Republican version of "I love America"

Let Americans die from lack of healthcare.

Let Americans die from lack of food.

Let Americans die from wars they cause.

Let Americans die from pollution.

Let Americans die from deregulation, everything from hazarderous food, to unregulated limos falling apart. (Ahem)

Pay Israel more, and more money.

Build infrastructure in Iraq, and Afghanistan by our government more proportionate than for the U.S.A.

Kill, kill, kill the environment to make America ugly.

Kill everybody from poor infrastructure.

American kids deserve less education money.

Americans deserve less money, that's why Unions are wrong.

Isolate everybody from America, because "ZIonism" & "Talking smack" comes first. (Ahem)

Let big business wipe out the competition, raise the prices, and gouge American people.

You haven’t even saved Europe yet, don’t be trying to change things here.

A.) I'm an American born, and raised, but most of my family arrived to the U.S.A in the 20th Century, so it's not shocking that I don't relate to Colonists who were fighting Bears, Native Americans, and Black slaves when they were colonizing as backwoods bastids.

B.) Europe's in a lot better shape overall than America, the U.S.A is getting crazy, not only is the U.S.A becoming more divided than European states, overall.
The U.S.A is far less White than most European states.

You re never going to save Europe being a delusional dumbass. Better work on that.
Let Americans die from lack of healthcare.

Let Americans die from lack of food.

Let Americans die from wars they cause.

Let Americans die from pollution.

Let Americans die from deregulation, everything from hazarderous food, to unregulated limos falling apart. (Ahem)

Pay Israel more, and more money.

Build infrastructure in Iraq, and Afghanistan by our government more proportionate than for the U.S.A.

Kill, kill, kill the environment to make America ugly.

Kill everybody from poor infrastructure.

American kids deserve less education money.

Americans deserve less money, that's why Unions are wrong.

Isolate everybody from America, because "ZIonism" & "Talking smack" comes first. (Ahem)

Let big business wipe out the competition, raise the prices, and gouge American people.

Attention mods!...deanrd has hijacked this dude's account!

No, the OP is just a dumb pollack and a euroweenie that believes people need a nanny state in order to have hospitals and schools.

Poland has cheaper taxes, less Muslims, less Illegal immigrants, and less pollution regulations than the U.S.A.

You attack your Polish heritage why?

However, the last thing is changing now-a-days, the pollution in Poland, especially in Southern Poland in Krakow, and SIlesia have become dangerous, even killing people.

So, now most Poles want pollution controls, on burning coal.

That's why Collectivism wins.

Please, Poles aren't weenies.

They're a lot tougher than you.

Polish Hooligans vs Russian Commies.

Polish Hooligans vs Mexican cadets.

Polish Hooligans with no fear in Kazhastan.

Let Americans die from lack of healthcare.

Let Americans die from lack of food.

Let Americans die from wars they cause.

Let Americans die from pollution.

Let Americans die from deregulation, everything from hazarderous food, to unregulated limos falling apart. (Ahem)

Pay Israel more, and more money.

Build infrastructure in Iraq, and Afghanistan by our government more proportionate than for the U.S.A.

Kill, kill, kill the environment to make America ugly.

Kill everybody from poor infrastructure.

American kids deserve less education money.

Americans deserve less money, that's why Unions are wrong.

Isolate everybody from America, because "ZIonism" & "Talking smack" comes first. (Ahem)

Let big business wipe out the competition, raise the prices, and gouge American people.

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All any of you fucking retards have is insults.
Let Americans die from lack of healthcare.

Let Americans die from lack of food.

Let Americans die from wars they cause.

Let Americans die from pollution.

Let Americans die from deregulation, everything from hazarderous food, to unregulated limos falling apart. (Ahem)

Pay Israel more, and more money.

Build infrastructure in Iraq, and Afghanistan by our government more proportionate than for the U.S.A.

Kill, kill, kill the environment to make America ugly.

Kill everybody from poor infrastructure.

American kids deserve less education money.

Americans deserve less money, that's why Unions are wrong.

Isolate everybody from America, because "ZIonism" & "Talking smack" comes first. (Ahem)

Let big business wipe out the competition, raise the prices, and gouge American people.

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This is just more reasons why America is the most backwards, and stupid of the White nations.

