Republican version of "I love America"

Attention mods!...deanrd has hijacked this dude's account!

I never pretended to be Republican, or Democrat.

There's a reason I consider myself Polish first, and American hardly at all. (Despite being born here)

Yea because your a dumb polack , how your dumb genes managed to survive Hitler is anyone's guess
Treason runs in his tribe at least. I'll bet they ran off with the commies. Probably helped shoot some of those officers. That's the sort of piece of shit that advocates socialism when it's the reason his own country is still a third world shithole.
Attention mods!...deanrd has hijacked this dude's account!

I never pretended to be Republican, or Democrat.

There's a reason I consider myself Polish first, and American hardly at all. (Despite being born here)

Yea because your a dumb polack , how your dumb genes managed to survive Hitler is anyone's guess
Treason runs in his tribe at least. I'll bet they ran off with the commies. Probably helped shoot some of those officers. That's the sort of piece of shit that advocates socialism when it's the reason his own country is still a third world shithole.

Where shall I start?

A.) I'm a Fascist, which is anti-Communist & anti-Capitalist too.
The big difference is Fascism has a much better track record on the economy, and on racial affairs than Communism, and well Capitalism too.

B.) Poland's now considered a "Developed economy" the first in the ex Soviet bloc.
Poland in most aspects is in fact superior over the U.S.A, only in money the U.S.A is better now-a-days, and that's changing rapidly, and hardly much considering the cost of living is much cheaper in Poland.

C.) Wealth is important, but Passing on ones heritage is even more important.
(I know that people of Jewish, and Western European backgrounds tend to just Chimp out about wealth, but when you're dead wealth matters to you personally no more, and then it's the culture & the family which is supposed to be carried on)

The Commies killed Poland's wealth potential, but they did also help make Poland a homogeneous country by deporting Germans, and Ukrainians out of Poland, and then giving Jews a ticket to leave, or else no job.

Capitalism is building up Poland's economy, indeed.
It has also in fact been in recent years for Poland bringing in some Germans, and some Jews back, and a ton of Ukrainians back up to 1 million Ukrainians live in Poland, although many not official citizens, it's becoming an issue.

You both are trash.

I'm a Polish Fascist supporter like Roman Dmowski, and I say Tylko Polska.
#1) Energy is critical to life. So if a tree or two die for a person to live, then the trees die. I mean we do replant and try our best to keep the planet clean but natural disasters pose a much greater threat than us mere mortals.
Trees are a cash crop.

Trees are valuable in a lot of aspects, in that they are indeed a cash crop, they are in fact used in paper, and lumber products, they are beautiful, and help give us oxygen.

It's common sense, however, you cut within reason, and replenish.

Some special forests should be protected, indeed.
You have to be crazy in the true meaning of the word to claim that either party or any president in history regardless of party affiliation has ever intentionally sought to starve people to death. Maybe Lincoln's war policy of starving the South into submission came close but that's it. It's a cliche that left wingers, who have lost their ability to think and reason because of TDS, like to use. If you really believe it you need serious therapy.

Where did I say the U.S.A starved people to death by forceful purpose?

More likev the U.S.A would have more neglect, and people going hungry, even sometimes dying, in a system where the government does nothing.

That's neglect, especially when you can afford otherwise.
You answered your own question. Jobs are what people look for and need and the evidence is overwhelming that the economy is in record territory since republicans became the majority party. I can't speak for Poland and the other European tribes but nobody starves in the United States unless they choose to do so.

News-flash, the economy is not keeping up with cost of living (Inflation) real wages are not up, they're just declining slightly less.

Yeah, people don't starve in America, because of action largely by both private, and public (Government) programs helping to feed the people who need it, and can hardly afford better.
Would somebody just stick a muslim dick in this Eurotrash's mouth, please? It's what Europeans truly want. I've never seen a continent more deserving of another bubonic plague than these dehumanizing-American-hating, freeloading, backstabbing, human cancerous pap-smear, slime of my race. European Crybabies are the completely failed castrati of human beings who have ZERO sense of personal responsibility of any kind. That's why they blame every mistake on America. Poor little Eurotrash are perpetual victims and everything is someone else's fault. My god, how this "bloody seppo" DETESTS that continent and wishes them dead -- it's probably better imagined than described.

