mooselimbs will control Berlin in 4 years, Rome in a decade. They've already taken London.

A lot of European states are getting more serious about anti-Immigrant policies than America has.

This first included Hungary, then Poland, Slovakia, Czech, and Romania.

Then Austria, Italy, Finland, now even Sweden, and perhaps Germany is the next to shift Right.

It's basically just France, and Brits now-a-days who are mega-Liberals.

Macron, and May will be playing Patty cake for Islam alone, pretty soon.
Even in this age of Spell Check you can't help but fuck up the simplest words.


If it wasn't for child resistant lids you would have been found dead under a kitchen sink with a gut full of Drano around the age of 10.
Wait a minute...Isn't "Evenflow" a brand of baby supplies? :lmao:
Here we go IQ of 2 coming to defend IQ of 3. This should be funny what you got except the pile of dung you just came up with.

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