You attack your closest historic allies like France, or Poland, and treat them worse than your historic enemies like Germany, or Russia, Israel, or Britain.
Let Americans die from lack of healthcare.

Let Americans die from lack of food.

Let Americans die from wars they cause.

Let Americans die from pollution.

Let Americans die from deregulation, everything from hazarderous food, to unregulated limos falling apart. (Ahem)

Pay Israel more, and more money.

Build infrastructure in Iraq, and Afghanistan by our government more proportionate than for the U.S.A.

Kill, kill, kill the environment to make America ugly.

Kill everybody from poor infrastructure.

American kids deserve less education money.

Americans deserve less money, that's why Unions are wrong.

Isolate everybody from America, because "ZIonism" & "Talking smack" comes first. (Ahem)

Let big business wipe out the competition, raise the prices, and gouge American people.

You haven’t even saved Europe yet, don’t be trying to change things here.

A.) I'm an American born, and raised, but most of my family arrived to the U.S.A in the 20th Century, so it's not shocking that I don't relate to Colonists who were fighting Bears, Native Americans, and Black slaves when they were colonizing as backwoods bastids.

B.) Europe's in a lot better shape overall than America, the U.S.A is getting crazy, not only is the U.S.A becoming more divided than European states, overall.
The U.S.A is far less White than most European states.

You re never going to save Europe being a delusional dumbass. Better work on that.

Delusional dumb@$$?
Such as pretending Capitalism is the end all be all, while being socially Conservative in values?

In a pure Capitalist society, a part from what I just wrote in the OP.
pure Capitalist society would sell drugs like Heroin, or Crack to EVERYBODY because cash is king.
pure Capitalist society would sell Abortion to EVERYBODY because cash is king.
pure Capitalist society would sell Porn to EVERYBODY because cash is king.
pure Capitalist society would sell Gay marriage wedding parties, and apparel, because cash is king.
pure Capitalist society would sell Hollywood style Liberal, and degenerate, or smutty films, because cash is king.
pure Capitalist society would sell Gangster Rap music to everybody, because cash is king.
pure Capitalist society would hire 29 million illegal immigrants, because they work cheaper, and cash is king.
pure Capitalist society would outsource millions of jobs to enemies of the state like China, or Vietnam, because they work cheaper, and cash is king.
pure Capitalist society would put Spanish signs in Sears & Home Depot, to help the consumer minority, as cash is king.
pure Capitalist society would push media Liberalism, because they can do what they want, and freedom, and cash is king.
pure Capitalist society would have Facebook, Google, Youtube & Twitter censoring out Right wing views, because freedom, and cash is king.
You have to be crazy in the true meaning of the word to claim that either party or any president in history regardless of party affiliation has ever intentionally sought to starve people to death. Maybe Lincoln's war policy of starving the South into submission came close but that's it. It's a cliche that left wingers, who have lost their ability to think and reason because of TDS, like to use. If you really believe it you need serious therapy.
You have to be crazy in the true meaning of the word to claim that either party or any president in history regardless of party affiliation has ever intentionally sought to starve people to death. Maybe Lincoln's war policy of starving the South into submission came close but that's it. It's a cliche that left wingers, who have lost their ability to think and reason because of TDS, like to use. If you really believe it you need serious therapy.

Where did I say the U.S.A starved people to death by forceful purpose?

More likev the U.S.A would have more neglect, and people going hungry, even sometimes dying, in a system where the government does nothing.

That's neglect, especially when you can afford otherwise.
Attention mods!...deanrd has hijacked this dude's account!

I never pretended to be Republican, or Democrat.

There's a reason I consider myself Polish first, and American hardly at all. (Despite being born here)

Yea because your a dumb polack , how your dumb genes managed to survive Hitler is anyone's guess

So says the guy who says "Your" when "You're" is the appropriate word.

You, and Petey are dumb Polak's, if you are even really Polak Catholics.

Considering you both put Jewish interests before Polish interests.

A lot of Polish intellectuals were killed by Hitler, in the Aktion AB, or the Massacre of Lwow (Lviv) professors.
Attention mods!...deanrd has hijacked this dude's account!

I never pretended to be Republican, or Democrat.

There's a reason I consider myself Polish first, and American hardly at all. (Despite being born here)

Yea because your a dumb polack , how your dumb genes managed to survive Hitler is anyone's guess

Explain why it's dumb to consider one of their REAL heritage, rather than as "American"??????????????