Maybe white Americans and white Europeans should be considered two different races. Because unlike Eurotrash, we American males were born with these two ellipses between our legs called TESTICLES! Since white Americans have a physical feature that white Europeans don't have (testicles), by physical definition of race that would make us two different races.

You sound like quite the retard.

You look at just say Germany, or Britain, or Sweden, and France, and say OH WELL that's ALL of Europe.

No, it's really not, and most of Europe makes Americans look like wussy, Multiculturalist, Muslim lovers.

A.) I'm Polish, and it's not Poland who backstabbed the U.S.A, but vice versa, in FDR & Truman supporting the Soviet take-over of Poland. Then by allowing the dumb Polak joke, then by allowing Poland did the Holocaust bit, and now by Trump demanding Poland pays Jews compensations.

B.) we're a hell of a lot more anti-Muslim than Americans.

Proof below, in that Poland has massive anti-Muslim crowds, and even riots against Muslims in the recent era.

The U.S.A, hardly anything, even though the U.S.A is about 9 times bigger.

Maybe when Poland becomes developed enough to create their own political forum we can get rid of this anti-semite fascist.
Because unlike Eurotrash, we American males were born with these two ellipses between our legs called TESTICLES! Since white Americans have a physical feature that white Europeans don't have (testicles), by physical definition of race that would make us two different races.

Haha, yet only 2 countries in Europe are smaller in endowment than the U.S.A, being Ireland, and Romania.

Also note that Europeans fight in the streets like men, and Americans tend to hide behind guns.
Maybe when Poland becomes developed enough to create their own political forum we can get rid of this anti-semite fascist.

I might identify largely as Polish, but I'm ultimately an American born, and raised.

Oh boo hoo hoo, I attack Jews, the poor snow-flakes.
"Oh boo hoo I attack Jews"? Didn't another fascist racist say the same thing in Italy before they hanged his sorry ass about 70 years ago? You started the hateful dialog. Maybe Sobiesky's vodka saved Europe by keeping them drunk but Poland is just another sorry assed European country that capitulated to the Nazis and the Russians.
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Maybe when Poland becomes developed enough to create their own political forum we can get rid of this anti-semite fascist.

I might identify largely as Polish, but I'm ultimately an American born, and raised.

Oh boo hoo hoo, I attack Jews, the poor snow-flakes.
"Oh boo hoo I attack Jews"? Didn't another fascist racist say the same thing in Italy before they hanged his sorry ass about 70 years ago? You started the hateful dialog. Maybe Sobiesky's vodka saved Europe by keeping them drunk but Poland is just another sorry assed European country that capitulated to the Nazis and the Russians.

Most stood for Soviets or for Nazis in WW2 including the USA. Poland and perhaps Finland are the only Europeans to stand up to both Nazis and Soviets.

Poland lost vs 3 powers 2 of them far larger than Poland.
Why is it so surprising that they lost?

Mussolini wasn' t particularly anti-Semitic or genocidal.
You should consider yourself an intellectually bankrupt nitwit first.

Everything I have stated is at least partially true, explain otherwise?

It's not my fault that most Americans are so dumb, and immoral.

In your world what does the “partial truth” count for?

Either an exaggeration or true sometimes.

Partial truths is exactly why you’re a bigot. Think about that
You should consider yourself an intellectually bankrupt nitwit first.

Everything I have stated is at least partially true, explain otherwise?

It's not my fault that most Americans are so dumb, and immoral.

In your world what does the “partial truth” count for?

Either an exaggeration or true sometimes.

Partial truths is exactly why you’re a bigot. Think about that

Calling someone a bigot only works on people of inferior will, and inferior intelligence.
You should consider yourself an intellectually bankrupt nitwit first.

Everything I have stated is at least partially true, explain otherwise?

It's not my fault that most Americans are so dumb, and immoral.

In your world what does the “partial truth” count for?

Either an exaggeration or true sometimes.

Partial truths is exactly why you’re a bigot. Think about that

Calling someone a bigot only works on people of inferior will, and inferior intelligence.

Yeah yeah yeah, you’re so strong and smart. I know you wear the term bigot as a badge of honor and you feel everyone is brainwashed, but in reality you’re weak and brainwashed. Maybe you’ll learn as you grow older, if not your life will continue to be miserable

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