Republican version of "I love America"

Attention mods!...deanrd has hijacked this dude's account!

No, the OP is just a dumb pollack and a euroweenie that believes people need a nanny state in order to have hospitals and schools.

It's really dumb to assume that human civilization can function without order.

They think big government always is more genocidal.

Meanwhile there's a ton of examples that say otherwise.

1.) Genghiz Khan a Nomad of hardly any government killed like 1/4th of the World off.

2.) Rwanda with little to no government, the Fastest killing genocide ever, killed close to 1,000,000 with machetes, and other primitive weapons.

3.) UPA killed 100,000 ethnic Poles with axes, saws, and arson of villages in WW2, (Wolyn Massacre)
with NO GOVERNMENT, or as Anarchists.
It's really dumb to assume that human civilization can function without order.
It's equally dumb to believe that order can only be obtained by the benevolent iron fist of The State.

Capitalists can kill a lot too, perhaps the crown champion killers of all time in EUROPE are the Capitalists of the British Empire, they killed on every continent.
Where does order come from dumb fuck?
Not out of the barrel of a gun, commie scum.
Can't answer huh! You love to double down on stupid don't you. What a gem "commie scum" I bet you set those two IQ points on fire rubbing them together for that one. According to you we can now eleimnate our military. How else do you want to double down on stupid?
Attention mods!...deanrd has hijacked this dude's account!

I never pretended to be Republican, or Democrat.

There's a reason I consider myself Polish first, and American hardly at all. (Despite being born here)

We all consider you hardly American too.

What is an "American" anyways?

A sort of hodge podge of "White trash Protestants" following the orders of "Capitalist Jews"????????

The TRUE American flag.

Capitalists can kill a lot too, perhaps the crown champion killers of all time are the Capitalists of the British Empire, they killed on every continent.
Mercantilists, imperialists, and progressives aren't laissez-faire capitalists.

Try again.

So, the time of the Late Victorian Holocausts during the late 1800's Britain wasn't a Capitalist power yet?

Oh really??
That's news to me.
Let Americans die from lack of healthcare.

Let Americans die from lack of food.

Let Americans die from wars they cause.

Let Americans die from pollution.

Let Americans die from deregulation, everything from hazarderous food, to unregulated limos falling apart. (Ahem)

Pay Israel more, and more money.

Build infrastructure in Iraq, and Afghanistan by our government more proportionate than for the U.S.A.

Kill, kill, kill the environment to make America ugly.

Kill everybody from poor infrastructure.

American kids deserve less education money.

Americans deserve less money, that's why Unions are wrong.

Isolate everybody from America, because "ZIonism" & "Talking smack" comes first. (Ahem)

Let big business wipe out the competition, raise the prices, and gouge American people.
Wow. I actually agree with you.
This has to be a sign of the apocalypse.

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Wait a minute, it sounds like the stagnant years of democrats Carter and Obama. The media even had a "misery index" during Carter. People died in ditches and soup lines during democrat icon FDR's first two terms. Today under the republican Trump administration GDP is over 4% and unemployment is at a record 50 year low, the DOW is constantly in record territory and the administration handled three hurricanes and the attempted assassination of republican congress people all in less than two years. You can die from lack of food if you really try and you can move to democrat party dominated states to die in limos but all in all it seems that republicans do it better and faster and without all that freaking whining you see on the left.
Wait a minute, it sounds like the stagnant years of democrats Carter and Obama. The media even had a "misery index" during Carter. People died in ditches and soup lines during democrat icon FDR's first two terms. Today under the republican Trump administration GDP is over 4% and unemployment is at a record 50 year low, the DOW is constantly in record territory and the administration handled three hurricanes and the attempted assassination of republican congress people all in less than two years. You can die from lack of food if you really try and you can move to democrat party dominated states to die in limos but all in all it seems that republicans do it better and faster and without all that freaking whining you see on the left.

FDR achieved the #1 economic growth in 20th century America.

Carter - Brzezinski engineered the Afghan-Soviet war, the beginning of the end for the Cold War, and Soviet Union.

Oh, but because Carter was too soft on Palestinians, he is somehow "Just Terrible"

Funny how the U.S.A South voted in Carter, now of a sudden it's a crisis.
Let Americans die from lack of healthcare.

Let Americans die from lack of food.

Let Americans die from wars they cause.

Let Americans die from pollution.

Let Americans die from deregulation, everything from hazarderous food, to unregulated limos falling apart. (Ahem)

Pay Israel more, and more money.

Build infrastructure in Iraq, and Afghanistan by our government more proportionate than for the U.S.A.

Kill, kill, kill the environment to make America ugly.

Kill everybody from poor infrastructure.

American kids deserve less education money.

Americans deserve less money, that's why Unions are wrong.

Isolate everybody from America, because "ZIonism" & "Talking smack" comes first. (Ahem)

Let big business wipe out the competition, raise the prices, and gouge American people.
You seem to have the Republicans pegged!


By the way, stupid, Sobie hates Blacks with a passion.
Do you really have that much faith in human nature that a stateless society could work?
I have zero faith in human nature....That's why I'm against centralizing the power to proactively use aggression, as it has historically attracted to it the most psychotic mass murderers in human history.

Take it from Dr. Higgs...

View attachment 221509

Republicans tend to think giving people National healthcare leads to a massive "Genocide"event like they're having in Sweden, or Norway.

Meanwhile Republicans think nothing about the massive military the U.S.A has, where the "Pacifist" U.S spends 48% of the World's military budget, apparently that's "Not enough" because otherwise the Terrorists who lived in the U.S.A win.

Actually the U.S.A is more genocidal than Sweden, or Norway, or well just about everybody else who has National healthcare, now-a-days.

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