You might very well want to be American so badly, I certainly do not however.

I started considering myself more Polish than American since around 2003, having learned about the U.S.A War in Iraq really ticked me off, as well as learning about World's Strongest man Polish Mariusz Pudzianowski made me prouder to be Polish, over time, I learned more, and more about Polish history, and became fascinated, as time has gone on, I've simply become very, very accustomed to being Polish, especially since the Refugee crisis, when Poles stood up the best against Muslim refugees, and even more so when Poland's PM stood up to the Jewish Holocaust Industry.

Let Americans die from lack of healthcare.

Let Americans die from lack of food.

Let Americans die from wars they cause.

Let Americans die from pollution.

Let Americans die from deregulation, everything from hazarderous food, to unregulated limos falling apart. (Ahem)

Pay Israel more, and more money.

Build infrastructure in Iraq, and Afghanistan by our government more proportionate than for the U.S.A.

Kill, kill, kill the environment to make America ugly.

Kill everybody from poor infrastructure.

American kids deserve less education money.

Americans deserve less money, that's why Unions are wrong.

Isolate everybody from America, because "ZIonism" & "Talking smack" comes first. (Ahem)

Let big business wipe out the competition, raise the prices, and gouge American people.

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This is just more reasons why America is the most backwards, and stupid of the White nations.

You attack your closest historic allies like France, or Poland, and treat them worse than your historic enemies like Germany, or Russia, Israel, or Britain.

No, Jackass. Just YOU.
Let Americans die from lack of healthcare.

Let Americans die from lack of food.

Let Americans die from wars they cause.

Let Americans die from pollution.

Let Americans die from deregulation, everything from hazarderous food, to unregulated limos falling apart. (Ahem)

Pay Israel more, and more money.

Build infrastructure in Iraq, and Afghanistan by our government more proportionate than for the U.S.A.

Kill, kill, kill the environment to make America ugly.

Kill everybody from poor infrastructure.

American kids deserve less education money.

Americans deserve less money, that's why Unions are wrong.

Isolate everybody from America, because "ZIonism" & "Talking smack" comes first. (Ahem)

Let big business wipe out the competition, raise the prices, and gouge American people.

View attachment 221541 View attachment 221542 View attachment 221543

This is just more reasons why America is the most backwards, and stupid of the White nations.

You attack your closest historic allies like France, or Poland, and treat them worse than your historic enemies like Germany, or Russia, Israel, or Britain.

Anyways, NO ONE has assimilated particularly well in the USA.

Not even Anglo-Saxons.

Why do you think Anglos (English) & Saxons (Germans) are treated better than most other Whites in the U.S.A?

There's a reason why they the Brits down South, and in parts all across the U.S.A make up a dominant part of the U.S.A, and yet
WATCH on TV the British Queen, an INSULT to the Founding Fathers.

But, then will tell dumb Polak jokes, an insult to people like Kosciuszko, or Pulaski, or Gabby Gabreski, or Ryszard Kuklinski, or Matt Urban, and Frank Piasecki, and other important Polish American heroes, military men, or in the case of Piasecki military helicopter engineer of tandem roter helicopters.

Same reason the Germans can wear their Iron Cross when they ride Harley's, and NOT be seen as German scum.
someone wore a Polish eagle with Polska on it.

Even though Germans were against America since day 1, as Hessians in the Revolution, then as Kaiser in 1897 wanted to invade, and colonize the U.S.A, then in WW1, they wanted Mexico to invade the U.S.A in the Zimmerman Telegram, and had blown up the Statue of Liberty the biggest U.S terrorist attack before 9/11.
Then they killed 100's of thousands of Americans in WW2 as German Nazis.

But, oh no let's pick on our Polish allies, because UNASSIMILATED Germans in the U.S.A feel like picking on their historical enemies the Poles.
Let Americans die from lack of healthcare.

Let Americans die from lack of food.

Let Americans die from wars they cause.

Let Americans die from pollution.

Let Americans die from deregulation, everything from hazarderous food, to unregulated limos falling apart. (Ahem)

Pay Israel more, and more money.

Build infrastructure in Iraq, and Afghanistan by our government more proportionate than for the U.S.A.

Kill, kill, kill the environment to make America ugly.

Kill everybody from poor infrastructure.

American kids deserve less education money.

Americans deserve less money, that's why Unions are wrong.

Isolate everybody from America, because "ZIonism" & "Talking smack" comes first. (Ahem)

Let big business wipe out the competition, raise the prices, and gouge American people.

View attachment 221541 View attachment 221542 View attachment 221543

This is just more reasons why America is the most backwards, and stupid of the White nations.

You attack your closest historic allies like France, or Poland, and treat them worse than your historic enemies like Germany, or Russia, Israel, or Britain.

No, Jackass. Just YOU.

What's a matter you simply can't refute my comments, and that makes you go Chimp, Chimp, Chimp?

There's a lot of Americans who make fun, or lies against Poles, far more so than people who do so about say Germans who Germans have ALWAYS been an American enemy, and still probably are under Merkel.
Attention mods!...deanrd has hijacked this dude's account!

I never pretended to be Republican, or Democrat.

There's a reason I consider myself Polish first, and American hardly at all. (Despite being born here)

Or a photographer based on your avatar. LOL.

Off topic, what about you, do you think America should Kill, Kill, Kill the environment, or let Americans die from lack of healthcare, or lack of food, because of government neglect???

I'm pretty good at photography, but considering my new phone I'm trying to learn the equipment.

Photos I took below.

Lakeside & Murrow park Pawling NY.
Attention mods!...deanrd has hijacked this dude's account!

I never pretended to be Republican, or Democrat.

There's a reason I consider myself Polish first, and American hardly at all. (Despite being born here)

Or a photographer based on your avatar. LOL.

Off topic, what about you, do you think America should Kill, Kill, Kill the environment, or let Americans die from lack of healthcare, or lack of food, because of government neglect???

I'm pretty good at photography, but considering my new phone I'm trying to learn the equipment.

Photos I took below.

Lakeside & Murrow park Pawling NY.

#1) Energy is critical to life. So if a tree or two die for a person to live, then the trees die. I mean we do replant and try our best to keep the planet clean but natural disasters pose a much greater threat than us mere mortals.

#2) In terms of healthcare. It needs to be revamped but its stupid now. If I want to buy a phone, I ask the price, shop around and buy it. If I want to know how much an x-ray costs the MD cannot tell me because of insurance games. This is stupid. An x-ray is a picture. Look at laser eye surgery. It is not covered by insurance. Used to cost like $8k per eye. Now its $1k? Capitalism created competition and prices went down. Insurance companies suck ass. We should only have insurance for critical care otherwise let the market decide.

#3) The "poor" in America live way better than the poor anywhere else in the world. They have running and clean water, heat, food and many have Air Jordans, iPhones, X-Box, etc.

#4) The pictures are not bad. Well done.
You have to be crazy in the true meaning of the word to claim that either party or any president in history regardless of party affiliation has ever intentionally sought to starve people to death. Maybe Lincoln's war policy of starving the South into submission came close but that's it. It's a cliche that left wingers, who have lost their ability to think and reason because of TDS, like to use. If you really believe it you need serious therapy.

Where did I say the U.S.A starved people to death by forceful purpose?

More likev the U.S.A would have more neglect, and people going hungry, even sometimes dying, in a system where the government does nothing.

That's neglect, especially when you can afford otherwise.
You answered your own question. Jobs are what people look for and need and the evidence is overwhelming that the economy is in record territory since republicans became the majority party. I can't speak for Poland and the other European tribes but nobody starves in the United States unless they choose to do so.
Would somebody just stick a muslim dick in this Eurotrash's mouth, please? It's what Europeans truly want. I've never seen a continent more deserving of another bubonic plague than these dehumanizing-American-hating, freeloading, backstabbing, human cancerous pap-smear, slime of my race. European Crybabies are the completely failed castrati of human beings who have ZERO sense of personal responsibility of any kind. That's why they blame every mistake on America. Poor little Eurotrash are perpetual victims and everything is someone else's fault. My god, how this "bloody seppo" DETESTS that continent and wishes them dead -- it's probably better imagined than described.

Maybe white Americans and white Europeans should be considered two different races. Because unlike Eurotrash, we American males were born with these two ellipses between our legs called TESTICLES! Since white Americans have a physical feature that white Europeans don't have (testicles), by physical definition of race that would make us two different races.

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